"Grandpa Xu, don't joke with me, this joke is a bit too big, I can't stand it"

At this time, Chen Yang couldn't help but squeeze a smile out of embarrassment.

Ouyang Lina heard it beside her, her grandfather actually said such a thing, so she couldn't help snickering.

"Hey, brother Chen Yang forgot to tell you that grandpa is a drug addict. Every night, he watches various medical festivals and wants to enrich his medical skills.

Now, you give him two such precious Chinese medicine lists, and now he may be thinking of your name in his dreams."

At this time, Ouyang Lina said this sentence without hesitation.

After hearing this, Chen Yang couldn't help but smile.

Looking at Lao Xu's current appearance, he could guess that what Ouyang Lina said was not a joke

Now he can even see that Lao Xu can't wait to let Chen Yang go home directly, so he will bring the medicine list directly.

"Okay, let's end this matter first, and then let's talk about the distribution after the cooperation between the three factories."

Lao Xu's words directly focused on his interests.

Chen Yang took it without hesitation and said.

"Grandpa, in terms of interests, I will give you a cent. I don't want it. Money is nothing to me now."

What Chen Yang said is not wrong at all, and he is the kind that is sincere. The amount of property he owns now is terrifying, and there are several companies. Now he is the president of many companies, and the money in his hand is simply not enough. Endless flowers

It's just that after Lao Xu heard it, he straightened his face and said directly.

"No, I took two of your prescriptions, and I didn't even give you any sweetness. When I say this, how can I stand in the society and what kind of eyes will other people look at me?"

When Lao Xu said these words, his expression was... firm.

After Chen Yang watched it, he couldn't help but smile bitterly.

He could see that what Lao Xu said was not a joke.

Even at this time, Ouyang Lina hurriedly said, "Brother Chen Yang, just agree, my grandfather is not greedy.

If you don't accept a little dividend or a little benefit, he won't sleep well then."

Chen Yang looked at Ouyang Lina at this moment

After saying this, I can only helplessly smile

"Well then, I want to change a treaty"

At this time, Chen Yang suddenly said one, and the focus was directly changed to the treaty.

When Lao Xu heard that Chen Yang agreed, he immediately smiled, no matter what contract he made or not, as long as he could give him the dividends, he would have nothing in his heart.

"Just open your mouth and say what kind of treaty you want"

At this time, Lao Xu laughed, and then took out three contracts and three documents from the drawer next to him. The three contracts and documents were obviously taken from the previous partner.

"Let's see what needs to be added first!"

At this time, Lao Xu directly pushed the documents and contracts in front of Chen Yang.

At this time, Chen Yang directly picked up the document, and then checked it up and down.

The content written in the document is almost all about the distribution of some benefits, the materials provided by the partner, and the ownership of this drug list.

After Chen Yang ignored it, he found that there was no invisible contract in the contract, it was completely and clearly

Obviously, these three partners are not the kind of... black shops, you can rest assured, hand over the medicine list to them and let them produce

"Grandpa is naturally no problem, but the contract I want to change is to give this dividend and other profits to Ouyang Lina"

At this time, Chen Yang spoke slowly and directly.

Originally, Ouyang Lina, who was listening at the scene, immediately opened her eyes wide when she heard the news, and then she looked at Chen Yang in disbelief.

"Yangyang, what is this doing?"

Ouyang Lina suddenly stood up a little overwhelmed. The combined profits of the three companies were at least a few hundred thousand, and even a few million were not necessarily high.

If the effect of this medicine is really that good, then there will naturally be more people who buy it.

Then the profit and value-added space will really rise.

At that time, the money that comes down every year will be an astronomical figure.”

I'll give it to you, and you can go straight ahead with peace of mind."

At this time, Chen Yang showed an indifferent smile on his face, and said directly to Ouyang Lina.

At this time, Ouyang Lina was a little flattered, her whole body showed an unbelievable look, looking at Chen Yang in front of her.

"Alright, alright, Wahaha, I didn't expect you, you stinky brat, to love my family's Nana very much, and actually willing to give so much money directly to Nana, do you really want to do this?"

At this time, Lao Xu finished the sentence without hesitation, and stared directly at Chen Yang in front of him.

Chen Yang looked at Lao Xu at this time, looked at himself with a scrutiny, as if he wanted to see himself, was he really willing to give so much money directly to Ouyang Lina

Chen Yang's next response, and even the answer, made Lao Xu very satisfied.

"It is absolutely true, if it is really necessary, I will immediately

Bring my computer here and make a new copy of this contract, and then we immediately


When Chen Yang finished saying this, he was going to go upstairs to take down the computer and prepare to print a new contract.

It's just that when he just made this move, he was directly interrupted by Lao Xu.

"I believe you, I believe you didn't expect that I really found a treasure this time. Our Ouyang family was finally able to meet you when it was in decline. It turns out that God is really not kind to our Ouyang family, but it's a pity that you don't either. I don't like studying medicine, otherwise, everything will be perfect."

When Lao Xu talked about medical matters at this time, he couldn't help sighing softly.

After all, his most ideal thing is to have a person of his own who can inherit his medicine, and then carry forward the medicine of the Ouyang family.

At that time, even if he is dead, after returning to the ground, he will be able to raise his head when he sees the ancestors in the ground.

Chapter four hundred and eighty second: the brain is buzzing

Chen Yang and Lao Xu signed the contract after discussing some things about the contract.

After the contract was signed, Lao Xie had a happy face, and the contract in his hand seemed to be a treasure.

"Our Ouyang family is about to wake up. By the way, Chen Yang, what price do you plan to set the price of these three medicines?"

At this time, Lao Xu asked Chen Yang directly.

After all, each drug must have a clear price tag at the beginning, and the wholesale price and retail price should not be confused after production.

At this time, Chen Yang touched his chin lightly and asked Lao Xu, "Grandpa Lao Xu, at which price do you think this medicine should be kept more reasonable?"

"The price of this medicine is ordinary. Although there are several kinds of precious medicinal materials in it, the dosage is not large, and it is only a matter of a few dollars. As for other medicines, it is even cheaper."

Lao Xu took out the previous medicine list and looked it up and down. After the sixth day of the sixth day, he said, "These medicines are very cheap, but the effect is very good. Otherwise, they will sell him 50 yuan per box."

Yuan Chen heard the price, and after hearing the price, he couldn't help shaking his head gently.

To be honest, the price of 50 yuan is neither high nor low. Generally, these medicines sold outside are more expensive.

Old Xu is also not greedy, the total price of these 000 medicines is about 25 yuan in the principal.

If you sell it for 50 yuan, you will be charged half of it.

One of the 25 yuan that was earned was to be given to these three pharmaceutical companies, but in the end, only a dozen yuan ended up.

Even if it's ten dollars, it's a huge supplement

As the saying goes, if you can sell nearly 500 copies in one day, it will be a lot of money.

Moreover, if other sellers want to get the goods, they will naturally have to buy them at a different price, etc. It is quite cumbersome to operate.

At this time, Ouyang Lina was talking to Chen Yang while holding a pen and calculating constantly.

Perhaps seeing the harmonious scene of the eyes, he quietly retreated out of the room and then came to the dark shop above.

"You two have a good discussion here, I'll go home first if I have something to do."

Lao Xu saw that the two of them were no longer in Yoyo's passage, with a very satisfied smile on his face.

Then he turned around and left! Chen Yang naturally felt that Lao Xu had left the passage at this time.

Now only he and Ouyang Lina are left under the palace, and the two of them feel that the atmosphere has changed.

Chen Yang had almost got Lina the last time, but he didn't expect that the man in black would come here to make trouble, which would directly ruin their good things.

When Chen Yang arrived here, he turned his head and glanced at Ouyang Lina, who was always sitting next to him.

At this time, Ouyang Lina had already set her eyes on Chen Yang, who was beside her.

When he saw that Chen Yang's eyes were looking at him, he turned red with a swish sound.

For a while, shy and directly lowered his head, Chen Yang

When Chen Yang saw Ouyang Lina who looked like this, she couldn't help but almost laughed.

At this time, Ouyang Lina was shy and didn't dare to look at Chen Yang at all. She stood up and looked around, as if she wanted to find somewhere to hide.

Seeing that this place is naturally a leisurely sitting position, Chen Yang is not in a hurry. Looking at Ouyang Lina who is very flustered now, she looks really cute.

Ouyang Lina really couldn't find a place to hide at this time, so when she saw the door of the room at the moment, she flew directly towards the direction of the room.

When Chen Yang saw this scene, a smug smile appeared on his face, and then he followed Ouyang Lina directly into the room. It's a pink arrangement

The whole room exudes a princess-like atmosphere, blue cartoon characters, pink mattresses, blue bedspreads, everything is pink, even the dolls next to them are one after another. blue

"Lina, so you like blue so much"

This is the first time Chen Yang has seen a room that is completely free and directly made of blue. It looks very rich with that warm and incomparable atmosphere.

And this blue with some white decorations looks very stylish, and it doesn't look too monotonous with blind blue.

Such a room looks very comfortable, and there is a sea-blue visual impact after entering.

This kind of room is really suitable for Ouyang Lina's mischievous character as broad as the sea

When Ouyang Lina heard Chen Yang asked about the color of her room at this time, she smiled and said in response, "Yes, brother Chen Yang, don't you think the blue house is beautiful, so beautiful. The color of the room will naturally match a little princess like me"

After Ouyang Lina finished speaking at this time, she deliberately turned around. She was also wearing a blue Hanfu today.

Suddenly, the perfect harmony with the whole room can't find a trace of dissonance

When Chen Yang arrived here, he couldn't help but just showed a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, then walked over and gently hugged Ouyang Lina who was dancing gracefully

Ouyang Lina blushed instantly because of Chen Yang's embrace

At this time, he felt that what didn't happen that day would start completely today, and he didn't know why Ouyang Lina arrived at this time. He was anxious, happy, looking forward to and afraid. Anyway, all kinds of emotions were excluded from him at the moment. in the mind

Now his brain is in a mess, and he doesn't know how to deal with the sight in front of him.

When Chen Yang saw Ouyang Lina, who was a little shy and a little scared at the moment, he immediately felt that everything he met more than ten years ago was like a dream.

At that time, the two of them were just ordinary boys and girls. I didn't expect that they would become what they are now after a meeting more than ten years ago.

Chen Yang had heard of something called love at first sight before, but now it seems that such a thing may really exist

Ouyang Lina followed that feeling called love at first sight and accompanied her through all kinds of ups and downs and finally found him

When Chen Yang thought of this, he was very moved, and then he gently possessed everything of Ouyang Lina

Feilu reminds you of three things about reading: collect, recommend, and share!

Chapter 483: Brother Chen Yang, don't make trouble

At this time, Ouyang Lina felt like her heart was about to jump out of her throat.

She was obviously looking forward to this moment, but now he suddenly felt very scared

This incomparably complicated emotion has been spreading in his heart all the time. After Chen Yang's affectionate kiss, at this moment, he completely fell.

As night gradually fell, Chen Yang looked at Ouyang Lina who was already completely beside him, a faint smile appeared on Ouyang Lina's face, and then fiddled with her hair.

At this time, Ouyang Lina felt that Chen Yang was fiddling, and the itchiness in his hair made him unable to bear to open his eyes directly at this time.

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