Song Xian'er also felt Gu Liangyuan's good intentions, and with a touched look on her face, she accepted them one by one.

"Ding, the host bestowed the lower-grade spiritual treasure Blood Spine Sword, triggering a ten thousand times return, return reward: Nine Killing Sword"

Name: Nine Killing Sword

Level: Top-grade immortal weapon

Function: The evil spirit of heaven and earth condenses into shape, the sword is stored in the dantian, and it will kill people when it is unsheathed!

It contains nine killing bans, which need to be constantly nurtured to break the ban.

Breaking the first ban, the power is comparable to the heavenly magic weapon.

Breaking the second one is comparable to the lower-grade spiritual treasure.

Breaking the third one is comparable to the middle-grade spiritual treasure, and so on. Every time a ban is broken, the power will be increased by one point. Only when all nine bans are lifted can the full power of the top-grade immortal weapon be exerted!

It appeared, ten thousand times return!

Looking at the introduction of the Nine Killing Sword, Gu Liangyuan's heart was very excited!

This Nine Killing Sword is simply too suitable for him.

Gu Liangyuan has heard of immortal weapons.

Although it is extremely powerful, not everyone can use it.

It is said that only the mana of a great person in the Tribulation Period can barely use it.

If there is no restriction, the reward is directly a top-grade immortal weapon. Even if I have the intention, the mana in my body cannot support the activation.

I just don’t know if this restriction is easy to refine...

Gu Liangyuan was thinking wildly, and the system’s prompts continued:

“Ding, the host bestowed three heavenly flying swords, triggering a five thousand times return, and the return reward is the earth five, earth six, and earth seven swords.”

After rewarding Song Xianer, Gu Liangyuan looked at Mo Chen again.

With a wave of his hand, the Five Thieves Banner Refining Method, the Spiritual Treasure to Suppress the Mountains and Rivers, three heavenly flying swords, and a bunch of spiritual fruits were directly bestowed.

This was also carefully considered by Gu Liangyuan. With Mo Chen’s current state, the most lacking thing is the spiritual objects to increase his cultivation.

"Ding, the host bestowed the Five Thieves Banner Refining Method (incomplete) to trigger a thirty-fold return, and the return reward is: the Five Thieves Banner Refining Method (complete version)"

"Ding, the host bestowed the lower-grade spiritual treasure to suppress the mountains and rivers, triggering a ten-fold return, and the return reward is: the Nine Dragon Seal."

"Ding, the host bestowed the Heaven-grade Flying Sword, triggering a five-thousand-fold return, and the return reward is: the Eight Earth Swords."

"Ding, the host bestowed the Heaven-grade Flying Sword, triggering a three-fold return, and the return reward is: the top Heaven-grade Flying Sword."

"Ding, the host bestowed the Heaven-grade Flying Sword, triggering a two-fold return, and the return reward is: the top Heaven-grade Flying Sword."

"Ding, the host bestowed the Millennium Pill Fruit, triggering an eight-fold return..."

Looking at Mo Chen's return reward, Gu Liangyuan's face darkened.

Mo Chen's face was too dark!

Fortunately, there were the Eight Earth Swords as a consolation. Now Gu Liangyuan has eleven of the twelve Earth Swords.

Only one sword is missing to complete the set and achieve the Supreme Sword Formation!

Mo Chen was unaware of Gu Liangyuan's thoughts. He was so moved that he cried with the spiritual treasure in his hand.

Now all the stocks in Gu Liangyuan's hand have been granted, and there are two self-realized great magical powers. Gu Liangyuan is not going to grant them for the time being, and keep them for the preparation of the ten thousand times return card.

If there is a better choice in the future, we will talk about granting.

After encouraging the three disciples a few more words, Gu Liangyuan returned to the training room with the returned rewards.

After carefully counting his gains, Gu Liangyuan took out the pile of spiritual fruits and eight hundred drops of true dragon blood that were returned by Mo Chen.

He began his first active training after obtaining the system.

Ten days later, Gu Liangyuan exhaled a breath of turbid air and slowly opened his eyes.

"Open the system panel:"

Host: Gu Liangyuan

Spiritual root: empty spiritual root

Comprehension: supreme

Physique: heaven-given Taoist body

Cultivation: Nascent Soul Eighth Level

Physical cultivation: third level of elixir formation

Law: Water and Fire

Identity: Supreme Holy Land, Lord of Forgetting Love Peak

Skills: Taishang Forgetting Love Sutra, Sun and Moon Glazed Body

Magical powers and spells: Zhoutian Wuxiang, Gengxin Swordsmanship, Nine Dragons Fire Palm, Heavenly Thunder Escape, Law of Heaven and Earth, Humming Jue...

Items: Nine Killing Sword, Enlightenment Tower, eleven Earth Swords, Double Dragon Jade Chariot, Nine Dragon Seal, Mustard Seed Bracelet, Longevity Peach...

Disciples: Qianqiu, Song Xianer, Mo Chen

Unfinished mission: "Eight Great Biography"

Looking at the increasingly enriched system panel, Gu Liangyuan was satisfied.

Gu Liangyuan gained a lot in these ten days.

First of all, in terms of cultivation, after refining the pile of spiritual fruits, he went from the seventh level of Yuanying to the eighth level of Yuanying, and he was one step closer to the realm of divine transformation.

Next is the Nine Killing Sword. He successfully refined two killing word bans, making it a low-grade spiritual treasure.

If you just want to refine it, it will be water grinding.

Then there is the physical cultivation, at the cost of five drops of true dragon's blood, which brought him to the third level of pill formation.

Although the higher the level of physical body cultivation, the more True Dragon's blood is consumed, but with 800 drops of True Dragon's blood, Gu Liangyuan felt that he could stack himself up to the level of Fusion or even Mahayana.

The reason why he did not continue to improve was partly because after his physical body reached the elixir formation stage, the improvement speed began to slow down.

On the other hand, it was because the time that Lu Qingmei had been promised last time to take the outer disciples to Kusong Ridge was coming soon.

It would be fine to send any elder to do this, but Gu Liangyuan had to go in person this time.

As for why...

Because Zhang Yang has been promoted to the outer sect, he will also participate in this contracted spirit beast journey!

Gu Liangyuan considered this when he asked Song Rentou to make a bet with Zhang Yang.

He wanted to use this trip to Kusong Ridge to find spiritual pets for several of his disciples.

Is there any more reliable way to search than searching for the Son of Destiny?

The next day, early morning.

In an open space in the Supreme Holy Land, thousands of outer disciples gathered here!

These boys and girls were in groups, chattering, and seemed so curious about everything.

Zhang Yang is also on the list.

Right in front, an outer sect elder wearing black robes suddenly shouted:


The sound is like a loud bell, which makes people's eardrums hurt.

After everyone calmed down, the black-robed elder spoke:

"A few days ago, you learned the basic information on alchemy, talisman making, and weapon refining."

"However, for us monks, there is another thing that is no less important than them."

"This thing is a spiritual pet!"

"A combat-type spiritual pet can save your life at a critical moment."

"Auxiliary spiritual pets can save you a lot of effort on your cultivation path!"

"No matter how bad it is, just using it as a means of transportation can save you a lot of spiritual energy."

"Today, your uncle Guliang will take you to Kusong Ridge to capture the spiritual pets."

"Now, Uncle Gu Liangyuan will tell you how to deal with spiritual pets."

As he spoke, the black-robed elder saluted somewhere in the void:

"Uncle Gu Liang, the next group of disciples will be left to you."

After finishing his words, Gu Liangyuan's figure slowly emerged and waved his hand lightly:

"Well, go ahead and get busy."

After the black-robed elder left, Gu Liangyuan turned to look at the disciples.

All the disciples shouted in unison:

"Meet my uncle!"

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