The top of the woman's head is a golden light of luck.

Obviously another female lead.

His heart moved.

A property interface that is only visible to oneself appears in front of him.

【Character】: Su Hongxiu

[Identity]: Chairman and President of Red Sleeve Clothing Co., Ltd. (the protagonist of luck)

[Charm]: 96 (full value 100)

[Strength]: mortal

[Luck Point]: 1800

【Goldfinger】: None


"Give me the gun!"

Su Hao looked at Wang Tao next to him.


Wang Tao hesitated, after all, this is his gun and cannot be used by others at will.


When he noticed Su Hao's eyes, his expression changed.

next moment.

Handed over the gun respectfully.

Su Hao took the gun and played with it casually.

Seeing Wang Tao's forehead sweating profusely.

His gun was on safety.

He didn't know if Su Hao had played with guns.

If this happens, it's going to be a disaster.

He thought well.

This is indeed the first time Su Hao has touched a gun.

But for him now, in the later stage of Hua Jin.

It doesn't take a minute to learn to shoot.

That's right—

Su Hao is ready to take action.

He didn't intend to make a move.

He even thought about letting the robbers inside take care of Ye Xuan.

But there is a heroine in it that is different.

Every heroine.

They are all his women.

How can it be possible for others to meddle?

"Big brother, this group of notes from Kyushu country came so quickly, what should we do?"

A robber appeared from a hidden position.

Came to a corner, anxiously asked a burly man in a low voice.

In the past, they traveled between countries, and I don't know how many votes they have made.


They are international bandits.

Same with the demon group.

But more arrogant.

Robbing vaults, creating panic, doing all kinds of evil.

Only today, beyond their expectations.

Didn't expect these notes to come so quickly.

This is something they have never encountered when committing crimes in other countries.

in other countries--

Usually they get the money, and after people go to the empty building, the group of smugglers rush over.

"What are you panicking about? Look at your bear-like appearance. What kind of virtue do you need me to tell you? Hold the hostages well, and we will be fine!"

The robber called the big brother said disdainfully.

He was clearly the leader of this group of robbers, and his words were very dignified.

"Continue to observe their actions, and shoot directly if you dare to approach. Don't worry, they will not fight back!"


The figure of the robber flashed and returned to his original position to observe the outside world.

"You, go and let those two boys hurry up. It's so slow to get money, and it doesn't necessarily take long when you are happy."

The robber leader frowned.

He waved to a robber who was guarding the hostage beside him.

The robber responded.

Turn around and walk towards the bank counter.


His indifferent eyes swept towards a group of hostages.

Seeing his gaze, everyone bowed their heads.

For fear of attracting his attention.


The robber leader's eyes fell on a beautiful figure.

"Hey...I didn't expect that a robbery would be able to meet such a superb beauty."

A wicked light flashed in his eyes.

The frivolous words made Su Hongxiu in the crowd tremble.

But she still gritted her teeth and remained silent.

"come over."

The robber leader said coldly.

Seeing that Su Hongxiu was unmoved, he couldn't help sneering.

"Give you one more chance, come here, or I will kill a hostage at will."


Su Hongxiu kept entangled in her heart, and finally she stood up.

She didn't want to see others die because of her.

"It's so beautiful, I can't think of Kyushu, there is a beauty like you."

When you can see Su Hongxiu's figure clearly.

The robber leader couldn't help but look a little dumbfounded.

Clear and bright water eyes, crescent-like eyebrows.

Her skin was fair and flawless, and her lips were as delicate as roses.

She was dressed in professional attire, with a hint of fear in her cold and solemn temperament.

Gives an urge to protect.


Ye Xuan was shocked.

I have been thinking about how to solve this incident as soon as possible.

Thinking about how to deal with Su Hao.

Just forgot about it.

There is also a president he wants to protect beside him.

He learned from news of mutant cell phones.

Su Hongxiu is the chairman and president of Hongxiu Clothing Company.


At the time he still thought.

Isn't that the company his sister works for?

Thinking of protecting her.

At that time, let her give her sister a promotion and a raise.

It's only now that I think about it, it seems to be a little late.

Watching Su Hongxiu walk towards the leader of the robber step by step.

Ye Xuan had mixed feelings in his heart.

With the reach of his dark strength peak, it is absolutely no problem to protect a person from leaving.

But if he left with Su Hongxiu.

It's sure to **** off the robbers.

At that time, I am afraid that these hostages will be used as punching bags.

caused many casualties.


He also may not be able to complete the task.

change the course of this event.

Just when Ye Xuan hesitated.

Su Hongxiu was slowly approaching the robber.


Su Hongxiu felt miserable in her heart.

Why does this kind of thing happen to her?

If you fall into the hands of these robbers.

She might as well kill herself.

But she couldn't let go.

Can't let go of her three daughters.....

"It looks like this... tsk tsk, I really feel pity for it!"

Look at the beautiful woman who is gradually approaching.

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