When Chen Fan returned with Da Huang, the six-man team that had arrived had all been killed!

"I remember that room 201 in the warehouse was said to have been used to store special items, but was accidentally broken. There are radioactive substances everywhere, so no one dared to go in!"

Huang Ying suddenly said!

"Oh, interesting, let's go to Warehouse Room 201!"

Huang Ying nodded and quickly acted as a navigator!

The alarm suddenly sounded in the basement!

Everyone was also startled!

"Minister Wang, there is a situation, this is the information from above!"

A red warning appeared on the screen!

There is an enemy attack, run away quickly!

This was sent by Team Long at the last minute, but not long after it was sent, he was knocked unconscious by Huang Ying!

"Warn all departments to take away everything they can take away, and destroy everything they cannot take away, leaving no trace behind!"

""Yes, Minister Wang!"

The personnel wearing special uniforms quickly notified other departments!

At the same time, Minister Wang passed the news to Feng Jinghua again!

Feng Jinghua frowned when he saw the news and spoke!

"Go call Tianxiao over, pack up, and get ready to evacuate!"

""Okay, Lord City Lord!"

That's right, Feng Jinghua is the city lord of Wudu City, and Feng Tianxiao's father!

Soon the housekeeper came to Feng Tianxiao's door!

"Mr. Feng, the city lord asked you to pack up your things, we are ready to evacuate!"

"Evacuate, why evacuate? There are Dragon Team guarding outside, it's very safe, why evacuate!"

Feng Tianxiao said impatiently!

""Mr. Feng, this is what the city lord wants. I don't know anything else!" the butler said respectfully!

"Okay, I got it. Go tell my dad and I'll go over after I'm done packing!" After the housekeeper left, waves of unbearable noises came from the room again!

""Feng Shao, please, let me go, I really can't stand it anymore!"

The girl begged weakly!

"Damn, I see you still have the energy to speak now, come on, give her a good beating!"

"No, Mr. Feng, I beg you, I really can’t stand it anymore!"

"Ah, don't come over here!"


Feng Tianxiao turned around and rushed towards the attractive Leng Yue'er!

Chen Fan finally arrived at Room 201 of the warehouse!

"This is it, this is Room 201. I heard that there are radioactive substances in it, so no one dares to go in, so this place is forbidden!"

Huang Ying said with obvious nervousness!

After all, this thing is not a joke. If the body is irradiated, it will cause the body's organs to dry up, and the pain will be extremely tragic!

Chen Fan also saw the worries in everyone's hearts!

Chen Fan quickly walked forward!

"Chen Fan!"

Old Fan!

Brother Fan!"


Everyone was frightened by Chen Fan's sudden action, their hearts tightened, their breathing became heavier, and they looked at Chen Fan nervously!

"No, Brother Fan!"

The door of Room 201 was opened in the eyes of everyone who was afraid!

There was nothing inside!

Chen Fan couldn't help but frowned!

"Nothing? ?"

Huang Ying came back to his senses and quickly stepped forward to take a look!

It was indeed empty and there was nothing inside, not even a shelf for goods!

Chen Fan was a little confused!

"If it is true as Huang Ying said, there should be glass fragments on the ground, but the inside is too clean, too clean!"

Huang Ying on the side had the same idea as Chen Fan!

Chen Fan observed for a long time, his eyes stayed on a switch on the wall, and after looking at Huang Ying!

At the same time, they walked towards the switch!

The switch was pressed!

An elevator door appeared in front of everyone!

"There is indeed a passage leading to the basement here, Lao Fan, let's go!"

Lao Ma said excitedly!

Chen Fan looked at the people behind him and did not enter the elevator, and stopped several people who wanted to go forward!

"Lao Ma, Shuang'er, Sister Jingjing, Ma Qiang, you guys just stay up there, Brother Huang and I will be the ones to go!"


The four of them were a little unconvinced!

"This is an order. Have you forgotten what you promised me before you followed me?"

Chen Fan said seriously!

"Brother Fan, are you really not going to take Shuang'er with you?"

Ling Shuang'er pleaded!

"No, I heard Shuang'er, we don't know what dangers are down there, so I can't let you accompany me to take this risk!"

"But you don't know how dangerous it is down there, so I have to follow you down there. What if you can't come back?"

Ling Shuang'er bit her lips and said firmly!

"Shuang'er, I am very strong. If Huang Ying and I go down, we can still guarantee our safety. But if I take you with me, it will make it difficult for me to be so comprehensive. Do you understand?"

Chen Fan said gently while holding Shuang'er!

"But I~"

Chen Fan interrupted Ling Shuang'er who was about to speak, and quickly took Huang Ying into the elevator!

"Chen Fan!"

"Lao Fan!"


Suddenly a dark shadow rushed into the elevator!

"Da Huang, why are you following me?"

Chen Fan was about to chase Da Huang out, but the elevator door had already slowly closed!

Well, there was another dog!

The elevator slowly went down, and after an unknown amount of time, it finally stopped!

"Minister Wang, the people have arrived!"

"Okay, I understand. Open subject No. 488!"

After hearing this, the man showed a panic expression on his face!

"Minister Wang, hasn't the No. 488 experiment been tested for stability yet? If we release it directly, it will most likely get out of control!"

Minister Wang was a little angry!

"Open subject 488. I don’t want to say it for the third time!"

""Yes, got it!"

The man was a little terrified. He knew how terrifying Experiment 488 was. He had just been injected with the violent gene and tore two staff members apart. Now no one dared to approach him!

As the red button on the operator in the man's hand was pressed!

The door of Hatch 488 opened!

A two-meter-tall monster with red eyes, horns on his head, and muscles all over his body slowly walked out of the experimental cabin!

"Finally I was released. It feels like I was squeezing ants to death. Today I am going to squeezing a few ants to death!"


The monster laughed weirdly and slowly disappeared in the laboratory!

"Lao Fan, why do I feel like there is something behind me staring at me!"

Huang Ying said to Chen Fan uncomfortably!

Da Huang also kept barking at the back!

"I'm afraid something is rushing towards me from behind!"

Chen Fan had just finished speaking when a huge monster, like a rhinoceros, rushed straight towards Chen Fan, and the surrounding experimental walls were deformed by him!

"Die, weak ant!"


The monster roared excitedly!

"It's really looking for death!"

Chen Fan hates this kind of big and brainless guy the most!

But this kind of monster likes to die, so he can only reluctantly send it to reincarnation as soon as possible!

With a light punch, half of the body exploded instantly and fell straight to the ground!

Huang Ying took a breath of cold air and said in his heart!

"Become stronger again!"

Chen Fan didn't pay much attention to it and reminded Huang Ying to hurry up again!

"Let’s go!"

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