After giving Song Xianer a dragon colt and some real dragon blood, Gu Liangyuan left Qianqiu's courtyard.

The system has always stipulated that the same item cannot be returned twice, so no reward was triggered this time.

After Gu Liangyuan left, Qianqiu and Song Xianer looked at each other from afar, quite tit for tat.

Qianqiu looked at Song Xian'er: "Junior sister has been here early and late, but she appears at this time. What a coincidence."

Song Xianer pretended to be puzzled: "What did Senior Sister say? I helped Senior Sister protect the Dharma. Could it be that I was wrong?"

Qianqiu just wanted to gain Gu Liangyuan's love, but Song Xianer wanted more.

She is in a big family and knows that there is no shortage of women around good men.

For example, she herself and three girls.

Therefore, her concept of future Taoist couples has always been that it is best if the two of them can be alone. If not, she can accept it as long as she is the bigger one.

She could see Qianqiu's thoughts through what happened at the inn that day.

Although she can accept sharing, she doesn't want Qianqiu to get ahead of her.

Seeing Song Xian'er's attitude, Qianqiu frowned slightly, and she didn't know what she thought of, but then she relaxed:

"Let's not talk about this anymore, Junior Sister Xian'er, how are you and your Young Master Zhang Yang doing?"


When Qianqiu mentioned this name, her expression instantly turned ugly.

Yes, no wonder Master is not as doting on me as he is on Qianqiu.

After all, I once rejected the master because of my publicity.

Although this is because I have no awakened memory, if I think about it in another person's shoes, if I were Master, I would definitely feel uncomfortable.

Moreover, since I awakened my memory, I have always thought about things in the same way as in my previous life.

He accepted the rewards from the master with peace of mind, but he never thought about how difficult it would be to obtain these rewards even if he was the uncle of the Holy Land Master and with the master's late Nascent Soul cultivation.

Qianqiu, on the other hand, does his best to repay.

Even if it is to help Master relax his muscles and bones, it is still showing something.

What I did was ultimately not as good as Qianqiu.

Seeing Song Xianer's expression, Qianqiu smiled proudly, turned around and entered the room:

"I won't send Junior Sister off."

Deep down in her heart, she had no hostility towards Song Xianer, a junior sister.

The behavior between the two of them is more like a pair of sisters competing for the favor of their parents.

Gu Liangyuan didn't know about the conversation between the two in the courtyard. At this time, he had already arrived near the courtyard where Mo Chen lived.

Before entering the courtyard, I saw that the courtyard was enveloped by a thick Tao Yun.

Is this, enlightenment again?

"System, the supreme understanding you gave me is fake, isn't it? How come Mo Chen's unprecedented understanding is easier to achieve than me?"

"Ding, Mo Chen often enlightens, but the gains from each enlightenment are limited. Although the host is not as good as Mo Chen in terms of frequency, the quality is not comparable to Mo Chen."

Gu Liangyuan thought about it carefully, it seemed like this.

Four times of enlightenment, the first time Feng awakened to a god-given body, the second time he realized great supernatural powers in a dream, and the third time he realized the forbidden method.

It was the fourth time he was forcibly infected by Mo Chen, and what he realized was ordinary.

"System, I wrongly blamed you, please give me a thumbs up."

The system did not reply.

The system owned by Gu Liangyuan is not that anthropomorphic, and all it has is a simple question and answer function.

After waiting for a moment, the Tao Yun in the courtyard dissipated, and then Gu Liangyuan stepped into the courtyard.

At this moment, Mo Chen was seen sitting cross-legged in the courtyard, his whole body shining brightly, and his cultivation had reached the eighth level of Qi Refining!

Sensing Gu Liangyuan's arrival, Mo Chen quickly stood up and greeted:

"Master, you are here."

"Today I realize it again."

"Well, I understand."

"What did you realize?"

"Understood the path after foundation building!"

"Oh? Tell me."

As soon as he mentioned cultivation, Mo Chen immediately entered a serious state, his eyes were bright, and he looked at the bright sun in the sky:

"When the five qi in your chest are complete, you can build the foundation!"

"It's called Foundation Establishment, but in fact it's just a mortal method that has reached another level that is the same as Foundation Establishment. I'm too lazy to name him, so let's call him Foundation Establishment."

"The human body has five internal elements, heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys."

"There are also five outer elements, head, feet, trunk, upper limbs, and lower limbs."

"After building the foundation, cultivate the five external elements, and integrate the internal and external elements, you will be in the Golden Elixir realm!"

"It is said to be in the golden elixir realm, but there is no golden elixir in the body, and there is no Nascent Soul."

"Although I haven't fully figured out the way forward, according to my estimation, you can directly cultivate Yuanshen without having to achieve Nascent Soul."

"It's just how it goes, I have to wait until I reach that level to get a glimpse of the mystery."

Gu Liangyuan listened to Mo Chen's words and nodded gently:

"Isn't the sun dazzling to you?"


"Then you still watch?"

"Master, don't you think I'm handsome like this?"

Gu Liangyuan went up and his head went crazy:

"There are two types of people I hate the most in my life."

Mo Chen covered his head: "Which two?"

"One is to pretend to be X in front of me."

"What about the other one?"

"Don't look at me pretending to be X."

Mo Chen: "So Master, don't you think that I have obtained your true inheritance?"

Gu Liangyuan:......

After fighting for a while, Gu Liangyuan encouraged Mo Chen a few more words, left the dragon colt and the true dragon's blood, left his courtyard, and began to patrol Wangqing Peak.

With Gu Liangyuan's current cultivation methods, no one can see him as long as he doesn't want to.

Even if the three masters are refining the void, they are no exception.

At this time, Wangqing Peak has long lost the desolate scene it once was.

Those dilapidated halls have been renovated and have been given a new look.

In the past, on the deserted mountain roads, inner disciples could occasionally be seen on their way.

Not long after walking, Gu Liangyuan arrived outside a large hall.

Above the main hall, I saw three big characters written with flying dragons and phoenixes: "Mission Hall"

Entering the hall, everything was empty. There were three or five disciples surrounding a wall in the center of the hall, watching something.

Gu Liangyuan took a closer look and saw a list posted on the wall. There were dozens of disciple tasks on the list.

Simply, if you help an elder run errands or grow herbs, the rewards you get are average.

Complicated tasks include going out to help the sect deal with traitors, or helping other subordinate sects deal with invading enemies. The rewards for these tasks are often very generous.

What surprised Gu Liangyuan was that there were tasks such as going to nearby cities to manage alchemy workshops and stalls.

Obviously, these shops are assets developed by Song Rentou for Wangqing Peak.

Only in this way will there be a virtuous cycle and we will not be left with nothing.

"Not bad."

Gu Liangyuan recognized Song Rentou's ability to do things.

It not only solves the problem of Wangqing Peak's operation, but also allows inner disciples to obtain additional training resources in addition to monthly salary.

The most important thing is that while completing the task, they also increase their strength and experience, which is a win-win situation.

When he builds the Enlightenment Tower again and solves their lack of magical power, the overall strength of Wangqing Peak will definitely increase rapidly.

It won't be long before he can tie up with the other seven peaks.

"Speaking of which, Qianqiu and the others have been working behind closed doors. I don't know whether it's good or bad. Do you want to let them have some proper experience?"

Gu Liangyuan thought this way, and the system prompt suddenly sounded:

"Ding, I noticed that the host is moving, and the system task has been issued:"

Mission name: First experience of traveling in the world

Mission content: Let all your disciples complete a sect mission.

Mission reward: One Mahayana experience card (ten minutes)

"Does the host accept it?"

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