The various commercial storefronts with the most dense traffic in Times Square are in an endless stream.

If you do milk tea business here, it will be good. After all, the more people there are, the more customers will choose to drink milk tea.

Chen Yang, Lin Sihan, and Ling Yun walked directly on the road, and then they looked closely at the stores around 4 to find a store that was suitable for them.

Chen Yang followed directly behind them and watched the three of them begin to choose at this time.

It's just that the surrounding environment is really not good. Recently, there are too many people here. Some people don't pay attention to eating good food, and then they just throw away the garbage.

At this time, Chen Yang happened to see an empty Coke can on the road, so he picked up the empty bottle and threw it in the trash can.

"Wait a minute, there's a shop for rent there"

Lin Sihan saw it at this time and understood what he should do. After seeing another clothing store that displayed rentals, Chen Yang, who knew the whole person and couldn't help but be so excited, also saw that one at this time. store for rent

The area of ​​that storefront is quite good, and the most important thing is that there are a lot of people coming and going around that storefront, so it is a good place to do business.

"Then let's go over there and ask about the price."

After Chen Yang walked past this time, he saw that the clothing store attached to the rental is still in operation.

Chen Yang then walked in directly with them at this time, chose the piece of paper they liked, and said.

"Hello there, lady, do you want to rent out this shop?"

At this time, Chen Yang directly showed his blood-white teeth, and then contacted the owner of the shop like a familiar face.

"Yeah, boy, this shop is going to be rented out, there is something going on at my house.

The business in this line of business is not done, and it is really a bit reluctant to leave this city.”

At this time, the boss reached out and patted the store lightly. Obviously, he had some complicated emotions about the store that had been with him for a long time.

At this time, he was really reluctant to leave this shop.

"how much is it"

"I have to ask that... The charterer, when I rented them here, it was 110,000 yuan every three years. That is, when I contracted the shop, it cost 330,000 yuan."

When Chen Yang heard the price, he nodded lightly without showing any emotion.

30,000 At this time, being able to rent a place with such a good market prospect is indeed a good choice.

If you can do business here, you can almost call it a steady profit.

The price of 10,000 is not bad! After all, these places need to be managed by chartered public servants

"Okay, okay, I know. Then, do you have the phone number of the... charterer?"

At that time, Chen Yang asked the owner of the shop directly for the phone number of the charterer.

The boss was also quite refreshing, at that time he took out the phone number of the charterer without hesitation.

At this time, Chen Yang, after looking at the number on the phone on the other side, immediately

sent in the past

Soon the charterer answered the phone

"Hello, how much does it cost to contract this shop at No. 85 for three years?"

At this time, Chen Yang asked decisively.

"150,000 a year"

Bao Zhugong said the first sentence directly on the phone

"Why has the price increased so much? It's a bit outrageous. Before you rented it to the original couple, didn't it only cost 110,000 yuan for a year?"

Although Chen Yang is rich, but when he heard that the other party actually added more than 20,000 yuan in one breath at this time, he felt a little embarrassed.

"Do you like it or not, make a good plan, if you buy it now, I can give you a discount."

The boss on the phone on the other side said this directly at this time.

Feilu reminds you of three things about reading: collect, recommend, and share!

Chapter 553: I want to see, who dares to bully you Yangyang

When Chen Yang heard the voice of the man on the other end of the phone, Chen Yang instantly became angry.

He didn't expect that someone would dare to speak to him like this, and he still used such a tone

That person's tone was really arrogant, and he still seemed to like to buy or not. When Chen Yang heard this, he felt that that person really needed to learn some lessons.

"You repeat what you just said

I didn't hear clearly"

Chen Yang said calmly to the person over there on the phone, and after that person heard what Chen Yang said, he said to it again in a rage, "I said if you like it or not, quickly pull it down. , it's really useless to discuss with me here without money."

When he said these words, the person on the other side seemed to have a bigger temper, and his tone was even worse.

And Chen Yang smiled at him when he heard these words, and then said to him, "Do you know what you are talking about? If you dare to say one more sentence, the phone in your hand will explode now."

What Chen Yang is saying now, people who know him will definitely feel very eerie, because Chen Yang's appearance means that he is angry

And he was very angry, so the person on the opposite side was definitely going to suffer. At this time, Ling Yun looked at Chen Yang and felt a little terrified.

He has never seen Chen Yang like this before, it seems that the person opposite this time...the person can't escape this disaster

"What are you talking about that doesn't explode or doesn't explode, I'll tell you, if you don't buy it, get out of here quickly, and you don't want to spend money in my store, I can already see you, a few of you The clothes I wear are shabby, and the shop I want to do here

Do you know how much my shop is worth? 130,000 is already very cheap for you

Unexpectedly, you are still not satisfied and want less

If you don’t have money, you still do business here, this is the city center, you can go to the countryside to do business if you have no money.”

Chen Yang suddenly heard a sound from the other side of the phone.

Followed by the sound of the phone blasting

But Chen Yang could still hear the voice over there, because it didn't damage the phone's call function.

"What's going on here? Why did the phone really explode?"

The man across from him felt a little terrified after hearing this scene. He didn't expect that what Chen Yang said just now would come true.

"Yangyang, I'm afraid it's not good for you to treat an ordinary person like this. If something really happens, what should you do?"

After hearing this scene, of course all the people present knew what happened

Of course, Ling Yun is not a fool either. The domain is now almost the same as that of an ordinary human being. He also knows what happened, but he did not care about Chen Yang, nor did he stop Chen Yang.

Because he knows that Chen Yang is very angry now, if he stops Chen Yang strongly, it may only make him even more angry.

So now the only way is to let it out, but Lin Sihan, who is next to him, can't see it.

"What's wrong, Third Sister? They just treated us so unreasonably, shouldn't they teach him a lesson?"

Chen Yang is really angry now, and even when he talks to Lin Sihan, he is a little less respectful.

But after reacting later, he realized that he had said something, but Lin Sihan didn't blame him.

"I want to say that we do this now, although we can deal with him, but I always feel that this is not a good way, maybe we have a better way to solve it

For someone like him, this method will definitely make him think it's just an accident, I didn't let him know the real mistake, not the way he is now

Don't you say no, Yangyang"

When Lin Sihan finished saying these words to Chen Yang, Chen Yang suddenly realized that Lin Sihan seemed to have grown up.

"Okay, since that's the case, then listen to the third sister.

What the third sister said is right

Let's go, Ling Yun, let's go find him together to see who he is and what he wants to do

It is estimated that he has not squeezed others too much, it seems that he is also a local snake in this area!"

After Chen Yang said these words to Ling Yun and Lin Sihan, he took the two of them to the place where they talked with the charterer just now.

Chen Yang's fingertips showed a slight green light, and then they followed the guidance of the light and entered a room, which was very luxurious.

"It's here, he should live here"

What Chen Yang said to Ling Yun and Lin Sihan

"Are we going in now, third sister?"

Ling Yun is also a little curious now, after all, although he already understands most of the truth of human beings

But he still doesn't quite understand some things. After all, the rules of the human beings that he gets along with now are not the same as what he experienced before.

Moreover, Lin Sihan has more contact with him here than he does, and understands more things, so it is always right to ask Lin Sihan.

Because Chen Yang knew that he had said something wrong just now, he is now ready to listen to Lin Sihan's arrangements and instructions.

"Go, I want to see who he is, how dare he speak in such a vile tone just now.

Yangyang who bullied us can't do it

And I have to take this piece of land, I don't want to rent it, I want to buy this piece of land directly

0 After I have discussed it today, I will ask my mother for money when I go back.”

Lin Sihan was talking to Chen Yang outside, but Chen Yang felt some headaches. It seems that Lin Sihan's temper has come up again.

If Lin Sihan told him about this now, then he would definitely ask what he wanted the money for, so Chen Yang thought that Lin Sihan was still the same... Lin Sihan

"Okay, okay, let's go first, we'll talk about other things later"

In the end, it was the overall situation that Chen Yang presided over. He directly opened the door and went in. After entering, he found that the man was actually not very old, only about 30 years old, but his tone was fierce.

At this time, I was looking at the explosion of my mobile phone that I dropped on the ground, and I felt a little broken.

He never thought that his mobile phone would suddenly explode when he was answering the call.

However, at this time, another group of strangers broke into his room.

So at this time, he felt even more doubtful.

The door to my room is obviously locked, how could someone suddenly come in?

And it was a group of strangers who he didn't know broke in, and they didn't make a sound at all. It's actually inappropriate to say the word "break".

Because he had no idea when they came in and

Chapter 554: Now I know I regret it

? Why did you go early? (Please subscribe!)

They came in silently, without any sound, and they did not hear the sound of the door being locked, let alone through the window. After all, her room is on the 19th floor, how could someone come through the window and say, "You guys. Who are you and how did you come in? What are you doing in my house? We know each other? Why did you come to my house?"

Unexpectedly, this person was so frightened that he was incoherent, and he was able to ask so many questions. This series of questions made Chen Yang feel a little dumbfounded.

"Do you hear my voice familiar?"

Chen Yang smiled, and then said to the charterer

Sure enough, when this person heard Chen Yang's voice, he immediately shivered. He didn't expect that it was the person who was on the phone with him just now.

That person just "zero zero zero"

I just said that his phone would explode, but it didn't take long for his phone to explode.

So he is still thinking about what magic power is there and why, but he still thinks that all this may really just be an accident. Looking at Chen Yang in front of him, he doesn't have any fear in his heart now. He just felt a little curious about how Chen Yang got in. "You guys are the ones who just wanted to rent a house"

Looking at Chen Yang and the others, the charterer immediately

He stood up and said calmly to Chen Yang and Lin Sihan. In fact, he was just pretending to be calm. Chen Yang could see the panic in his heart.

"It's us, but don't be afraid, we won't do anything to you"

After Lin Sihan heard him say this, he replied that Chen Yang didn't speak at all.

"I already told you, I just said it on the phone, your... The price is not good at all, and now the price has risen, the price is already high, so I also want to raise the price, I think you should not understand US"

The charterer looked at Chen Yang and Lin Sihan as if they were talking about business.

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