Attribute restraint? Sorry, I am a full magician

Chapter 15 The fierce battle begins

As time goes by, Tan Xiao, who is leveling up in the Shadow Forest, has released fire snakes countless times, using them to attract the orcs so that he can catch them all in one fell swoop to improve efficiency.

However, in his opinion, the number of beasts in the Shadow Forest is now somewhat abnormal, obviously pitiful. He attributes all this to the impact of the last beast tide.

Fortunately, with the assistance of the Fire Snake skill, he still basically completed the workshop tasks issued by Lina before the sun rose.

Except for the investigation of Shadowfang that has not yet been completed, the investigation of other materials and orc abilities has all reached the specified requirements.

There is still about half a day until Shadow Fang is refreshed and resurrected. The refresh time of regional bosses like this is the slowest after the first kill, which is 24 hours of game time. After that, the refresh time will be shortened as the number of kills increases. They are not the same individual. It is more like the situation where the strongest remaining ones mutate quickly after the leader of the group is missing to fill the ecological niche.

Tan Xiao looked at the materials in the guild warehouse and wiped his forehead.

It's almost time to return to the village. Let's see if there are any new tasks we can take on.

Calculating the experience gained from these tasks, plus what he gained this night, he could almost reach Level 7, and Tan Xiao prepared to reach Level 10 as soon as possible.

Because, in that case, he can trigger Magician McGee's second mission [Heritage of Magic] and become the magic apprentice that McGee devoted all his efforts to training. In that case, he can obtain a large number of skill points.

Since Tan Xiao's ten talent trees are fully activated, in addition to the skill points for his own upgrade, this kind of task with additional skill points is particularly important.

Just as Tan Xiao was about to leave, a sense of oppression no less than that of Yingya came over, and it was even more tyrannical.

What's going on?! Shadowfang shouldn't have been refreshed yet. There can't be such a creature in this area!

He turned to look behind him and waved the crystal-eyed spider stick in his hand.

Gale wind!

Tan Xiao's whole body was instantly covered with an invisible wind ring, lifting his body slightly to increase his movement speed.

In the field of vision, a scarlet figure was seen galloping from a distance, and two points of golden light reflected brightly under the early morning sun.

The Bloodmaned Lion King?! Why does it appear here? And why does it come straight to me?

Tan Xiao subconsciously looked at the staff in his hand, and couldn't help but wonder if it was because of the vicious curse of the demon-hunting spider mother, that is, the debuff that increased the hatred value had not disappeared.

But after thinking about it, he realized that there was no abnormality in his hunting the night before, and there were even unusually few monsters, so he gave up this guess.

Under the growing sense of oppression, Tan Xiao stopped being distracted and prepared to concentrate on dealing with this uninvited guest.

At this moment, the familiar system sound sounded,

Ding - Urgent mission [Messenger of the New King], there are unpredictable changes in the southern region of Shadow Forest. As the favorite subordinate of the new king, the Blood-maned Lion King is the first to go to battle. Please kill the Blood-maned Lion to prevent it from entering. Fast Village. Mission rewards, random.

Listening to this familiar voice, Tan Xiao did not hesitate and added the three skill points given to him after reaching Level 6 as well as the last remaining skill point on [Mirage].

Ding - you have successfully learned [Phantom] Level 3.

[Mirage Invisibility] The second-level skill uses the water vapor throughout the body to refract light to achieve the effect of short-term invisibility. It lasts for 20 seconds and consumes 20 MP.

Tan Xiao's figure suddenly disappeared, and at the same time he controlled the direction of the gale, blowing his scent in the opposite direction of the Blood-maned Lion King.

In an instant, the sight of the rushing Blood-maned Lion King lost sight of Tan Xiao. It may become a regional boss comparable to Shadowfang, and its wisdom cannot be underestimated.

The Bloodmaned Lion King did not slow down and continued to rush in the direction where Tan Xiao disappeared. He twitched his nose violently, trying to catch Tan Xiao's traces through his scent.

However, Tan Xiao had already anticipated the Blood-maned Lion King's countermeasures based on his previous life experience, and directly blew away his scent.

The blood-maned lion king's pace gradually slowed down, its golden eyes moved around, and its two ears were like radar to explore the surrounding changes.

The next second, it turned its head sharply and looked somewhere.

The eyes of Tan Xiao and the Blood-maned Lion King, who were under the effect of [Mirage], met instantly. Although Tan Xiao was confident that the other party could not see him, the Blood-maned Lion King seemed to be because of the strange flesh in Shan Curse. The side of the ball, absorbing a lot of mysterious fluctuations, instinctively came straight towards the invisible Tan Xiao.

Huh? Such bad luck? Can you be fooled by it?

Naturally, Tan Xiao didn't know about the chances of the Blood-maned Lion King. He thought it was because the other party was just lucky.

Tan Xiao, who had retreated slowly because he didn't dare to make a sound, now started to retreat crazily regardless, and the [Mirage] lasted for a short time. In desperation, he waved his staff and two tornadoes appeared.

Two tornadoes wrapped around the rotting leaves blocked the sight of the Bloodmaned Lion King.

It was only then that the Bloodmaned Lion King let out his first violent roar.

In an instant, all the birds in the entire area were frightened away, and even the birds that were closer were put into a state of stress by the terrifying sound waves and fell from the sky.

The blood-maned lion king's neck mane instantly opened up, and the scarlet hair exuded a golden luster under the sunlight.

The next second, a sudden change occurred, and its hair actually began to burn violently.

A ring of neck mane turned into a ring of fire exuding blazing temperature, and the tail was dotted with a ball of orange fire, which slapped on the ground and continuously ignited the surrounding thick dead leaves, forming balls of flames.

Tan Xiao had naturally known for a long time that the Bloodmaned Lion King was a rare fire-attribute beast. This was why he did not use fire-attribute magic.

Because it won't cause any damage to the opponent, and can even increase the opponent's firepower.

Fortunately, although the temperature of the surrounding environment began to rise suddenly, due to the hot wind mage suit on Tan Xiao, the sudden rise in temperature did not have too much impact on him, and he also used this short time to pull away. distance between the two sides.

It looks like I have to wait until nightfall before I can fight.

He looked up at the rising sun, and beads of sweat appeared on his forehead. The danger this time was no less than the sudden encounter with Shadow Fang.

At the same time that Tan Xiao and the Bloodmaned Lion King met, a series of roars erupted in Belle's workshop.

What the hell are you doing! Why were all the workshop task orders sent out? They were also sent to the same adventurer. Are you thinking all shit?

It was the angry shout of Richard Bailey, the owner of Bailey's Workshop. He had just returned from the banquet and found that all the task orders for the workshop had been sent out by a shopping guide named Lina. He was instantly furious.

These tasks are related to the delivery of equipment and the village chief's instructions. It's okay if you distribute them. But you bet your money on one person. What will happen if he fails? How can the workshop deliver the goods? You want us to die. ?”

These tasks, I, I have given to [Feng Sheng], he will be fine.

Lina still wanted to refute, but instead of calming down, Richard became even more angry.

Feng Sheng? Who are you? Feng Sheng is the hero of this beast wave. I will accept the task given by you. Do you think I am a fool?

Richard's curses continued, and the sun outside Belle's Workshop was particularly strong. I don't know if it was for this reason that Fast Village seemed particularly hot today.

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