Chen Yang smiled at Lin Siyun who was talking to Lin Siyun. He didn't expect Chen Yang to be so persistent and serious. He originally thought that Chen Yang was just joking.

It seems that Chen Yang can really help him this time? He naturally knows how smart Chen Yang is. In fact, he said this to prevent Chen Yang from being too sad, and he does not know that Chen Yang is too tired and what Chen Yang has done. "Don't worry, eldest sister, it's absolutely fine to leave this matter to me, don't you and I don't look like you don't believe it?"

Chen Yang glanced at Lin Siyun again, and finally Lin nodded. Since Chen Yang was willing to help her, why didn't he agree to his request? Let's see what his abilities are like.

"Okay, Yangyang, that's all, I'll give you a document when I go back tonight, and you can handle things properly according to this document.

If you don't understand, you can ask me directly, or ask our mother directly."

The heroine knows that she and her mother are the only ones in the whole family who know the most about business matters, so she is still willing to give this to Chen Yang. After all, Chen Yang will be regarded as a man who will inherit their family business in the future.

"Okay eldest sister, I will definitely not disappoint you"

Chen Yang finished speaking to Lin Siyun, and then they continued to walk forward. They didn't encounter a few ghosts along the way. However, this was also the first step they got. I heard that the later ones will be more and more scary.

The front is just to create some atmosphere, these are just what Chen Yang heard when he came in... the conductor said

"This haunted house is nothing more than that.

Why are the tickets so expensive, and you have to make reservations in advance?”

Chen Yang couldn't help complaining in his heart, he felt that this haunted house was not as good as the one he went to... The cemetery is more scary

"Then are you afraid? If so, let's go back first."

Lin Siyun looked at Chen Yang and didn't speak, so he thought it was Chen Yang who was scared, but it wasn't Chen Yang, he just thought it was very boring.

"Of course I'm not afraid anymore. What's there to be afraid of? Let's go forward and see if there is anything fun"

These things naturally pose no threat to Chen Yang.

The main thing is that he doesn't think these are scary at all.

So he doesn't have any fear, he just thinks this thing seems a little boring


As Chen Yang and Lin Siyun continued to walk forward, they suddenly heard a loud noise in front of them.

And this voice is also very familiar to them. Isn't this scream from Ling Yun? "It's Ling Yun, what's wrong with him?"

Lin 000 Siyun also heard Ling Yun's voice, so he immediately

Looking at Chen Yang anxiously, she wanted to ask what Chen Yang should do, "I don't know either, let's go and have a look to see what happened in front of us, and we don't know what happened to Lingyun."

Chen Yang didn't know what happened, why did Lingyun suddenly scream, "Ahhh!!!!"

However, at this moment, another sound suddenly came

The other voices are mixed with these men's voices and some other unfamiliar voices, as well as Lin Sihan's voice, Chen Yang and Lin Siyun are even more different at this time, what happened in front of them, what happened to them, or what happened to Ling Yun and the others. What's going on? Chen Yang and Lin Siyun both know nothing, because they don't know what happened in front of them, they can only go ahead as soon as possible, and Chen Yang doesn't dare to take Lin Siyun too fast.

After all, Lin Siyun is still pregnant, so Chen Yang still has to pay attention to Lin Siyun's

"Oh, leave me alone, go and see what happened to them first."

He saw that Chen Yang had been caring about himself, and felt a little anxious. If something went wrong with Lingyun and Sanmei, he would definitely blame himself very much.

Feilu reminds you of three things about reading: collect, recommend, and share!

Chapter 571: It is impossible to leave the elder sister alone

After Chen Yang heard Lin Siyun's words, he didn't say anything to Lin Siyun, and then continued to hold Lin Siyun and walked forward. He would never leave Lin Siyun alone.

Seeing Chen Yang like this, he felt very moved. He didn't expect that Chen Yang could still think about himself at this time.

"Yangyang, don't forget to take me so fast, it's okay

Let's go and see what happened to the two of them first, if they say something, I will definitely feel very guilty."

Although Lin Siyun was very moved, he was more worried about Ling Yun and Lin Sihan, the two of them.

After Chen Yang heard Lin Siyun's words, he didn't say anything to Lin Siyun. It is absolutely impossible for him to leave Lin Siyun alone.


So now he is holding Lin Siyun in his arms, and then dodges once to arrive at the place where Ling Yun and Lin Sihan were just now.

Because they are now in a haunted house, no one has found out how they disappeared, because it is dark inside.

"Sister Lingyun, what's the matter with the two of you?"

When Chen Yang and Lin Siyun came to the place, they found that things had calmed down, but they still didn't know what happened.

"Why did the two of you come here? Nothing happened to us. You don't have to worry about it."

Lin Sihan looked at Lin Siyun and Chen Yang, both of them came, and they were embarrassed to say something to them.

After hearing Lin Sihan's words, Chen Yang and Lin Siyun became even more curious. The voice was so loud just now, but now he said nothing happened.

"Third sister, if you don't want to tell me, then I'll ask Lingyun."

"Lingyun, tell me what's going on, why did you suddenly scream because of what happened here just now?"

Chen Yang really felt very curious, what exactly happened? "Actually"

After hearing Chen Yang's words, Ling Yun also lowered his head and answered embarrassedly. At this time, Ling Yun didn't know what to say.

"Oh, tell me what happened, what happened to the two of you?"

Lin Siyun can't wait now. Lin Siyun is always impatient, so when he looks at it like this, he thinks it's a little strange what happened to the two of them. "Big sister is really a small matter.

Don't worry anymore, there's nothing wrong."

After Lin Sihan heard the eldest sister's question, she immediately

He said to Lin Siyun, Lin Siyun did not think that Lin Sihan would not even tell her about these things now.

"If you don't say anything, then I'll go to the front to adjust the surveillance later. I want to see what happened to you."

Perhaps Lin Sihan also felt that Lin Siyun was angry, and Chen Yang also felt it, so Chen Yang immediately

He said to Lin Sihan, "Third sister, Lingyun, just talk to the two of you, what happened?"

Actually, it wasn't that Ling Yunhan and the others didn't dare to talk about this matter, but that the two of them felt that it was a bit embarrassing to say it.

They met some ghosts here just now, so they were scared and screamed

"Third sister, just tell Brother Chen Yang.

Ling Yun was aggrieved beside him, facing him

At this time, when Lin Sihan saw Ling Yun's appearance, he also felt that this matter might not be able to be concealed, so he bit the bullet and started talking to Chen Yang and Lin Siyun.

"Actually, it is

Didn't we just go ahead, and then we saw a ghost, but because it was the first time for Lingyun to meet, he felt a little scared

Then that scream was Ling Yun's scream."

When talking about this, Lin Sihan paused for a while, Chen Yang felt very curious, the screaming is understandable in the back, what happened to the screams of those behind? "So you have not experienced what happened in the back. whats the matter"

Chen Yang looked at him curiously, not knowing what happened, maybe only they themselves could know this kind of thing

"And later, isn't Ling Yun a little scared? Then Ling Yun started to attack those ghosts, but I didn't expect those ghosts to be real people, so those screams were made by them.

And when I looked at Ling Yun, I was also a little scared, so I screamed in the chaos."

Lin Sihan bit the bullet. After saying these words, he felt a little embarrassed. He didn't expect that one day he would be frightened by a ghost.

"So this is what you didn't want to tell us just now. Did you feel a little ashamed just now?"

Chen Yang felt a bit of a headache. He didn't expect them to be savage for this kind of thing. He thought it was a big deal.


Yes, we didn't want to tell you these things at first, because it's too embarrassing, I didn't expect the two of you to come here specifically to see us, I'm really embarrassed."

Lin Sihan also felt a little embarrassed, and then lowered her head to Chen Yang and said

"Wait a minute, where are those staff members who were beaten by you, did you think of him?"

Chen Yang suddenly remembered. He just heard from Lin Sihan that Ling Yun seemed to have beaten some staff, so now they can't go anywhere by themselves, so the power of Ling Yun is also very great.

Chen Yang now has some concerns about the safety of some staff.


Ling Yun and Lin Sihan seem to have forgotten about this investigation, because they were so scared just now, so they didn't think about where the staff went.

"We are here"

At this time, Ling Yun and Lin Sihan heard the voices of several people behind them, and these people were the ghosts they had just met.

They lay on the ground and couldn't get up at all, so when Ling Yun and Lin Sihan saw them, they felt a little embarrassed, and immediately

lift them up

"Brother, I'm really sorry, we just acted unconsciously, I'm really sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry"

Lin Sihan immediately

to apologize, he also knew that this matter was their fault, so it was impossible for them to deny the zero of the mistake.

"You guys hit really hard, you hit really hard"

After speaking, the staff member immediately closed his eyes. It seemed that Ling Yun was beaten a little seriously.

Chapter 572: It's not easy for the staff

Chen Yang felt a little shocked when he saw the actions of the staff and Ling Yun and Lin Sihan.

They didn't expect things to turn out like this, and Chen Yang was even more surprised at this time. They were just here to play in the haunted house, and they also injured their staff.

Chen Yang now only feels that he has a few black lines on his head

"Ling Yun, Ling Yun, I didn't expect you to be so powerful."

Chen Yang felt a headache, it seemed that the staff had to send him to the hospital

"Brother Chen Yang, I don't know what's going on. I never thought that these real people would be so scared."

Ling Yun said to Chen Yang aggrievedly, he didn't expect this kind of thing to happen, the most important thing was that he didn't think that this kind of thing would actually hurt people

"Okay, okay, don't talk about it, let's arrange the staff first. Everyone deletes them. This is considered a work-related injury. We will pay for the medical expenses."

Lin Siyun watched their actions from the side, and felt very speechless. He didn't expect such a thing to happen to them.

And the most important thing is that now Ling Yun originally thought that Ling Yun was very courageous, but he never thought that Ling Yun built a ghost like this, and this kind of thing would still happen.

"Brother Chen Yang, did I really mean it?"

Ling Yun was very aggrieved and followed behind Chen Yang, he knew it was his fault.

"Okay, okay, Lingyun, don't cry, I didn't say you're right"

Chen Yang looked at Ling Yun and felt that Ling Yun really felt sorry for him.

"I don't know why those ghosts are so realistic and scarier than everything I've ever seen, so I couldn't help but put down some hands, and they were very heavy. I really didn't mean it."

Ling Yun really felt that this incident really made him feel very embarrassed. When he first came in, he felt that these ghosts were not threatening to him at all.

But it wasn't until now when these ghosts were present that he realized that he was thinking too much. Those ghosts were really terrifying.

"Okay, okay, Lingyun, I don't mean to blame you, let's go and settle the staff first, don't be too self-conscious that this thing has already happened, just pretend it never happened without him, we You don't have to worry about these things anymore."

Chen Yang comforted Ling Yun from the side. He also knew that Ling Yun was doing this kind of thing for the first time, so he didn't say much more.

"Hahahahahaha, I didn't expect Sanmei and Lingyun, the two of you would encounter such a thing. It seems that the two of you really avoided a thunder for us. We haven't moved forward yet."

Lin Siyun said to the individual while following Chen Yang, because they are going to get out of this haunted house now, but send the staff to the hospital

In the end, when they went out, they couldn't get out. This door is

"What's the matter, why can't we open the door? Then how should we get out?"

When Lin Sihan opened the door, it was already locked and couldn't get out. They were very curious as to what was going on. "There's another door over there, why don't you try the one over there?"

Lin Siyun saw that there was another door on the other side, so he asked Lin Sihan to go to the other side to see if there was any problem.

Because the situation here is quite urgent for them right now, this staff member seems to be seriously injured

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