"Is the eldest sister here?"

  When Chen Yang looked at Lin Siyun, and then took Lin Siyun to talk, in fact, he felt a little surprised, after all, this matter was indeed unimaginable for him.

  "Yeah, it's right here, right, Yangyang, I'll go down first, and you can follow me later. I'll go and ask where I am now. You go to the car first."

  After Lin Siyun listened to Chen Yang's words, he replied to Chen Yang and then faced Chen Yang. In fact, he also knew that this matter was indeed quite different for him, so he also felt that there were some small "zero sevens". seven"

  excited and happy

  "Okay ma'am, I got it"

  Chen Yang is also quite happy, because he knows that this is something he has not participated in a long time ago, so he also understands that this kind of thing is indeed a very good thing.

  In the end, Lin Siyun went to the front desk to ask about their room, but Chen Yangzi stopped the car, because he felt that he was also happier, so this kind of thing was indeed a very good thing for him.

  After Chen Yang stopped the car, he immediately

  She went to find Lin Siyun, and Lin Siyun was also very happy. When she saw Chen Yang, she was waiting for Chen Yang at the front desk. He had already asked about it, so he was also very excited.

  "Did Miss... ask where is the place?"

  I asked Lin Siyun very gently, because he knew that he was here to show a very good performance, and he absolutely couldn't stay away from others.

  "Ha ha ha ha

  I've already asked, let's go in now

  They seem to have already arrived, so let's hurry in."

  Lin Siyun has been waiting here for Chen Yang, so Chen Yang is very happy after hearing what Lin Siyun said, because he knows that Lin Siyun has always been a good person, and he is also a very good person for him.

  "Okay, eldest sister, I understand, let's go in here

  0 "

  After finishing speaking, Chen Yang followed Lin Siyun in together.

  "Yo, isn't this Lin Siyun? You are late today."

  But after his classmates saw Lin Siyun go in, they immediately

  He said Erlin Siyun to Lin Siyun, but he didn't expect that their first sentence was like this, so he was very surprised.


  Haha, hello everyone! I'm really sorry for being late"

  Lin Siyun is actually very polite, although Lin Siyun is very rich, but no matter what, these classmates are still his classmates, so he feels that no matter what.

  What, it's not a particularly good thing for her

  "Hello everyone, I'm Lin Siyun's husband Chen Yang"

  After Chen Yang watched them listen to their words, he began to introduce himself, because this matter was really different for them, so he was also very happy

  "Yo, I didn't expect Lin Siyun, you are already getting married.

  It's too fast, but who are you tied to, how can you look so ordinary?"

  One of his classmates said to Chen Yang, because he also felt that this matter was indeed very different to him.

  "Hahahaha, I'm really sorry, it's true that compared with you guys, they are a little ordinary, but no matter what, he really likes me very much."

  After Chen Yang heard what Lin Siyun said, he also felt that Lin Siyun was indeed being bullied by them, so he also felt some grievances, because he had never seen Lin Siyun like this.

  So it's not really a good thing for him, because he also knows that there are many things that are really different for him

  "Hahahaha sorry, I want to ask, what kind of work do you do?"

  At this time, Chen Yang interrupted the conversation between the two of them, because Chen Yang also knew that this person was really too much, otherwise he would not have spoken to Lin Siyun like this, so he just saw her talking in Chen Yang. He was also very angry afterwards, he didn't want Lin Siyun to be bullied

  "Hahaha, what job do I do has nothing to do with you, besides, what job do I do, look at what you wear so ordinary hahaha"

  After listening to what Chen Yang said, this person said it to Chen Yang very arrogantly, and Chen Yang did not expect this person to be like this. It seems that these classmates of Lin Siyun are really very arrogant. big

  In this case, Chen Yang really has to teach them a good lesson. After speaking, Chen Yang put his arms around Lin Siyun's shoulders, and then said to them, "I don't think you guys know it.

  The two of us can't compare with you, if you have any opinions, you can say it directly, don't point behind your back here, I don't think this is a very good thing for anyone."

  Speaking is more direct, so Chen Yang doesn't really want to chat with them, because Chen Yang knows that this matter is not very good for them.

  "Hahahahaha, although I don't know what you guys think, but the two of you have the courage to speak here, I think you are really bold.

  , you have to know that all the people here are suitable for Lin Siyun's family, they are all very rich

  So we don't care that each of us is very rich, so you don't have to ask me what my job is, we are all second generation rich, you should know us."

  When this person listened to what Chen Yang said, and what you said to Chen Yang in the video, he did not expect that Chen Yang would ask her this question.

  0 The girl was very surprised

  "Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, can the second generation of rich be proved? Can you prove that you are noble than us or do you look down on these ordinary people?"

  Although Chen Yang also knew that his own identity was not simple, but when he told them this, he also felt that these people really deserved some lessons. Otherwise, Chen Yang would be meaningless to come here.

  It seems that Chen Yang finally understands why Lin Siyun doesn't want to come, these people are really going too far

  And the most important thing is that what these people say is really ugly, they are not short of money, and he has no status, so this is why Lin Siyun doesn't like to come here, because each of them will compare to each other.

  To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter [-]: This time, you are doomed

  "So, each of you's daily life is to compare your own parents and mothers to each other? Is this what you sell your daily daily life? Everyone is too boring, right?"

  Chen Yang said to them disdainfully, and they did not expect that Chen Yang would say such a thing, so it really made them feel very surprised.

  "Hahahaha, you young man, what do you mean? We don't know you. You started to greet Lin Siyun randomly when you came here. I think this may affect your future career. Hahahaha, do you think so?"

  After hearing those words, those people also started laughing and laughing. They all thought that Chen Yang was joking, so they also felt that they didn't take it to heart.

  "Yangyang, don't say so much. Their eyesight is very strong, and they are all family members who are relatively strong in business."

  At this time, Lin Siyun looked at the scene in front of him, and then told her to Chen Yang. He didn't expect Chen Yang to say this to him, so this really surprised Lin Siyun. I didn't expect Chen Yang to say this.

  "Ha ha ha ha ha ha, sister 21, don't worry, there is nothing wrong with this matter.

  I believe I will never have a problem, since I have come here, there is absolutely nothing to ask."

  After Chen Yang listened to Lin Siyun's words, he said comfortingly to Lin Siyun, because he knew that he dared to say such a thing, so he naturally wanted to know the identities of these people is not simple, otherwise he would not be like this Say

  After all, Chen Yang still has his own company, so he must not talk nonsense, but Chen Yang also knows what he is talking about

  He must make these people regret saying these words, otherwise, he also came here, it is meaningless

  "Hahaha, yes, yes, you should listen to Lin Siyun's words. Otherwise, look at your company. There will definitely be no one in your company to cooperate with you."

  After he finished speaking, they all started laughing, and then at this moment, Chen Yang suddenly started to say to them, "The family company owed [-] million yuan at the beginning of last year, and it has not been repaid, and it has been entered into the credit investigation. list

  Muyu Company has always owed money to the workers and the company, so many workers have complained so far, so it is one of the earning credit lists, but because of its powerful forces, it has not been included in these lists.

  Lihua Company, using fake and inferior products and those raw materials to make fake cosmetics, has seriously violated the filing of the Bureau of Industry and Commerce.”

  Chen Yang mentioned the companies of these people one by one. Even Lin Siyun didn't know about them. They were all very surprised.

  "Yangyang, what are you talking about?"

  But he didn't expect Chen Yang to say these things that really made him feel very surprised, and after others heard Chen Yang's words, everyone felt very shocked, and even felt very scared

  "What do you mean, what are you talking about, do you have any evidence, don't talk nonsense here"

  After those people listened to Chen Yang's words, they turned to what Chen Yang said. 2 Chen Yang didn't say anything after listening to them, and smiled, and then continued talking.

  "Stop, stop you shut up and don't say any more"

  Those people suddenly shouted at Chen Yang, and at this time, Chen Yang opened his eyes and gave them a sharp smile.

  "Why are all what I said wrong? Is your company not doing these things? If you want people to know it, you must do it yourself, but these are things you have clearly done, do you want me to announce them one by one? for the world to see?"

  Chen Yang looked at them, and when he said these words, Chen Yang's eyes were also bright.

  "What is he talking about, I don't understand, I don't understand"

  "Yeah, I don't understand what you're talking about, you're just slandering us."

  "A young man is here to spread rumors and slander me, you are dead!"

  After these people listened to what Chen Yang said, they began to threaten Chen Yang, but Chen Yang smiled at them. These people are really cowardly.

  "Hahaha, if you think what I said is false, then you can go back and ask your parents, and I have sent all these things to their mailboxes.

  If you still want your company to have a chance of life, and you want to continue to be your good second-generation rich, I advise you to respect it, otherwise, your current life will no longer be... sustainable for a few days."

  Chen Yang said to them very calmly. They were all very surprised when they heard what Chen Yang said. They didn't expect Chen Yang to say this to him. It really shocked them all.

  "You are too much to threaten us with these things.

  Aren't you afraid of being struck by five thunders?"

  "It's you who made it up here, you are still framing us hahahaha, it's too daring!"

  They didn't expect Chen Yang to say such a thing, and they also felt that Chen Yang must have guessed it at this time, otherwise, how could they know such details "If you don't believe it, I will give you two Minutes, let you think about how to treat me in the end

  In two minutes, you'll decide if you want to talk to me like you just did."

  After finishing speaking, So Man, in 673, Chen Yang sat on the sofa next to him and put Lin Siyun in his arms. Chen Yang never thought that these people would keep talking to him like this, and Lin Siyun also felt very surprise

  "Yangyang, what do you mean by that?"

  Lin Siyun didn't understand because of Chen Yang, because he didn't know what Chen Yang said just now, "Hahahaha, I'll go back and tell you later, wait a while, but you have to watch a good show now, we'll wait. In a while, there will be a good show to be staged in a while, and I have to see how they respond."

  After Chen Yang listened to Lin Siyun's words, you said it very gently to Lin Siyun, and those people just now, their mobile phones also rang.

  "Looks like the show is about to start"

  Chen Yang looked at them, and then a smile appeared on his mouth, and then he also felt that it seemed that these people were really over their heads.

  They dare to fight with themselves, and the most important thing is to say those words by themselves, they didn't know it just now

  But the more this is the case, the more Chen Yang feels that this matter is really interesting, because the companies just mentioned by Chen Yang are the companies of these people present.

  So when Chen Yang looked at them, he knew that they must be doomed this time.

  Feilu reminds you of three things to read and collect,

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