Senniu looked at Tan Xiao in the pit. It was a little strange. It seemed that its emotions were affected by some unknown existence, making it particularly angry.

Normally, it wouldn't even be so angry and would just kill the opponent silently.

But today, it was particularly angry. Even when it was so angry, it still failed to kill Tan Xiao, which invisibly made it more violent.

"Damn humans!"

It stamped its feet, and countless vines emerged from the ground. It was originally intended to pierce Tan Xiao's body, but the physical resistance provided by Tan Xiao's [Magic Matrix] made the vines controlled by Sen Niu fail.

So these vines bound Tan Xiao tightly and lifted him up in the air, facing his blood-red eyes.

Strange fluctuations came from its gaze, and Tan Xiao felt that his body was about to explode. The seeds in his body were obviously accelerating in absorbing the nutrients in his body under the gaze.

The next second, Tan Xiao's eyes, nostrils, ears and mouth began to spurt out green plants.

Those are all seeds that have accelerated their germination under the catalysis of Sen Niu's gaze.

"Feel the feeling of being sucked dry under the [Parasite Seed]. This is the fate of provoking me and provoking the king of this area."

Sen Niu, who had lost his mind, did not notice that a group of dark liquid was constantly moving towards the center of the battlefield.

It was not attracted by the battle, but it had just been born with some sense. It heard some kind of strange call, which was extremely familiar and yet extremely strange.

Until it arrived at the battlefield, it saw Tan Xiao tied up in mid-air by a Senniu from a dark corner.

However, the next second, its vision blurred.

Not because of Senniu, but because of Maestra.

She gently picked up the black liquid and gently stroked the other person's head.

"Little guy, he is really sharper than I thought, but you can't meet him, otherwise something terrible will happen."

The dark liquid only felt that the creature holding it was so warm, giving it an unprecedented sense of security, and it subconsciously lowered its guard.

"Haha, so good."

Maestra felt the changes in this black liquid, and was extremely grateful for the kindness it expressed.

She tapped the black liquid,

"Then let me give you a name. What would it be?"

Maestra thought about it carefully, and then her eyes lit up.

"Just call you Irmata, Maggie Irmata. This will be your name from now on."

The moment the liquid was given a name, the originally pitch black liquid instantly clarified and turned into a transparent liquid.

Excited mood swings erupted from its body. It was not only happy that it had a name, but also excited about the transition of its life form.

"Thank you. Your Majesty the Goddess."

Magee Irmata heard such fluctuations intermittently, and then fell into an uncontrollable sleep.

When it wakes up again, it will become a completely new species, and will be called the existence of Youyou Water by later generations.

It’s just that it doesn’t know now that the king of this area of ​​the Shadow Forest will no longer be the Senniu in the future, but itself.

The Youyou Water in Tan Xiao's body seemed to feel the strangeness at that moment and revived on its own. However, the strange thing was that it did not find the source of the strangeness. Instead, it noticed the intricate plant root system in its host body.

The strong feeling of disgust caused it to spontaneously liquefy part of Tan Xiao's body, turning it into a pitch-black liquid. This was its original form as the water of Youyou, and it was also a form that contained extremely poisonous water.

Those plants were still absorbing nutrients from Tan Xiao's body, including the dark water.

The moment this miraculous water enters the plants, it completely destroys the plant cells, causing the plants to quickly wither.


Before Mori Niu realized what was happening, the [parasitic seeds] he released began to wither in large areas.

Losing the suppression of [Parasite Seed], Tan Xiao opened his eyes with difficulty. He didn't know what happened, but he knew that this was probably his only chance to escape.

He recklessly poured magic power into the staff lent to him by Maestra. The flaming crystal on the staff, which contained a rich fire element, began to brighten rapidly, and the light it emitted even overshadowed the sunlight in the sky.

Senniu narrowed his eyes subconsciously and stepped back.

Keeping distance is the best choice under unknown conditions. However, because of Senniu's choice, it ultimately missed the advantage it had finally established.

Because, from this moment on, it will never have any chance to get close to Tan Xiao.

The magic power injected into the dazzling crystal quickly turned into a dazzling and blazing fire, climbing towards Tan Xiao's body.

In just a few breaths, all the vines around Tan Xiao were burned away, and a set of flame armor appeared on his body.

At the same time, the fusion of Liquid Gold Shadow and his fire talent tree brought a powerful magic amplification effect to Tan Xiao.

The flame armor spread again with the increase in magic power, covering Tan Xiao's whole body, and even Tan Xiao's hair turned into burning flames.

"Earth surges."

Tan Xiao had never felt such an affinity with the fire element, so much so that the moment he exerted his full force on the surge of earth veins, the entire earth's crust trembled slightly.

A crack appeared across the southern part of the Shadow Forest, and endless magma spewed out, quickly engulfing the forest in this area.

The forest cow does not hide or avoid. For it, as long as there are plants, that is the path it can escape.

Because its other skill is [Plant Leap], it can use the root system of underground plants to quickly escape to any plants connected through the root system, and even their fallen leaves.

This is also the reason why Tan Xiao fell at the feet of Sen Niu before. This kind of displacement is different from the spatial channel. Although it is limited by the distribution of plant roots, the advantage is that it will not produce any magic fluctuations, making it even more difficult to prevent.

The moment it saw Tan Xiao making such a big noise, it had already disappeared. Although Senniu became violent under the influence of Maestra, it still calmed down in the face of death and instantly walked along a plant The root system came thousands of meters away.

The next second, a huge magma pool appeared where it originally stood.

A huge magma pool with a diameter of thousands of meters appeared, and magma columns several meters high splashed from time to time.

Tan Xiao was as surprised as Sen Niu by this. Not only was the power of [Earth Surge] released by him a bit shocking, but more importantly, his magic power was recovering at a terrifying speed.

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