Fast as an afterimage.

One punch knocked down one, and all the robbers were quickly eliminated.


A sneer crossed the corner of Su Hao's mouth.

He took a deep look at Ye Xuan.

Then he picked up the necklace box in his hand and walked towards the door.

Looking at Su Hao's back.

Ye Xuan frowned.

Su Hao gave him the feeling that he was dangerous.

extremely dangerous.

A voice in his heart was telling him to stay away from this person.

He shook his head, throwing away the distracting thoughts in his mind.

Ye Xuan glanced around and left.

As Su Hao thought—

He just came to stop the robbery.

Take out the phone and take a look.

A pop-up window appeared——

"Important Notice": The owner changes the future direction and acquires a skill - "Fighting Skill (God Level


Out of Tianfu jewelry store.

"I want all of Ye Xuan's information."

Su Hao used the focus sound to form a line and said to A Jiu who was not far from him.

in the corner--

Ah Jiu nodded, and the figure disappeared.


Tenglong International Hotel.

Tianzi No. 1 private room.

Su Hao is enjoying the food.

bang bang bang-

Three knocks sounded on the door.

"Come in!"

The figure of Ah Jiu walked in.


"Have you found Ye Xuan's information?"

"Well, it's all here."

Ah Jiu took out a document and handed it to Su Hao respectfully.

Put down the dishes.

Su Hao opened the file and looked at it.

"Name: Ye Xuan, gender: male, adopted by the Ye family when he was 3 years old, 18 years old this year, graduated from Kowloon No. 2 Middle School, and is about to enter university..."

Lots of information.

But what Su Hao wanted to see was nothing.

until the file is turned to the last page.

"Ten days ago, a fire broke out at a class meeting in the third grade (2) class. Fortunately, Ye Xuan found the clue and evacuated his classmates early to avoid a serious accident."

"Eight days ago, Ye Xuan bought a lottery ticket and won 10 million..."

"Six days ago......"

"Haha...Interesting, did you get the golden finger half a month ago?"

Su Hao chuckled in his heart.


Ah Jiu opened his mouth, but stopped talking.


Su Hao raised his brows slightly and looked at her.

"What's the matter? Tell me!"

"That's it, I drove into Lin Chen's car yesterday, and Ye Xuan was there..."


Su Hao was thoughtful, then smiled.

It should be to change the incident of Lin Chen's car accident, right?


some future.

It cannot be changed at will.

"How to approach the protagonist?"

Su Hao's eyes flickered, and his eyes returned to the first page.

"Ye Ziyi, Ye Xuan's younger sister, 18 years old, Kowloon No. 2 Lieutenant Colonel, Sanwei... Now working in the Kowloon Trade City Red Sleeve Clothing Store for summer vacation..."


Three in the afternoon!

Kowloon Trade City.

Red sleeve clothing store.

A girl in a shopping guide's uniform is selling to a woman with a smile.

The girl is beautiful.

With clear and bright water eyes, crescent-like eyebrows, and long black hair, she looks gentle and virtuous.

The fair and flawless skin reveals a touch of pink, and the thin lips are as delicate as rose petals.

The girl speaks very deeply.

Accidentally put the woman's handbag on the chair next to it and hit the ground.

"What are you doing? You... You actually dropped my beloved bag on the ground. Do you know how much my bag is worth?"

"If my bag is a little damaged, can you, a little shopping guide, afford it?"

"And the valuable cosmetics in my bag, if you break it for me, you just wait..."

The woman hurried forward to pick up the handbag, first looking distressed, then pointed at the girl and shouted loudly.

"Right....sorry, I didn't mean to..."

The girl was pale and bewildered.

"I'm sorry to this lady, Ziyi is a newcomer, so it's inevitable that there are some things you don't pay attention to, don't mind..."

A girl also wearing a shopping guide uniform came around, and one of the girls quickly apologized.

"She's new here. Could it be that my things have been dropped, and that's it?"

"Do you know how much this bag is? Anyway, I'm here today. If you don't give me an explanation, this store won't open."

This time-

Both girls were a little overwhelmed.

The store manager just went out and hasn't come back.

How to be good?

A scene that happened here.

He quickly attracted the attention of those around him.

"Is this woman trying to find fault? That chair is only ten centimeters away from the ground. What could it break?"

"That's right, I think she is just jealous of Miss Sister's appearance, and she is arrogant just because she has some money at home."

"This kind of woman, at first glance, is disgusted at home and came out to find a sense of existence."

"Hateful...I really want to go up and give her two slaps."


The crowd of onlookers whispered and kept pointing.

Several shopping guides also gathered around.

They are all a little overwhelmed.

"A statement? What statement do you want?"

Just at this time--

A voice full of magnetism sounded like a spring breeze.

brush brush............

One after another, the eyes looked behind the crowd.

I saw Su Hao walking over with a smile on his face.


The crowd couldn't help but make way for a passage.

" handsome, how can there be such a handsome person in the world?"

"I love love, I will pay 10,000 yuan, who will help me to get the contact information of my little brother..."

"What I'm looking for is the person of the little brother, it's his inner character, and it has nothing to do with his handsomeness..."

"Hey...Isn't this my husband? I'm so happy to meet my husband here, isn't it?"

"Oh, really, I want to take a picture, I want to send it to the circle of friends, let's see how those little girls on the Internet are fighting for my husband......"


All the women in the audience were obsessed.

Someone saw Su Hao on the Internet, recognized it, and took out his mobile phone to take a picture.

The corner of Su Hao's mouth curled into a small smile, and his eyes fell on one of the shopping guides.

【Character】: Ye Ziyi

[Identity]: The only daughter of the Ye family (the heroine of luck)

[Charm]: 96 (full value 100)

[Strength]: mortal

[Luck Point]: 1400

【Goldfinger】: None


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