At The Beginning, The Holy Land Master Is The Uncle, And The Empress Is A Disciple And A Slave.

Chapter 66 Has The News That I Cured The Dog-Licking Disease Spread To Zhongzhou?

The best spiritual stone mine?

Not only Gu Liangyuan, but also Li Xingyi, who was in danger, was surprised by this.

Naturally, spiritual stones are not created out of thin air. They are buried deep underground or hidden in mountains. They are the product of the gathering of spiritual energy over thousands of years.

The top-grade spiritual stone mine, as the name suggests, is a mine that can produce top-grade spiritual stones.

There are only four such mines in the entire Dongzhou, each controlled by the four holy places.

For a brothel girl, three top-quality spiritual stone mines were thrown out.

Boy, you are invincible!

Lin Shuang's words continued:

"In order to make that enchantress smile, my son even sold the clan-suppressing fairy weapon from my Jun family."

"I also stole three volumes of the Nine Transformations Mysterious Technique."

"I don't know how much of the rest of the industrial treasures have been wasted."

"I only know that when we took inventory of our family property last year, the entire family's property was reduced by one-fifth."


There was a gasp!

This time it's not because of Jun Aozhi's prodigality, but because of the Jun family's heritage!

So hoho, it has only shrunk by one-fifth!

How rich the Jun family is!

Gu Liangyuan was still proud of his wealth before, but now it seems that he is too small.

The layout is smaller!

When will I reach this point in Wangqing Peak?

When the time comes, a group of disciples, relying on these resources, will make a breakthrough today, and they will make a breakthrough tomorrow, and they will become immortals in a short time.

Similar to everyone's reaction, Lin Shuang has seen too much and has already adapted to it.

Then looking at the disciples in the distance, Lin Shuang said to Gu Liangyuan:

"It seems that fellow Taoist still has something to do, so I won't delay here."

"I will have a detailed discussion with you after you return to Wangqing Peak."


After saying that, without waiting for Gu Liangyuan's reply, the figure disappeared.

It comes in a hurry like the wind and goes away gently like the rain.

From his behavior, it can be seen that Lin Shuang must be a vigorous and resolute person on weekdays.

Gu Liangyuan understood that Jun Aozhi was also a big licker.

The reason why Lin Shuang wanted him to become his teacher was to help him get rid of his dog-licking addiction.

The news that I specialize in dog licking has spread to Central Continent?

In the past, I would find disciples by myself, but now disciples come to me on their own initiative.

What a good sign.

After watching Lin Shuang leave, Gu Liangyuan turned his attention to Zhang Yang, who was still in shock.

According to Zhang Yang's attribute of interdependent blessings and misfortunes, there must be a chance to suffer such a disaster.

After careful observation, he found a silk handkerchief not far behind Zhang Yang.

Obviously, Lin Shuang accidentally dropped this silk handkerchief while taking action.

I think this silk handkerchief is the opportunity.

It's just that this opportunity is obviously different from the previous opportunities.

It seems that this silk handkerchief is just an introduction, and the opportunity is obviously behind.

Gu Liangyuan thought and put away the silk handkerchief.

Regardless of whether he can trigger the hidden opportunity behind this silk handkerchief, he just wants to prevent Zhang Yang from getting it.

Looking at the shocked outer disciples in the distance, Gu Liangyuan said to a void:

"Old Li, go and take a look at these outer disciples for me, and help me find some spiritual beast cubs with good qualifications."

As Gu Liangyuan's words fell to the ground, the void twisted, and Li Daoyou's figure appeared:


Li Xingyi looked at Li Daoyou, then at Wu Jiangtao, and finally focused on Gu Liangyuan.

Just live, who can live longer than you!

You really cherish your life!

Just go out and do an elder mission, and bring two bodyguards who are at the peak of Xu Refining with you?

Li Xingyi was still reflecting on his failure before, thinking that if he had been more careful and brought a powerful helper, the outcome would not be the same as it is now.

Now it seems that Gu Liangyuan can escape even if Ditian takes action himself, let alone leading experts.

After arranging all this, Gu Liangyuan looked at Li Xingyi.

Before he could speak, Li Xingyi snorted coldly and turned away:

"Kill me, I won't reveal any information to you."

Gu Liangyuan was thoughtful:

"You said you wouldn't reveal the news to me, which means you didn't come by yourself, but someone sent you to kill me."

Li Xingyi was slightly startled.

Hmm? Seeing Li Xingyi's expression, Gu Liangyuan knew that he had guessed right. He continued: "Let me guess again." "Since the person behind him doesn't want me to know his identity, it means he is afraid of something." "In addition to my talent, what he is afraid of is the Supreme Holy Land behind me." "And since someone like you is willing to die for him, it means that his identity must be extraordinary." "It is very likely that he is the leader of a big force." "I, Gu Liangyuan, don't make enemies with others on weekdays, and even if I do, my enemies have all been crushed to ashes." "Taiyi Holy Land - Emperor Tian!" After saying that, Gu Liangyuan looked at Li Xingyi with a smile. This made Li Xingyi a little bit uncomfortable. No, I didn't leak any information, so he guessed it now? Wu Jiangtao listened to Gu Liangyuan's analysis and felt a little nervous. It's impossible. When I killed Di Yun, I did it very cleanly. How could he find out here? Seeing Wu Jiangtao's questioning look, Gu Liangyuan shook his head slightly.

Then he reached out and took out a chessboard and placed it on the bluestone not far away.

Looking at Li Xingyi, who looked dejected, Gu Liangyuan said calmly:

"I'll bet you a game of chess. If I win, you will enter my Wangqing Peak and be granted the position of the Supreme Elder."

Betting on chess?

Li Xingyi's spirit and energy returned immediately:

"What if you lose?"

"If I lose, you can leave."

"A gentleman's word?"

"A horse cannot be taken back!"


Li Xingyi didn't expect that he could survive from a desperate situation!

I have no confidence in other things, but for the way of chess...

In Dongzhou, I am invincible!

Li Xingyi played black and Gu Liangyuan played white, and the two began to fight on the bluestone.

Two and a half hours later, Li Xingyi's forehead was covered with cold sweat.

The hands holding the chess pieces were trembling slightly.

I have an enemy in Dongzhou...

In Gu Liangyuan's chess path, he saw the shadows of countless ancient sages.

The chess path he was proud of was like a goldfish seeing a real dragon, or a candlelight seeing the sun in front of Gu Liangyuan!

The two were not on the same level at all!

Looking at Gu Liangyuan, who looked calm and composed, Li Xingyi smiled sadly and dropped the chess piece in his hand where it was doomed:

"I lost."

Gu Liangyuan pointed his finger, and a small part of the ancient chess scripture was sent to Li Xingyi's mind:

"Come back to Wangqing Peak with me, I look forward to the day when you beat me."

Li Xingyi felt the huge information in his mind, and his dim eyes gradually became bright.

All the confusions in the past on the chess path were suddenly clear at this moment!

For someone who loves chess as his life, this is a supreme treasure!

If the scene was not suitable, he would have sat cross-legged and comprehended it carefully.

Looking at Gu Liangyuan, he felt as if he was looking up at a giant on the chess path.

At this point, he was convinced and bowed solemnly:

"You win."

"From now on, there will be no Li Xingyi from Taiyi Holy Land in the world, only the elder of Wangqing Peak, the chess maniac."

"Chess maniac, meet the peak master!"

What he lost to Gu Liangyuan was chess skills, and what Gu Liangyuan won him was his heart!

Gu Liangyuan laughed and stepped forward to help the chess maniac up:

"No need to be polite."

"Old Wu, remove the restrictions on him."

Although Wu Jiangtao felt that something was wrong, he still lifted the seal on him at Gu Liangyuan's request.

To his surprise, the chess maniac who had the seal lifted really had no intention of running away.

He couldn't help but sigh in his heart. In the world of cultivation where everyone is treacherous, people like the chess maniac who are willing to accept defeat are really rare.

Becoming one of his own, Gu Liangyuan also learned from the chess maniac why Di Tian could find him.

Liu Ruyan...


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