Director Zhang, who had changed his clothes, walked out of the room and said gratefully!

""Thank you so much, brother Chen Fan. I don't know how to repay you. So, if you need my help in the future, just ask me. I will never refuse!"

Chen Fan said with a smile!

"Brother Zhang, you are too polite!"

Then he took out the supplies for Director Zhang and prepared to say goodbye and leave!

"Brother Chen Fan, why don’t you sit for a while? I haven’t treated you well yet!"

"Brother Zhang, don't send me off. Jingjing will depend on you in the future. I have a few friends waiting for me to go back, so I won't bother you any more!"

Chen Fan said goodbye to Director Zhang! He set out on the journey back to school again!

The sky began to darken, and several zombie cats with green eyes flew back and forth between the woods. From time to time, a few strange birds made cackles! The whole road became very strange!

The scarlet eyes of the zombie prince Tao moved back and forth around the school. Wherever he went, several zombies died completely, and his breath was growing stronger. The zombie crystal core in his mind kept flickering!

It seemed to be undergoing some kind of transformation!

At a certain moment, the crystal core stopped flickering, and the breath of the zombie prince Tao broke through a layer of transparent restrictions and suddenly increased, revealing a hint of wisdom in his eyes!

""Chen Fan!"

He said vaguely!

This was a trace of memory he had recovered after the breakthrough!

Then he disappeared in the campus!

Chen Fan was driving at this time, rushing towards the campus quickly!

"We are finally going to school. I wonder how Shuang'er and the others have adapted to their abilities!"

At this moment, Ling Shuang'er and the other two collapsed to the ground again, without any strength left in their bodies!

"No wonder Chen Fan said that killing zombies is not easy. If you keep killing zombies like this, you will be exhausted to death!"

Ye Jingjing complained on the side!

She thought killing zombies was easy, but Chen Fan was just exaggerating. When she really felt it, she understood what Chen Fan said!

Lao Ma said angrily!

"Ye Jingjing, you still have the energy to speak, look at the person next to you, he has fallen asleep while sitting!"

Ye Jingjing then noticed that Ling Shuang'er next to her was lying on the seat and fell asleep!

Ye Jingjing was speechless and could only say one word lightly!


She really had no other words to describe it!

"I really miss the days with Lao Fan. He fights monsters while I lie down!"

Lao Ma said calmly!

However, he didn't know that the zombie Wang Zitao who happened to pass by the building revealed a hint of cruelty in his scarlet eyes!

"Chen Fan, I found you!"


"Lao Ma, can you be more promising? Even without Chen Fan, we can still hunt zombies!"

Ye Jingjing was dissatisfied and retorted!

"But with Chen Fan here, it will be easier for us to hunt zombies, not as tiring as it is now!"

After Lao Ma finished speaking, Ye Jingjing did not refute immediately!

Because she also knew that when Chen Fan was around, they could indeed feel safer!

Suddenly there was a noise outside the door, and before Lao Ma and the others could react, the figure of a zombie Wang Zitao appeared at the door. As for the door, it was already broken!

""Chen Fan, I found you!"

Zombie Prince Tao kept repeating this sentence. With his current wisdom, he seemed to be able to finish this sentence completely. It was like his obsession, deeply imprinted in his brain!

After a layer of smoke and dust, Lao Ma and Ye Jingjing finally saw the zombies in front of them clearly. In an instant, two supernatural powers illuminated the entire room!

"Chen Fan!"

Zombie Prince Tao had a special hatred for Chen Fan. Seeing the two people's abilities, a hint of excitement appeared in his scarlet eyes!

He swooped down and ran towards Ye Jingjing!

"Ye Jingjing, be careful!"

Laoma slashed with his sword vertically to stop the zombie that was attacking Ye Jingjing, but unfortunately, he overestimated his speed!

By the time Lao Ma reacted, Ye Jingjing had been hit by a palm from the zombie. She flew backwards in an instant and hit the wall, spitting blood. It was unknown whether she was dead or alive!

""Chen Fan!"

Zombie Prince Tao turned around again, looking at Lao Ma with scarlet eyes, and suddenly his hair stood on end. Countless thoughts of running away rang out in his mind!

He knew that the zombie in front of him was probably not at the same level as him, and he had no chance of winning!

However, he couldn't just give up his partner. He was not the kind of person who could do anything to survive, so he made up his mind!

"Come on, you ugly zombie!"

The fiery red sword was pointed in front of him!

Unfortunately, he didn't last a second before he followed in Ye Jingjing's footsteps. He fell straight against the wall. After landing, he vomited blood, his head sank, and he fainted!

Zombie Wang Zitao turned his head again and looked at Ling Shuang'er, who was lying on the bed and snoring. Just as he was about to take action, a knife light attacked from behind!

The zombie reacted quickly and dodged. His scarlet eyeballs turned and stayed on Huang Ying!

"Chen Fan, I found you!"

"Chen Fan? ?"

Huang Ying frowned slightly. It was the first time he saw a zombie that could talk, and then he spoke!

"I am not Chen Fan, you've got the wrong person!"

""Chen Fan, I found you!"

As soon as the words were spoken, the entire zombie rushed towards Huang Ying quickly!

The same palm attacked Huang Ying!

After all, Huang Ying had rich combat experience, and reacted quickly, dodging the zombie's attack by turning sideways!

There was a hint of surprise in the eyes of the zombie Wang Zitao. He didn't expect Huang Ying to be able to dodge his attack, unlike the two people who were knocked out by his palm before!

But after all, at this level, Huang Ying was able to dodge the first attack, but the zombie changed his palm into a claw, and a claw left several deep claw marks on Huang Ying's stomach!

At a glance, it seemed that the internal organs inside were All were injured, and blood flowed out of the wounds instantly!

The most primitive wildness of the zombies was stimulated, and the wisdom in their eyes was quickly suppressed, leaving only the bloodthirsty nature!

With a roar, he opened his bloody mouth, ready to bite off Huang Ying's neck!

At this critical moment, a silver-white spear passed through the mouth of the zombie Wang Zitao, taking away a few worthless teeth!

Inserted on the wall, and then Chen Fan's figure quickly appeared in front of the zombie Wang Zitao like a shadow!

Zombie Wang Zitao turned his head and stared at Chen Fan, and a trace of wisdom returned to his eyes!

"Chen Fan, I found you!"

"Looking for me?"

Chen Fan couldn't believe that there were still zombies thinking about him!

"Why are you looking for me? You can't ask for my autograph. The key is that you zombies don't like this stuff either!"

Zombie Wang Zitao said nothing more and quickly attacked Chen Fan!

Chen Fan dodged the attack and punched him. Zombie Wang Zitao was directly punched through a wall!

But he was not hurt. Chen Fan frowned!

"No, it's not a level 0 zombie, it should have evolved into a level 1 zombie!"What puzzled Chen Fan the most was that this zombie actually had a trace of intelligence. This was too abnormal!

"No matter how special it is, kill it first!"

He reached out and took out the Silver Dragon Spear that was stuck in the wall, and shot directly at the face!

Zombie Prince Tao seemed to have sensed the danger of Chen Fan, took a step back, turned around, quickly broke through the glass, and disappeared into the night!


Chen Fan had never expected that the zombie would run so decisively this time. It didn't look like a zombie at all, but more like a 'human'!

Chen Fan was shocked, thinking that he was overthinking it, and then he quickly treated his companions' injuries!

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