The people who were still reveling were startled by this sudden world announcement, and the entire Fast Village was stranded.

The next second, the whole square still made a loud noise. The NPCs could not see the content of the world announcement, but they noticed something unusual. Almost all the adventurers fell into silence collectively.

Most of the players stood stunned on the spot after seeing the news. They were not frightened outright, but were furiously typing in their unique chat interface.

Isn't it a carnival these three days? The boss went to kill monsters again?

That's not right. What's so weird about this Bloodmaned Lion King? He doesn't look like a species from the Shadow Forest.


Suddenly, not only Fast Village, but also other nodes began to pay attention to the player [Feng Sheng].

His progress is almost astonishingly fast. If the death of the demon-hunting spider mother is due to his strength, it is a bit abstract that the orcs, who have never heard of it, were also killed.

Isn't it a cheater?

You're stupid. If you were really stupid, your account would have been banned a long time ago. You'd be banned from traveling for life. Even the helmet you bought was for nothing.

Exactly! And the game structure is a bit weird. No studio on the market can make plug-ins yet!

Could it be that you got some hidden talent or title?

Yes, otherwise it's because the game developers know how to fix bugs.

For a time, all kinds of rumors were flying everywhere.

But Tan Xiao didn't know all this. He didn't even open the chat box, silently thinking about how to get more experience points and how to level up quickly.

However, on his way back, he keenly captured a detail.

Although he got Shadowfang's passive [Shadow Walker], there was no world announcement at that time.

Is it because Shadowfang committed suicide in the end?

Thinking that Shadow Fang turned into a blood moon and exploded in the air in order to activate the Madness Moon, Tan Xiao rubbed his chin and couldn't think of a reason, so he threw it away.

After all, it's not critical.

He also wished that he would appear on the world announcement a few times. The tree was so big that it attracted the wind. He looked at the number of friend requests that were increasing all the time, feeling a little helpless.

However, it's time to find a priest. It's easy to overturn when emergencies come up like this.

Tan Xiao looked at the constantly bouncing friend requests and was thinking about something.

However, what he didn't know was that the reason why Shadow Fang's previous kill announcement did not appear was precisely because of Shan Curse's outrageous operation.

Not only did he change his camp into the beast tribe, but he also started a weird evolution mode.

It's just that at this moment, the good mantra is beating his chest in that meat ball.

Damn it! My big cat just died like this? I even pretended to ride on him! What the hell?!

It's so evil. This guy, avoid him and find some human players that are easy to kill.

After a brief sigh, the good mantra calmed down and began to accelerate its own transformation.

Wait for me to come out and attack you repeatedly to kill you.

At the back, everyone is the same, just give everyone an equal chop and it's over~

Thinking about the good mantra, my mood improved again.

In Fast Village, the atmosphere in Bailey's workshop seemed a little strange.

When Lina heard the world announcement, her whole body froze.

She naturally knew that the Bloodmane Lion King was the regional boss of the Hot Sand Wasteland and could not appear in the Shadow Forest, and Feng Sheng clearly promised her that he would solve all the workshop tasks she provided.

Complete the mission first, and then go through the Shadow Forest to the Hot Sand Wasteland to the west?

Impossible! Absolutely impossible!

Then he went directly to the Hot Sand Wasteland? Maybe the time is about the same. What about the mission of Belle's Workshop?

For a moment, many speculations flashed through Lina's mind, all pointing to one conclusion.

The adventurer [Feng Sheng] did not help her complete the task issued by the workshop, but went directly to the Hot Sand Wasteland to defeat the more powerful Bloodmane Lion King.

At that moment, her eyes lost their luster, and her hope was once again frustrated.

She had experienced too many such feelings in her short life. Ever since her father, the Ice and Fire Mage, disappeared, she seemed to have been stuck in this cycle.

At this moment, Richard's angry curses and the sound of the table being overturned sounded almost simultaneously.

His judgment was almost exactly the same as Lina's, which completely broke his guard even though he still had a glimmer of hope.

You also said you were giving the task to Feng Sheng! I knew you, a foreigner, were lying.

I shouldn't have given you a temporary residence permit and a job as a shopping guide in the first place. I don't know where you came from.

Are you giving it to some concubine? I don't mind if you seek personal gain a little bit, but you have to know what's appropriate!

At the end of the scolding, Richard seemed to have exhausted all his life's energy, and slowly sat back on his chair, sighing deeply.

Okay, the reputation that Belle Workshop has accumulated over the past hundred years will be destroyed in my hands.

It's my own fault for taking in a person like you.

Go away and keep your temporary residence permit. You will not be welcome in Fast Village from now on.

Lina bit her lower lip, she was unable to defend, and she was not prepared to defend. She knew that her gullibility towards Feng Sheng might have caused misfortune to Bailey's workshop this time.

Although surrendering the temporary residence permit meant being expelled and exiled alone outside the village, which was almost a certain death, she had no choice. She could not shamelessly ask Richard to give her another chance.

Just as she took out her temporary residence permit from her arms, said goodbye to Richard and left, a crisp voice sounded outside the workshop,

Mission delivered, is anyone there?

A young man wearing a golden robe walked in. The robe behind him was covered with bright red hair, which emitted a little golden light under the sunlight. The gem-like crystal on the top of a staff at his waist shone with a strange luster. .

I'm here to pay the task. You are all here. Why is no one in the hall? I thought you haven't come back from the banquet yet.

The person who came was none other than Tan Xiao, also known as [Feng Sheng] in the eyes of others.


Richard opened his mouth, but couldn't speak for a while. He glanced at Lina who was also surprised, and his brain was overloaded for a moment.

What's going on?

With his high status, Richard quickly adjusted his mentality. He changed his previous decadence and smiled almost flatteringly at Tan. Now the absolute number one person in Fast Village, he spoke respectfully,

Feng, Sir Feng Sheng, what is the mission you are talking about?

Huh? Didn't Lina tell you? You gave me all the tasks of Belial's workshop. Now except for the investigation of Shadowfang, everything else is completed. Please help me settle the matter.

Silence, ultimate silence

No, why are you all standing there? I'm very busy, Lina, please deal with it quickly.

Really unable to understand the weirdness in the room, Tan Xiao quickly urged. He was still waiting to receive rewards and experience, until he saw Lina's temporary residence permit placed on the table.

Huh? Why did you hand over your temporary residence permit? Are you leaving Fast Village?

At that moment, Lina's legs suddenly became weak, and she instantly fell to her knees on the ground, crying uncontrollably.

Um, you must have been expelled, right?

At this time, Tan Xiao vaguely guessed something, and then his eyes suddenly lit up,

Hey, by the way! Lina, what's your original occupation?

Lina, who was kneeling on the ground, wiped away the tears that came from her eyes. Although she didn't understand Tan Xiao's intention, she still answered subconsciously,

Pastor Pastor.

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