Soul Chain.

Chrollo used her natural skills as a death prophet at the same time she saw Tan Xiao being severely injured.

In an instant, the Crystal Vein Frog stopped moving. Because, its current state has been connected with Tan Xiao. This is the effect of Chrollo's soul chain.

Once Tan Xiao dies, the Crystal Vein Frog will also perish.

The Crystal Vein Frog immediately withdrew its tongue that was stabbing Tan Xiao's body and kept retreating. At the same time, its body began to shine brightly.

This is the skill of the Crystal Vein Frog, Crystal Resonance.

At the moment when the resonance occurred, the soul chain on the Crystal Vein Frog suddenly decayed and broke, breaking the link with Tan Xiao.

This also gave Tan Xiao a chance to breathe and avoid being fucked by the Crystal Vein Frog.


Tan Xiao vomited a mouthful of blood. Several blood holes appeared in his abdomen, and bright red blood began to pour out.

Chrollo quickly used a space barrier to block the blood hole in Tan Xiao's body. She had no means of treatment and could only help Tan Xiao take simple emergency measures.

Why don't you take advantage of the moment and escape first?

Chrollo gave a pertinent opinion. Strictly speaking, as a Death Prophet, she was not good at fighting, not to mention that during the years when the Shadow Falls, she stayed behind closed doors for a long time, concentrating on doing something in her room. There is no need to study, and the combat skills have long been rusty.

Tan Xiao felt the current state of his body and began to weigh it.

He knew that if he retreated now, he would miss this solidified magic crystal again. This is because this piece of solidified magic crystal will definitely be absorbed by the crystal vein frog in a short period of time. The reason why the solidified magic crystal is still ineffective at this moment is entirely because of the special physique of the crystal vein frog, which can simulate the fluctuations of the mineral veins and further warm the solidified magic crystal.

Damn it, it's not that easy to get magic crystals. Are you going to give up like this?

He knew that his body might no longer be able to support the fight with the Crystal Vein Frog. As for the damage recorded by [Viciousness] at this moment, there was no way it could cause any harm to the Crystal Vein Frog.

It's no longer possible, we can only prepare to escape.

After a brief struggle, Tan Xiao no longer hesitated. For his own safety, Tan Xiao could only give up the solidifying magic crystal temporarily.

At this moment, the soul-eating butterfly returned to Tan Xiao and stayed on Tan Xiao.

I'm back, Master.

You are really useless. How come the scale powder has no effect on it at all?

Tan Xiao couldn't help complaining. The situation that he had imagined that the Soul-Eating Butterfly's scale powder would quickly extract the opponent's magic power did not happen at all. He couldn't help but start to complain about the Soul-Eating Butterfly.

Just when Tan Xiao stood up and Chrollo opened a space channel and was about to leave here temporarily, Tan Xiao suddenly turned his head and looked at the Crystal Vein Frog.


He couldn't help but exclaim.

In Silver Cliff City, at the Mineral Lode Casino, a spirited shout rang out,

Raise! I want to raise! I still don't believe it!

Then the sound of chips colliding sounded, and a small pile of chips was pushed to the center of the table. The companion beside him pulled his sleeve and reminded him,

Don't work so hard. You've already made a lot tonight. Stop it! Gilga!

Tsk! Watch out! I am the one favored by the Goddess of Courage tonight. I will definitely win this one!

The man named Gilga was a miner who had just received his wages, and beside him was his best friend Lear.

Li'er, if we win this game, we won't have to be miners! Let's go back to our hometown together!

Gilga's eyes were already red. He stared at the card table, motionless, and kept praying in his heart.

His gambling luck was indeed somewhat good tonight. Fortunately, many spectators had gathered around the gambling table, including a mysterious man hidden under a cloak.

It's just that this mysterious man is very honest. Apart from losing a few Mammon gold in the casino, he has never won a single copper coin.

This made the people who maintained order at the Mineral Lode Casino not do anything to the stranger, but hoped that he would gamble more.

This person hidden under the cloak is the Lich Salton.

big big big!

Gilga kept roaring in his heart, and the points of the ten thousand dice on the card table also appeared.


There was an uproar around him. The gambler sitting opposite Gilga smiled and gathered all the chips on the table in front of him.

Gilga, why don't you forget it? You won't make any money at most today, and it's still too late to leave now.

Hearing this, Gilga, who had been slumped on the back of his chair, suddenly became energetic.

No! Come again! I still have money! I have already gone to the temple to worship the Goddess of Courage before coming here. This must be her test for me!

Gilga suddenly became energetic. Regardless of Leer's obstruction, he pushed out a pile of chips again. This was his wages for this month and his last capital.

I'll keep pressing! I'll charge! Let you see the man favored by the goddess of courage!

At that moment, there was only madness in Gilga's eyes.

He didn't even notice the cunning look in the eyes of the man opposite him. Salton naturally noticed it, and at the same time he also developed a strong interest in Gilga.

Not bad, there's a bit of a chance.

Salton suddenly thought of a more secure plan. He secretly hooked his fingers, and the already passive Wanxiang dice instantly changed the points.

big big big!

Gilga had roared, but his opponent didn't panic at all. Because he had already adjusted the center of gravity of the ten thousand phase dice, it was impossible for the dice to show a big number tonight.

However, when the Wanxiang Dice appeared in front of everyone, Gilga jumped on the chair in surprise and roared,

Big! I said it was big, right?! Hahahaha! Leer! Look, I said it was big, right? Hahaha!

Gilga's excitement was in enviable contrast with his opponent's gloomy expression, but before he could be happy, the opponent smashed the ten thousand-phase dice.

As expected, you did something to him! Someone! Drag him to the back alley!

Under the surprised eyes of Gilga and Lier, all their chips were confiscated and then dragged to the back alley of the Mineral Casino.

Everyone on the field noticed something was wrong, but no one dared to say anything. Because the power of the Mineral Lode Casino is huge in Silver Cliff City. They say one thing, but no one dares to say two things.

So everyone remained silent.

I told you to cheat! I told you to cheat!

Muffled sounds kept ringing in the back alley. Gilga and Lier were being beaten continuously, and their faces were already covered with mud.

Get out of here! A poor guy comes to a casino and wants to cheat to get out of his own way?! Go dig your mines! You piece of shit!

Everyone left, and one of them did not forget to spit in Gilga's face, leaving Gilga and Leer alone in the back alley, clutching their stomachs and groaning in pain.

Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!

Gilga was furious in his heart. He shouldn't have been so desperate, but the light of hope was too dazzling, making him unable to bear the current darkness.

Neither he nor Leer were originally from Silver Cliff City. They were sold to Silver Cliff City to work as miners. Gilga desperately wanted to return to his hometown precisely because he still had relatives there.

They have been sold for more than a year, and today is the moment Gilga is closest to redemption.

Do you desire power?

At this time, a faint voice sounded around them. It was the lich Salton. It repeated again,

Do you desire power?

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