Lin Siyu on the side was also very helpless. She smiled bitterly, "Mom, don't let others be used as a mediator in the future."

"Er 3 why 3" Lin Yuyan looked at Lin Siyu suspiciously.

"It's not obvious

Are you okay?_" Lin Siyu laughed, 2 "If you are a mediator and pull the line, people can make it, and you can say goodbye. "

"Okay, you little girl. 2 I heard that you were laughing at me." Lin Yuyan raised her hand and picked up Lin Siyu's ear.

"Speaking of which, it's all your fault. I'm eavesdropping here. You have to call me. It's still so loud, if it weren't for you, would you be able to startle them?" He whispered into his ears. "You're a little unreasonable, you mean... Is it still reasonable for you to eavesdrop?"

"I..." Lin Yuyan was at a loss for words, she also knew that she was wrong to eavesdrop, but as a mother, Lin Yuyan was

won't admit that he was wrong.

"Who said I was eavesdropping, I care about Yangyang and Siyun. If they can get it right, I'm going to have a heart attack. Can I not care?"

When Lin Siyu heard this, she was stunned. She thought to herself, "It turns out that my mother really has the heart to match the eldest sister and Yangyang. This matter is a bit troublesome."

"If my mother's intentions are known to Xuanxuans Hanhan and Xiaoya. Can they accept it? My God. This is getting more and more chaotic.

Thinking about this complicated emotional line. No matter how high Lin Siyu's IQ is, he will inevitably have hair.

"Mom. Let's talk about this later.

Haoyangyang is still there?" Lin Siyu was afraid. Chen Yang thought a lot: thinking about turning around.

"Why do you want to talk about 3 alone? I have already mentioned this to Yangyang." Lin Yuyan said

"Yangyang is afraid that you will resist. I didn't bring it up. Otherwise, I would have held a meeting for you long ago."

"What? Yangyang knows?" Lin Siyu looked at Chen Yang in shock with beautiful eyes. Helping God is full of coercion.

Chen Yang was very embarrassed. He raised his head, shook his head, and looked around. It was not easy to look directly at Lin Siyu, and at the same time he was still depressed in his heart, "Godmother, why are you talking about everything._You're killing me."

Lin Siyu looked at Chen Yang's expression, and immediately understood, "Yangyang, you are hiding deep enough, you and my mother joined forces to fool us, right?"

"No." Chen Yang hurriedly waved his hand. "Second sister, don't get me wrong. It's not what you think."

Seeing that Lin Siyu was a little angry, Chen Yang knew that it would be impossible not to explain. He took two quick steps and came to Lin Siyu. He explained, _It's true that L's godmother mentioned this to me before. "

"But I didn't agree. I talked to my godmother. For emotional matters, both of you have to agree. You can't force it. That's why I begged my godmother not to tell you about it first."

"I never thought of deceiving any of you. Really."

Lin Siyu frowned. Shen Sheng said: "Whether you want it or not, now this matter has deceived us."

"And. Things are going very seriously now, and I think you feel it too. Xuanxuan, Hanhan, and Xiaoya all have special feelings for you. How do you plan to end it? Is it possible that you will accept us all? "

Hearing Lin Siyu's words. 2 Chen Yang Xindao

"It'd be best if you take all the bills."

Of course, Chen Yang didn't dare to say this directly. If he wanted to say it, then

It is self-destruction.

"Second sister, whether you believe it or not. I really have no heart to lie to you." Chen Yang looked at Lin Yuyan, "Yu Ma can do this.

said. Chen Yang winked at Lin Yuyan, he wanted Lin Yuyan to help her out of the siege.

However, Lin Yuyan's focus was not here at all.

She looked at Chen Yang and said in surprise, "Yang Yang. I didn't expect you to be so powerful. In less than three days. Xuanxuan, Hanhan, and Xiaoya all have a good impression of you."

"Now I'm completely relieved and come to Yangyang. Tell me, 2 Which one are you going to choose?\"

When Chen Yang heard this, he almost cried, "Godmother, now is not the time to talk about this. Can you pick the point 3?"

"The point?" Lin Yuyan lowered her head and thought about it.__ "1 pair, I still think Siyun is suitable. Xuanxuan, Hanhan, and Xiaoya are not yet mature, and Siyun is the most suitable."

"Yangyang, I'll go talk to Siyun. You and Siyu will talk first."

Having said that, Lin Yuyan walked out.

"Yu Ma, don't go, I didn't mean that:" Chen Yang was about to chase after him, but he was stopped by Lin Siyu just two steps away.

Lin Siyu looked straight

With Chen Yang. Close the door with your backhand. Lock up.

"Haha, second sister, why are you locking the door?" Chen Yang laughed awkwardly.

"What are you talking about? If you don't give me an explanation today, don't leave the door." Lin Siyu glared at Chen Yang with a bit of anger on his face.

Lin Siyu really didn't expect her to think of a simple and kind younger brother. Yi Ran united with her mother and lied to their feelings, which really made her a little unacceptable.

Chen Yang shrugged helplessly, "Second sister. How can you explain it to me? I said it before. I have no intention of lying to you."

"Okay, let's not talk about cheating or not.

"Come on." Lin Siyu asked in a deep voice, "Now how do you plan to solve it. "

"Eldest sister, Hanhan, Xuanxuan, Xiaoya, how do you plan to choose (Zhao Dehao)? I can see it too. Mom is determined to make you her son-in-law."

"Now they also have feelings for you. You can choose one too liberally. After you choose, this matter will be over."

Chen Yang looked at Lin Siyu, pondered for a few seconds, and then asked, "Second sister...are you serious?"

"What do you think?_" Lin Siyu rolled his eyes.

"Okay, then I'll choose you,"


Lin Siyu was taken aback. There is no such answer in her options.


Just as Lin Siyu was about to speak, Chen Yang rushed forward with a vigorous step. He wrapped his arms around Lin Siyu's waist and pulled it into his arms domineeringly.

Immediately afterwards. Before Lin Siyu could react, Chen Yang put his lips on it.

A wave of strong kisses came.”

Lin Siyu stared at Mei Sui. The whole person was dumbfounded.

Seeing Lin Siyu stunned, Chen Yang said proudly in his heart, "When it's time to be domineering, you have to be domineering, otherwise it's useless to take the initiative.

"Second sister, I'm sorry,

When I take you down, let's talk again."


Chapter 65: Tell the truth, Lin Siyu's decision! (For the first order on 11/15)

PS: I beg you all the fathers, please give me a wave of first quarrels 1 Thank you 1. Thank you

After being kissed by Chen Yang for a few seconds, Lin Siyu finally reacted. She stared at her beautiful eyes. There were panic and surprise in her eyes - struggling hard to break free from Chen Yang. . It took a lot of effort to break free. Gradually, Lin Siyu's resistance became smaller and smaller. It finally calmed down.

In the bland, there is a bit of default. There are a few shares in the default, and it is rosy. Lin Siyu doesn't understand why he feels this way.

Chen Yang's eyes narrowed, watching Lin Siyu's emotions slowly calm down, he was very proud

"Hey, a woman who is introverted. You have to use this method.

"It's not enough now. Let's wait until she's completely recovered from the kiss. ----This taste is really fragrant and sweet."

The warmth continued. For a while, Lin Siyu's mind was blank. She didn't even know what she was doing. What was she doing.

However, she did not reject her current state, but instead enjoyed it more and more, and her heart changed. . . .

I don't know how long it took Chen Yang to slowly separate from Lin Siyu, but it wasn't that Chen Yang wanted to separate. It's because he's tired

Chen Yang's hands

Holding Lin Siyu's shoulder. Looking at her affectionately, Lin Siyu was still a little confused. The blush on his face could not retreat.

"Second sister, can we talk calmly now?

"En-um?" Lin Siyu finally reacted. She picked up her hand and touched her lips, staring at Chen Yang with too beautiful eyes. There was panic on her face. Lin Siyu became emotional. She shook her arms and said, "How can you do this." "

"Second sister. Calm down. Listen to me first!" Chen Yang raised his distinction and shook Lin Siyu's shoulders. Let her calm down.

"I know

What I did, I also know that I moved.. But I don't regret it. I just want to tell you, I like you!" Lin Siyu was stunned, and she was stunned for a long time before asking in a daze. , "Yangyang, you one. What did you say, do you like me?"

"Yes, I like you." Chen Yang's eyes flashed with your intelligence, your temperament, and your gentleness. I like your wit. "

"I like everything about you, whether it's your weaknesses or strengths. I like the way you wear glasses and the way you don't."

"I prefer the shyness and tenderness on your face when I massage you at noon._


Listening to Chen Yang's confession, Lin Siyu felt like an electric shock.

General. Su Ma, she has never heard of such a domineering and straightforward expression

Of course. Lin Siyu has no shortage of suitors. It's just that the suitor has not approached her within three meters. She would have the bodyguards throw the suitors out. Therefore, although Lin Siyu is naturally beautiful. There are a lot of suitors, but the one who is really confessed - only this time, the special expression of Chen Yang, makes Lin Siyu a little bit prepped.

"Yangyang, tell me this now. I don't know how to answer you.

The road was flustered. She really didn't know what to say.

Chen Yang smiled slightly, "Second sister, I don't want to get a positive answer from you right now. I just want to take a day off. Are you disgusted with me? Are you repelling me? If you are disgusting and repelling me, I'll leave now!\ "The backhand of consciousness grabbed Chen Yang's wrist. "What are you talking about, how could I be too tired of and reject you?"

"I just don't know how to answer you all this sudden. I have you. All this can't be slowed down."

"It's okay, you can take it slow." Chen Yang pulled Lin Siyu's hair. Sit down by the bed. "As long as the second sister doesn't ruin me,

I am satisfied with the mountains. "

Lin Siyu opened her beautiful eyes slightly. Looking at Chen Yang, the blurry and shyness in her eyes had not disappeared. She took a deep breath and tried to calm herself down.

All this happened so suddenly, how could Yangyang do such a thing to me? I'm stupid too. Did I just let him do it? Did I resist at that time?

It seems to be resisting. But later...

Thinking of the state just now, Lin Siyu's face turned red again, what exactly do I feel about Yangyang, is it just a brother-in-law relationship?

It shouldn't be that simple. When he gave me a massage at noon.

When I checked the case, I felt so obsessed with the smell of sweat left by him.

I've never had this feeling before. Is this the feeling of liking?

Lin Siyu is very wise and calm. She can see through her own heart and make a very wise analysis. She can also look directly at her feelings - she will not escape.

But now the problem. It's not something she can't escape, Mai involves her here

If she and Chen Yang are together. What about Lin Siyun?

What about Lin Sihan, Lin Sixuan and Muya? These problems need to be solved


After a long time, Lin Siyu raised her eyes to look at Chen Yang. . "Yangyang. I don't deny that I have feelings for you too, but we can't be together now--"

"Why?" Chen Yang looked at Lin Siyu suspiciously.

Lin Siyu sighed softly. "Have you ever thought about what would happen to eldest sister, Hanhan, Xuanxuan, and Xiaoya if we were together?

"I understand that they all have special feelings for you now. Maybe Xuanxuan and Hanhan just have a possessiveness towards you, but they can't say they like or love you, but Mrs.

"Just now I listened to what my mother said - something is going to happen to you and the big sister. The big sister is a very strong person.

's person. if she really likes you. will not give up. \"

"And if she knew we were together, she would be very sad. I don't want to see her sad. Big sister has done enough for this family."

"Of course, the most important thing is you

Positive. Actually, you also have special feelings for them. Right?"

Chen Yang looked at Lin Siyu. His eyes flickered brightly. "It's the second sister, you said

"I do have feelings for them, but I don't know what feelings they are."

said. Chen Yang took a deep breath, Second Sister. did you know? in

My heart is very lonely. "

"Since I was a child, I had almost no friends, let alone brothers and sisters, except my parents. I was alone-: Personal

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