Coming to deliver a message at this time? Isn't this guy DeWitt a little too willful?

In a beam of light that is shooting towards the north at a high speed, there is a warrior wearing silver-white armor and a platinum sword hanging on his waist. He is the last undecorated paladin of the contemporary Star Vein Kingdom after Pope Elijah, Ghana.

He was even the successor of the Holy Knight before Pope Elijah ascended the throne, but in the end for some unknown reasons, he was not awarded the title of Holy Knight. The Holy Knight's Certificate never fell into his hands, and he failed to become the much-anticipated Holy Knight until Elijah was martyred.

Everyone, whether it's the old man or you, doesn't take me seriously. It's really irritating to just do whatever you want me to do!

He muttered, but the teleportation scroll he pulled out was engraved with Elijah's name. Garner couldn't help but brush his fingers over Elijah's name.

Smelly old man, I have long said that the coming of the undead is inevitable, why not try to cooperate with the undead?

Recalling the scene of his last meeting with Elijah, Garner looked unhappy because it was the first time he had such a heated argument with Elijah, and of course it was also the last time.

It was Garner who asked about the possibility of joining forces with the undead, and Elijah became furious. In the end, the fierce quarrel between the two parties ended with Garner leaving Star Flash City, and the King's Certificate that had been planned to be awarded to him was also withdrawn by Elijah.

Why do you think of coming here again?

Garner shook his head to dispel these extremely unpleasant memories, and turned to look at the message from DeWitt.

The next second, his expression suddenly changed and he couldn't help laughing.

Oh, that's interesting! Are you finally going to take action? Hahaha! I've long wanted to try out the skills of those people, but I didn't expect that I could do it so quickly!

A few words were clearly written on the message scroll,

Pretending to cooperate, waiting for an opportunity to ambush.

The moment he saw these words, Garner already knew what DeWitt meant.

After lying in wait in the human world for so long, they can finally show their fangs.

However, he didn't know why DeWitt, who was still anxious about all the passages to the Shadow Fall Realm being closed some time ago, suddenly had such courage.

Does it have anything to do with this guy who suddenly appeared?

Garner thought a lot, and finally attributed the reason to the special creature he was tracking. He had never felt such an oppressive existence, so that as soon as DeWitt learned about it, he tried not to reveal it. Tell him to send him to attack together.

Facing this kind of creature, it would be weird for Garner, as a paladin, to remain indifferent.

This is why he is now in a joint pursuit team.

At the front of the chasing team, Aignus naturally felt the four relatively powerful auras behind him, but he didn't care at all.

He didn't think that the four people behind him could pose any threat to him. Instead, there was an aura in a small village in front that made him shudder a little. However, the aura seemed familiar, and he couldn't help but want to take a look. One glance.

Jinluo Village? What's the name? It's so ugly.

Agnas looked at the name written at the entrance of the village. Just as he was about to reach out and make some changes, he saw a young man approaching.

Are you from Jingxi City?

The person who spoke was none other than Rohr. In return for Griffin's shelter, he would clear the snow at the entrance of the village when the weather was fine, making it easier for the villagers to go out and chop wood.

At this moment, Agnas was not in a fighting state. The magic horns on his head and the wings on his back were retracted, and his figure was no different from that of an ordinary person. Therefore, it is no wonder that Luo Er did not notice anything unusual. He thought that the other party was a traveler from Jingxi City.

Agnas didn't speak, but stared at Rohr's right hand with his eyes, and sparks began to spurt out of his nose uncontrollably.

This is a sign of his magic power rioting, a physiological reaction that only occurs when he encounters a very powerful enemy or is seriously injured.

When Luo Er saw this scene, he couldn't help but rub his eyes, thinking that he had seen it wrong. When he opened his eyes again, there was nothing strange, except for a man with a frown still standing there.

Well, although our village is not big, there is still a place to stay. Why don't you come in and take a rest?

Rohr felt a burning sensation in his right hand, but he had become accustomed to it recently. Mara also checked him, and there was nothing abnormal except for the growing magic pathway.

Therefore, everyone understood that this was caused by a certain physical condition that Luo Er had awakened after frostbite, and there was no harm in it.

However, Rohr didn't know that a phantom skeleton appeared vaguely on his right shoulder.

Logically speaking, the expression of this skeletal figure should not be visible, but when it fell into Agnes's eyes, it was a strange smile.

It seems that there are some powerful guys among the skeletons in the Shadow Fall Realm.

The next second, Agnas slightly bent his legs and exerted force, and his body disappeared from the place like a flash of light.

This guy is here, so there shouldn't be any big problems with the plane well in the north. It seems that I don't need to do anything. It will take a lot of time for Agnus' name to cover this land.

Agnas was thinking this, and suddenly he noticed a more obscure aura of a strong man not far ahead, with a cruel smile on his face.

Not long after he left, Griffin appeared behind Rolle. Looking at Rolle who was still looking up at the sky, he couldn't help but ask,

What are you looking at? There won't be any birds this season. If you want to eat meat, come to my house at night. I just caught a snow deer. You are in luck.


Luo Er's eyes widened when he heard Snow Deer. He had long forgotten what happened with Agnas just now. In his opinion, the other party was just a strong man who wanted to find a big city to settle down. He didn't look down on the size of Jinluo Village at all. There was nothing to worry about. Said.

Over this period of time, Rolle has become thoroughly familiar with Griffin. If he hadn't known that it was impossible, Rohr would have thought that Griffin was his long-lost brother.

Luo Er's broken heart in Wuhui City seemed to be repaired intact in Jinluo Village. He had never been so grateful for his decision to go north.

He had already sent a letter to his good friend Dom who was in Wuhui City, informing him of his current situation, and also invited him to visit Jinluo Village.

That night, the house of Griffin, the leader of Jinluo Village, was filled with the hearty laughter of Rohr, Mara and Griffin. Clouds of white mist mixed with the scent of snow deer slowly drifted out of the room and dispersed into the night sky.

No one saw the four bright beams of light streaking through Jinluo Village at an incredible speed and shooting into the depths of the extremely cold tundra.

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