He opened the window and saw many people heading towards the hospital building, many with guns on their bodies. The leader was Brother Dao, whom he had let go before!

His heart skipped a beat and his face darkened!

Damn, they really came to find him. Looking at this situation, Wang Zitao was ready to fight to the death. He quickly closed the window, put on his clothes quickly, and began to analyze how he should escape from the hospital!

‘I can't go to the first floor. There must be someone guarding the elevator entrance and the corridor. They can easily find my ward. There are also people guarding the second floor. Now my only hope is the public toilet on the third floor. The window there can just escape from the back of the building. As long as I leave the hospital building, I have hope of escaping! '

After thinking about it, I quickly started to act!

On Wang Zitao's side, Brother Dao kept arranging people to control the people in the hospital. The main door, the staircase, and the back door had already been locked by him!

Wang Zitao took five or six people into the elevator and soon reached the third floor and headed towards Room 316. It happened that Chen Fan had left the room and was running towards the toilet!

"Chen Fan!"

A sharp-eyed younger brother saw Chen Fan at a glance, and Wang Zitao immediately reacted and quickly chased after Chen Fan, and the others behind him quickly followed!

""Chen Fan, you can't run away, today is your death day!"

Wang Zitao shouted from behind!

Chen Fan reacted when he heard the voice, his body shuddered, and his speed increased again, but this time his injury was too serious. As long as he exerted force, his body would feel a tearing pain. Now the scarred skin on his body began to ooze blood again!

Chen Fan gritted his teeth and tried to run towards the toilet. Seeing that there were still three rooms ahead, his speed increased again!

Wang Zitao saw that Chen Fan was about to escape, and he was anxious. Thinking of being forced to this point by Chen Fan, he couldn't help but get angry in his mind. He quickly pulled out the gun on his body and shot Chen Fan with biu biu biu!

The bullets flew quickly in the direction of Chen Fan. Chen Fan narrowly avoided several bullets, but was still hit in his thigh one by one, and another burst of blood gushed out!

Cold sweat suddenly broke out on his forehead, and a trace of pain appeared on his face. The sense of crisis in his heart became stronger. A familiar feeling of death enveloped his whole body, and he gritted his teeth!

‘Damn it, Wang Zitao is really looking for death. If he hadn't been seriously injured, how could he have been hit! '

The frustration in his heart was wrapped in anger, and his legs burst out with power again, which increased his body speed by a few points. As for the injuries on his body, he no longer had the energy to take care of them, and could only let the wounds be torn apart!!

"Don't let him escape, shoot him!"

After hearing this, several people quickly raised their guns, and there was another round of gunfire!

Countless bullets flew towards Chen Fan. Just when the bullets were about to touch Chen Fan's body, Chen Fan finally rolled over and hid in the toilet. The breath of death that enveloped Chen Fan was instantly reduced a lot, but it did not dissipate!

Chen Fan knew that it was not the time to relax yet, so he ran to the window quickly, opened the window, and jumped down quickly without hesitation at the distance of three floors. Dog life is important!

Wang Zitao saw Chen Fan hiding in the toilet, called his men, and ran quickly towards the toilet. When he reached the toilet, he saw that the window was wide open and no one was there. He was angry and shot at the pit of the toilet!

A patient hiding in the toilet was shot into a sieve by bullets before he had time to react. Blood slowly flowed from the ground. The whole person was already dead and could not die anymore!

He pushed the door open, and it was not Chen Fan!

""Go downstairs and chase him. We must kill him tonight!"

An alarm sounded, and the police finally came to the hospital at this moment. The hospital was quickly surrounded by the army. At the same time, many snipers were standing in the dark, ready to kill with one shot!

Seeing this, Wang Zitao frowned, glanced at the window, and jumped down with a fierce heart. He knew that this was his last chance. If he still couldn't kill Chen Fan, he would have no chance!

Turning on the flashlight, there was a mountain behind the hospital, with dense trees everywhere. It was pitch black at a glance. Even with a flashlight, he could only see less than ten meters away!

He took a look at his fractured right foot. Yes, it was on the third floor after all. At this distance, ordinary people could not see clearly. The man jumped down. This minor injury was considered good luck. He was angry and dragged his injured body, limping towards the woods!

He didn't believe that Chen Fan could run far with such a serious injury.

Indeed, Chen Fan jumped from the third floor.

His body, which had not recovered much, was already fragile.

He was also shocked.

A mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth, and the wound on his thigh had already been bleeding.

The blood dripped down his leg to the ground.

His face was pale.

If it weren't for his stronger body than ordinary people and more abundant blood, I'm afraid he would have no ability to move at all!

Now he only felt a sense of fatigue bursting out of his body. , he had no strength left, and a feeling of sleepiness came over him!

He was startled and bit his lip quickly. The pain made him realize that he couldn't fall down yet. He stood up crookedly and walked towards the woods in the distance!

The blood from his legs kept dripping on the ground along the way, but Chen Fan had no energy to manage it. He had only one thought in his mind, which was to survive. As Chen Fan got closer and closer to the woods, he gradually disappeared into the woods!

Wang Zitao seemed to have discovered something. He looked down and saw that a lot of blood flowing out of Chen Fan's body just pointed the way for him. Following the direction of the blood, he also disappeared into the woods!

Chen Fan, who entered the woods, felt that he was very... His head was getting heavier and heavier, and he tried to shake his head. He must not fall down now, otherwise he would not be able to get up. Then he finally found a pit before his body reached its limit. If Chen Fan had not observed the surroundings while walking, he would have overlooked this pit!

His head was getting heavier and heavier, and his body was about to reach its limit. He quickly wiped the blood on the ground with his feet, and then quickly hid in the pit. He felt his body was abnormally cold, and he couldn't help shivering!

Then Wang Zitao, who was holding a flashlight, also limped to this position. Looking at the blood that suddenly disappeared on the ground, he frowned slightly. After thinking for half a second, his brows opened!

"It seems that Chen Fan's physical strength has been exhausted, and he should be hiding around here!"

""Chen Fan, you can't run away. Today is the day you die. I saw you myself!"

Wang Zitao showed a cruel smile and fired several shots in all directions, trying to force Chen Fan out!

Bullets flew by, but there was no response. The surroundings were even terribly quiet. Then he shone the flashlight behind the trees. His intuition told him that Chen Fan must be around, as his footsteps kept approaching!

At this moment, Chen Fan bit his tongue, his brain cleared up in an instant, and blood flowed out of his mouth. He couldn't care less because this was his life and death moment!

Sure enough, in the next second, Wang Zitao had already found the pit, and there was blood around it. Chen Fan was determined to... He stood there, slowed down his pace, and held the gun tightly with both hands. At this moment, he held his breath and walked towards Chen Fan quietly!

His footsteps were very light, and the distance was getting closer and closer.

The heartbeats of both of them couldn't help but speed up a bit at this moment.

As Wang Zitao approached, Chen Fan's face was calm.

He knew that he had to stay calm at this time.

A silver-white spear appeared in his hand.

A murderous intent was suppressed in his body, and the blood flow accelerated.

The spirit recovered to the peak at this moment.

There was only one chance.

He held the Silver Dragon Spear tightly with both hands!

Suddenly, Wang Zitao appeared above Chen Fan's head, and Chen Fan saw him!

"Go to hell, Chen Fan!"

With a gunshot, the bullet penetrated the body, and similarly, the spear penetrated Wang Zitao's body. Both of them fell to the ground, but Chen Fan suddenly woke up, gasping for breath!

Wang Zitao, who fell to the ground, stared with his eyes wide open, unwilling to leave the world!

Chen Fan just showed a smile on his face, because of too much blood loss in his body, and his body was penetrated by a bullet, a feeling of dizziness hit his brain, he closed his eyes heavily, and fainted!

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