Seeing that the factory manager has been standing in front of him, no matter what

He didn't want to leave without saying anything, and if he continued like this, he would definitely be discovered by Chen Yang. He had to find a safe place.

,, thinking of this, he was heartbroken and said, "Get in the car quickly, don't be discovered by Chen Yang. In this case, if we are discovered, we will be completely dead."

"I'll park the car at the opposite factory now, and you'll be waiting there. We can't come out unless we go to you, or we'll be killed by you."

The factory manager was very satisfied when he heard what the manager of the finance department said. He sat directly in the car and watched the manager of the finance department drive the car to the opposite factory. He knew this was the result.

The reason why he is unwilling is that he does not want to be the last to know the result, and in this case, no matter what

Whether the manager of the production department or the manager of the finance department leaves or stays has nothing to do with him

After all, he has been expelled by Chen Yang now, so in his heart he wants these two to leave with him. After all, as good brothers, we must share weal and woe.

When the car stopped, he glanced at the manager of the finance department and said, "Why don't you two leave together, in this case, the three of us can start a business together, anyway, you have already said it, don't want to. If you keep working here and leave when you find out, wouldn't this be a very good opportunity?"

"The three of us can use this opportunity to start over, and we can also take our careers to a higher level. It's better for us to be bosses than to work for others."

The manager of the finance department shook his head helplessly. In this matter, he never thought about resigning at all. What he said at the beginning was just bragging about the brothers. How could he take it seriously?

He really didn't expect the factory manager to be so naive, to believe what he said at that time, and he and the production manager didn't take each other's words seriously from beginning to end. Thinking about it now, it's really stupid.

this person

But this person is so stupid, why don't he use him as a target. Anyway, he has already left the company, so this time he will shirk everything. Thinking of this in the mind of the factory manager, he can only temporarily stabilize the factory manager.

As long as the factory manager can admit everything, then he and the manager of the production department will stay in the company forever without being suspected. Thinking about it is a once and for all method.

At least their crisis is lifted, and they can use the factory manager to do other things in the future. Thinking of this, he directly returned to the main driver and said, "I want to discuss something with you."

Fei Lu reminds you of three things to read and collect,

Chapter 822: Waste can also be reused, such as them

"You have now been fired by Chen Yang, and you have been used in the entire factory, and you have even been fired in the entire company, so why didn't you choose to help me and the manager of the production department at the last minute? "

"In the future, I and the manager of the production department will continue to stay in the company, while you go out to fight and start a business, we will bridge and match you, and you can even use the capital in our hands to make your company stand on its feet in an instant."

"When the time comes, we will invest in your company. In this case, the three of us are still together, and we are better than before. At least we have all our network resources in our own hands, and we can even use them. Chen Yang's Funds"

"Would you like to gamble, and if you can keep me and the manager of the production department, then we will definitely be able to implement this matter soon. Within half a year, we will be much richer than we are now."

In this matter, the manager of the finance department must draw a big round cake for the factory manager. Otherwise, the factory manager will not be easily tempted at all, and when the factory manager heard that he wanted to keep the two of them, he was completely stunned. face changed

, he suddenly realized that the factory manager didn't want them to stay in the company at all, so in this case, he had to let the factory manager see the greater interests, and then he could choose to protect them in front of him.

Sure enough, it was similar to what he thought. When the factory manager heard this, his eyes lit up, and he felt relieved and waited for the factory manager's reply.

The factory manager didn't expect that the manager of the finance department would think so deeply about this matter, and he never thought about it, but it's the same reason, if both of them leave, then here company, they don't have anyone to help

And in the aspect of creating the company, not only did he contribute capital, but even the manager of the finance department and the manager of the production department also invested together, so it was a guarantee for him.

I think this method is the best, it can not only keep the two of them, but also make their career prosperous. It is a beautiful thing to think that I can sit at home and count money in the future, and I am a big boss.

Without saying a word, he nodded directly, agreeing to what the manager of the finance department said.

"In this matter, I will do what you say I will do. There will never be any other words. It is still very important to protect you both."

"In the future, I will be able to negotiate contracts with you as a representative. At that time, we can completely cooperate with the inside and the outside. Thinking about it, it is a very perfect thing. We must persevere to the end."

The manager of the finance department finally felt relieved when he heard what the factory manager said. He leaned over his long ears and whispered about their plan. After a while, he drove the car and went directly back to the factory.

It's just that this time he didn't bring the factory manager with him. Er 2 let the factory manager continue to sit in the car. Anyway, how could they continue to go back on what they had already decided? He can't abandon the factory manager now.

Thinking about letting the factory manager sit in the car, there shouldn't be anything too big, and he also needs the factory manager to cooperate with him inside and outside, so think about the need to park the factory manager and the car at the nearest warehouse. place

He gave a long nod to him, then got out of the car and turned to walk towards the usual boring office.

He didn't expect this to happen at all, but it was absolutely normal. He didn't go directly to Chen Yang, but sat on the sofa with the manager of the production department. In this situation, they had nothing to do.

Seeing that Chen Yang and Lin Siyu's attention was not on them at all, he whispered to the manager of the production department.

"I've got the factory manager and let him take the blame for us in this matter"

"Wait for you to shirk all the responsibilities on the field, and I have let him go to the warehouse and go directly to the warehouse manager. At this time, it depends on his ability. If you can convince this person, then We escaped completely."

"As long as these two people can take care of everything, then everything has nothing to do with me. Anyway, the two of them are responsible for the shipment."

Hearing what the manager of the finance department said, the manager of the production department breathed a sigh of relief. He had been worried just now. He thought this matter was going to end, but he didn't expect it would turn around.

It's just that he thinks that Chen Yang will not be so willing to give up, and Chen Yang's goal is very obvious. He is not the director of the factory alone, but most likely it is for him and the manager of the financial department, so in this matter

They still have to be a little more careful

He glanced at Chen Yang, then looked at the manager of the finance department, and felt that it was not very safe to speak in such a place. Although the voice was very low, it could still be heard after all.

,, but he also knew that under this circumstance, he couldn't walk away. The factory manager is now discussing matters with the warehouse people. So in this case, he has to stay there in front of

After thinking about it, he could only lower his voice, using a volume that only two people could hear clearly, and said in a low voice.

"Are you sure that guy won't betray me? Did you tell him something big again, or let him see the prospect, otherwise, how could this guy who sees money betray me agree?"

"Anyway, no matter what

In any case, now we have nothing to do. In this matter, I choose to believe you, and Chen Yang's expression was not very good just now, I think we should pay attention to this matter."

Regarding this matter, the manager of the finance department was not worried at all, because he knew that Chen Yang had nothing to do with them.

Chen Yang had a panoramic view of all the situations, but he did not clearly explain it, because in this case, no matter what

Whatever he said, both of them would have an explanation. He would not speak until the truth was revealed.

After all, sometimes some things can't be said with words, and some real evidence must be presented, so he is just waiting for an opportunity, waiting for an opportunity to have real evidence.

To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 823: It's too late to regret

Chen Yang looked at the ledger in front of him, and he wiped it or not. In fact, there is no big problem, because he still knows these people very well. The most important thing is that no matter what he does, these people must be ready.

He also knew that under such circumstances, the factory manager would definitely not end like this, and the manager of the finance department came so late just now, so he must have met the factory manager. In this case, the two of them may have already some consensus

Although he doesn't know the factory manager or the manager of the finance department very well, he knows people's ambitions, and at this point, they not only want to save themselves, but they also want to take everything by chance.

In this case, he felt that there was nothing to say about this matter, and he had to "eight, six, seven,"

To make the person who should pay the price pay some price, he looked at the accounts in front of him, and felt that it was really similar, but it was a pity, he would never believe it again.

At this moment, he saw his confidant and walked in. He did not continue talking, but watched his confidant hand a card reader into his hand. He was very happy, and then waved his hand at his confidant.

He would not let Xiaozhu go out easily, but in this case, he had to let Xiaozhu go out, because only Xiaozhu can do this thing best, and it was not what he expected, Piglet soon found a lot of evidence

He inserted the card reader into the computer without hesitation, looked at one photo after another, looked at some files, and even saw the audio and video, he immediately

Turn down the sound to a minimum

Although there is no sound, there are some actions and behaviors that cannot be avoided at all. He can still guess some things, and the sound is small, it does not mean that he can't hear anything.

After reading all the evidence, he was not in a hurry to find these people to negotiate, but wanted to meet these people what kind of tricks they would come up with. After seeing that the people in the finance department were basically reviewing it, he opened his mouth and said.

"Now basically everyone has sorted out all the loopholes, and many of the accounts are inconsistent with the ones you brought. If this is the case, then we will ask the manager of the finance department to explain. With your signature, you should know more than we do"

"And you know everything about the secretary, because all the documents passed through your hands, as well as the factory manager's hand. Now the factory manager has left, you are the only one to explain, I hope you don't make any more concealment. "

As for the two people named by Chen Yang, one was very calm, the other felt very panic. The calm finance manager walked up to Chen Yang and looked at all the loopholes above, and felt that it was no big deal.

Because it is a loophole in the factory itself, and all the documents he has in the company are relatively consistent, and there are no loopholes at all. The reason why so many loopholes can be found is because of the documents he put in the finance department. are different

If this is the case, he can just shirk all the responsibilities. First of all, he has to pick himself up. Otherwise, he has no way to save the manager of the production department, much less to make the whole situation come to nothing.

"Boss, if you want to ask me about this, I really don't know. I signed all the documents in their authentic head office, and reviewed them one by one. I don't know if there is any problem before releasing them. Why did it become another document when it came to the factory?"

"And you see that this document doesn't have my signature at all, so I'm wondering if they have made a package transfer and it has nothing to do with us at all, because I don't know these things from beginning to end."

Hearing the manager of the finance department say this, the secretary knew that the whole thing was overwhelmed.

In this case, it seems that the manager of the finance department has chosen to leave the whole body, shirk everything, and put everything on the head of the factory manager.

If that's the case, he doesn't need to continue with Director Wei to do some indifferent battles here. Even the director's teammates have pushed everything to the director's face, so he wants to do it all the more.

"I'm not very clear about people's feelings. I will do whatever the factory manager asks me to do, and everything is done by the factory manager, and I basically don't get involved. If the boss really wants to know If it's the truth, I still need the factory manager to come back and explain."

"For a long time, in fact, as a secretary, I was just playing around, even taking customers to visit the factory. These documents have never been processed by my hands."

The secretary's words made Chen Yang probably hear some clues. In this matter, everyone chose to put everything on the factory manager. It seems that the manager of the finance department has made some transactions with the factory manager. No, there won't be so many cases

The most important thing is that the manager of the finance department can't be so calm. It doesn't make any sense for him to continue to ask, and even if it is the manager of the production department, it is estimated that the same is true. Everyone will shirk everything. long body

I really didn't expect that the factory manager would be so obedient and agreed to be the scapegoat. If that's the case, he will satisfy these people. After all, he now has evidence in his hands. He is very happy to play with these people slowly.

"If this is the case, please call the factory manager and ask him to come over and explain the matter well, and if the explanation is not clear, he doesn't seem to be able to walk so neatly."

"Some things have been done very out of line, so the explanation is not clear, let alone leave, 0

It is very likely that he will pay a higher price, I will give him ten minutes, and I hope he can come back.”

When the factory manager received the call from the secretary, he knew that the whole thing was on the right track. Then it was time to see his acting skills. He took the warehouse directly to the office.

When he saw Chen Yang, he changed his usual respectful state, but looked at Chen Yang with disdain in his eyes, as if he was even more powerful than Chen Yang for a moment.

"Chen Yang, you already fired me, why do you regret letting me back now, but even if you regret it, I think it's too late, because I can't come back, and I don't have anything to do with you. Trust me, if you have anything, just say it.”

Fei Lu reminds you of three things to read and collect,

Chapter 824: For you, everything is worth it

"Some things are not what you want, even if you have something

Ask, I should also have a better attitude, after all, I'm no longer an employee there, and you can't point fingers at me."

"Come on, I really still have a lot of things to deal with. After all, some things can't just stay in the original department, and many things are not as simple as we thought."

The factory manager said some incomprehensible things, because he knew that in this kind of thing, if he couldn't speak some vernacular language, he had to let Chen Yang know that it's not good to do too much.

In this matter, let him know that he is here to take the blame, but even if he is to blame, he should be a little childish. Anyway, he has already been fired, and it doesn't matter what happens. In this matter

It must be better to deal with them

It's just that he didn't expect Chen Yang to be so calm. Facing his cynicism, Chen Yang not only didn't react at all, but even smiled, which made him quite surprised.

When he saw the warehouse manager approaching, he knew that in this matter, many things had already been told to death by them. If he followed some conventional methods, he would definitely not be able to ask anything.

Suddenly he didn't want to ask the factory manager, it had absolutely no meaning, and they were all ready, even if he asked himself, he couldn't find any clues, so he simply changed his mind.

He turned the computer directly, the factory manager and the production manager, and he played a set of photos directly on the beautiful side. Seeing them speechless, he was very happy, as if he had caught a thief. like people

"These evidences are in front of you, can you explain to me well, what exactly are you doing, and the documents in your hands, if I guess correctly, seem to be the documents I found just now"

"Now that you are all here, please give me a good explanation, so that I will not feel doubts about these things. After all, as employees of the company, it is normal for you to explain."

"If the explanation is not good, then I'm so sorry. In this matter, I have to follow certain normal procedures, and I absolutely cannot let you damage our company's reputation in this matter."

Although Chen Yang's words were polite, he felt terrified when he heard their hearts. He didn't expect that they would have been strangled in the cradle by Chen Yang before they could make a move, or even have a chance to explain.

They never thought that Chen Yang would be so powerful. They had already obtained all the evidence, but they were just here to play with them. From the beginning to the end, Chen Yang never thought of trusting them.

Suddenly they felt that they were very immature in front of Chen Yang, as if they were being played with, and they really felt a sense of despair in their hearts. They also knew that in this situation, even if they didn't tell the truth, it would have no effect. , because Chen Yang already knew the truth

The factory manager really felt that what he did was really stupid, he might as well just leave just now, it was too late to escape, he was completely controlled by Chen Yang.

He looked at Chen Yang in despair over this matter. He decided to show off with Chen Yang to see how Chen Yang was going to deal with them.

"It's true that we did, and you already have the evidence, no matter what.

No matter what we say, you will always hold these disputes in your hands, how do you want to deal with us, and if there is a big trouble, it will not be good for you."

"But I also know that in this matter, you will definitely not choose to be dumb to eat Coptis chinensis. We need to pay some price. As long as you can say it, we can do it, but don't go too far."

Regarding what the factory director said, Chen Yang really felt very helpless.

He has already mastered all the evidence. Why should he negotiate with these people? He has already mastered all these people and should feel afraid.

And he didn't want to make these people pay some price, but to make them pay all the price. The damage to the company from the beginning to the end is absolutely to be repaid.

"I think in this matter, you seem to be an issue in the countryside. From the beginning to the end, I never thought about reconciling with you, and the most important thing is this matter, which is very sad for me.

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