The wedding ended quickly.

But at this time, the Internet is very lively.

Because someone posted their wedding video to the bib, it topped the hot search list that night.

You know, the night is the time when the most surfers are there.

“Wow, this wedding is beautiful!”

“Look good, my God, this wedding is worth at least millions, right?”

“Millions? You underestimate people too much, I myself do wedding planning, this set is not tens of millions, and I heard that the hotel was rented out three months ago, at least tens of millions of costs. ”

“I’ll go! A wedding is tens of millions, worthy of being a dog thief. ”

“Woo woo envy, if a boy spends so much money to plan a wedding for me, I will marry directly!”

“If you want to eat a fart upstairs, let’s honestly find a bride price of 200,000 to take over.”

“Holding a daughter-in-law of 200,000 in my hand, it instantly stopped fragrant.”


The wedding is over, and by this time the guests have almost left.

Chen Ze asked the workers to remove all the star lamps.

This thing is in the millions, but I don’t want to lose it.


It is also something to remember.

Reba changed his clothes and bounced back to Chen Ze, although the wedding dress was beautiful to explode, it was also a little bulky.

It’s much more comfortable now.


Reba threw himself directly into Chen Ze’s arms and kissed it.

Chen Ze caught her and deliberately ridiculed: “It seems to be a little heavier.” ”


“That could be you a little heavier in my heart.”

Reba grinned.

I don’t fall for him.

Every time Chen Ze likes to ridicule her for being fat, but every time she goes back to weigh it unhappy, she finds that there is nothing.

Then I learned that I was teased by this smelly baby.

Bite him to death!

Reba lightly bit Chen Ze’s shoulder.

Chen Ze didn’t move, and it didn’t hurt anyway.

Just let the little girl play.

With a small fight, Reba was released from Chen Ze’s arms.

She sniffed.

“Baby, your body smells so heavy.”

“It’s a little.”

Chen Ze also sniffed it himself, no way, who let him drink so much tonight.

Even if you are not drunk, the taste is still there.

I took a look at the arrangement around me.

It’s almost done here, and then it’s dismantling, and there’s no need for them to be here all the time.

Chen Ze took Reba’s small hand: “Let’s go, go home and take a bath.” ”

“This bath, is it serious?”

Reba blinked.

The corner of Chen Ze’s mouth raised a slight evil smile, and said in her ear: “Not serious.” ”


Having said that, Reba was a little impatient.

He was actually more anxious than Chen Ze.

Sure enough, married women are different.

Before marriage, the great aunt was a roadblocker, and after marriage, the great aunt was the savior.

Just look at Wang Yanlin.

This guy is imaginary.

Fortunately, Chen Ze is not panicked at all, and his physique has surpassed most people.

After the wedding, it was already around November.

Chen Ze opened a new book.

Fantasy themes.

It is still determined by his own fans, and among his fans, he likes the fantasy genre the most.

After all, Chen Ze started by fantasy at the beginning.

His first book that year.

Directly seal the gods.

It has also established its own god status in the online literature industry, attracting the envy of countless peers.

On this day, Chen Ze had just finished updating two chapters.

Reba is still making a show.

Suddenly, the ‘jingle bell’ rings.

“Baby, your phone!”

Reba shouted in the living room, just now she took Chen Ze’s mobile phone to play a game, but she hadn’t taken it back.

Chen Ze put down his work and came out.

It was actually Manager Lin of Penguin Film and Television.

Why did she call?

I didn’t think much of it.

Chen Ze answered: “Hey, hello.” ”

“Ah, you want the copyright of “A Little Smile Is Lovely”?”

“In this way, I’ll discuss it with her.”

After hanging up the phone, Reba looked over curiously.

Chen Ze held her on his lap with his backhand and smiled: “Manager Lin called and wanted us to star in “A Smile Is Very Loving”. ”

“Same pay as last time?”

Reba’s eyes lit up, and he was instantly interested.

To know.

The last time “You Are My Glory” was broadcast, it directly brought tens of millions of dollars to this family.

Excluding Reba’s own salary.

Chen Ze invested in the script and salary, earning nearly a small goal.

Of course, the number is not counted like this.

Because Chen Ze’s script copyright fee was originally worth tens of millions.

The salary is similar to Reba.

In this way, large and small is only 80 million, and after deducting 20 percent of taxes, it will be more than 60 million.

As a legal citizen, Chen Ze naturally obeyed the law.

Hear Reba’s words.

Chen Ze smiled: “A little higher than last time.” ”

“Then you still don’t agree?”

Reba’s small wealth fan attribute rises, anyway, the script written by her husband, she doesn’t need to think about whether it is good or not.

In short, my husband is the most powerful!

Chen Ze gently pinched Reba’s little face: “Can the silly girl be more reserved and agree so quickly?” ”


“Anyway, it’s us who are cheap in the end~”

“And I’ve been bored lately, so I have nothing to do.”

Reba said coquettishly.

But it is also true that after the wedding, many people thought that they were going on their honeymoon and did not send an announcement.

And Reba is also happy to be leisurely.


It’s really boring.

After all, I had been busy before, and suddenly I was idle, but I was a little unaccustomed.

Besides, Reba himself is a person who loves acting.

Otherwise, he would not be admitted to the Mordor Drama Academy.

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