Don't let them get away! It's them!

A skeleton knight rode a tall skeletal mount, and light yellow smoke blew out rhythmically from the mount's chest, much like breathing.

When these light yellow smoke come into contact with the low-level skeleton soldiers around them, they will leave a black mark on them. They are instantly burned and corroded by the smoke.

As a result, a large area was vacated around the knight, and those who dared to approach were undead of a high level.

Their target is clear, they are the three lichs fleeing ahead.

His Royal Highness Lacena said, we must catch them at all costs!

Three hundred miles east of Winterdeath Castle, Anga City, another giant city within the jurisdiction of the Lich King, was currently staging a thrilling pursuit.

Three lichs in their early fifties were fleeing towards the east, and behind them were the undead pursuers that were constantly gathering.

As time goes by, a steady stream of undead are arriving, including many third-level undead with levels close to 200.

The lord of Anga City, the Black Bone Cursesmith with a level as high as Level 192, Lacena is also among them.

The pitch-black skeletons were completely different from those of ordinary undead, and it was unknown what kind of creature they were. The black bones were not simply pigmentation.

If you magnify it countless times, you can see dense black text layered on top of each other, ultimately creating a completely black appearance.

This is the curse seal of Rasena, and the origin of the name of his family of black-bone spellsmiths.

And the three lichs he participated in the pursuit were none other than Tan Xiao, Ace and Uther.

How was it exposed? Could it be that Salton betrayed us?!

As Ace ran, he kept throwing bone spears behind him, each one being torn off from his own body. Its magic power has bottomed out along the way, and the one in his hand is the last bone he can remove.


It was thrown violently at the pursuers behind it, and after smashing into a few skeleton soldiers with insufficient strength, it was picked away by a skeleton knight with a spear and flew behind the large army.

Impossible. If Salton wants to harm us, he doesn't have to wait until now. He can do it at the Tomb of Forgotten.

It was Ursa who spoke, and it still knew something about Salton.

The leader of the Secret Society of Shadows has always been a decisive lich, and there is no way he would pretend to surrender and then pursue them at the expense of the near and distant.

The opponent's strength is over level 100, which is more than enough to deal with them.

Tan Xiao at the front did not speak, but he and Uther had similar views.

He knew that Salton's devotion to the Dark Goddess Ciel was unquestionable, and his attitude towards him could never be false. Moreover, in his perception, his two bones were not abnormal at all, and they had not even disappeared.

At this moment, Tan Xiao seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly turned his head to look in the direction of Winter Death Castle.

Damn it, are there any undead who can determine my location through my bone slough?!

Tan Xiao recalled everything that happened in Anga City. They had kept a low profile as much as possible, and logically there was no possibility of any mistakes being revealed.

Now that I think about it, it must have been caused by the shedding of those two bones.

Back in time, not long ago, Salton brought the bones of Tan Xiao and Ace to the Blood Queen of Winterdeath Castle at the request of the Blood Queen. It met a strange undead.

It's just the aura emanating from the other party's body that makes it feel a little uncomfortable.

Your Highness Yulansa, the lich you want has been brought here. I'll leave first.

Salton didn't want to stay too long. Facing the gaze of the strange undead, it always felt like it was being penetrated, as if everything about him was being seen by the other person.


Ulansa stopped Salton who was about to leave, and his tone was quite polite.

Sir Salton, just in case, I need to review some of your memories. Don't worry, it's only for these two lichs. I can assure you in the name of the Lich King that no other memories will be involved.

After hearing Ulansa's words, Salton's body visibly stiffened, and he spoke in disbelief,

Ulansa, what are you talking about? I am a believer of the Dark Goddess. I have cooperated by bringing these two lichs. Don't push yourself too far!

As he spoke, he even omitted the title His Highness. His tough attitude made Ulansa feel a little embarrassed for a moment.

Indeed, reviewing memories is not much different from voluntarily handing over one's soul container. If one is not careful, one will directly return to the end.

Yolansa glanced at Renn, and was about to say a few more nice words, but Renn stepped in first.

This lich is very closely related to the whereabouts of His Highness Yeying's clone and the human race.

There was no emotion in Ren's voice, he just stated calmly,

The two thrones of Azikt and Phantom Lord have closed the plane passage to the human world for this human race. You, as an undead race, should know the pros and cons.

Having said this, Ren's eyes suddenly glowed bright red,

You can only cooperate. If you resist, you will be killed on the spot. I will bear the wrath of the Shadow Conclave and even the Dark Goddess.

At that moment, Ren's whole body already had the aura of a king, and even Ulansa beside him unconsciously took a step back.

Salton wanted to say something else, but he knew there was nothing he could do about it. If it didn't have its memory reviewed by Ulansa today, it would definitely not be able to leave the castle.

Then come on.

It spoke almost through gritted teeth, its voice full of humiliation.

After getting the affirmative answer, Ulansa had already appeared behind Salton. He took out an exquisite dagger from nowhere and inserted it into Salton's spine.

The scarlet magic gradually spread to Salton, and Ren's eyes, standing aside, became even redder, activating the Eye of Truth given to it by the Skeleton King.

After a moment, Ulansa pulled out the dagger, repaired Salton's injury personally, and said,

I'm sorry, Lord Salton, I apologize for our offense.


Salton snorted coldly, turned around and left.

It turned out that Salton had stripped and changed part of his memory before he came to die. Now even it itself does not know the true identities of Tan Xiao and Ace, and all the real information about them has been sealed in a magic In the props.

Only by activating that magic item next time can it regain all its memories. This is its caution as the new president of the Secret Society of Shadows.

Fortunately, its caution saved its life.

And Ren, who was still in the hall, listened to Ulansa's conclusion and spoke slowly,

There's something wrong with this one named Salton. There are traces of tampering in its memory.

Impossible, I didn't even notice it, why do you do it?

The next moment, Ren's eyes glowed red again,

I have the eye of truth.

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