"Eh?" Chen Yang was taken aback.

"No, your toes have recovered. The muscles and muscles of your calf have also loosened up. Why does it still hurt?"

"It just hurts." Xia Zhiyan blushed and whispered, "How about you, will you press it again?"

In fact, Xia Zhiyan's legs were completely healed, she just wanted to experience it. Chen Yang's massage. This feeling makes her very comfortable

Chen Yang didn't think too much, "Okay then. I'll press it for you again."

With that said, Chen Yang held Xia Zhiyan's feet again. He got up and gave her a slow massage.

Xia Zhiyan was very happy, she turned her head and looked at Chen who was massaging her.

Yang, I don't know what to think, so I suddenly asked -J.

"Yangyang, do my feet look good?"

"Well, it's very pretty., should I say it? Your feet are the most beautiful among all the girls I've ever seen. Sister Yanyan, how do you take care of them?" Chen Yang asked with his head lowered.

When Xia Zhiyan heard this, she was a little unhappy.

"Hmph, so, you've seen a lot of girls' feet. Have you ever massaged them?"

"Eh?" Chen Yang was startled, then smiled bitterly. "That's what I said, do you think girls' feet are cabbage. Can I just look at it when I say it, and touch it when I touch it?"

"It's almost the same." Xia Zhiyan curled her lips, "I remind you, women's feet are very sensitive, so don't touch them, otherwise, they will be regarded as petites."

"You need a very close relationship to touch someone's feet, understand?"

"Is that so?" Chen Yang raised his head and looked at Xia Zhiyan with a smile, "Then what's the matter with us. Are we very close?"

Xia Zhiyan blushed and forced her defense, "Isn't there a special situation for me? Besides. You are Siyu's younger brother. 2 Siyu and I are sisters, which means you are my younger brother too."

"Brother touches sister

's feet. _Then it's nothing. "

Good guy, this can also be explained. Women's logic is really strange.

Chen Yang shook his head with a smile, he now knew that Xia Zhiyan was fine. The reason why I let myself press it should be because I want to go.

However, Chen Yang didn't want to pay attention to Xia Zhiyan's thoughts. He can be upright and bright now, so why not do it.

This kind of opportunity doesn't come all the time.

"That's right, Sister Yanyan. Didn't you say that just now? Are you an amateur swimming champion? Why did you get cramps in such a short time? You shouldn't be bragging, right?"

"Who is bragging?" Xia Zhiyan said angrily. "I've been in the pool for more than an hour. Can you (Lee is good) not get cramps?"

"It's all your fault."

"How can you blame me?" Chen Yang was very aggrieved.

"Why don't you blame you. Would I have stayed so long if you had come earlier?"

"Is this all in the pot?" Chen Yang shook his head helplessly, "Okay, I figured out that L is in the eyes of your women. There is no such thing as a pot that can't be thrown away."

"Hmph, it's good to know." Xia Zhiyan raised her chin proudly.

"Okay, then it's my fault, but... I can win the bet." Chen Yang grabbed Xia Zhiyan's foot. _"I got you. Hehe."

Xia Zhiyan heard the words and sat up. "It doesn't count. I had an accident. We have to start over. You...: What are you looking at?".

Chen Yangwan's eyes widened and stared at Xia Zhiyan. After more than ten seconds, he stretched out his finger, "Sister Yanyan a: "Drop:: dropped. "

"Eh?" Xia Zhiyan looked down and was stunned.

The next second, a scream piercing into the sky echoed throughout the swimming room.

"Ah: Level"


Chapter 56: My boyfriend is Siyu's younger brother! (please order first 2/15)

Xia Zhiyan was wearing a bikini, and she was bouncing tightly, but in the water just now, when Chen Yang rescued her, she was so moved that the rope of the bikini loosened.

Because Xia Zhiyan was so much more painful just now, she didn't pay attention at all. After landing, she also lay upright. Now that she suddenly got up, Gini finally couldn't hold it anymore.

"Ah!" Xia Zhiyan screamed several times in a row, then got up from the ground and ran to the locker room like a sprint. The speed is extremely fast. The body is unstable, and she almost fell on several occasions.

But Xia Zhiyan didn't stop at all, just staggered into the locker room.

Chen Yang looked at

Xia Zhiyan fled from the back, sat on the ground in a daze for a long time before he muttered, "It really is the real thing."

Xia Zhiyan went to the dressing room, hid in the corner and sat down. Her face was flushed with fever, and her heart was pounding. As if to jump out of the noise.

"Why did it fall? It's over, I've been seen all over, I'm shameless." Xia Zhiyan covered her face with her hands, wishing she could find a hole to burrow in.

"How did this happen? This is completely different from the script I expected. Woohoo, why am I so unlucky!"

"Is it really like the rain

Said the same. He is my nemesis. My enemy? Ah ah, I'm going to die, I can't live!" 497 calmed down her own mood. She didn't even know how to face Chen Yang in the future

If Chen Yang used this to make fun of her in the future. Then she really can't live.

"What should I do, what should I do?" Xia Zhiyan panicked, and now she has no idea.

Bang bang, there was a knock on the door.

"That one. Sister Yanyan. Are you in there? I didn't mean to, it's really an accident."

Hearing Chen Yang's voice, Xia Zhiyan blocked her ears, "No.

Said ⊥"

Chen Yang stood at the door of the dressing room. His face was full of embarrassment. He didn't know how to persuade Xia Zhiyan now.

Hey. What is this, I just wanted to tease her. Who knew I saw it

It's a bit unstoppable now.

"That-. Sister Yanyan, don't be angry, I really didn't mean it, or else. You just think I didn't read it::: It doesn't seem right.

"Otherwise, you can find a way to let me...-It seems that you don't have the ability, do you?"

"Sister Yanyan. I assure you, I will never say anything about this matter.

, God knows that you know and I know, okay? "

"I won't mention it in the future. Let's just pretend that nothing happened today. Also. You owe me the bet. Also - write off - okay?"

Although Xia Zhiyan (cbai) blocked her ears, she could still hear Chen Yang's words. She cried and cried, "You've seen it all, and what are you talking about to write off? I'm not paying for the bet?"

"Fine, count." Chen Yang hurriedly said

"Sister Yanyan, you are so arrogant. It's rare to see such a bold and outspoken hero in women's middle school. I admire it very much."

"You one by one you

Also said you were comforting me?" Xia Zhiyan shouted angrily

Chen Yang scratched his head embarrassingly, "I want to comfort you... But I don't know what to say. Otherwise, give me a way."

Xia Zhiyan pondered for a few seconds. _"I'm going to give you a row, will you go?"

"You have to go. As long as you say it." Chen Yang said sternly.

"Okay. Then I'll tell you." Xia Zhiyan thought to herself that she had been seen, and there was no way to save it. It's better to take the opportunity to raise conditions and look for face.

"Okay, go ahead. I'm listening.


, This matter cannot be told to anyone, neither can Siyu! "

"No problem, I will never reveal half a word."

"Second. You have to admit that I won this bet."

Chen Yang smiled helplessly. _ "Okay. You win."

Even if she wins, even if she wins, Chen Yang has already made too much money today.

"Third, you have to be responsible to me!"

"Okay-.Wait?" Chen Yang was taken aback

"Responsible, how am I responsible?"


half an hour

Later, Chen Yang, accompanied by Xia Zhiyan, arrived at the gate of the villa.

Chen Yang looked at Xia Zhiyan with embarrassment

"Sister Yanyan, then I'm leaving."

Xia Zhiyan blushed and rolled her eyes at him

"Let's go, remember what you promised me."

"Haha." Chen Yang smiled gloomily. "Sister Yanyan. Otherwise, let's talk about the first two items. Your third item is too much."

"Excessive 9." Xia Zhiyan raised her eyebrows

"You have looked at me. Is it too much for me to make this request?"


It's my fault, I shouldn't have seen it. But isn't this an accident?" Chen Yang scratched his head with a blushing face.

"Let's change another one. How about I show you mine too?"

"Go away, who cares about you." Xia Zhiyan raised her hand and punched Chen Yang, "Little Sebo. Don't be cheap and be good.

"Do you know how many people would be rushing to do this if I let it go? You won't be happy if I let you do it."

"It's not that I'm unhappy, the main reason is that this matter is too big:" Chen Yang wondered.

"Don't be too wordy, that's it, let's go. Wait for me to order.

When the time is right, I'll call you. "Speaking, Xia Zhiyan pushed Chen Yang out.

"Sister Yanyan, we are discussing..."

Bang Shang, Xia Zhiyan closed the door before Chen Yang could finish speaking.

Chen Yang smiled bitterly, "Okay. It's alright. I took a look at others and put myself in. My life!"

"Hey." With a long sigh, Chen Yang left in despair.

Xia Zhiyan looked at Chen Yang's back through the door mirror and couldn't help laughing, "Hey, is my advantage so easy to take?

"With your shield. I will

There is a way to explain. "

"Hurry up and call my mother. Tell her the good news."

Saying that, Xia Zhiyan took out her mobile phone...and called her mother.

"Mom, what are you doing?"

"Watching TV on the sofa. Yanyan. What's the matter? Why did you remember to call me today?"

"Mom, I have good news for you. I have found a boyfriend!"

"Really? How old is he? Where is his family?. What are you doing?" Yanyan, tell your mother quickly. "

Xia Zhiyan smiled and said, "

Mom, don't get excited, wait for two days. I'll take him back. Are you in the detail room? I promise. You will surely be satisfied with him. "

"You bastard, keep it a secret from your mother, okay. Then your mother will wait for you to bring it back. But hurry up. You know, my mother broke the little one for this."

"Well, I know, that's why I worked so hard to find a boyfriend." Xia Zhiyan smiled, "Now you can rest assured."

"I can't worry about L until you guys are sure."

"Okay. It will put you at ease."

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