Attribute restraint? Sorry, I am a full magician

Chapter 148 Arrested and brought to justice

Let us out!

Two lichs stood at the city gate and spoke fiercely to the skeleton soldiers guarding the city.

The two of them originally came here to try their luck. After learning that the Phantom Lord was about to massacre the city, they spent a huge amount of money to buy a message scroll, and then they obtained two identity certificates from their jurisdiction.

As a result, they were burdened with a considerable debt.

After all, the cost of the messenger scroll of identification sent from the Lich King's territory must also be counted on them.

Thanks to their usual diligence, a lot of relationships with partners, and relatively substantial savings, they were able to get such help.

At this moment, the skeleton soldier at the city gate saw these two identification documents and the two lichs in front of him, and he was a little embarrassed for a while.

Although it was not very intelligent, it did receive the order not to allow the undead in this city to leave, but it didn't seem to mention whether it could allow the undead in other cities to return.

Just when it was looking at the identity card and not knowing how to respond, a bag was inadvertently thrust into its hand.

Feeling the touch from the bag and the familiar sound of bone fragments colliding, an incredible look appeared in its eyes, and it was immediately dominated by greed.

No undead will resist becoming stronger, because strength represents their status.

It has already felt the energy contained in the bone fragments in this small bag.


It held the bag tightly, looked around, and spoke in a pretended serious manner,

In that case, leave your identification here with me. As for you, leave quickly.

At the same moment, a powerful skeleton knight came to Tan Xiao's room.

You! Follow me! His Highness Asek summons!

Seeing that there was an undead person next to Tan Xiao, the skeleton knight thought for a while and then spoke,

You come too! Hurry!

Seeing that they didn't move, the skeleton knight couldn't help but draw out the iron sword from his waist. The light of the iron sword flashed a cold light in the room under the dim firelight.

Feeling the tyrannical wave emanating from the other party, Tan Xiao and Ace looked at each other, suppressed the urge to escape forcefully, and could only follow the other party away obediently.

Your Excellency, what did His Highness Asek suddenly ask us to do again?

Ace asked almost flatteringly, hoping to get some evidence from the other party's mouth.

Stop talking nonsense and just leave.

The Skeleton Knight had no intention of talking to them, and his tone was extremely unkind. It was obvious that he was a little dissatisfied with the two undead people behind him, which made him unable to find the human race at this time, and he had to waste time looking for them.

If it knew what Tan Xiao and Ace were about to face, it might not have such thoughts.

At the Skeleton Altar, Asek was still sitting on the chair that belonged to him. When he saw that the two captains were coming, he looked at the skeleton knight with some confusion.

Why did you bring two of them here?

Your Highness, when I went to its room, I saw them mixed together, so I brought them over together.

The Skeleton Knight pointed at Tan Xiao and answered the other person's questions respectfully.

Okay, you go down first.

The Skeleton Knight respectfully left, leaving only Tan Xiao and Ace.

You won't find out about us so soon, right?

Tan Xiao was kneeling on one knee, lowering his head deeply, not daring to look at Asek.

During the communication with Ace, he already knew that the commander named Asek was a Lv170 Death Lord, and his strength was much stronger than he was now.

Do you recognize it?

As it spoke, it threw out a charred skeleton, with traces of lightning strikes on it along with the incomplete armor.

The moment the body appeared, Tan Xiao knew it was broken.

Ace on the side froze even more. He realized that he had made a mistake and should have eaten the corpses of his teammates.

Ace's abnormality naturally did not escape Asek's eyes. It exhaled a long breath of mist, and the pressure during this period disappeared instantly. It knew that it had found a key breakthrough point.

In an instant, four bone walls suddenly rose from around the altar, shrouding Tan Xiao and Ace in them.

Sen Bai's bones continued to spread, and finally closed above Tan Xiao's head, forming a sealed space.

Bang bang bang——

The next second, a series of sounds suddenly came out in the dark space, which was the sound of balls of fire exploding.

Tan Xiao and Ace were surrounded by this circle of fire. They reached a consensus almost at the same time.

It's over.

Where are the bones of His Highness Yeying? Where are the humans?

Asek asked such a question directly, without giving Tan Xiao a chance to think.

Don't try to lie to me. The Necromancer is already on his way here. I will remember every word you say. If the Necromancer arrives and looks through your memories, I will find any discrepancies.

Asek slowly squatted down and looked at Tan Xiao, who was half-kneeling on the ground.

I will let you experience the cruelest punishment of Shadow Fall.

Your Highness! Your Highness Asek! I did it! It had nothing to do with it!

Ace suddenly spoke. It wanted to help Tan Xiao escape, and decided to take all the blame.

It appeared sneakily and I bumped into it, and it turned out to be a small phalanx of His Highness Yeying.

Ace pointed to the charred skeleton on the ground and spoke confidently,

I got greedy for a moment and absorbed the bones of His Highness Ye Ying to gain the power of thunder. I originally asked him to take me to find the bones of Ye Ying, but when I got there I didn't find the bones of His Highness Ye Ying. I In anger, he killed it.

Ace's tone alternated between timid and excited, as if he had completely taken on the mood at that time.

Tan Xiao tacitly said nothing and watched Ace's performance quietly. Asek's eyes left Tan Xiao and fell on Ace.

You said you did this? Then you ran to it?

Asek did not immediately doubt Ace's statement, but went along with it.

That's why I went to find it, so that it could help me hide the matter.


Asek nodded and returned to his seat.

Okay, when the Necromancer comes, let me see if what you said is true.

As a result, it stopped talking, even the fire in its eye sockets was extinguished, and it obviously began to close its eyes to rest.

Your Highness Asek.

Not long after, the Necromancer arrived.

Check their memory and let me see if it is what it says.

As you command, Your Highness Asek.

So, the Necromancer pinched Ace's head, and a strange wave appeared, and a steady stream of white light flowed from Ace's head to the Necromancer.


There was a puzzled look on the Necromancer's face.

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