In the extremely cold tundra, the gold and silver dragon has disappeared from the battlefield. Only Farr, who had returned to his human form, was falling towards the ground, and his head had been separated from his body.

Everyone present was shocked by this scene. The flames on their bodies had been extinguished the moment Fal released [Heat Death].

At this moment, the [Punishment of Jealousy Fire] on these people was rekindled because of Farr's death, and the scene fell into chaos again.

At the same time, the black hole in the center of the battlefield began to become unstable. With the consumption of Leo's magic power and the huge impact of Far's death on him, the black hole could no longer maintain its original shape and began to collapse.

Blood continued to overflow from Leo's mouth, and he tried his best to control the black hole to disappear as smoothly as possible to prevent the out-of-control black hole from destroying the entire arctic tundra.

At this moment, Agnas looked a little embarrassed. If Garner hadn't cut off Farr's magic channel at the last moment, causing the other party's dragon language magic [Heat Death] to be interrupted, then he would have been completely absorbed by the black hole by now, and there would be no way for him to survive. Maybe standing in mid-air again.

Aignus, who was spending the rest of his life after the festival, stretched his wings as hard as he could, breathing in the aura of despair exuding from the dying combat personnel around him.


An intoxicated look appeared on his face, and he couldn't help but began to murmur to himself,

Sure enough, victory is the sweetest after dying.

The moment he finished speaking, everyone present was burned to ashes by [Jealous Fire Punishment], leaving nothing behind but dark ashes.

Leo, who had exhausted his magic power, fell into a coma and fell into the snow. The black hole finally disappeared smoothly, and only the area where Tan Xiao was located fell into a strange atmosphere.

Just now, Tan Xiao saw Garner's movements, but he did not dare to move because Chrollo beside him was in an extremely strange state.

Before Farr was assassinated, it seemed that she was affected by [Heat Death]. The space around her seemed to be solidified, covering all the undead including Tan Xiao.

As a result, Tan Xiao had no way to rush to Faer's aid, and could only watch helplessly as his magic path was cut off, and then his head was beheaded by Agnas.

Agnas naturally noticed the strange movement here, but when he felt the magic fluctuations in Chrollo's body, he subconsciously stayed away.

She felt a familiar aura from the magic fluctuations in Chrollo's body. So, he didn't even have the intention to give Leo a stabbing blow, and went straight to the location of Far's body.

That is the location of the plane well. For Agnas, as long as he opens the plane well, his mission will be successfully completed.

For His Highness Leviathan! For the Demon King!

Agnus had a ferocious expression, showing a crazy look, and he concentrated all his magic power on the magic horn.

His two magic horns began to emit blazing white light. Just when he was about to release the magic beam to penetrate the plane well, Tan Xiao forcibly broke away from Chrollo's space lock and raised his staff towards Aignus.


The next second, an expression of extreme panic appeared on Agnas's face.

Because with Tan Xiao's skill, his last blood volume was quickly emptied. A feeling of powerlessness surged through his body, and he glanced at Tan Xiao, unable to understand why the other party could unleash such a highly damaging skill.

The luster on his devil horns began to fade rapidly, and his body began to gradually collapse, turning into wisps of ashes floating in the air.


Until the last moment of his life, Agnas still couldn't believe that the ups and downs of fate could not be greater than this.

However, holding the staff high and panting, Tan Xiao suddenly noticed something strange. It came not from anyone else, but from the [Oath of the Dead] in his hand.

A majestic aura overflowed from the staff, and a time and space vortex appeared in the center of the battlefield. Just like Tan Xiao's time retrieval when he was the supreme master of time arcana, it instantly swallowed him and the [Oath of the Dead].

And a second before [Oath of the Dead] was swallowed by the space-time vortex, a white shadow broke away from it and appeared on the battlefield.

What a coincidence. It's so early this time.

The sound was not loud, but it made several Salton undead people fall into confusion. The white shadow looked at Chrollo,

Yo! Maestra! Are you here? Then I'll be relieved.

As he spoke, he raised his illusory right hand and pressed it directly on the blood-stained plane well.


With a muffled sound, the plane well between the human world and the demon world was instantly opened.

The dark demonic energy kept spewing out, like black smoke covering the sky.


The white shadow waved towards Chrollo,

Mystra, hurry! Take me to Star Flash City. My Book of the Dead is there. I have to hide it quickly, otherwise I will be in trouble.

Hey, you guy, I regret asking you to help. How many of my marks have you used? My marks are very precious!

At this time, Chrollo has completely changed her appearance. If there are players present, they will definitely find that she looks exactly the same as Professor Nefu, the chief scientist of the game Magic World.

“Guaranteed to be worth your money!”

The white shadow suddenly made a sudden movement and waved its hand in a very distant direction.

Azket?! What are you doing? You

It was Rohr who came to this area with Azikte's right hand. Rohr was still confused, but Azikte's right hand suddenly started to tremble.

The next second, Rohr had crossed the space and appeared in front of the white shadow.

Your Majesty?

Long time no see, little Aziz, hahaha!

Rohr's body involuntarily knelt down, not only because of Azikt's wishes, but also because of the oppressive feeling given to him by the man and woman in front of him at this moment.

Your Highness Wiltus! You are finally back!

Azikte was already crying. The god of the dead, Vertus, whom it had been looking for for half its life, simply appeared in front of it.

I'll leave the rest to you. Let's leave here first. I don't want to see Leviathan in this state. He will definitely be ridiculed.

The white shadow looked behind him,

Bring these little guys with you.

He was talking about Salton and the remaining undead, as well as Gilga, the newest disciple of the Dark Goddess.

Maestra shook her head,

I really don't know whether you are helping me or I am helping you. I'm convinced.

As he spoke, the white shadow had disappeared into Maestra's hands. Maestra glanced at Leo, the only survivor in the distance, and a space channel appeared under him.

The next second, Leo had appeared above Star Flash City.

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