After Chen Yang listened to Lin Siyun's words, he was actually very happy, so this matter was really good for them

  He also understood that Lin Siyun had always cared about her very much and cared about her, so this matter was really good for them

  "Sister, let's go to bed, it's getting late, I have to go out every morning, we'll discuss this matter tomorrow

  We need to keep our spirits up now and go out to play together tomorrow."

  Chen Yang looked at Lin Siyun, then faced Lin Siyun and said that he actually understood that Lin Siyun was really good, so he was also very happy

  "Okay, since that's the case, let's go to bed now"

  Lin Siyun was also very excited after listening to Chen Yang's words. He really felt very happy to be able to live with Chen Yang.

  Early the next morning, Chen Yang and Lin Siyun both got up very early, but the two of them just lay on the bed with their eyes open and did not get up.

  Because Chen Yang sleeps relatively lightly, he wakes up earlier, and when he wakes up, he finds that Lin Siyun has already woken up

  So he turned his head and touched Lin Siyun's face, then said to Lin Siyun, "Sister, why did you get up so early, why don't you sleep for a while?"

  "I can't sleep, I think we have to go out today, so I woke up earlier today, but I wasn't sleepy at all. I don't know why I'm not sleepy at all after being pregnant recently, and I'm sleeping less and less."

  When Chen Yang heard Lin Siyun's words, he felt very strange, shouldn't ordinary people be sleepy after pregnancy, but why does Lin Siyun still don't want to sleep now? "Sister, since you don't want to sleep, let's get up, let's hurry up Take a shower, and we'll go out later after we have breakfast, or we'll be hungry when we're on the road again."

  Chen Yang lay on the bed and touched Lin Siyun's head, and then felt very distressed for Lin Siyun, so he also felt that they should get up and have some breakfast, otherwise Lin Siyun would also be very hungry.

  0 "good"

  When Lin Siyun finished listening to Chen Yang's words, he smiled, and then said to Chen Yang, Chen Yang did not expect Lin Siyun to be so happy, so he felt very excited at this time, it seems that this time Lin Siyun is really Yes is good

  Chen Yang looked at Lin Siyun's appearance, so he kissed Lin Siyun's forehead, and then Chen Yang got up

  On the other side, after Lin Siyun watched Chen Yang get up, he also began to slowly get up from the bed, and then prepared to put on clothes to be with Chen Yang.

  Today's Lin Siyun seems to be in particularly good spirits, and he doesn't look tired at all. Although he slept less time, he doesn't know why his spirits are very good. refreshed

  He hadn't experienced this feeling for a long time, so Chen Yang felt very happy when he saw Lin Siyun like this

  "Ma'am, please get up slowly

  I'll go take a shower first."

  "Okay Yangyang, let's go there first"

  After Lin Siyun listened to Chen Yang's words, he smiled at Chen Yang, and then Lin Siyun also started to get up.

  Because Chen Yang is a boy, the overall speed is relatively fast, so after he washed and changed his clothes, he saw that Lin Siyun was also about to get up and talk to him.

  Feilu reminds you to read three things to collect, recommend and share!

Chapter [-]: Godmother's playful smile

  "Sister, I have squeezed your toothpaste, and I have adjusted the water to wash your face to a very suitable temperature. You can go directly now."

  Chen Yang saw that Lin Siyun was already dressed, so he said to Lin Siyun that Lin Siyun looked at Chen Yang so caringly, and he also felt very happy.

  "it is good"

  Lin Siyun now feels very sweet in his heart, and he hopes that every day in the future will be like this

  Although she used to think that Chen Yang was really her younger brother, but now he feels that although Chen Yang is younger than himself, anyway, Chen Yang is really a mature person, and he understands everything very well and is very attractive

  "Yangyang, I love you so much"

  Lin Siyun looked at Chen Yang, and then said to Chen Yang, although Chen Yang felt that Lin Siyun was "zero zero"

  This sudden confession

  There were some things that surprised him, but at the same time he also felt very happy. It seems that Lin Siyun has also become a little more lively recently because I don't know if it is because of being at home during this time, or maybe it is because of Lin Siyun's pregnancy.

  Chen Yang always felt that Lin Siyun's recent emotions were relatively dull and depressed, so Chen Yang was very happy to see Lin Siyun's relaxed atmosphere.

  "Eldest sister, I like you too, get up quickly, it's estimated that godmother and the others are already waiting for us outside."

  Chen Yang looked at Lin Siyun, then smiled and said to Lin Siyun. After Lin Siyun heard Chen Yang's words, he quickly got up, put on his slippers and went to the bathroom to wash up.

  When he entered the bathroom, he felt that Chen Yang was really more attentive. Chen Yang had already squeezed the toothpaste and put it on her wash cup. On the other side, a basin of warm water for washing her face had already been adjusted. beside

  Lin Siyun lightly touched the temperature of the water used to wash his face with his hand and felt that it was very suitable. For some reason, he always felt that his heart was as happy as eating honey.

  The repressed emotions that have come from nowhere in the recent period are also immediately


  It seems that Chen Yang is really a person who can bring him happiness, so looking at this scene at this time, he picked up the toothbrush and sent it to his mouth, he felt very happy and very happy

  Outside, Chen Yang also chose the clothes that Lin Siyun was going to wear today. The clothes Chen Yang matched with Lin Siyun were relatively fresh and comfortable. After all, Lin Siyun was pregnant now, so she couldn't wear very sexy clothes. clothing

  Immediately, Chen Yang chose a pair of flat shoes for Lin Siyun to wear. Because Lin Siyun wants everything to be more secure now, Chen Yang's consideration is also more thoughtful and detailed.

  And now, when Lin Siyun walked out of the bathroom, he saw such a scene, that is, after Chen Yang had dealt with everything

  Then he was waiting in the room for Lin Siyun to come out

  The clothes that Chen Yang chose for Lin Siyun today were also placed on the bed.

  This made Lin Siyun feel very happy, so Lin Siyun didn't know why, but he was very excited all day today

  He knew that this matter might really be a very important thing to him, but he didn't know why, he just felt very excited inexplicably

  "Sister, you are out. I have already chosen your clothes for you today. Because you are pregnant now, you can no longer wear high heels. I specially chose a pair of flat shoes for you."

  Because Chen Yang was worried that Lin Siyun would still love beauty, so Chen Yang explained it to Lin Siyun

  Because Lin Siyun used to wear high heels, Chen Yang was also worried that Lin Siyun would feel a little bad because of this incident, so Chen Yang became an explanation.

  But in fact, Lin Siyun understood, so he also felt that Chen Yang was really hardworking and attentive to him, so Lin Siyun was also very happy at this time.

  Lin Siyun looked at Chen Yang. In fact, Chen Yang didn't need to explain. In fact, Lin Siyun understood this matter very well. Chen Yang was for her own good, so even if Chen Yang didn't explain it.

  Lin Siyun is also very moved, and he also understands this matter, Chen Yang has always been like this, so he is also very happy at this time

  "Hahahahahahahahahaha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha is okay, or the elder sister knows that I know I will tell you anymore"

  After Chen Yang listened to Lin Siyun's words, he smiled and said to Lin Siyun. In fact, Lin Siyun was also very happy about this, so when his mother heard Chen Yang's words at this time, he was also very excited, "Alright, alright, Yangyang, let's go out quickly"

  After Lin Siyun heard Chen Yang's words, he began to laugh, because he felt that this matter was indeed a good thing for them.

  So at this time, he felt that he was really happy when he saw this, and the most important thing was that he felt refreshed after sleeping with Chen Yang for one night last night, although they The two did nothing

  But I don't know why, Lin Siyun just felt very happy, and the whole person felt a lot more comfortable

  "Yo, why did you two get up so early?"

  When Chen Yang and Lin Siyun walked out of the room together, they saw Lin Yuyan busy on the side, he was cooking breakfast for them, so Chen Yang felt a little embarrassed after hearing what he said.

  "We couldn't sleep a little today, we were happy, so we got up early, do you need our help?"

  Chen Yang looked at Lin Yuyan like this, so he spoke to Lin Yuyan, but at this time Lin Yuyan looked at Lin Siyun after listening to Chen Yang's words, both of them seemed to be in a very happy mood

  "No need 3

  5, you two should hurry up and rest

  Just leave it to me, breakfast is almost ready."

  Lin Yuyan looked at them, and the two said to Chen Yang with a half-smile, and at this time, Chen Yang also noticed Lin Yuyan's eyes, so he also felt a little blush, but in fact he and Lin Siyun were really two people last night. did nothing

  After all, Lin Siyun is already pregnant, so he still has some self-knowledge, and he must not mess around.

  "Okay, then since my mother said Yangyang not to let us move, let's just rest here.

  Let's go and prepare things first, and I have already packed yesterday's luggage."

  After Lin Siyun heard his words, he said to Chen Yang.

Chapter seven hundred and twentieth: The listless Lin Siyu

  In fact, Lin Siyun also understands this matter.

  Why did Lin Yuyan look at the two of them like this just now, but at this time he also felt that it was not important anymore, after all, he was in a very good mood now, and he really went to sleep in Chen Yang's room yesterday

  "Hahaha, okay, since that's the case, let's go and have a look, what else is there that we haven't taken?"

  Chen Yang feels that they are indeed very important. After all, they are going out to play today, so I have to check to see if there is anything else that needs to be done.

  "Sister, what else do we have that we haven't taken?"

  Chen Yang looked at these things, he felt that there should be nothing left to take, because he felt that nothing went, they just took some clothes

  Some unnecessary things, they can go directly to the place to buy them, and they will waste their space when they take them

  "Wait a minute, wait a minute, put this on for me"

  It turns out that at this time, Lin Si18 Han suddenly took out something, a super large box, from his room, so Chen Yang and Lin Siyun both looked at Lin Sihan very curiously.

  Because they don't know why Lin Sihan would come up with such a thing, and it's very strange, and it looks very serious.

  "Third sister, what are you holding? Why is it so strange?"

  Chen Yang looked at the thing in Lin Sihan's hand, then ran over at random, helped him take it, and then asked him, because he didn't know why Lin Sihan took such a strange thing, it was too much for him surprised

  "Hahaha, this is a camera I took, because I thought we were going to take pictures, so I brought it over, but it was heavy, I didn't expect him to be so heavy. "

  After Lin Sihan handed the thing to Chen Yang, he wiped a sweat on his head out of breath, because this thing is indeed quite heavy.

  Therefore, Lin Sihan also felt that this thing was really heavy at this time, but he was reluctant to let it go.

  "There is no need to take this thing. We went to play in the past. If we take this thing and keep taking pictures, we will lose the meaning of playing in the past. Why don't we take this thing?"

  After the heroine heard Lin Sihan's words, she said it to Lin Sihan, because he felt that if they took pictures, they would definitely have less time to play, but at this time, Lin Sihan heard Chen Yang's words, and instantly felt a little bit not very happy

  "No, no, I still have to take this. I finally went out to play once, and I will definitely take a few pictures."

  After Lin Sihan heard Chen Yang's words, he immediately

  Rebuted to Chen Yang

  After Chen Yang listened to what Lin Sihan said, he also knew that it seemed that no one could stop Lin Sihan this time, but although it didn't take up a lot of space, it was still very tiring to walk around.

  "It doesn't matter, Yang Yang will let him take it by himself, as long as no one can take it for him."

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