"Brother Chen Yang, don't worry, I said I have nothing to worry about."

Chen Yang felt that Ling Yun's tone was different from before, so Chen Yang must know that Ling Yun must have experienced something, or remembered something, that's why he is like this

"Brother Chen Yang, this is for you.

I don't want to implicate you any more in the future, this is the end of this matter, and I won't go back to your house in the future."

Chen Yang looked at the thing Ling Yun handed him, and felt very curious, what could Ling Yun give him, and why did Ling Yun do this, why didn't he go back in the future "Ling Yun, what do you mean, is it you? Do you want to go with this person?"

Chen Yang really felt very curious, what does it mean, how could Ling Yun suddenly become so strange, "Brother Chen Yang, don't worry, I have already figured out a lot of things just now.

And some things I have already recalled, so you don't have to worry about me

"He won't do anything harmful to me."

After Ling Yun heard Chen Yang's words, he spoke to Chen Yang very comfortably. He never thought that Ling Yun would actually be willing to leave with Su Qingming.

"I told you, I won't hurt him, don't worry, we have been together before, so you don't have to worry so much at this time."

After Su Qingming heard Chen Yang's words, he explained to Chen Yang, but Chen Yang still felt a little strange, so what exactly was this thing Lingyun gave him, "Lingyun, what is this thing?"

Chen Yang asked Ling Yun very curiously, because Ling gave her a bracelet, and it was a bracelet woven with red rope.

"You forget how I came to life. If the bracelet is on your hand, as long as I die, then you won't have any problems. In this case, the two of us will be released."

When Ling Yun said these words, Chen Yang was very shocked.

Because Chen Yang never thought that Ling Yun would actually cancel the contract for him, and this kind of thing was actually something Ling Yun had never been willing to do, so Chen Yang never mentioned this kind of thing, but today Ling Yun actually took the initiative to bring it up It really made Chen Yang feel very surprised

At that time, Ling Yun said that it could not be lifted, but now it seems that it can be lifted, which really made Chen Yang feel a little unbelievable, that is to say, Ling Yun did not tell Chen Yang the truth at that time.

Therefore, Lingyun is actually very clear about this point, because he knows that he does not want to leave Chen Yang, but now he has a compelling reason not to leave him.

"What's the matter with you Lingyun, what happened to you, why are you unwilling to tell me what happened?"

Chen Yang is really very curious. What exactly did Su Qingming tell him to make Lingyun become like this? It really made Chen Yang feel a little incredible, because she never thought that Lingyun would become like this.

It was really shocking to him, and this kind of thing was really unimaginable for him.

"Brother Chen Yang, don't ask about this matter, this matter has nothing to do with you, so you don't need to say so much."

After Lingyun heard Chen Yang's question, he said to Chen Yang, in fact, he also knew that this kind of thing was really not a particularly good thing for Chen Yang, because she didn't want Chen Yang to know about it.

And now he also understands that some things are really not good for him

"What happened to Lingyun?"

Chen Yang really felt that Ling Yun must be hiding something from him, otherwise I would definitely not become so strange.

"He said that he didn't want to tell you. I said, do you have no IQ? People have said that they don't want to tell you. Can you stop asking others, you have no manners at all, you know?"

After Su Qingming heard such a conversation between the two of them, he said to Chen Yang that Chen Yang did not expect Su Qingming to say this to him, it was so incredible for him.

"I said it all, this matter has nothing to do with you

Brother Chen Yang, please leave."

After speaking, Ling Yun turned around and left. At the same time, Su Qingming also left with Ling Yun. Before turning away, he glanced at Chen Yang.

"You don't need to worry about Lingyun's affairs in the future."

And Chen Yang is a little confused standing here at this time, because he doesn't know what the situation is now, so he feels that many things have gone beyond his imagination

He used to think that Ling Yun would never leave him, but 3

5. It seems that it is not like this now

Ling Yun actually left him, and he didn't know what was going on.

Chen Yang stood there dumbfounded, he didn't know what to do, because Ling Yun had already understood what he said just now, and he would not let himself go to her again, so Chen Yang felt a little surprised at this time.

"Yangyang, what's wrong with Yangyang? Let's go back to Yangyang. Since Lingyun said that we are no longer allowed to find him, then we should go back quickly.

It's getting dark now, and they don't know we're out yet, so let's go back quickly."

He looked at Chen Yang in a daze, so he worriedly said to Chen Yang, although she didn't know what was going on, he didn't want Chen Yang to become like this.

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Chapter 695: The car must have a way to the front of the mountain, big sister, believe me, there will be a way

Because he thinks that he is just a Lingyun, and he doesn't have much ability to make them do this, so this is really not particularly good for them.

"Sister, let's go"

After hearing Lin Siyun's words, he said it to Lin Siyun, then Chen Yang turned around, and then broke the layer of light outside Lin Siyun.

Then he took Lin Siyun's hand and followed him away.

"Sister, what do you think is going on with Lingyun?"

While on the road, Chen Yang has been entangled with what happened to Lingyun just now, which is really not so good for him, because she never thought that Lingyun would become what he is now, which is something he never thought of. matter

Therefore, he also felt very surprised and shocked, because he felt that Ling Yun was never like this before, so it was indeed unimaginable for him.

"You don't need to think too much about Yangyang. Since he has already said that you don't want to mess with him anymore, it means that he has already made up his own mind. Besides, he is already an adult.

If we talk too much to him, then he might get bored of us. He is not a child now at 18, and she also has her own rationality. Look at how rational he was just now, he certainly did not Impulse"

Lin Siyun carefully recalled the appearance of Ling Yun just now, and he found that Ling Yun was indeed willing to leave with Su Qingming, so it should be Ling Yun who recalled something, so he didn't want to stay here any longer.

It seems that Ling Yun should have also found his home, and Chen Yang is only here for a short time, so Ling Yun should have admitted the wrong person from the beginning.

Because a woman's intuition is always more accurate than a man's, Lin Siyun felt that her intuition might be more accurate. Ling Yun was definitely not forced.

It must be because Ling Yun knew something, so he was willing to leave with Su Qingming. Otherwise, Ling Yun would not have followed Su Qingming so simply.

"I hope so"

After Chen Yang heard Lin Siyun's words, he lowered his head and glanced at Lin Siyun, and then held Lin Siyun's hand tightly. Lin Siyun also felt that his hand was being held tightly by Chen Yang, and a warm current flowed in his heart.

Afterwards, he also held Chen Yang with his own hand, and the two of them's hands were tightly crossed together.

It's as if everything in the world has melted into the grasp of the two of them

So for them, Chen Yang actually thinks that maybe he has Lin Siyun and their sisters enough now, and he doesn't think about Lingyun anymore, "You don't need to think too much about Yangyang, Looking at Ling Yun's expression, it seems that he is really willing to leave with Su Qingming, maybe Ling Yun and the two of them really have something to do, so you don't need to worry too much"

Lin Siyun could sense some of Chen Yang's disappointment and loss, because he did not expect Ling Yun to leave so soon. Although she has some feelings for Ling Yun, she did not expect Ling Yun to leave her so soon.

Since that incident happened last time, Chen Yang has become clear. He is only a temporary novelty to Ling Yun, or because of his brother's love for his sister.

Therefore, Chen Yang always wanted to find an opportunity to explain it to Ling Yun, but now it seems that there is no need to explain, and Ling Yun himself may have understood it.

So thinking of this, Chen Yang actually felt that this happened, it was good for them all, and there was no Lingyun who continued to disturb their lives, the few of them could still continue to be together.

However, at this moment, Chen Yang suddenly thought of the bracelet that Ling Yun had just handed her, which was woven from a red rope.

Ling Yun only told him that this bracelet could cancel the contract between them, but Ling Yun did not tell him how to use it, so Chen Yang still felt a little hesitant at this time, what should they do if something happened to them, so this Bracelet must let find a solution

"What's the matter, Yangyang?"

Lin Siyun looked at Chen Yang's worried look, so he couldn't help asking old Chen Yang, because he also knew that this kind of thing was actually a very difficult thing for her, so he also understood that this kind of thing was not easy for her. It's really not easy for him

It is precisely because of this that he also understands that many things are not so simple for him.

"This bracelet"

Chen Yang glanced at the bracelet on his hand, and then said to Lin Siyun.

Lin Siyun is not very clear about this matter, so when he heard Chen Yang speak, he also felt those strange things.

"The one that Lingyun said just now... What is the contract? What happened to the two of you, what contract? Why didn't you tell me?"

Lin Siyun had just forgotten about this because of some things, and now when he heard Chen Yang mentioning this matter, he thought again, what the **** is going on, Lin Siyun doesn't know at all

When Chen Yang heard Lin Siyun ask about this matter, he remembered that Lin Siyun didn't know about 000 things, and if he had known, he would not have mentioned it in front of Lin Siyun. of

So he didn't want Lin Siyun to know about this, so he thought about it for a while, and then said to Lin Siyun, "That's how big sister is, didn't I rescue Lingyun at the beginning?

At that time, she said that she also had some powers, and then she passed them on to me, but I didn't know that the fate of the two of us would be linked together at that time.

So we've been together since then.

Then as long as he dies, I also die, and he lives and I live, so this is our contract, but he said that this red rope can cancel the contract between us, but I don't know how to use it yet."

Because Chen Yang was afraid that Lin Siyun would think too much, Chen Yang didn't tell the truth

It was just a rough explanation of what happened at the time, so after Lin Siyun heard Chen Yang's words, he immediately

Looking at Chen Yang worriedly

"But are you really all right? If something really happened to Lingyun, what would you do?"

Lin Siyun is really worried, because he still doesn't know the solution to this red rope, so he doesn't know what to do.

"Don't worry, eldest sister, there will definitely be a way, the car must have a way to the front of the mountain,"

Chapter six hundred and ninety-six: Chen Yang's secret joy

Chen Yang said to Lin Siyun very calmly, although he still has some worries in his heart, but when facing Lin Siyun, he still has the demeanor that a man should have.

Otherwise, how can you give Lin Siyun a sense of security, so this is actually a very important thing for Chen Yang

"You also have to be careful, don't make an accident, otherwise, when you haven't found a solution yet, if something happens to Ling Yun, it will be over, we'd better be more careful."

Lin Siyun was really worried, because he hadn't thought about it, and he didn't know, so he didn't expect Chen Yang to be connected with Ling Yun, which really made him feel something unimaginable.

"Sister, don't worry, I will definitely resolve this matter, and you don't have to worry anymore. Since Lingyun has handed over the red rope to me, the solution must be on the red rope."

After speaking, Chen Yang glanced at Lin Siyun, then touched his head. He also knew that Lin Siyun was doing it for his own good.

"Okay, eldest sister, let's go back first, it's already dark now, or else let's go back sooner.

Sister, hold my waist tightly

Let's go back together"

Chen Yang wanted to walk against the wind, because he felt that it was getting dark now, and the two of them would definitely be slow to walk, and when they first came, they followed a leaf directly with the wind.

So at this moment, when Chen Yang goes back, he also wants to go back in the wind.

"Good Yangyang"

After Lin Siyun heard Chen Yang's words, he immediately

Holding Chen Yang's waist tightly

Because he knows this kind of thing, in fact, he has become accustomed to it recently, so he is no longer surprised or surprised.

Chen Yang has supernatural abilities, and he feels that it is very normal. Otherwise, so many things at the beginning would not be explained, so now Lin Siyun actually has some secret joys in his heart.

"Sister, you've caught it, we're about to start."

After Chen Yang finished speaking, he used some mana, and after putting his hands together, he was recited a serial formula.

Then, the two of them slowly rose into the air together, and then the speed became faster and faster.

Although it was not the first time for Lin Siyun to experience this kind of feeling, he still felt a heartbeat. She also felt a kind of happiness to be able to stay in the sky with Chen Yang like this.

Perhaps because the time was relatively short, he felt that the time he spent with Chen Yang was not enough.

Because they soon arrived at Lin Sihan's birthday party, because they had been away for too long this time, so when they got there, many people had already dispersed.

So it's not really for them

"Okay, eldest sister, we've arrived"

After Chen Yang arrived at the place, he put Lin Siyun down. The two of them were actually a little faster, because Chen Yang was faster, so this was indeed a good thing for them.

"Okay, let's go first and see what happens"

Lin Siyun and Chen Yang, after the two of them had arrived, Yu Bei went in.

Because this is a good thing for them, in fact, Chen Yang and Lin Siyun have no plans to tell everyone about these things, because they decided that this matter will definitely spoil the fun, so I will have a good time with everyone when I get home. say this again

"Where have you been, why are you coming back now? We haven't been able to find you yet. By the way, Lingyun, Lingyun is not here either."

After Lin Sihan saw them, she was very surprised. She didn't expect Chen Yang and Lin Siyun to walk in from outside, and for them, he had been looking for him all night, but he didn't see them.

"Hahahaha, we went out

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