After you think of this, Chen Yang is also looking forward to it

  So Chen Yang also wants to see what is going on over there, and this kind of thing is indeed quite good for her, because he also knows that no matter what, this kind of thing is really good no matter how big it is. , so he is very happy

  Because he also knows that such a thing is actually rare, so at this time he also feels that no matter what, this kind of thing is really good for him, so he is also very happy

  After thinking of this, Chen Yang slowly parked the car, and then took Lin Siyun and Lin Siyu, and the two of them went out together, because the street was still relatively lively, so Chen Yang was also happier

  Now the two of them are walking around

  This matter is indeed a good thing for them, so he is also very excited, because he also understands that no matter what, this kind of thing is actually a very good thing for them.

  "Wow, look, there's a big boulder in the chest here"

  At this time, Lin Siyun suddenly saw that there was something fun over there, so Lin Siyun was also very happy at this time, because she also felt that this matter was indeed a very good thing for her.

  So he's happier now

  Because he also feels that no matter what, this kind of thing is actually a good thing for them

  After Chen Yang heard Lin Siyun's words, he took a fancy to the direction Lin Siyun said. He also felt very happy, because he was in this matter, and it was indeed a relatively good thing for him, so He was very happy and excited

  Because he also knows that it is really not easy for them to come out and play here, so Chen Yang is actually quite excited at this time, and he is also very happy

  "Otherwise let's take a look here, I have never seen such a scene before."

  Chen Yang, who was talking to Chen Yang, looked at Lin Siyun's expectation, so he nodded, because he also felt that this matter might be really a good thing, so he was actually very happy at this time.

  "Okay, okay, eldest sister, since you are willing to stay here, let's stay here for a while."

  In fact, Chen Yang also felt happier, because he also felt that this kind of thing was really good for him.

  Chen Yang looked at the man's chest with a large stone, so Chen Yang also looked at it with great interest. This is an ancient traditional technique from the past.

  So at this time, Chen Yang was also very interested and wanted to see what kind of trick he was playing.

  To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter seven hundred and ninety seventh: it's just a trick

  In Chen Yang's mind, regarding the broken boulder in the chest, this kind of thing always means disbelief, because it does not conform to the normal thinking logic at all

  Moreover, for a normal person, if a stone is enlarged on his chest, let alone a large stone, it will crush the whole person to death. Anyone with a little common sense knows that this is an impossible task.

  So at this moment, he is more curious about this matter. He is thinking about this trick. It is a deceiving ghost. It is just a trick. It can be developed from ancient times to the present. It is indeed quite powerful.

  He was interested in the broken boulders in his chest, but he just felt that he wanted to better understand the principle. Thinking of this, he carefully looked at the man lying on the bed.

  He doesn't look at other places at all, staring at this person's stomach, he always feels that there is something wrong with this person's stomach, and the feeling is different from others'

  And the clothes this person is wearing are also one-piece, as if for fear that others will see some flaws, the whole clothes are relatively loose, just now this person walks more sensitively, and he can't tell that he is a fat man

  If he had to guess, he would rather believe that the man in front of him was a thin man who was just wearing a very fat dress, perhaps with something stuffed in it.

  But if you think about it this way, the whole thing will become very complicated. The main thing is that he doesn't think that there will be a big change in this situation.

  "Wow, it's really amazing. I've never seen such a powerful character before, and it's really admirable. If it were me, I would have been beaten to death directly, how could it be possible to break a big stone?"

  "Sure enough, people have practiced, and they can't be compared with ordinary people like us. This is really something that can only be viewed from a distance and cannot be played with. If I hadn't been stopped by my parents when I was a child, I would have learned too."

  "With this kind of ability, I will not worry about eating and drinking in this life. Do you think they use qigong? I heard that qigong is very popular in the rivers and lakes, and it still exists today, but it's just that we rarely see it."

  Chen Yang couldn't help laughing when he heard the passersby beside him talking about it. He didn't believe any of these claims, and he always felt that there was something tricky about it.

  He watched the man stand up casually, walked out, patted Lin Sixuan on the shoulder, and said

  "You're looking at eldest sister here, I'll go check it out first, this thing is really curious, I don't believe this person is really that magical"

  "Please, can you stop being so curious about everything, just watch a joke, or just watch a funny thing, you have to be so serious"

  Lin Sixuan said this, she was going to hold Chen Yang

  It's just a step slower, not grabbing Chen Yang's sleeve

  At this time, Chen Yang had come to the direction of the backstage. He looked at the movement of the person in front of him with surprise, and found that the person had completely taken off his clothes and took off a piece of iron from his stomach.

  He thought about countless reasons, but he didn't expect this to happen at all, but I think that too, they are stupid, in fact, they should have guessed it long ago, but they just didn't think of it, and this piece of iron is made of iron and this person's belly almost very realistic

  The most important thing is that the person seems to have seen him. He is running at this time.

  "It's not because of your ability to smash your chest, it's just to fool the audience. Do you think this is worthy of him? I think you only have this ability, bluffing"

  "in spite of

  How do you scold me, I hope you keep this matter a secret, this is our industry rule, if you break it, many people will be unemployed like me, so I don't want to implicate others."

  The man directly ignored Chen Yang's words, and just wanted to let this matter rot in Chen Yang's stomach forever, and don't mention it to others, otherwise, their jobs in this line of work would be completely ruined.

  Just now, he also took off the things on his belly when he was looking around, and he didn't realize that Chen Yang would appear here. Obviously, he was too careless and didn't expect anyone to appear.

  0.,,Sometimes you really can't be too careless, otherwise, you will only harm others and yourself. Now that I think about it, he can only try his best to persuade Chen Yang. Otherwise, they are really unlucky.

  "Look at this situation and know that we are all breadwinners. If it's not for living, who would be willing to pretend to lie so hard? You think this iron on your stomach is very easy, but you don't think so, and it's very tiring. of"

  "And this piece of iron actually reacts, but it's slightly better than hitting it directly on the stomach, so I hope you don't expose it, after all, everyone has a way to make a living."

  "I think you are also a kind-hearted person. You are just curious. In fact, you didn't want to go to the end of the hair extension. We are in this matter. I am very grateful to you. I have just received 200 yuan. I'll leave it to you, I hope you will keep it a secret."

  ,, After speaking, the man directly put the 200 yuan in Chen Yang's hands. When Chen Yang reacted, he found that the 200 yuan was already in his hands. He did not expect this to happen at all.

  And he is not a person who is short of money at all. The most important thing is that he has never thought of exposing others, and he will not expose it, not to mention that the 200 yuan is not easily earned by others, how can he maybe again

  He hurriedly took two steps, came directly to the man, then handed the 200 yuan to the man's hand, and said earnestly.

  "Not everyone who finds it is for money. Although I am curious, I still have the basic morality, so in this matter, you can rest assured that I will never expose it."

  "Although your tricks can deceive everyone's consciousness, they won't last long, so it's better for you to change the method. If someone with more intense emotions finds out, you will definitely be miserable."

  "Okay, I'm very happy that you didn't hit me when you saw me, now we're even, I admire you, even in this situation, I don't think I can do it, so You have to keep going!"

  Feilu reminds you of three things to read and collect,

Chapter seven hundred and ninety eight: Second sister's help

  After finishing speaking, Chen Yang turned around and returned to Lin Siyun's sisters. Seeing that the three of them were still waiting for him, he felt really guilty, because he had forgotten the time because of this little episode.

  He came to Lin Siyun and looked at Lin Siyun's growing belly. He felt very distressed in his heart. After all, a woman's pregnancy is the hardest thing. He must take good care of Lin Siyun during her pregnancy.

  And now as his stomach is getting bigger and bigger, Lin Siyun is very inconvenient no matter what he does, and he is basically inseparable from others. Although Lin Sixuan and Lin Sihan can also take care of Lin Siyun, he is not at ease at all.

  Recently, he only handed over all the company's affairs to Lin Siyu. Originally, he and Lin Siyun were the masters of everything in the company, but now Lin Siyun is pregnant with "[-]"

  After the pregnancy, he would not let Lin Siyun touch the company's affairs, so as not to affect the fetus

  But recently, Lin Siyu has handled things very handy, much better than before. He believes that in the next period of time, Lin Siyu will do better and better.

  He did not continue to let his thoughts fly, but looked at Lin Siyun in front of him and said with great concern, "After walking around for so long, do you feel tired, do you want a drink, or what do you want to eat?

  I'll buy it for you"

  "The most important thing is that you are a pregnant woman now. If you have anything, you must tell me, so that I can take care of you better. Don't say anything wrong."

  "If you keep everything in your heart, then you are not helping me, you are hurting me, so you understand, I am not afraid of trouble, as long as you and your children are happy"

  Hearing what Chen Yang said, Lin Siyun really felt very happy in her heart. She felt that no matter what

  She is willing to do anything for Chen Yang, and now they are getting along very well, and she has a very satisfied feeling in her heart.

  I originally thought that I would not accept this situation, but now I find that each of them has a feeling of performing their own duties. The most important thing is that each of them has never had the idea of ​​​​to compete, and they are very happy to get along with each other.

  The most important thing is that they are all sisters. In fact, there is nothing to worry about. The most important thing is that Chen Yang is really good to them, and all the details are very thoughtful for them.

  Sometimes she thinks that they are a real family like this, and now that they can get along so well, it is indeed hard-won, and she cherishes it very much in her heart.

  Maybe it was because she walked for too long, or she was too excited, and suddenly she felt very hungry. She was thinking, maybe it wasn't because she wanted to eat, but the baby in her belly was already hungry.

  Thinking of this, she raised her head and looked at Chen Yang with a coquettish look in her eyes. She didn't even know why she had said something coquettish to Chen Yang since she was pregnant.

  This was something she couldn't do in the past, but now it really made her feel like she couldn't stop. At this time, she found that she was completely accustomed to speaking to Chen Yang in a coquettish tone.

  "Chen Yang, I want to eat ice cream, can I, and I'm already hungry now, although it's only two o'clock, I think we can have dinner?"

  "And I'm pregnant now, it's really not very convenient to go anywhere, and it's very easy to get tired. So, before Chen Yang spoke, Lin Sixuan ran over directly. She didn't expect her current sister to be so virtuous. , and his voice is slightly coquettish

  In the past, the eldest sister was a very unsmiling person in her mind. It can also be said that among several sisters, she was really afraid of the eldest sister, but since the eldest sister became pregnant, the whole person exudes the brilliance of maternal love.

  Now when she looks at the eldest sister, she feels that the whole person is very gentle, and everything she says is very gentle. She used to be completely different. Although she didn't want to believe this reality, it happened so nakedly.

  She sat directly next to the eldest sister, stretched out her hand and unconsciously touched the eldest sister's belly, feeling that the child was growing day by day, it seemed very miraculous, and at the same time, she was surprised by the belly, and she found out that she was pregnant. It's very strange, sometimes I see the eldest sister stroking her stomach and talking to the child, in fact, it doesn't matter whether the child can hear it or not, she just speaks her inner thoughts aimlessly.

  And now that the eldest sister is pregnant, it is true that the action is slower, but this cannot be the reason for them to abandon the eldest sister, so after thinking about it, she said.

  "Sister, this time we are here to play with you. If you are inconvenient to move around, then we will go shopping slowly, wherever we can, even if it is too late, we will go back directly."

  "If you are very tired, we will immediately

  At the end, we will have a lot of time to go shopping in the future, so we are not in a hurry at this time, you are two people now, so your affairs are the most important"

  At this time, Lin Sihan also came to Chen Yang and the eldest sister. She saw that the two were quite affectionate, especially after the eldest sister was pregnant, Chen Yang took care of the eldest sister very carefully, which made them very emotional.

  It is said that it is very difficult for a woman to get pregnant. If a man really loves this woman, he will always think about every detail, and he will be very thoughtful.

  It seems like this is the case now. Chen Yang should be a good man in the legend. Not only did he not ignore the elder sister when he was pregnant on the street, but they also took good care of them.

  However, she saw that Chen Yang and Lin Sixuan were on the left and right of the eldest sister, 1

  And she didn't have any position, and she was not very happy in her heart. Thinking of this, she directly dragged Chen Yang out and sat beside the eldest sister.

  She smirked at the eldest sister, and then said

  "And the three of us will take care of you, you can rest assured, just like the little sister said, in this matter, we all focus on you, there is no need to have too much inner pressure"

  "It's okay, sister, so you don't have to be polite to us. If you're really tired, we'll go back now"

  As soon as Lin Sihan's voice fell, Chen Yang's cell phone rang. He took out his cell phone and found that it was Lin Siyu's call. He knew that in this case, Lin Siyu would not make a call easily, otherwise it was a very important matter. a little worried

  To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter [-]: Chen Yang's distress

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