Chapter 530: This is the punishment you deserve

When Chen Yang saw this scene, he was as cold as ice.

"You go out, it's none of your business here"

Chen Yang looked at the man in his eyes...but some men clucked their hands together at this time

That... The woman of No. 68, her eyes flickered as she looked at Chen Yang in front of her, she knew that there was going to be another turmoil here, so she helplessly stood up at this time and planned to leave

"Who told you to go, I don't need to go anywhere here, just this weak chicken, I'll settle it in three or two, I gave enough money to spend here today, you are my father tonight"

That... burly man directly grabbed the beauty of size 68 and said with a proud face

The woman on the 6th said personally at this time

"Brother Hong, I know what you are capable of, if you fight, I don't like it, so let's wait for you outside the door.

And it's best not to cause any fatalities, otherwise, if you stand down, I don't think you will be much better."

When Li Ge Chen Yang heard the name, he thought of Li Kun 1. Could it be that this is also his place? Chen Yang thought so in his heart, but he didn't care whether he belonged to Li Kun or not. If he provokes his own brother, he is courting death.

When the guy called Brother Hong heard the name of Brother Li, he was obviously very afraid, so he withdrew his hand at this time.

"Then you just wait for me outside, we're going to drink this wine tonight and have a rest, haha!"

Brother Hong couldn't help laughing out loud here.

That... The woman of No. 68, glanced at Brother Hong at this time, and couldn't help shaking her head gently. When passing by Chen Yang, she kindly reminded her.

"If you can't beat it, run away. There is an emergency exit where you turn left."

The woman with the number , speaks in a very low voice, but she can still easily hear it when she is close to her.

When Chen Yang heard this, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then he ignored that... Leave the emergency passage proposed by No. 68 for them! After the woman on No. 68 left, Chen Yang was shocked at this time. Moved my neck

"You brat, you are ready to fight against us, are you planning to fight us by yourself?"

At this time, Brother Hong picked up a wine bottle and smashed the sharp bottle, pointing directly at Chen Yang.

When Chen Yang saw this scene, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Tonight I want you to lose an arm and a broken leg"

The moment Chen Yang said these words, he took a step by step and then rushed out in an instant.


Brother Hong hadn't realized what was going on at all. Suddenly, he only felt that a figure flashed by in front of him.

Immediately after, his chest seemed to be hit by a train, and then he slammed heavily on the wall.

"Big Brother"

After hearing the loud noise, the people around them realized what had happened, and they couldn't help being stunned.

Chen Yang's action was as fast as the wind, and the people around them didn't even realize what happened when their boss was knocked to the ground at this moment.

Is this kind of guy still human? Chen Yang doesn't care so much at this time. The moment he saw these people's rottenness, he immediately rushed over and immediately slammed his fists and feet together. The remaining 6 people were all knocked to the ground

At this time, when Chen Yang saw the people who fell to the ground, his palms turned into claws, and he directly crushed the bones of the left hands of all the people in front of him.

Suddenly, there were screams of screams in the box.

"This is the punishment you deserve. If you dare to touch my brother, you will bear my wrath!"

At this time, Chen Yang said this sentence directly and angrily.

His eyes are so cold that he seems to be able to kill

"Stinky boy, how dare you crush our hands, I tell you you'll be dead in a minute"

At this time, Brother Hong proudly turned over and held a mobile phone in his hand. The mobile phone had already been connected to the call just now, and the person displayed on the phone was the...the so-called Brother Li.

When Chen Yang saw this, his eyes became more interesting and he didn't immediately

Take care of this guy in front of you

And at this time, the woman from before... No. 68, thought it was over because there was no sound inside, and suddenly sighed, thinking that Chen Yang was incapable of running out just now and was subjected to inhuman abuse inside.

But just as he sighed and walked in, he saw a scene in front of him that he didn't believe.

Fingertips before this time, everyone who was arrogant and arrogant in the inside fell to the ground, each holding the arms they killed, and they kept mourning.

At this time, Chen Yang leisurely sat on the sofa and opened a can of beer.

Wu Hong also woke up at this time, and when he saw the eyes of the people who were knocked down by Chen Yang, he rushed up and gave them a few more kicks.

"You guys, you actually moved me, and you don't even know who my eldest brother is"

At this time, Wu Hong is facing the... so-called red brother, and kicking him with fists and feet makes him scream.

Uh... The so-called No. 68 has almost lost his mouth after seeing the 000 scenes in front of him. He doesn't know exactly what is going on in front of him.

"You guys wait for Brother Li to come, you will all die here, I'm Brother Li's friend"

At this time, Brother Hong continued to shout non-stop, and even revealed his identity, pretending to be arrogant.

"Fuck you kid, what brother Li is a little kid in front of my brother Chen!"

Wu Hong is still very proud at this time and keeps making the punches even harder. Beating the drowning dogs is Wu Hong's favorite thing to do.

Chen Yang saw Wu Hong who had been beaten and fainted. At this time, seeing the opportunity to get paid is like being beaten with chicken blood. He doesn't care about the pain on his body. He beats like crazy.

"Okay, don't fight. If you fight again, this guy will go to the West to learn scriptures."

Chen Yang, look at this one... The so-called Brother Hong has already been beaten to the death.

Wu Hong just let out a sigh of relief this time, and then looked at No. 68, who was standing outside the door and was already stunned by the scene in front of him.

"What are you doing, why don't you come and serve my brother Chen?"

No. After hearing Fatty's words at this time, he finally looked at Chen Yang sitting on the sofa, and then walked over gently.

Feilu reminds you of three things about reading: collect, recommend, and share!

Chapter Five Hundred and Thirty-One: Look at my **** charm that has nowhere to go

When Chen Yang saw this time, his expression had changed to the calm appearance of No. 68, and then a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Thank you for reminding me just now, but I don't need it anymore"

Chen Yang, but at this time, directly raised a faint smile and said this to me directly

After listening to No. 6, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and he opened a can of beer directly.

"I really misunderstood, they should be the ones who should escape"

At this time, No. 6 showed an indifferent smile and touched a glass with Chen Yang directly.

"It's just that I advise you to leave now. If you wait for Brother Li to come, it's hard to say. If he comes with a lot of people, you won't be able to fight, and then it will be troublesome."

At this time, No. once again spoke directly to Chen Yang in a subtle voice.

"Is that so? I want to see, that... how powerful is the so-called Brother Li?"

When Chen Yang said this, he laughed softly

No. 6, however, shook his head and didn't say anything more. He thought that Chen Yang should be so arrogant because he knew a little bit of kung fu, but his two fists are no match for four.

If Brother Li brought a large team over, no matter how powerful Chen Yang was, he would definitely not be able to beat so many people, and he would be beaten again.

"Since you said that, I won't stop you anymore, so you can do it yourself."

No. 6 should give a good reminder at this time

Chen Yang just smiled and didn't say anything more, but at this moment, there was a burst of incomparably dense footsteps on the passage of the box.


At this time, No. also heard the sound of dense footsteps walking up to the top, and knew that the so-called Li Ge had come directly after this time.

"Who is so daring to make trouble on my territory?"

Familiar voices echoed on the aisle

At this time, Wu Hong and Chen Yang directly looked at each other and smiled, revealing a strange smile.

And this woman of No. 68, seeing that Chen Yang didn't show it on her face, with a faint smile on her face, she felt a little weird, as if something was wrong.

And at this time, a large number of people poured directly into the box at this time.

That...the 68th saw the big crowd pouring into the box, then shook his head and moved away, keeping a long distance from Chen Yang.

On the 68th, when I thought that Chen Yang and the others would suffer, a dramatic scene appeared.

"Hmm, Brother Chen"

In the team, the man at the head was Li Kun. At this time, when he saw Chen Yang in the box, he couldn't help but sweat on his forehead.

"Every time we meet, it's really accidental. I didn't expect someone to trouble me and it's yours."

Chen Yang showed an indifferent smile on the corner of his mouth, and said a few words in an understatement.

Now that... the woman of No. 6, standing in the same place, her whole body fell into blindness

What's going on right now? Did Li Kun know the man in front of him? At this moment, the corners of his mouth twitched. Hearing Chen Yang's words, he immediately knelt on the ground.

And the subordinates he brought over were all from Xinlongcheng. When they saw Chen Yang sitting on the sofa, they were all like meeting their ancestors.

Kneel down and kneel down

"Big Brother"

The horn sounded neatly and loudly, and I was completely caught in the messy wind. What the **** is going on? What happened? Am I dreaming? This handsome and gentle man in front of me is actually Li Kun's eldest brother.

Chen Yang couldn't help but smile when he saw Li Kun who was so frightened in front of him.

Why should I be afraid of being like this, I'm not a wolf, a tiger or a leopard, what should I be afraid of?

When Chen Yang said a word, Li Kun couldn't help touching the cold sweat on his forehead.

"Brother Chen, I don't know if it's you or you, how can I have the courage, it's all this **** red-haired ghost, drag him to direct humane destruction"

When the people around heard Li Kun's distribution, they immediately

He rushed up and pulled out those few people, including that one... The so-called Brother Hong was pulled out. What was the final result with them? Chen Yang didn't even bother to pay attention to this kind of **** in the society.

In this way, some garbage people in the society can be eliminated, and a more harmonious life can be created for the world.

"Forget it, I don't care about it anymore, now I'm leaving"

Chen Yang, when something like this happened here, he is not in the mood to stay here any longer.

When Li Kun heard this, he immediately had to grasp the plan and have a direct relationship with Chen Yang. Today's incident made their relationship a little stiffer.

How could Li Kun make this Buddha unhappy?


Yanhong, you will accompany Brother Chen tonight, if you can't make Brother Chen happy tonight, don't hang around here."

Li Kun at this time immediately

She said to Yanhong, who was sitting beside her, who was a little surprised.

Yanhong is also the one... The so-called Zero No. 68

Yanhong's complexion changed instantly after hearing this

"Brother Li, you know I wouldn't do this if I didn't sell myself."

When Yanhong heard the secret, she couldn't help but her face changed and she said this sentence directly.

"It's okay, it's okay, you are our signature here, we have raised you for so long, it's time for you to repay us"

Li Kun also became extremely serious at this time.

shouted loudly

Yan Hong's complexion changed after hearing this, and when she was about to speak, she was threatened by Li Kun's eyes.

When Chen Yang arrived at this scene, he couldn't help but be slightly surprised. He didn't expect that there would be people who don't sell themselves in such a place. This is a bit too interesting.

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