
The big yellow dog fell to the ground!

"Ah, my head!"

The big yellow dog rolled back and forth holding his head!

"Damn human, I will bite you to death today!"

He struggled to get up, staring viciously at the human who punched him and sent him flying! He bared his teeth and growled!

Chen Fan frowned, feeling a little strange. The big dog in front of him actually had self-awareness!


Before Chen Fan could figure out what was going on, the big dog appeared in front of him!

It jumped lightly and bit Chen Fan's neck!

‘Are you confused, human? You can't understand the speed of Brother Dog! '

Just when it thought it had won and was smug, a powerful fist interrupted its thinking!

It felt like its abdomen was hit hard by a car!

The whole dog flew quickly into the air, and then in a parabolic motion, it hit the ground hard!

A mouthful of old blood spit out from the big dog's mouth!

‘Damn it, I can't do it, I have to retreat quickly! '

He got up and quickly ran behind him!

Chen Fan was stunned for a moment!

"This dog is not simple, how can it run away?"

Then he showed an evil look!

"Looks like we can eat dog meat tonight!"

He quickly chased after him, leaving only the people waiting for Chen Fan in the car!

"Where is Chen Fanren?"


"So what do we do next!"


Huang Ying closed the driver's door of the car, sat quietly in the passenger seat, and greeted the zombies around him kindly!

On the road, a man and a dog were chasing each other madly!

"I, Brother Gou, have not yet taken the position of the Dog King, and I must not be caught by this hateful human!"

Looking at the distance getting closer and closer, Brother Gou felt desperate!

""Brother, can you change someone? Ah, change a dog. My dog's meat is not tasty!"

Chen Fan had no idea what was going on in Brother Gou's mind. He only knew that he could eat dog meat tonight!

It is said that eating this mutated dog meat can improve one's superpowers. Although he does not have superpowers, his friends do, so it does not affect his eating of dog meat at all!

‘Just a little more speed and we'll have dinner tonight! '

Doggo's mind is broken!

‘Brother, I am a good dog and have never killed anyone. Please spare me! '

Tears of shame flowed down!

In the end, he still couldn't escape Chen Fan's clutches. Under Chen Fan's malicious gaze, he was caught in his hand!

"Not bad, you run pretty fast, at this speed, you are almost catching up with the first-level superpowers!"

Gou Ge was a little proud!

‘Are you kidding? I am very strong. If I didn't have enough zombie crystal cores, I could have upgraded to the level of a first-level superpower! '

But Chen Fan's next words scared me half to death!

"It looks like I can give my friends a good nourishment tonight. Should I stew it directly or roast it?"

"Oh, I am so upset. Never mind, let's take it back and have a look!"

The dog brother wailed!

Chen Fan looked at the big dog in surprise!

"You are a dog with some intelligence, but unfortunately your strength is too low, so you are useless to me!"

The big dog was even more desperate!

‘Is this the end of my life as a dog king? I haven't found a beautiful dog yet to give me eight or ten puppies! The big dog screamed in despair!

Chen Fan taped its mouth shut!

"It's so noisy, what are you yelling about!"

Soon Chen Fan returned to the car!

Chen Fan was holding the big dog tied up like a twist and threw it at Huang Ying!

"Brother Huang, keep an eye on it, we will have dog meat to eat today!"

‘Eat dog meat?

Huang Ying was a little confused. How much meat could this skinny yellow dog have?

"Lao Fan, this big dog is too thin. There are so many of us, but it’s not enough!"

Lao Ma also echoed!

"Why does this dog look so sick? Is it sick?"

Chen Fan knew that the big dog was just pretending. He knew very well that this big dog had an IQ similar to that of a junior high school student. It was probably trying to survive in this state!

"Don't worry, safety is guaranteed, otherwise they wouldn't have caught it, and eating it will be very beneficial to the improvement of your abilities!"

Hearing that it would be good for their abilities, several people's eyes lit up, staring at the big dog, wishing they could take a bite!

The big dog felt miserable!

‘Am I walking into a den of thieves? A bunch of humans are greedy for my body! '

Soon, the vehicle started moving forward again, and a familiar name appeared in front of Lao Ma!

‘No. 2 Middle School? '

A golden light flashed through Lao Ma's mind, and he quickly told Chen Fan to stop the car!

"Lao Fan, stop the car, I have something urgent to do!"

Chen Fan frowned, feeling a little unhappy, but still stopped the car!

Only then did Lao Ma express his doubts!

"Lao Fan, can you help me, my brother is studying in this school!"

Chen Fan couldn't guess what Lao Ma wanted to express, so he quickly stood up, opened the door, and walked out of the car!

""Let's go, saving people is the most important thing, don't waste time, follow us, one more person means more strength!"

Chen Fan said!

Huang Ying glanced at the big dog on the car seat!

"Take it with you, don't lose it!"

Huang Ying grabbed the big dog and got out of the car in an instant!

The school security personnel were still so enthusiastic and walked out of the security room in person to greet Chen Fan and his party!

Of course, Chen Fan couldn't win their enthusiasm, so he went up and gave them a transcendent gift package!

Then he turned to Lao Ma and asked about his brother's physical characteristics, appearance, height and so on!

Lao Ma was too anxious and described it for a long time, which made a group of people stunned!

They only knew that Lao Ma said that his brother was a boy, and they didn't know any other information!

Everyone looked at each other, indicating that they didn't hear clearly what Lao Ma said!

In the end, Chen Fan stopped Lao Ma's meaningless description!

"Lao Ma, do you have your brother's clothes or jewelry or something like that?"

After hearing what Chen Fan said, he immediately remembered that there happened to be a school uniform of his brother in the box he packed. He accidentally took it away when he was collecting clothes before, and he hasn't returned it yet!

"Yes, it's in my box!"

Then Chen Fan took out Lao Ma's box from the space and handed it to Lao Ma!

Lao Ma immediately searched for it, and soon he took out the one from the box, his brother's exclusive school uniform!

"Lao Fan is this one!"

Chen Fan took the school uniform, slowly walked to the big dog, bent down, borrowed the rope tied to the big dog, and said!

"I know you have the intelligence to understand what I am saying!"

"So, I'll give you a chance. As long as you can help me find Lao Ma's brother, I'll let you live!"

The big dog was naturally very happy to hear that he could live, and nodded happily!

Seeing that the old dog agreed, Chen Fan handed the school uniform in his hand to the big dog's nose!

The big dog sniffed the smell on the school uniform, then shouted and ran quickly towards the teaching building!

Chen Fan reacted immediately!

"Quick, follow the big dog!"

Everyone quickly followed!

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