"Captain Long, you promised me that you would bring Ling Shuang'er back to me. Now you are going to go back on your word!"

Feng Tianxiao's unhappy voice came from the back seat! When

Captain Long heard this, his face looked a little ugly, and a trace of anger rose in his heart!

"If Feng Shao has the ability to defeat that guy, I can give you a 20% discount!"

Feng Tianxiao's face darkened when he heard this. He was not stupid. If he couldn't beat such a powerful person like Team Long, how could he defeat the other party!

At this time, Leng Yue'er stood up and pulled Feng Tianxiao's clothes. Feng Tianxiao also noticed Leng Yue'er's action and then spoke!

"Why, you know him!"

Leng Yue'er nodded and said!

""Well, Brother Feng, his name is Chen Fan, and he's my ex-boyfriend!"

Even the people watching were very surprised!

‘You have such a great ex-boyfriend, why do you still choose a rubbish like Feng Tianxiao? '

Hearing this news, Feng Tianxiao was a little surprised, and then said unhappily!

"Do you think I am not as good as him, or do you want to get back together with him!"

Seeing Feng Tianxiao misunderstood her, Leng Yue'er immediately explained!

"Brother Feng, you misunderstood me. I meant that he was not so powerful before. It was just two days ago that he became so powerful for some reason!"

Feng Tianxiao didn't quite understand what Leng Yue'er meant, so he asked!

"So, you have to help him now!"

Leng Yue'er shook her head!

""Brother Feng, I only like you, how could I help him? I just want to say that although he has become very powerful, we can still use other weapons to deal with him!"

After saying that, he did not forget to point at the gun on Captain Long's waist with his eyes!

Hearing Leng Yue'er say that she only likes him, Feng Tianxiao felt a little proud in his heart, and then looked at Leng Yue'er again, only to see Leng Yue'er's eyes constantly looking at Captain Long's butt, and a trace of anger rose in his heart again, and he slapped Leng Yue'er in the face!

"Leng Yue'er, what do you mean, you hooked up with other men in front of me, you bitch!"

Five finger marks appeared on her face on the spot. Leng Yue'er was very confused. When did she hook up with other men in front of him?

She didn't even know herself, and said with a wronged look on her face!

"Brother Feng, how could Yue'er hook up with other men!"

Feng Tianxiao snorted coldly, and then spoke!

"You didn't hook up with other men, so why do you keep staring at Captain Long's ass, you slut!"

Leng Yue'er felt even more wronged, tears welling up in her eyes! Seeing that Leng Yue'er didn't speak for a long time, Feng Tianxiao was even more certain that he had guessed right!

"You bitch, why are you silent? I guessed it right, so you are speechless!"

He was about to slap her again!

Finally, Leng Yue'er couldn't hold back her tears at this moment, and they flowed out of her eyes, crying!

"Brother Feng, I really only like you. I am looking at the gun on Captain Long's waist, not his ass. Yue'er is not a bitch!"

After saying this, she cried even more sadly. After hearing this, Feng Tianxiao finally reacted and realized what Leng Yue'er meant!

‘If you can't beat him, you can use a gun. Why didn't he react?

Then he quickly comforted Leng Yue'er who was crying beside him!

"Yue'er, how could Brother Feng bear to scold you? It was because Brother Feng was anxious and said the wrong thing. Please forgive Brother Feng, okay?"Hearing this, Leng Yue'er nodded heavily and said!

"I understand, Brother Feng, everything is for our future!"

Hearing this, Feng Tianxiao was suddenly touched!

"Don't worry, Yue'er, I will love you well!"

Then he glanced at the gun on Captain Long's waist and said confidently!

"Captain Long, you said it, don't go back on your word, I'm a very vindictive person!"

Then, before Captain Long could agree, he pulled out the pistol that Captain Long had on his waist and fired a few shots at Chen Fan. Everyone on the helicopter was startled, then they reacted and turned to look at Chen Fan!

Chen Fan had already sensed the bullets coming, and dodged them with a few quick steps. This action once again caused an uproar in the crowd!

‘What the hell, dodging bullets with body movements, is this something a human can do? '

Even Huang Ying, who was standing by, was speechless at this moment, and was completely conquered by Chen Fan's operation!

Chen Fan looked up, and a familiar face appeared in front of him, a name he would never forget until his death!

""Feng Tianxiao!"

Chen Fan said these words with gritted teeth!

A strong killing intent was released from his body, and the temperature within ten meters around him suddenly dropped a few degrees!

Everyone on the helicopter shivered unconsciously, and Feng Tianxiao was even more unbearable. His legs softened and he almost knelt down!

Leng Yue'er saw this and immediately supported Feng Tianxiao!

"Brother Feng, are you okay?"

Feng Tianxiao wiped the sweat off his forehead and spoke!

"I'm fine!"

But as soon as these words came out, he was obviously trembling, and the people around him could hear it. Even he himself realized that something was wrong, and his face looked a little ugly!

"Chen Fan, you are really looking for death. You actually embarrassed me like this!"

He looked at Chen Fan angrily. It would have been better if he hadn't looked at him. Once he looked at him, he felt even weaker. A murderous intent shot out from Chen Fan's eyes and went straight into Feng Tianxiao's mind. He felt like he was falling into an ice cave. His body, which had been hollowed out by alcohol and sex, could not withstand such damage. He fainted on the ground!

Seeing Feng Tianxiao faint, Leng Yue'er was even more angry!

‘Why does Chen Fan always go against her? Why can't she live well wherever Chen Fan is? It's all Chen Fan's fault. It's all Chen Fan's problem!

The more she thought about it, the angrier she got. She picked up the pistol from the helicopter!

"Since I can't kill you, I will kill Ling Shuang'er. No one can have what I can't get. Let's destroy it all!"

Leng Yue'er gave a perverted smile and pointed the gun at Ling Shuang'er lying on the ground!


A shot was fired, and the bullet flew towards Ling Shuang'er lying on the ground. Chen Fan, who was rushing towards the helicopter, didn't expect Leng Yue'er to be so crazy. He shot at Ling Shuang'er, and the bullet went straight through Ling Shuang'er's body. Blood slowly flowed out of the sack!

It dyed a large area red, and it also completely angered Chen Fan!

"Leng Yue'er, since you are looking for death, I will help you!"

After saying that, he quickly rushed towards Leng Yue'er!

Leng Yue'er finally reacted, sat down on the helicopter, looked at Chen Fan's murderous eyes, and quickly spoke!

"Start the helicopter quickly, go, get out of here quickly!"

As the helicopter moved faster and faster, the distance between the helicopter and the rooftop became farther and farther. The enemy who was so close in front of him suddenly began to disappear. Chen Fan began to hurry up, but unfortunately, no matter how he accelerated, he couldn't catch the helicopter. He could only watch the helicopter disappear in front of his eyes little by little!

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