He returned to the car again, said hello to the zombie students in the school, started the car, and gradually disappeared on the road!

In a secret base in Beishan, Leng Yue'er gently wiped Feng Tianxiao's forehead on the big bed after a three-person exercise!

""Mr. Feng, are you satisfied with Yue'er's service?"

Leng Yue'er shyly lay on Feng Tianxiao's chest, her red face was particularly attractive under the sunlight, and her slender jade hands gently wandered back and forth around Feng Tianxiao's waist!

The anger that had just been released rose again from her abdomen!

"You annoying little goblin, today I must let you see how powerful my brother is!"

He stretched out his right hand, picked up the unknown small medicine bottle on the table, took out two pills, and swallowed them!

A fierce battle broke out with Leng Yue'er again!

It is indescribable, please use your imagination~

The sky slowly darkened, leaving a few fiery white clouds in the sky, burning the last life!

I think this is the fire cloud in my hometown!

Chen Fan and his companions finally arrived at the foot of Beishan Mountain. The car also burned out its last bit of strength and collapsed powerlessly on the side of the road!

""Let's go!"

Chen Fan got out of the car, feeling the breath of nature and the beautiful scenery. He was very happy!

The other people also got out of the car one after another!

"What a fresh air, what a comfortable feeling!"

They had never felt so relaxed before!

Ling Shuang'er glanced at Chen Fan from the corner of her eye, and an idea came to her mind!

‘I really want to live here with Brother Fan, and give him a few children, and live out my life with him! '

My face was slightly hot, and under the sunlight, it looked like a ripe apple, which was particularly tempting!

"Shuang'er, you are so beautiful!"

Chen Fan couldn't help but kiss Ling Shuang'er on the forehead!

Ye Jingjing's cheeks were also slightly red, and she looked like she was ready to be picked!

Old Ma couldn't hold back, and streams of hot air emanated from his mouth. His hungry eyes scanned back and forth, and finally locked onto Ye Jingjing!

Even Da Huang, who was standing next to him, looked hungry and kept rubbing Ma Qiang's thighs!

Only Huang Ying and Chen Fan frowned and noticed something unusual!

""Wake up!"

Chen Fan shouted and quickly patted everyone's shoulders!

Only then did their consciousness slowly return to reality!

""Damn rascal!"

Ye Jingjing, who had just woken up, slapped Lao Ma on the face, yelled, her cheeks slightly red, and quickly stepped back a few steps, covering her body!

Lao Ma was a little confused, his mind was blank, and he looked at Ye Jingjing in a daze!

"Lao Fan, what have I done?"

Da Huang also reacted at this time and barked a few times around!

Gradually, twenty or thirty monkey zombies rushed out from the woods!

They surrounded Chen Fan and his men!

"Everyone be careful, there are zombies!"

Chen Fan took out the Silver Dragon Spear and threw the big knife to Ma Qiang!

"Protect yourself!"

Ma Qiang finally reacted, nodded heavily, and looked around vigilantly!

""Thank you, Brother Fan!"

Several people also took defensive actions!

The Monkey King zombie roared a few times, and the surrounding monkey zombies quickly attacked Chen Fan and others in an instant!

"Brothers, let's start the fight!"

The silver dragon spear flashed with a cold light, and several monkey brains were cut off. The monkey zombies that came later filled the vacancy again!

A shadow appeared behind Ling Shuang'er, and a red bird made a loud bird cry. In Chen Fan's confused eyes, it quickly merged into his body!

A terrifying temperature came from Ling Shuang'er's body, and the eyelashes and hair on her eyes quickly turned fiery red. She stretched out her hand, and a fireball quickly gathered on her palm! With a light throw, an explosion sounded in the monkey group, and more than a dozen monkeys were burned to ashes, leaving only a crystal core on the ground!

The monkey group was beaten and fled in all directions by this move!

"Damn it, this kind of damage, what's the point of playing!"

Chen Fan was stunned, staring straight at Ling Shuang'er!

"Brother Fan, is there something on my face?"

Ling Shuang'er's weak face was a little shy!

"Shuang'er, the damage of your ability is too high!"

He said in his heart!

‘This damage is probably higher than that of an average first-level psychic!

Hearing Chen Fan's praise, Ling Shuang'er felt a little secretly happy!

‘I’m so happy that I finally got Brother Fan’s recognition!’

"Brother Fan, actually, I can only use this power three times now!"

Chen Fan nodded!

‘Indeed, the more powerful the ability is, the greater the restrictions in the early stage. On the contrary, it is in the later stage that they are the most powerful!

Huang Ying was also shocked. He thought he should be ranked second in the entire team. Unexpectedly, Ling Shuang'er's ability is so powerful that it is probably not inferior to his!

Da Huang!

‘What did this prince see again? I didn't expect there was still a big guy. Hurry up and hold her thigh. Don't let this opportunity slip away!

He ran towards Ling Shuang'er and rubbed her thigh!

"You dead dog, come here, don't touch my Shuang'er!"

Chen Fan knew what this dead dog was thinking, so he quickly scolded him!

Ling Shuang'er squatted down and touched Da Huang's head!

"Brother Fan, Da Huang is so well behaved, don't scold it!"

Seeing this, Chen Fan glared at Da Huang fiercely and quickly began to collect crystal cores!


Not long after, the sky began to darken and become gray!

"I know there is a hotel nearby, we can just stay there for the night!"

Huang Ying led everyone towards the hotel!

The modern building was just enough to resist the zombies!

The boss zombie and employee zombies inside were quickly dealt with!


Feng Tianxiao, who had been fighting for a whole day, lay weakly on the bed. He finally understood that sentence!

There are only cows that die from exhaustion, but no fields that are plowed to pieces!���Yue'er, lying on his chest again, looking at him eagerly!


""Mr. Feng, get up and eat!"

The voice outside the door was like the sound of nature, reaching his ears!

"Yue'er, let's fight again later, let's go have a meal first!"

"No, Brother Feng, Yue'er still wants it!"

As he said that, his soft palm attacked Feng Tianxiao's abdomen!

Feng Tianxiao felt a sharp pain in his waist, and his straight radish softened, and he said helplessly!

"Yue'er, if you think it's not enough, I can let the bodyguard continue!"

He looked up at the sturdy man wiping the spear!

The man's legs softened and he almost knelt down!

His two kidneys were almost squeezed dry, and he had no strength to fight anymore, so he could only weakly plead!

"Master Feng, I really can’t do it anymore, please forgive me!"

Feng Tianxiao cursed inwardly!


Then he looked at Leng Yue'er with a wry smile, hoping that she would let him go!

Leng Yue'er saw that the time had come, so she spoke!

"Brother Feng, if I let you go, you have to agree to one condition of mine!"

Feng Tianxiao saw Leng Yue'er put forward the condition and immediately agreed to it, fearing that he would regret it!

"As long as Brother Feng helps me awaken my superpowers!"

Yes, on the way back to the base last time, Leng Yue'er knew the function of the zombie crystal core. Now she only needs to use Feng Tianxiao to help her awaken her superpowers, and she can kill Chen Fan!

Seeing that Feng Tianxiao agreed, Leng Yue'er let him go!

""Chen Fan, please don't die. I have paid everything to kill you. I haven't tortured you properly yet!"

Then a creepy laugh came out of his heart!


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