He can't condone these people, and naturally, the manager of the sales department can't stay, how could such a big mistake be caused by this day, and they are not in the company, these people have indeed become more and more in the past few months. Minute

"Since the prohibition of the sales department has said so, then I will re-announce the punishment. For all punishments, keep the same, the manager of the sales department immediately

I was fired, and this matter was personally supervised by the manager of the personnel department.”

"You dear ones, do you have any opinions, if there are any opinions, immediately

If you choose to resign and go to the personnel department to handle the manager of the personnel department, listen to me, as long as someone goes to handle the resignation, let him leave immediately"

"On this matter, don't make any reservations, because there is no need for a corpse"

Fei Lu reminds you of three things to read and collect,

Chapter 808: Heart-to-heart, honest workers

After Chen Yang said these words, he turned around and left, because he had already done all the punishments. If anyone disagrees, then just follow the rules and regulations. He will not change his decision easily.

He does these punishments because he wants these people to understand and admit their mistakes. If these people can't figure it out, they will definitely leave their jobs. So for him, this is also a better method. At least he can recruit some more. talent

Sometimes understanding is mutual. Since these people can't understand his good intentions, there is no need for him to keep all these people in the company, so many situations are caused by themselves.

In this matter, if it were him, no matter what

As any manager, he will choose to swallow the lesson of this time, and he will be in these "four, three, three" in the future.

Pay more attention to things and don't make similar mistakes

People are not sages, no one has faults. As long as they know their mistakes and correct them, they can be reused in the future. Therefore, there is no need to always think that the whole company has done wrong because of some mistakes, and that everything is wrong.

If he is really wronged, he will also see it in the future work process. He doesn't have to rush to explain it for a while. He has to think about it slowly, but he knows that some people will definitely be unable to figure it out.

He came to the conference room where the workers were very late. He watched the workers eat and drink, and everyone had a smile on their faces. He knew that this matter had been resolved, at least these workers believe

He saw that the manager of the purchasing department was still among these workers, persuading one by one, and if other people had questions, he would solve them carefully, which was really good.

In this matter, he did not see the wrong person at all. He originally thought that the manager of the purchasing department might not be able to do such a good job. In fact, many people will not have so much patience when dealing with these workers.

He walked up to the purchasing manager, patted the purchasing manager on the shoulder, and then said.

"This matter is really hard for you, you can leave now, and these workers will be handed over to me"

"That's right, if you encounter such a thing in the future, you will immediately

React, don't think it's not within your work scope, don't ask, this is very wrong and somewhat irresponsible."

"If you guys could have reacted earlier, things wouldn't have developed to this point, so I hope everyone can learn from this lesson and tell your employees that when they communicate with these workers in the future, some things are actually normal. Yes, go to the president's office."

After listening to Chen Yang's words, the manager of the purchasing department nodded. He knew that he was actually doing something wrong in this matter, and he was willing to accept all punishments. Although Chen Yang didn't say anything, he also knew that the punishment would be soon. will be published

He is willing to accept these things, and he also thinks that he really did something wrong, and he should react when he knows it, instead of thinking that there is a special person responsible for this matter, so he doesn't ask questions.

If there is really a special person responsible, then these workers will not talk to them about this matter, so think about the workers who are the most helpless, and if this matter is replaced by them, it will definitely be more uncomfortable

"Boss, I know that I really did something wrong in this matter. When I discovered this problem, I should have responded as soon as possible. As a result, I didn't do it. I really lived up to your hopes for me. But I promise it won't happen again in the future."

"And regardless of

I will accept whatever punishment you give me. I am in this matter. I really did something wrong. I will deeply reflect on it, and I will also tell the employees how to do it. It is absolutely impossible, because the matter is small. , or if it's none of your business, just leave it alone"

Chen Yang was very satisfied. The manager of the purchasing department told him to leave after that, because some things have already been said, which represent his inner thoughts, and there is no need to pursue further investigations.

Looking at the workers in front of him, he felt that it was time to deal with the workers' affairs. Thinking about it, he felt a headache. However, it was indeed very difficult for these workers to have such a general knowledge.

If it were him, he might not have followed the arrangements of these people long ago, but would have made a bigger fuss. In this way, everyone's interests would be more protected, so think about how cute these workers are sometimes 0, "Hello everyone, I'm the president of this company, here I want to tell you something, here I want to say a deep apology to everyone, I'm really sorry for letting you go through such a practice. torture"

"In terms of salary, our company has never thought about being in arrears. It's just because the company has recently transferred personnel, so your affairs will be stranded, but we have never thought about being in arrears."

"I can deeply feel the inconvenience this place has brought to you, and I also feel very guilty, so in addition to your salary, I will give you an additional subsidy of 300 yuan."

"The matter itself is that we did it wrong, so this is a little sincerity of ours to prove that we do not really want to owe your wages, the most important thing is all things, in fact, it is not as good as you think. the complexity"

"If there is no accident, the money will be collectively credited tomorrow afternoon. If it hasn't arrived tomorrow afternoon, you can come to the company to find me and go directly to the main office to ensure that no one will stop you."

Chen Yang assured these people one by one, because he knew that these workers were actually very difficult, 2

Some things can't be done so ugly, and he really wants to make these workers satisfied

The most important thing is to find a better solution for this matter, otherwise, it will only make everyone more and more stiff. He doesn't want to see these workers being wronged, nor does he want to see something happen to the company.

The workers did not expect that under such circumstances, Chen Yang would say such a thing, which moved them very much. In fact, they also knew that some things had nothing to do with Chen Yang.

But in this case, if they don't disturb Chen Yang, they don't know when this matter will be resolved, so thinking about their hearts is also very embarrassing, and there is nothing they can do about this matter.

To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter eight hundred and ninth: Chen Yang's guilt

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Chapter 810: It's dark under the lights, your secretary knows better than anyone else

Xiaohong also knows that Chen Yang has always been very good to the secretary, and some things are closed. more and more exaggerated

It's understandable that Chen Yang is angry about this matter, and the most important thing is this person. Now he doesn't listen to anyone at all. Only when Chen Yang is in the company will he calm down a bit.

Thinking about what the secretary did when I was in charge of the company, it really made me speechless. In all matters, I really should tell Chen Yang, let Chen Yang be good, there is a judgment

Anyone who has done something wrong can be punished, so the secretary is the same. Everyone should be treated equally. This is what everyone agrees on. Thinking of this, Xiaohong nodded at Chen Yang.

"I know some things should have been dealt with a long time ago, but you brought it out of the secretary's office. I really don't want this person to leave, so in this case, I can only order it as much as possible, but there is no his role"

"Since you're back this time, I'll tell you everything honestly. As for how to deal with it, that's your business, but this secretary is really too much. He ran out of work hours for no reason, and there were several times. can't find it"

"Even when President Zhang came to our company for a meeting, he couldn't see him, and the most important thing was some documents. He didn't organize them at all. I was busy from beginning to end, which made President Zhang very angry. , that our company is unprofessional”

"I wanted to tell you about this a long time ago, but because the eldest sister is pregnant, I don't want you to worry about it so much, so I chose to hide it. Since you are here to deal with it this time, I will completely clear all these people away. Bar"

Chen Yang didn't expect the secretary's seat incident to be so extreme, and this is just one of them. If Xiaohong said everything, he might not be able to hold back his inner anger and let the secretary get out of the way.

However, he felt that everything had to have an explanation, and the most important thing was that in this matter, he felt that Xiaohong would not lie, and that the secretary was guilty of a thief, so he would definitely not worry too much.

"Don't worry, when he comes, I will ask him carefully to see what he wants to say, and in this matter, how he should do it, I think he knows better than anyone else"

"By the way, why can't I find the documents that we cooperated with President Zhang before? Could it be that you haven't talked about cooperation again after that incident? I remember that President Zhang called me once before, saying that he wanted to working with us again”

Chen Yang went over and over again and found that he could not find any documents to cooperate with President Zhang. He was very depressed, because when President Zhang called before, he was very sure that he would never miss this opportunity.

He thought in his heart that the two companies had already negotiated a contract, but he did not see this document that he was indeed a little doubtful, and it had been nearly a month since the incident.

If the document had been signed successfully, or if it was being discussed now, how could it not be seen, so he asked, but seeing Xiaohong's dodging eyes, he knew that this matter was not that simple.

"What happened, tell me, don't you even believe me, and say that you have something to say about this matter, no matter what?

Anything that happens is up to me."

"The most important thing is that I don't want you to suffer any grievances in this matter, and this contract from Mr. Zhang is very important to us. Mr. Zhang has always had a good impression of our company. I I don't want President Zhang to give up because of certain things"

"I think you know that too, so you don't have any more...

Fortunately, you can tell me all the things that you think should not be concealed, and I will handle them well, and I will never bother you."

Hearing Chen Yang say this, Xiaohong felt even more uncomfortable. She really didn't think that she would manage the company by herself. Not only did she not manage it well, but she also made a mess.

Regarding this matter, I originally wanted to explain it to Chen Yang, but I couldn't find a suitable opportunity, so I didn't say anything, but I didn't expect that it would be impossible to escape now.

Regarding Mr. Zhang's contract, Xiaohong really doesn't know how to say it. After all, some things are not that easy to say, and the main responsible person for this matter doesn't know where to go.

"Since you know about this, just wait for the secretary to come, and you can ask the secretary. He knows it better than anyone else, and Zeng always operates it by himself. I really don't know how to explain it. "

"I wanted to tell you about this a long time ago, but when I got home and saw how warm the house was, I didn't want to bring it up again.

And you also know the temper of the eldest sister, if you know it, you will definitely be furious."

"For the sake of the children, I didn't say anything about it, but this time you asked, so I don't want to hide anything. The secretary has more say than anyone else."

As soon as Xiaohong finished speaking, there was a knock on the door. Chen Yang subconsciously looked in the direction of the door, thinking that the secretary should be gone, "It's okay, come in quickly!"

Seeing the secretary walking towards him, Chen Yang really couldn't hold back his inner curiosity when he came over and said directly.

"Just now, Xiaohong and I talked about President Zhang. You tell me what happened and why I didn't see the cooperation documents of President Zhang and his company here."

"Mr. Zhang called me before and said that he really wanted to continue to cooperate with our company. Come and tell me why this matter has not continued now. I really want to hear what happened."

"As well as today's events, you should also explain to me. How have you been doing in the company recently? You might as well talk about it, I am not in the company, and what happened recently in the company, and also tell me your thoughts."

Hearing Chen Yang's words, the secretary froze for a while. He didn't expect Chen Yang to choose to settle accounts after the autumn, and Chen Yang called him in alone, and it seemed that he would not let him go easily.

In this matter, he never thought that Chen Yang would be so embarrassed, and the most important thing was that he never thought that Chen Yang would continue to investigate.

To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 811: If you don't have strength, then be obedient

The secretary knows that what he has done recently is very crazy, and every time he goes to work, he either runs to meet his girlfriend, or does something unrelated to work.

The most important thing is that even President Zhang chose not to continue to cooperate with their company because of this matter. He felt very helpless in his heart, but after thinking about it, he couldn't take the blame for this matter.

If this matter has his responsibility, then also Xiaohong's responsibility. Anyway, he is unwilling to take on all the things by himself. The most important thing is that Xiaohong has never told him, he feels it doesn't matter.

It's just that when facing Chen Yang, he didn't have so much confidence in his heart, and he wouldn't be so open and upright when talking to Chen Yang, but he felt that he shouldn't take the blame, and he had to explain everything more clearly.

It's not only about President Zhang, but also about the company's recent development. More importantly, why does he appear outside at work, and is still in the mall?

He knew in his heart that if he didn't admit it, Chen Yang would definitely not let him go. If he wanted to come here, he could only admit it obediently, so that Chen Yang could give him a lighter punishment.

Anyway, no matter what, he believed in his heart that Chen Yang would not fire him. After all, he had been by Chen Yang's side for so many years, and occasionally made a small mistake, so he wouldn't be punished so severely.

"Boss, I'm sorry for this matter, and I also feel that this matter is indeed what I did wrong, I will apologize to you now, I should sneak out when I shouldn't be at work, and I don't have any explanation. "

"Including this incident of the workers, if I could have discovered it earlier, maybe the matter would not have been so serious. In fact, I should have visited the construction site once in half a year, but I was negligent, and I am willing to accept all punishments."

"As for Mr. Zhang, I don't think it has much to do with me, because when we cooperated, Mr. Zhang felt that our company's people were not very dedicated, and every cooperation case of status could not achieve his satisfactory results. , so in the end he decided not to work with us"

"Actually, I think the company's personnel are relatively loose recently, and it has nothing to do with me. I always leave after doing my job well, but I know that doing so is also a violation of the company's regulations. I am willing to accept all punishments"

Hearing what the secretary said, Xiaohong was quite surprised in her heart. She never thought that the secretary would be able to shirk the responsibility in this matter, and she did so perfectly.

Anyway, if it was my own words, I would never say such shameless words, and put all the responsibilities on the people of the company, and the most important thing is that President Zhang is unwilling to cooperate with them.

Under such circumstances, it would be great to be able to endure it, and the most important thing is that there are some things that are completely different from what the secretary said. Thinking of this, Xiaohong can't bear it at all.

"When you said these words, wouldn't your conscience hurt? What did you think? It was you who said something you shouldn't have said to Mr. Zhang, which caused Mr. Zhang to be very angry, so he canceled the contract. ,"

"Could it be that you think that Chen Yang will not call and communicate with President Zhang about this matter, but will only listen to your side of the story, and then decide whether the whole thing is true or not, and what are you thinking about in your mind?"

"If you still don't tell the truth, then I don't mind listening to you answer this question. When Mr. Zhang first came to talk about the contract, what reason did you turn Mr. Zhang out of, and there was no reason? Tell me President Zhang is here"

"I asked Mr. Zhang to say goodbye, I waited in our conference room for four hours until we got off work. The second time I passed by the conference room, I found out that you almost repeated the same trick, but fortunately I found it early."

"When Mr. Zhang came for the third time, we talked a lot, and also recorded all of Mr. Zhang's requests. It's just that you were greedy for time and didn't record it at all, so Mr. Zhang's requirements were not conveyed at all. go down"

"Some things I won't say so clearly, it doesn't represent my heart, and I don't know if you explain it to Chen Yang well now, otherwise, I will expose you, or should I invite President Zhang over? "

When Chen Yang heard Xiaohong say these words, he knew that this matter was true, but he didn't expect the secretary to be so extreme. He used to be conscientious when working by his side, but now he has become like this. absurd

It is really incomprehensible and intolerable not to record the things of these meetings during the meeting. The most important thing is that he wants to lie in front of him.

He really couldn't understand why the secretary would do this, but he knew that Xiaohong was very angry about this matter, otherwise he wouldn't have said so many words.

"Xiao Hongdou has already said so much. What do you think? Can you tell me honestly, or let me call and ask Mr. Zhang to come over, and the three of you will confront each other. After all, some things will be better if you confront each other."

"The most important thing is that in some respects, you are not doing very well. Don't think that I don't know anything. If I really don't know, how can I ask here?"

"Being honest is more important than anything. I am giving you a chance, including other managers. If you can honestly explain, I may not fire you, but if you still play with your mind, think about it. Consequences!"

"I think if my company doesn't want you, other people will not choose you. If you are really blocked by the entire industry, it would be a pity."

Chen Yang was very happy after saying these words, with a smile on his face, because he knew that in this situation, only if he pretended to be relaxed and didn't care, the secretary would feel real fear.

He felt more heartache in his heart. He never thought that the person he had always cared about had become so disgusting to him that he even used more lies against him on certain matters, and he had become untrustworthy.

At this moment, the secretary was even more panicked and scared, because he knew that what Chen Yang said would be done, and he didn't have any strength to fight against Chen Yang now, so he could only be obedient and obedient.

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