Chen Fan had a dream, a very long dream. He dreamed that he sank into the sea and kept sinking. As he sank deeper, the pressure increased. His hands and feet kept struggling but it was useless. As the pressure increased, breathing in his chest became difficult. As he continued to sink, a feeling of suffocation swept over his body! He suddenly woke up from the dream. When he opened his eyes again, a ray of dazzling sunlight shone in from the window. Chen Fan wanted to block it with his hands, but found that he had no strength at all. He looked down and found that he had been wrapped like a dumpling!

"Lao Fan, you finally woke up!"

Lao Ma, who was standing by, put down the game console immediately after seeing Chen Fan wake up, and said in surprise!

There was also a stranger standing by the window with his back to Chen Fan!

Seeing Chen Fan wake up, he slowly turned around and smiled at Chen Fan!

"Lao Fan, you scared me to death. I thought I would never see you again in this life!"

Then he hugged Chen Fan who had just woken up!

"Ah, that’s enough, that’s enough, I really can’t stand you, crying like a girl!"

"What's wrong with us girls?"

An unhappy voice came from the door. Turning around, two beautiful figures appeared in his sight!

They were Ling Shuang'er and Ye Jingjing!

"Humph, if I had known you hated girls so much, I wouldn't have come!"

Seeing this, Chen Fan quickly smiled sweetly!

"Oh, it's our goddess Ling Shuang'er, who came to see me, so I must welcome her. How could I possibly hate you? Who said that? Anyway, I like you very much!"

Hearing the word"like", Ling Shuang'er blushed and felt a little excited in her heart!

‘He said he liked me, did he mean he liked me? He confessed to me right away, so shy!

But he still acted angry, which was quite interesting!

"Humph, you are such a sweet talker. I heard it clearly just now. Don’t try to make excuses!"


Chen Fan quickly looked at Lao Ma with a look of help!

Meaning, you hurry up and say a few words!

Then Lao Ma lowered his head and continued to play the game, meaning that you solve it yourself, I have no way!

Chen Fan felt powerless and had to change the subject!

"Your dress is so pretty, it goes perfectly with your pants, so pretty!"


Hearing Chen Fan's praise, Ling Shuang'er was even happier. She wanted to continue listening to Chen Fan, but was interrupted by a stranger at the window!

"Hello, Chen Fan, my name is Zhang Dawei, I am the chief of the Fog City Police Department. I have a few questions for you. Would you mind answering them first?"

Hearing the title of the chief of Fog City, Chen Fan was startled. This person was Zhang Dawei. Chief Zhang was righteous and awe-inspiring. In his previous life, he killed countless zombies with a flaming knife. If he had not been swallowed by the zombies to cover the evacuation of the masses, I am afraid his strength would not be inferior to mine!

"Director Zhang is too polite. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. I will answer them all I know!"

Then Director Zhang glanced at a few people calmly, and Chen Fan understood what he meant!

"If you have nothing to do, go out and sit for a while. Director Zhang and I want to talk alone!"

Old Ma, Ling Shuang'er and the other three did not stay any longer. After all, the director was here, and there must be something they couldn't know. So the three of them left the room, leaving only Chen Fan and Director Zhang to negotiate alone!

Seeing the three people coming out of the room, Director Zhang didn't hesitate and spoke!

"You killed Wang Zitao!"


Chen Fan said calmly!

Director Zhang nodded and spoke again!

"That silver-white spear is yours, right?"

"be mine!"

"Then I confiscated it. You should know the law. This kind of thing is not allowed to be privately owned by individuals!"

Chen Fan was speechless, but he had nothing to say. It was indeed his fault for not following the rules. He took it, so he took it. At worst, he could take it back after the end of the world!

Then Director Zhang continued to ask!

"You have learned ancient martial arts, or you have made some achievements in it!"

He narrowed his eyes and looked at Chen Fan with a smile!

Seeing this, Chen Fan had to admit it silently. Otherwise, if he said he was a supernatural being, people might not believe him. It would be better to directly admit that he was an ancient martial artist, which would be more acceptable to people!

"Yes, I am an ancient warrior!"

Then Director Zhang smiled!

"It's no wonder you were able to survive. If it were an ordinary person, the injuries you suffered before being hunted down would have been enough to kill them!"

Then he patted Chen Fan's shoulder and continued!

"But your physique is really strong. Not only did you survive such a serious injury, you also escaped Wang Zitao's pursuit and killed him. You are very good!"

Then he took out a number that had been written long ago and put it on the table!

"If you are interested, you can call me or come to the police station to find me directly. Take good care of your injuries. I look forward to your joining!"

Then he left the hospital without looking back!

Good guy, Chen Fan thought he came here because of Wang Zitao's gathering to make trouble in the hospital, and was thinking about how to make it up. It turned out that he took a fancy to him and came to recruit him. I still admire Director Zhang's vision, which is really good!

Not long after Director Zhang left, Lao Ma quickly returned to the room again and spoke!

"Lao Fan, I hope this director is not making things difficult for you!"

"Don't worry, Lao Ma, he definitely doesn't know about our affairs!"

Lao Ma patted his chest and let out a breath!

"That's good!"

Chen Fan glanced at Lao Ma. This kid's IQ is really worrying. We are both grasshoppers on the same line. How can I sell you out!

Then he looked at the time. It was 1:30 in the afternoon. There were still six and a half hours before the mutation began!

Chen Fan suddenly spoke!

"Lao Ma, please help me with the discharge procedures, and let's go back to the dormitory!"

Lao Ma immediately became anxious when he heard this, and hurriedly said!

"Lao Fan, it's good to stay in the hospital, why go back to the dormitory, and the hospital is more suitable for recuperation!"

Chen Fan glanced at Lao Ma and said!

"Lao Ma, have you forgotten about the end of the world?"

Lao Ma's mind turned, and he suddenly remembered something terrible!

"Lao Fan, are you telling the truth? Calculate the time. It’s eight o’clock tonight, and there are less than six and a half hours left!"

Lao Ma was immediately shocked!

"Lao Ma, did I lie to you? Didn't you notice that people around you are coughing more severely when you went out today?"

Lao Ma thought about it and realized that it was indeed the case. The news at the time said that it was a normal cold and that it would be fine after taking some medicine, but he did find that the cough had not disappeared, but was getting worse!

"Lao Fan, you mean that all those people who cough will mutate!"

"Yes, not only humans, but also animals and plants will mutate. Well, no more words, hurry up and go through the discharge procedures, go back to the dormitory and prepare for mutation!"

Hearing Chen Fan's words, Lao Ma immediately realized the seriousness of the problem, and as soon as he finished speaking, he ran to go through the discharge procedures!

""Okay, I'll go right away!"

In this way, Lao Ma brought the human-shaped mummy Chen Fan back to the dormitory. Looking at the dormitory full of food, Chen Fan gave Lao Ma a big thumbs up. There were so many supplies, enough for them to weigh for three months!

"Not bad, Lao Ma, the food is well prepared!"

Then Chen Fan stuffed everything into the space of his Chaos Pearl, and then took out his mobile phone to send a message to his parents, Ling Shuang'er!

Probably to let them pay attention to the changes of the people around them and protect their own safety!

Time soon came to six o'clock in the afternoon!

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