
He regarded Jiang Chuxue as his prey.

A lot of thought was put into this.

Let Jiang Chuxue fall into despair and finally come to beg him.

But now-

All my calculations are just a joke.

nothing at all.

[Lin Yuan is angry with you, causing his mood to be unstable, the villain value +200! 】

Su Hao's arms——

From the moment I saw Lin Yuan just now.

Jiang Chuxue's eyes were full of anger.

She can have today.

All thanks to this guy.

But then again-

She feels now.

It's not bad to follow Su Hao.

At least she didn't have to carry everything alone.

There is such a man by his side.



Lin Yuan didn't say anything yet.

Yang Chao was the first to greet him.

"Don't disturb, don't disturb...I and Lin Shao just chat casually."


He kept wiping cold sweat from his forehead.

Originally, he still guessed the relationship between Su Hao and Jiang Chuxue.

Now Su Hao actually said it.

He was even more terrified.

Thinking of the previous cooperation against Jiang Chuxue and Lin Yuan.

Yang Chao couldn't help but panic.

If Su Hao knew this.

As the general manager of his position, I am afraid to say goodbye to him.

"Well, then I'll chat with you casually, you let him go."

Su Hao's expression was indifferent, and his words were playful.


Lin Yuan's face was extremely gloomy.

He is also the third young master of the Lin family.

Su Hao actually let him go?

What annoyed him even more was—

Yang Chao came to him obediently.

"Lin Shao, you leave first, I have something to discuss with Su Gongzi."


Lin Yuan was furious in his heart.

Then he laughed angrily.

"Okay...Okay...Yang Chao, I really have you, I just reached a cooperation with me, and now I turn my face and don't recognize anyone... "

"Lin Shao is joking, I'm just chatting with you casually, what kind of cooperation have you reached? You don't want to spit."

Yang Chao's face did not change.


Now I know that Jiang Chuxue is Su Hao's woman.

If he dared to discuss cooperation with Lin Yuan.

I don't even know how I died.

The most important thing right now-

It is to distance himself from Lin Yuan.

"Okay...I remember you."

Lin Yuan was in a hurry, flicked his sleeves, and turned to leave.

[Lin Yuan is angry with you, causing his mood to be unstable, the villain value +200! 】

[Lin Yuan is angry with you, causing his mood to be unstable, the villain value +200! 】

Looking at Lin Yuan's distant back.

A sneer appeared on the corner of Su Hao's mouth.

Let you toss for two more days, it is your death.

drive away Lin Yuan——

Yang Chao came to Su Hao with a flattering smile.

"Young Master Su, I was wrong."


Su Hao raised his eyebrows.

"What did you do wrong? What did you do wrong?"

"I shouldn't be in trouble with Lin Yuan and deal with Baoyu Pavilion..."

Yang Chao sincerely apologized.

Facing Su Hao.

He didn't dare to be careful.

If Su Hao finds out, the consequences will be serious......


He might as well take the initiative to apologize, and finally make up for the fault, or be forgiven.

Jiang Chuxue's eyes turned cold when she heard the words.

It was indeed Lin Yuan.


Su Hao's eyes flashed, and a smile appeared on his face.

"What did he make you do? What cooperation did you reach between you? Let's hear it..."

"Yes...that's the way it is, he came to me a few days ago..."


Yang Chao explained everything about Lin Yuan without concealing it at all.

"Young Master Su, I really knew I was wrong. I didn't know that President Jiang had a relationship with you..."

"It's good that you apologize, but are you looking for the wrong person?"

Su Hao nodded slightly, and his eyes fell on Jiang Chuxue.


Yang Chao's eyes lit up.

I understood what Su Hao meant.

This is for him to apologize to Jiang Chuxue.


He looked at Jiang Chuxue and said with a look of guilt.

"President Jiang, I'm really sorry, I..."

"forget it."

Glancing at him, Jiang Chuxue let out a breath.

after all--

Yang Chao was only instructed by Lin Yuan.

"Thank you...Thank you, President Su..."

Yang Chao was grateful.

I breathed a sigh of relief.

This thing is finally over.

But he didn't wait for him to fall in one breath.

Su Hao's words came again, making his heart hang again.

"Although Chuxue doesn't pursue it, but...what should I do after that...I don't need to tell me?"


Yang Chao's face changed.

You can understand what Su Hao means.

He nodded again and again.

"Young Master Su, don't worry, I know what to do, I'll..."


Been here for a while.

at last--

Under the congratulations of General Manager Yang Chao.

Su Hao and Jiang Chuxue left the Jade Pavilion.


The two went to the mall and bought some clothes.

When Su Hao drove Jiang Chuxue home.

It's already eight o'clock in the evening.


Mother Jiang called Jiang Chuxue several times.

But because she was still angry with her mother, she never answered.


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