Chen Fan finally arrived at the school after a two-hour drive. As soon as he entered the school gate, several pairs of eyes quickly swept over him, and then secretly hid. One of them secretly called Wang Ziwen and complimented her!

"Brother Wen, the person just returned to school. OK, we will continue monitoring!"

After hanging up the phone, he continued to monitor Chen Fan!

Chen Fan frowned. His five years of experience in the end times had already prepared him for such a look. If it was in his previous life, he would have taken out his weapons and prepared for battle. But now he couldn't figure out what was going on, but he had to be on guard!

He still observed the surroundings vigilantly, and then walked quickly towards the grove behind the school!

"Going to the back of the mountain, hurry up, keep up!"

As the speed increased, Chen Fan simply ran. He wanted to test how fast he was now. Not long after, he left the people following him far behind!

"Weird, how come Chen Fan is so fast today!"

Everyone was breathing heavily and running forward quickly, but after two seconds, they were left far behind by Chen Fan, and several people gradually lost sight of Chen Fan!

"Damn it, Brother Wen, what should I do!"

Wang Ziwen gritted her teeth, her heart sank!

"Keep chasing, don't let this kid get away!"

Seeing that there were fewer and fewer people around, Chen Fan slowed down, and finally found a place where no one was, stopped directly, leaned against a big tree, and waited quietly for their arrival!

Two and a half seconds later, Wang Ziwen slowly appeared in Chen Fan's field of vision with his four younger brothers!

Looking at Chen Fan, who was close at hand, leaning leisurely against the tree, holding a dogtail grass that he got from somewhere in his mouth, waiting for their arrival!

Wang Ziwen had a trace of doubt in his mind, and then reacted, sneering in his heart, boy, I finally caught up with you, and you dared to play tricks on me, today I will let you know what will happen if you provoke me!

"You are finally here, but you are too slow, like a snail. I have been waiting for half a day before you arrive!"

After hearing this, several people were angry. Some of them were already gritting their teeth and staring at Chen Fan!

Seeing their angry expressions, Chen Fan spoke lightly!

"Is there anything wrong? If so, go to the hospital immediately. It's not good to hold it in. It's okay. I'll leave first!"

After saying that, he was ready to walk towards the school dormitory building!

Wang Ziwen took the lead in stretching out her left hand and blocked Chen Fan's way!

A trace of doubt emerged in her mind. This kid usually looks timid, but why does he feel a little different today? Was he pretending before, or was he pretending to be calm?

"No matter whether you are pretending today or not, you can't leave now and you must pay the price for what you said!"

""This classmate, do we know each other?"

Chen Fan looked at the school's top figure with great interest. He was well-dressed and looked like a good student, but what he did was completely different from his attire!

"Brother Wen, why are you talking so much to him? You’ll know whether it’s a mule or a horse after you take it out for a walk!" said the younger brother behind him, he couldn’t help himself!

"Oh! You look so weak, you are out of breath after running a few steps. No matter if you are a horse or a mule, I think your kidneys are not in good condition. Take some medicine to replenish your body!"

"Damn it!"

After hearing this, the younger brother couldn't stand it anymore.

He clenched his fists, roared, and rushed towards Chen Fan! Wang Ziwen wanted to remind the younger brother to be gentle and not to cripple him with two punches. The younger brother, who was blinded by anger, didn't listen to such words and rushed forward!

A heavy straight punch hit the face, and the younger brothers around were also scared by this punch and broke into a cold sweat. This younger brother is a member of the Taekwondo Club in the school. His main skills are fast, accurate and ruthless. If he is hit by this punch, his nose will be broken!

Wang Ziwen also wanted to stop it, but it was too late. His original intention was to teach Chen Fan a lesson and then torture him slowly. Now this punch directly knocked Chen Fan down. , he couldn't torture Chen Fan anymore!

This punch broke through the layers of air and went straight to his face. After being transformed by the Chaos Pearl, all the senses of his body were strengthened to varying degrees!

This punch seemed very fast, but in his eyes, it was indeed quite slow. The fallen leaves and the traces of insects flying around him became so slow and clear at this moment. He only needed to twist his head slightly to the side to avoid the punch!

This feeling seemed to have directly evolved his physical strength to the peak strength of a first-level psychic. Chen Fan was delighted. He didn't expect his own strength to change so much!

Seeing Chen Fan dodge this attack, there was a burst of exclamations around him!

"He actually dodged it, how is this possible!"

You have to know that they are all gangsters in the school all year round. Their daily task is to beat up different people. So far, no one has been able to dodge this kind of attack. Although this kind of attack seems ordinary, it requires very high speed and explosive power!

Wang Ziwen also exclaimed. Don't look at his gentle appearance. He is a violent person in his heart. His family has made him learn Taekwondo since he was a child. He can see the doorway at a glance. If he lets himself take this punch, he will only be 50% sure. He tried hard to open his eyes and pinched himself hard!

This guy was shocked. Chen Fan was able to dodge it. Most of the time, he was lucky. Otherwise, it would be impossible to dodge it. Relax your mind and let the younger brother attack again!

The person involved also jumped his eyelids. He was actually dodged. Looking at the strange eyes of the brothers around him Light, in his heart, was even more ashamed and angry. He couldn't even deal with such a piece of trash, which made him lose face. The anger value in his heart had already reached the highest point. In a rage, he attacked again!

An uppercut was thrown. Under the increase of his anger value, this punch burst out with 120% of power and speed, which was faster and faster than the straight punch of the first attack!

But in Chen Fan's eyes, this attack was like a snail, very slow. After all, his current physical strength has reached the peak of the first-level superpowers, which is equivalent to the difference between a normal person and a snail. He only needs to move his fingers to easily crush it!

Looking at the slowly attacking fist, he just slowly stepped back two steps, just avoiding the attack, and Chen Fan's heart also rose a little angry, his face became cold!

"What, dodged again!"

Everyone exclaimed. Wang Ziwen's brain had short-circuited and even her breathing became a little heavy. Others didn't know, but he could see clearly that even for him, the chance of dodging was less than 10%, and he was so close, with almost a 100% chance of hitting. He was dodged. I'm afraid the person in front of him felt a tingling sensation on his back just thinking about it!

The younger brother dodged again and was about to continue attacking. This time, Chen Fan didn't give him a chance. Even a clay man would be angry, let alone him. Before the younger brother could react, a punch hit his chest, and a strong sense of suffocation swept over!

After Chen Fan slowly retracted his hand, the younger brother fell straight to the ground, his life or death unknown!

Chen Fan raised his head, and a chill swept around. The people who were swept by lowered their heads, not daring to look forward, and then turned their eyes to look at Wang Ziwen and spoke!

"Is there anything else? If not, I'll leave!"

The coldness spread from the soles of his feet to his whole body. His whole body was locked by Chen Fan's cold eyes, making him shiver uncontrollably!

"No, it's okay!"

He was already scared out of his wits, so how could he dare to say a word of"no"? The younger brothers around him wanted to stop him, but they were frightened by Chen Fan's look and quickly shut their mouths!

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