"It's okay, I accidentally choked!"

Chen Yang really pretended that he was choking, so he stretched out his hand and gently patted his chest at this time.

At this time, Lin Siyu and the others hurried over here to check on Chen Yang's situation, and immediately forgot the question they asked just now.

Nima is really too nervous to go on like this. No matter what, I must make up for the lesson today.

Otherwise, I don't know how to deal with this problem.

They can't be around Ling Yun every day, let's help her solve these big problems

Fortunately, now they have solved this problem

It can be said that he and Lin Siyun were completely apprehensive about the dinner today.

Several times they almost exposed their situation, but fortunately, Ling Yun also cooperated very well. During the process, they all bowed their heads to eat and didn't say much.

After all, Ling Yun used to be a wizard in the village, so she is also very precocious when it comes to interpersonal matters.

In ancient times, people who were 11 or 2 years old had to go out and get tired, so their hearts were almost very mature.

Compared with people of this age, I don't know how many times more mature, it is completely easy to deal with these problems.

After they finally finished their dinner, they hurried back home at this time.

But when they were on the road, Lin Siyun directly opened her mouth and proposed to let Lingyun sleep in her room.

At this time, the other sisters didn't have much to say. After all, this is Lin Siyun's friend's sister. Now that they are in their home, to a certain extent, Lin Siyun is the more cordial one.

"Lingyun, you can sleep in the eldest sister's room tonight, how about it?"

Chen Yang rarely interjected at this time, so he directly asked this question with embarrassment on his face.

At this time, Ling Yun also understood what Chen Yang and the others meant, so at this time, he nodded lightly, and immediately agreed.

Seeing Ling Yun cooperate so well with them in acting, they all immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, if Ling Yun didn't cooperate, then their affairs would be much more troublesome.

When they got home, everyone went back to their own rooms. After all, it was almost 12 o'clock after they had eaten.

At this time, Ling Yun was taken directly to Lin Siyun's room by Chen Yang.

And when he was outside just now, he had already bought some toothbrushes, washcloths and the like, and brought them all with him.

Lingyun's current daily necessities problems can be almost completely solved

Feilu reminds you of three things about reading: collect, recommend, and share!

Chapter 521: A flash of light, Lin Yang's good way

Ling Yun came directly to Ling Yun's room at this time, and looked at Ling Yun's room curiously.

Lin Siyun's room was very spacious and she slept on a 1.8 meter large bed, which was enough for the two of them to sleep together.

And at this time, Lin Sihan and the others also wanted to squeeze into Lin Siyun's room, but it didn't take long for her to squeeze in.

He was kicked out by Lin Siyun.

Immediately afterward, they have to deal with Ling Yun's identity in life, so now they must take advantage of the opportunity to teach Ling Yun a class directly and help her supplement her identity.

Otherwise, it will be troublesome when the time comes.

So at this time, after Lin Siyun told everyone to run away, Chen Yang locked the door in his room and closed it.

In this way, when other people enter the room and can't open it, they think they are going to sleep

Seeing that there was no one around, Chen Yang jumped out of his window and fell downstairs.

And it just so happened that her actions at this time were seen by the madness who was checking the post at the moment.

Immediately after that, Kuanglie on the other side

blowing out a bird call

When Chen Yang heard the bird call, he immediately

When he turned his head, he saw that in the opposite room, ghosts were blinking wildly.

"Your sister"

When Chen Yang saw Kuanglie's appearance, he couldn't help but complain, and then he didn't bother to care about her.

"Song every night, the spear won't fall"

When Kuanglie was on the opposite side, he whispered softly

Let Chen Yang, who was about to jump to Lin Siyun's window at the moment, almost fell down without having any trouble.

This product doesn't say a good word when it comes out, it's a dead end

Chen Yang walked directly into the room with a very depressed expression on his face, and at this time, Lin Siyun also heard the noise outside and couldn't help but blushed.

At this time, Chen Yang couldn't help the black line on his head.

He walked directly into Lin Siyun's room.

To tell the truth, Lin Siyun has reached this month since she became pregnant.

They haven't been together for a long time

At this time, when Kuanglie even mentioned this matter, Lin Siyun couldn't help but think about it for a while, and instantly his cheeks turned red.

After all, Ling Yun had never experienced that kind of thing. Looking at Lin Siyun who was blushing like a red apple at the moment, he couldn't help tilting his head and asked.

"Sister Siyun, why is your face so red? Could it be a fever?"

When Lin Siyun heard that he was a little concerned about Ling Yun at the moment, Lin Siyun immediately

He stretched out his hand and gently rubbed Ling Yun's little head, then said with a smile

"No, my sister is fine."


Chen Yang was on the side, but he couldn't help but gloat over the misfortune and laughed out loud, causing Lin Siyun to roll his eyes for a while.

"Okay, let's start answering the key questions. The time when Bi Lingyun entered our house has just begun. There may be a lot of situations in the future. Think about it, what kind of problems will arise, and how? solve"

At this time, Lin Siyun couldn't help asking Chen Yang next to him, hoping that he could give some advice at this time, and then solve the problems in front of him.

After Chen Yang heard this, he couldn't help but gently touched his chin, and then in his mind, he began to imagine some situations that might occur at that time.

"Otherwise, let's entrust someone to pretend to be Siyun's parents.

After all, if the godmother has to admit Ling Yun as their goddaughter at this time, naturally they have to find a couple to play the role, otherwise, it would be bad if they were exposed."

It's not that Chen Yang didn't want to tell Lin Yuyan and the others directly about Ling Yun's identity.

If she is in an extraordinary period now, she does not plan to tell Lin Yuyan and the others directly.

After all, the current situation is quite troublesome. If you tell them now, they should guess that someone is secretly trying to deal with them.

At that time, the rules of their lives will be disrupted

Even they will live in fear, Chen Yang now just wants to carry all these things on his own, so that the family can live a normal life

This is also what she should do as a man. So far, Ling Yun's identity is the most important.

When she stays in this house, she can let her guard the situation of other people in the house

Once someone enters the house, harassing the family members or trying to do something harmful

Ling Yun is completely able to help anyone instantly with her ability to transform 16 ghost puppets

After seeing these ghost puppets, Chen Yang felt that their strength was very good.

They can become both transparent and solid, and normal physical attacks are ineffective against them, even if the shells temporarily destroy them, they will immediately


Something like this that can't be beaten to death is quite precious.

With his own strength, Chen Yang can naturally deal with such problems easily

After all, he used a gift bag before, but replaced it with a corresponding exorcism power. This power now allows him to easily deal with Ling Yun's power.

But there are no other people. It is not so easy to find the innate ability in this world that can generate and overcome each other.


This is indeed a good method, but who should play the role? Ordinary people can't do it, they will definitely meet at that time, and when they meet, won't they be out of the basket?"

At this time, Chen Yang touched his chin lightly and couldn't help asking.

Lin Siyun also fantasized about it at this time, and then after seeing Ling Yun next to Pi, she gently reached out and rubbed her smooth hair.

"Mom's character shouldn't pass right away at this time, and I can lie to them and go abroad with my friends. In this case, the godmother will naturally not come and ask."

"As you put it like this, I thought of a good way to solve Lingyun's identity perfectly."

At this time, Chen Yang suddenly had a flash in his head and came up with a good method.

At this time, immediately

He happily faced Lin Siyun next to him and said directly.

Chapter 522: Accompany you to face this beautiful world

After Lin Siyun heard Chen Yang's words, he immediately

attracted by him

So at this time, he tugged at his ears, and then moved directly over curiously, and then asked.

"What's a good way, tell me quickly, don't hide it here, tell me now"

Chen Yang looked at Lin Siyun who was in such a hurry, a faint smile appeared on his face, and then he spoke in a hurry.

"Isn't it simple? Let's just say that Ling Yun's parents encountered waves on the way out, and then were swept away by the ocean, so wouldn't they be dead without proof?"

"Yangyang, it is indeed a good method, but at this stage, let's not talk about it for the time being.

After all, I encountered this kind of thing when I first came here, and it makes me a little unbelievable to say it, and now where is the ship and the waves?"

Lin Siyun thought that although he knew about this matter, he could extract it.

However, during this time period, it is best not to use such a proposal. After all, it has not rained for more than half a month.

"Okay, okay, let's have a long-term plan again."

At this time, after Chen Yang and Lin Siyun talked with each other about Ling Yun, and at this time, after all the relationships they had negotiated, it was a burst of output to Ling Yun.

At this time, Chen Yang even took out a notebook and took out 000 kinds of various materials, and put them in front of Ling Yun, and let her browse through it by herself.

Ling Yun looked at Chen Yang and Lin Siyun in front of him, and at this time, they were babbling all kinds of information into his mind, as well as his new identity.

The more Ling Yun listened, the more her head became bigger. She didn't know how to explain other related knowledge to Ling Yun for a while.

In this way, they directly slept through the night in Lin Siyun's room and began to teach Ling Yun all kinds of new information.

Ling Yun's ability to learn is very fast, but it doesn't mean that she can survive in such a high-intensity way of socializing.

Ling Yun felt that his entire head was about to explode. All kinds of information, and all kinds of things, he had learned a lot in one night.

When the first ray of sunshine on the second day shone on the earth, Ling Yun looked in front of him, almost exhausted Lin Siyun and Chen Yang, couldn't help but say with some worry

"Sister Siyun, Brother Chen Yang, you two should stop, the sun has already risen.

Are you still going to teach me here, other things, can I learn it myself first?"

Ling Yun has lived for 300 years, so at this time, she doesn't feel like she wants to sleep

She has really slept for too long. She doesn't want to sleep all the time.

Chen Yang and Lin Siyun looked at their piles of books and materials, and they couldn't help but sighed softly at this time.

It's dawn now, and the two of them should go back for a rest. They almost worked overtime last night to introduce mobile phones, elevators, etc.

However, through their introductions, at this time, I also have some understanding of the things in this world, so it is not like before, I have nothing.

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