It's hard to let you have some time to rest, you still come out so early, it really makes me feel a little guilty."

Chen Yang said to Lin Siyun, in fact, he also understands that Lin Siyun is actually a very important person to him, so she also very much hopes to get along well with Lin Siyun and be together forever.

"Hahahaha Yangyang, that's just worrying about me too much, in fact, I don't have any problems at all, I can just follow my normal lifestyle.

I don't need to be immobile, and I don't have a stomach now, you don't have to worry about me, I'm fine."

After Lin Siyun listened to Chen Yang's words, she was also very happy, because she also knew that Chen Yang was for her own good, so she was also very excited.

He also understands this kind of thing. In fact, Chen Yang is for his own good, but he also knows that because the more he is good to him, the less he can be too presumptuous, and he also understands his own quality of life.

For him, in fact, he also understands very well

"Regardless of

Have about it, you still have to take a good rest

You have to know that your current body is what I care about the most."

Chen Yang was very worried and said to Lin Siyun. In fact, Lin Siyun also has a variety of things that he can handle himself, so Chen Yang's concern for him can also be tolerated.

"Yangyang, don't worry, I won't let myself go wrong with this matter.

I know how my body is

You are going to the company today, is there anything you need to prepare just so you can prepare it, the company should be busy, there should be a contract in the company in the past few days that requires you to act now, so you should pay more attention to it.”

Lin Siyun suddenly remembered this matter, because he had not resolved this matter, so he arranged Chen Yang well, because he didn't think of this matter yesterday, so he remembered it today, and asked Chen Yang, hoping Chen Yang can solve this problem well

"What contract is that one yesterday... the one sent by the fired employee?"

Very puzzled, she asked Lin Siyun that he didn't read it either, so he didn't know what the contract was about, and she didn't read the contract, so now when he heard what Lin Siyun said, he also very suspicious

"It seems that I didn't read the contract he gave me yesterday, so you must take a good look today to see if there are any problems, but you should pay attention to this contract, the other party may set some for us. pit"

Lin Siyun said it to Chen Yang very seriously, because he also knew that this kind of thing was not that simple for them, and the most important thing was to sign a contract. In fact, for Lin Siyun, it was something he was good at.

But for Chen Yang, it's not that simple, because Chen Yang has never done such a thing, so Lin Siyun also hopes that Chen Yang can do it well.

"Sister, don't worry, I will definitely do a good job in this matter, and I will not disappoint you. After I go back, I will take a good look at what this contract is about, and I will not disappoint you. If you don’t understand anything, I will definitely ask you right away.”

Chen Yang answered very seriously, Lin Siyun, he naturally understood Lin Siyun's idea about the company, and he also knew that Lin Siyun was actually very serious about the company.


You know it's fine. In fact, I don't have much confidence. In fact, I don't really want to stay with this contract.

I'm not good first, so now I think it should be one. After all, you are here, I think you should be able to do the thing yesterday."

After Lin Siyun listened to Chen Yang's words, he said it to Chen Yang. In fact, he also understood that this kind of thing was indeed relatively difficult for Chen Yang.

So he also hopes that when this matter is handed over to Chen Yang, he can do it well.

"Hahahaha, big sister, don't worry, I will definitely do this, and I will definitely make this contract signed."

Chen Yang took a good look at these things when he was going to go back to the company, because it was really good for him, and this kind of thing was not that simple for her.

I also know that Lin Siyun has a lot of ideas about the company, so he also very much hopes that this kind of thing will be better for him.

"Okay, don't talk about it, everyone, breakfast is ready, hurry up and have breakfast."

Just when Chen Yang and Lin Siyun were chatting here, Lin Yuyan had already prepared the meal, so they started to prepare for breakfast, and Chen Yang was also thinking about this contract, because Lin Siyun started telling him about it this morning

So Chen Yang also knew that this matter was definitely not easy.

Feilu reminds you of three things about reading: collect, recommend, and share!

Chapter 667: The choice in desperation, the soulless Chen Yang

The most important thing is that Chen Yang understands this matter very well. For him, he must do it well. It can be said that this is the first big thing for him to take over the company.

Lin Siyun said that he had given up on this matter, but Chen Yang felt that he could not give up on this matter. Although Lin Siyun had given up, he had to do it well.

"Eat more, eat more Yangyang, what are you thinking about?"

Lin Yuyan looked at Chen Yang's absent-minded appearance, so she asked Chen Yang. He didn't know what Chen Yang was thinking.

"It's nothing, godmother, I'm eating"

Chen Yang also reacted after hearing what Lin Yuyan said, and then said it to Lin Yuyan. In fact, he also understood that Lin Yuyan only cared about her to treat her like this.

"Hurry up and eat, don't think so much when you eat.

The company's affairs are discussed in the company, don't think so much now, you don't need to think so much about this kind of thing"

Lin Yuyan guessed that Chen Yang might be worried about the company's affairs, so he didn't say much about this kind of thing, and he didn't want Chen Yang to care too much, so when 000 is eating at home now, he wants to let Chen Yang eat well

"Understood, godmother, you should also sit down to eat, don't the other sisters eat?"

Chen Yang found that there were only a few of them on the table today, so Chen Yang also felt very strange

"Yeah, they have long said not to let me call them to eat, and Ling Yun also told me yesterday that he won't get up today.

So let's eat first, then you'll go to work."

After Lin Yuyan heard Chen Yang's words, she answered Chen Yang's words.

Because this kind of thing is indeed very good for them, Chen Yang also knows that they are indeed busy today, and the most important thing is that he will go shopping with the fourth and Ling Yun today to choose for Lin Sihan Gift

However, Chen Yang now remembers the few gifts he asked the system for last night. Those three kinds of gifts are actually one of his favorite gifts for Chen Yang.

So Chen Yang also felt that Lin Sihan would also like these gifts, and the most important thing is

Chen Yang felt that apart from the two gifts except Barbie, Chen Yang himself liked Barbie very much, which was also a choice Chen Yang had no choice but to do.

After all, it was recommended to him by the system, so he also felt that he should trust the system, although he still had some doubts in his heart.

"What's the matter with you? Why did you start to be stunned again? You've been so uneasy all day today, is there something wrong?"

Lin Siyun saw Chen Yang's soulless appearance and felt that it was for Chen Yang's sake. She didn't know what happened to Chen Yang, and how could she be like this all the time?

"It's nothing, eldest sister, you don't have to worry that I'm fine."

Chen Yang heard Lin Siyun's words, so he said to Lin Siyun.

Lin Siyun also thought it was very strange, so he didn't ask too much about this.

Although Lin Siyun thought it was very strange, Chen Yang didn't say much.

Therefore, Lin Siyun didn't have any good intentions and continued to ask.

After Chen Yang listened to Lin Siyun's words, he didn't say much, because he also knew that there were more things to do today.

So for him, he also has to take care of this kind of thing and manage the company's affairs seriously.

Although the most important thing for him is to get along with these sisters, but since he has accepted the company now, he also has to deal with the company's affairs properly.

Since this is the case, Chen Yang doesn't think too much about other things, so Chen Yang also wants to put aside other things and deal with the company's affairs. After all, his latest task is the company's affairs.

Moreover, the system has not given him any hints about tasks recently, so this is actually a relatively easy thing for Chen Yang.

Chen Yang didn't know what to do all day long, and now there is finally one thing he can do, so Chen Yang is more busy now, and he is not so busy.

At this moment, Chen Yang suddenly remembered about Kuanglie and Fatty. Recently, he has rarely contacted Kuanglie and Fatty, so Chen Yang doesn't know how Fatty is doing recently.

In addition, he has not done the things he promised Kuanglie, so he doesn't know what to do recently, but now he feels that the most important thing is the company's affairs

So he didn't think about it too much. He felt that the company's affairs should be the most important thing for him right now, and now the fat man's affairs and the crazy things should be put aside first.

Kuanglie's matter is related to Kuanglie's elder sister, so Chen Yang still doesn't know how to deal with this matter, although he has not yet agreed to Kuanglie's affairs

Because Chen Yang has a lot of things at hand now, so Chen Yang didn't think too much, because he felt that she really shouldn't think too much about this kind of thing for her.

Since Kuanglie hasn't looked for him yet, he should stop looking for so many things. Anyway, the most important thing for him now is the company's contract.

Because the company's affairs have not been resolved yet, Chen Yang still has some concerns, because Chen Yang has not read the contract Lin Siyun said.

But before Chen Yang left, Chen Yang and Lin Siyun told him that the contract would have a date tomorrow, so Chen Yang also felt that he had to take a good look at the contract to see if there was anything in it. question

In fact, Chen Yang also wants to solve this matter well, so for Chen Yang, this matter is really a relatively good thing for him.

The most important thing, Chen Yang also knew about such a thing. For him, in fact, he had never done it before, so Lin Siyun would be somewhat worried.

Although Chen Yang wanted Lin Siyun to say not to worry about Lin Siyun, because Lin Siyun had absolutely no need to worry, after all, Chen Yang now has some things and some strategies that the system gave him, so this is not difficult for Chen Yang.

And the most important thing, Chen Yang also knew about this kind of thing, in fact, even if he said it, Lin Siyun wouldn't believe it.

The most important thing is that although he has very little experience, he does have a lot of theories, and with these traffic and his own experience in other things, Chen Yang actually thinks that he has a way to solve this kind of thing.

Chen Yang is actually very confident.

Chapter six hundred and sixty-eight: Ling Yun, who is sad alone

This company's contract, in fact, after Chen Yang returned to the company, he took a look

It turns out that there are indeed some problems, because the contract that their company wants to sign, the conditions given by the other company are relatively harsh.

However, although their company said they could write this condition for him, Chen Yang felt that although this condition was acceptable for their company, Chen Yang didn't really want to open this condition.

Because I have never driven such a low condition before, and this is not a good thing for Chen Yang, nor is it a good thing for the company

The most important thing is that as long as they set this precedent today, other contracts in the future will definitely require Chen Yang to do the same, so Chen Yang feels that this condition and this precedent are absolutely impossible to set.

This is a contract and a requirement for doing business, so Chen Yang also understands that it is precisely because of this that Chen Yang feels that this contract has some difficulties.

Chen Yang is going to think of a way to sign this contract, maybe meeting that person is a good way

"Lingyun, go and make an appointment with the general manager of this company. I'm going to meet him to discuss this matter. Remember to speak to him in a very friendly tone, but don't be particularly humble."

Chen Yang roughly looked at the contract and knew that this contract should be quite important to their company.

Because the most important point is this contract, if they can get it, then their company will actually have a lot of great benefits.

It was because of reading this contract that Chen Yang realized that this contract was actually very important to them, and Chen Yang decided to sign this contract.

Otherwise, if this contract is really optional, Chen Yang has no way to sign it, because a contract like Chen Yangjiao's is meaningless.

After Chen Yang arranged this matter to Ling Yun, Chen Yang also felt that this matter really needed him to act in person, otherwise, it would definitely not work if he just depended on other people.

The most important thing is that this kind of thing is actually very important to him, because after all, this is the first big thing he takes over the company, so he also understands that this kind of thing is actually quite good for him. of

As long as this matter can be handled well, Chen Yang actually understands that. In this way, his majesty in the company will be much greater, and those employees who are not convinced will be very convinced of him.

This is also the first big thing he did when he came to the company, so he must be successful, otherwise he will definitely be paid by those employees, and he is very clear about his work in the company.

There are many things that he needs to do. The main thing is that since he has already agreed to this matter, he will not be able to go back on it, and he also knows that this matter is very important to the company.

So he also understands that he must do a good job in this matter, otherwise he will definitely make those people look down on him, or think that those employees think he is not so capable.

This is not a good thing for Chen Yang.

Because Chen Yang also understands this kind of thing, in fact, for him, such a thing is really not very good.

"Brother Chen Yang has already dealt with it.

I helped you make an appointment for tonight, it's 8:08 tonight, so you can go to a place to negotiate at 80 today, I think this time is okay?"

When Ling Yun said this time, Chen Yang felt a little confused.

"But this afternoon we have to go out to buy gifts for the third sister.

We don't have time to go to a meeting, and we don't have time to negotiate with him, why don't we arrange the time for the day after tomorrow?"

After Chen Yang heard Ling Yun's words, he frowned slightly, and then said it to Ling Yun. In fact, he didn't understand why the things of the past two days were all piled up together.

"The day after tomorrow, but I just told him that it will be tomorrow at the latest, but can't it be tomorrow?"

Lingyun also seems to find it a little strange. He has not thought about this matter, because he seems to have completely forgotten about it. For him, he thinks that he should be busy with the company's affairs.

"Give me his phone number, and I'll tell him personally I've arranged this matter for a few days, because we'll be busy with the third sister's affairs in these two days.

Third sister, she said that she was the thing we were going to do recently, and we went to pick a present for her tonight, so I'm not busy with business today."

After Chen Yang finished speaking to Ling Yun, he continued to work. He also had to finish today's work as soon as possible. After all, he had to pick a gift for Lin Sihan tonight.

0 "Okay, I'll give you his phone number later"

After Lingyun heard Chen Yang's words, he also understood, after all, the most important thing today was Lin Sihan's birthday, so he was also very envious, because he had never had a birthday before, so this was not the case for him. It's a sad thing

He almost forgot when his birthday was, and no one else could help him remember

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