"Go to hell, you monsters!"

Chen Fan's father angrily swung the machete with all his strength and chopped at the zombie's brain!

Swish ~ half of the zombie's head fell to the ground, and red and white flowed all over the ground!

Huh ~

Chen's father looked at the zombie lying on the ground in front of him in horror, his heart beating violently, and before he could catch his breath!

Four or five zombies rushed out from the back and rushed in from the door!

"Faner, Dad will come back to protect you and your mother in the next life!"

He sighed heavily, his body was full of strength again, and his eyes gradually became firm!

"Come on, you bunch of hateful monsters, I won't let you take a single step forward!"

He raised his knife again and rushed towards the zombies!


"Lao Fan, how long will it take to get to your house? I am a little bit looking forward to it. Just think about what kind of parents can raise such an outstanding person like you!"

Huang Ying joked on the side!

"Brother Huang, stop teasing me. We will be at my house in a minute or two, and you will be able to meet my parents soon!"

Ling Shuang'er grabbed the corner of her clothes tightly, looking around in panic, feeling a little overwhelmed!

‘What should I do? I’m going to meet my parents so soon. I feel so nervous. If they don’t like me, should I leave?’

‘How can I leave a good impression on them? I am so worried! '

Ye Jingjing looked at Ling Shuang'er who was at a loss and nervous, and felt a little confused!

"Xiaoshuang, are you okay?"

"No, it's okay!"

Ling Shuang'er, her face flushed red, replied in panic!

‘Nothing's wrong! '

Ye Jingjing frowned slightly and glanced at Ling Shuang'er again. You look so depressed, how can you look like someone who is fine!

No matter how you look at it, there is something wrong with your body. Could it be that there is something wrong with your body? Ye Jingjing was shocked and immediately reached out to touch Ling Shuang'er's forehead!


Chen Fan jumped out of the car and quickly came to the fence. The fence had been destroyed by zombies, with several big holes!

I'm afraid!

"Damn it, Mom and Dad, you must hold on!"

Chen Fan was anxious, and he exerted force on his calves, running at the fastest speed he had in the past few days!

"We should be able to catch up, Mom and Dad, you will be fine!"

He became more anxious and increased his speed again!

Huang Ying, who was following behind, also had a serious expression on his face!

"You guys protect yourselves, I'll go and support Lao Fan first!"

"What's going on?"

Ye Jingjing still looked confused!

Lao Ma also changed his usual image, took a serious look at the fence, and spoke seriously!

"I'm afraid that Lao Fan's parents are in danger. Come on, let's catch up!"



"Come on, you bunch of hateful monsters. I am not afraid of you. Even if I die today, I will tear a piece of meat off you!"

Dad Chen said fiercely. He didn't know if the zombies could understand what he said!

Unfortunately, the zombies have not been born yet. With my consciousness, I don't know what he is talking about. I just feel that food has appeared in front of me!


A big hole was knocked out of the door again. Two or three zombies rushed in at the same time and pounced on Dad Chen!


The hand was raised and the knife fell!

This time he was not as lucky as the first time. The machete was stuck directly on the zombie's bones. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't move it at all!

"How is this possible!"

Dad Chen was shocked!

Unfortunately, the zombie didn't want to give him too much time to think. His bloody hands slapped Dad Chen's chest heavily!

But this time, Dad Chen felt that several ribs were broken in his chest. He couldn't help but spurted out a mouthful of blood. The whole person fell straight to the ground, breathing less and breathing more!

In his eyes, he had begun to recall the bits and pieces of his family's childhood, just like playing a movie, slowly flowing from his eyes. Now, he was probably in a state of last revival, and there was not much time left!

The zombie grabbed Dad Chen in his memory with one hand, opened his big mouth full of blood, and bit towards the aorta in his neck!

A strong smell of blood stimulated the nasal cavity. Dad Chen, who was in his memory, finally woke up at this moment, his whole body was full of strength, and he gathered all his strength to punch the zombie's head that was biting!

Under this punch, the zombie was actually knocked crooked and deviated from the direction. After this punch, Dad Chen completely lost the power to resist, his limbs drooped weakly, and the whole person fell to the ground again!

"Faner, dad will go first!"


"Dad, Fan'er is back, you must hold on!"

Chen Fan's voice came from outside the house!


Dad Chen replied excitedly, then shook his head!

"Impossible, Faner should still be hiding in a safe place, I must be hallucinating!"

Dad Chen tried his best to deny his thoughts and smiled. He was satisfied to hear Faner calling him dad again before he died!


A silver-white spear cut through the darkness and quickly inserted into the head of the zombie closest to Dad Chen!

Before the zombie had time to struggle, its body collapsed to the ground powerlessly, and a transparent zombie crystal core fell out of its head!

Chen Fan's figure finally appeared at the door, and two more punches were thrown, and the two zombies fell to the ground!

Looking at his father lying on the ground in the house, Chen Fan was immediately furious. His clenched fists and the anger in his eyes all told of Chen Fan's idea of killing people at this moment!

"You all have to die!"

The remaining two zombies only felt a flash before their eyes, and their bodies lost their center of gravity. The two figures quickly flew into the air. It's not over yet!

Chen Fan gathered power in his right fist, and a terrifying momentum burst out. The yellow shadow behind him only felt that he lost his center of gravity for a moment, and tried hard to maintain his body balance!

With an angry right fist, he flew towards the zombies in the air. In an instant, the skin ulcerated inch by inch, and the bones dissipated into the air. Looking again, only two zombie crystal cores were left, falling to the ground helplessly!

After venting, Chen Fan turned around and looked at his father who had fainted on the ground!

"Dad, I am Faner!"

"Dad, wake up!"

"Faner Hui���Didn't we agree to protect ourselves?"

Tears unconsciously fell from his eyes, and Chen Fan called out to his father heartbreakingly. The whole room was filled with a sad atmosphere!

""Fan'er, you're back!"

Aunt Chen walked out carefully from the inner room!


Seeing this, Chen Fan threw himself into his mother's arms and cried sadly!

"It’s good that you’re back. When you come back, mom will feel relieved. When you come back, our family can be reunited!"

"Kaishan, our son is back, come out and have a look!"

Mother Chen looked around quickly until she saw Father Chen lying on the ground!

She stood there as if struck by lightning, unable to utter a word for a long time, tears falling from her eyes!

She quickly rushed towards Father Chen!

"Kaishan, Kaishan, what’s wrong with you!"

"Our son is back, wake up soon, and we can be reunited as a family!"

A feeling of sadness filled the whole room. Huang Ying turned his head away quickly, not daring to look again, because he was afraid that he would not be able to help but think of his family!

Until the end, Chen's mother could not hold on and fainted, and then she turned her head again!

""Mom, Mom!"

Chen Fan collapsed to the ground helplessly!

"I still can't stop anything. It's all because my strength is too weak. Why, God, you gave me a chance, but made me despair again, why!"

Chen Fan roared at the sky unwillingly!

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