"Stop him quickly, don't let him come over!"

Wang Ziwen was already frightened when she saw Chen Fan rushing towards her, and rushed towards the bodyguard next to her in a panic!

""Do you think these ugly guys can stop me?"

Chen Fan said sarcastically!

The bodyguards who looked very strong were knocked to the ground by Chen Fan before they could last a round. The remaining three bodyguards were knocked to the ground one by one by Chen Fan before they could make a move. Now, all the people who were still able to fight in the room had been dealt with by Chen Fan!

Chen Fan came to Wang Ziwen!

"I give you two choices, cooperate with me or die!"

Wang Ziwen faced Chen Fan's cold gaze, and was so frightened that cold sweats broke out on her head. Her legs softened, and her whole body fell straight to the ground, collapsing on the ground. She could not even muster the strength to resist, and said tremblingly!

"I want to live, I will cooperate!"

Chen Fan walked up to Wang Ziwen, patted his shoulder, and said calmly!

"If you want to survive, it depends on whether you cooperate enough and are sincere!"

"I will definitely cooperate. If you want me to do anything, just tell me!"

Wang Ziwen said hurriedly, fearing that Chen Fan would go back on his word. She was extremely anxious, and her fingers in her pocket sped up a bit!

Just when there were only a few words left to send out!

Chen Fan exerted force with his right hand, and his entire arm made a cracking sound. Then, Wang Ziwen's entire right arm lost consciousness!

A piercing pain swept over her. Wang Ziwen hugged her arm, her whole body curled up, her face was hideous, sweat kept pouring out of her forehead like raindrops, and she let out a heart-wrenching scream!

"Chen Fan, you devil, you will die a miserable death!"

Chen Fan slowly took out the phone from Wang Ziwen's pocket and saw the edited content on it!

"It seems that you are not sincere, so I can only send you on your way!"

Wang Ziwen was completely panicked after hearing this. He wanted to secretly send a message to his brother, but now he was discovered. He regretted it so much. If he had known earlier, he would not have sent the message and might still be alive. Now he has completely lost hope and is as hopeless as a dead man!

"However, since we are classmates, I can give you one last chance. It depends on whether you can grasp it!"

At this moment, Chen Fan's voice was like the sound of nature. It entered Wang Ziwen's ears. He seemed to see the hope of survival again. He immediately grabbed Chen Fan's feet and said anxiously!

"I will cooperate. I will not play tricks this time. Please, let me live!"

After all, he is still so young and has a lot of time to waste. How could he give up the hope of living?

"Oh, are you sure? This is the only chance. You must seize it. Otherwise,"

A murderous intent flowed from Chen Fan's eyes. In front of Wang Ziwen's eyes, the scene of piled corpses appeared again. His heart couldn't help but beat. At this moment, he was like entering a Shura field. The next second, his head was separated from his body!

When he came to his senses, his clothes were already wet with sweat. At this moment, he felt that death was only a layer of glass away from him. As long as he had a thought, he would die here!

"I will definitely cooperate and never dare to play tricks again!"

Seeing this, Chen Fan nodded, knowing that Wang Ziwen would never dare to do it again, and then he looked around, only to see a naked woman holding a piece of clothing in her hand, covering her important parts, trembling in the corner!

Seeing Chen Fan turned his head and looked at him, he was even more scared and quickly spoke!

"Don't kill me, I can do anything you want me to do!"

As he was about to put down the clothes covering his body, Chen Fan quickly turned his head away. It was not for any other reason. Although Chen Fan did not think he was a good person, he was not that bad!

He turned his head and looked at the injured man. At this time, he had stood up and ignored Chen Fan. Instead, he slowly walked towards the girl and spoke calmly!

""Wenwen, tell me, is what he said true? Have you really been kept by him?"

The woman named Wenwen did not speak, but lowered her head silently!

Seeing this, the man felt relieved. At this moment, he laughed, and laughed heartbreakingly. Chen Fan knew it!

Another warrior who charged for love fell on this so-called"love" road!

Chen Fan shook his head and ignored it. Instead, he grabbed Wang Ziwen and walked slowly to the door. He needed Wang Ziwen to take him to find his brother, Wang Zitao!

Lao Ma was relieved when he saw Chen Fan coming out of the house. As for the escaped Wu Qiang, he didn't care at all!

Lao Ma saw Wang Ziwen being held by Chen Fan with one hand, looked at her, and spoke!

"This is Wang Ziwen, she looks skinny and has no fighting power, but I think I can beat him!"

Chen Fan complained in his heart after hearing this!

‘It's confirmed, not only is this kid's fighting ability all in his mouth, but his IQ is also starting to decline, all in his mouth! '

Then he started to explain!

"Wang Ziwen's strength is not his fighting ability, but the power behind him is so strong that no one dares to provoke him!"

Old Ma nodded as if he understood, and stopped asking!

Chen Fan looked down at Wang Ziwen and said!

"Take us to find your brother, Wang Zitao!"

Wang Ziwen was stunned. Looking for my brother, isn't that like a sheep walking into a tiger's mouth? He had originally planned to send a message to tell his brother, but now he was directly asked to take him to find his brother. Happiness really came too suddenly!

""Okay, okay!"

He said tremblingly with a frightened expression!

Then he began to think about how to torture Chen Fan after being captured alive by his brother!

The three of them got in the car, and then Wang Ziwen gave the driver an address. The car started and headed for the destination! The car drove very fast. In about forty minutes, they arrived at the destination. This was a high-end hotel. As soon as the car stopped, a security guard came to open the door. Looking again, the big words"Jinghai Hotel" appeared in front of them!

"Jinghai Hotel!"

Chen Fan muttered the name silently. Isn't this a famous hotel in Jinghai? This should be a branch, but looking at this branch, it can probably be ranked among the top in Fog City! This is also the first time Chen Fan has come to this kind of hotel. He didn't expect Wang Zitao's power to be so strong. I'm afraid Wang Zitao is not as simple as he imagined!

The three got out of the car, and immediately a security guard led them into the hotel!

"Brother Wen, these are your friends. What kind of services do you need to arrange for them?"

The security guard said to Wang Ziwen flatteringly. He was used to it. Every time Wang Ziwen brought people here, it was to prepare for some special projects!

Wang Ziwen saw that he was back to his own territory and was about to have someone catch Chen Fan and the other two. But when he thought of these guys in front of him, he was afraid that he didn't have the ability to do so. He could only tell them to ask his brother to deal with Chen Fan and the other two! Wang

Ziwen cleared his throat and spoke!

"Is my brother in the office? They are here to look for my brother!"

Looking for Mr. Finance, the security guard frowned, glanced at Chen Fan and the others, then understood and spoke!

"Mr. Treasurer is waiting for you in his office!"

"Okay, go ahead and do your work, I'll take them to find my brother!"

Then the security guard disappeared from their sight and took out a walkie-talkie in the corner!

"The troublemakers are here, heading to the Finance Minister's office!"

As this order was issued, many people ran towards the office!

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