With me here, there will never be any problem, don't you believe in my ability?"

"But but"

After Lin Siyu thought of the previous explosion, she couldn't help but panic.

However, when he saw Chen Yang's very serious expression, he immediately stopped asking questions.

She chose to trust Chen Yang. After all, now he has no choice but to trust him.

Chen Yang looked at Lin Siyu who had chosen to believe in himself, and then gently hugged her into his arms

Then Chen Yang began to be dishonest.

"Yangyang, it's at home now."

Lin Siyu's face was a little red, looking at Chen Yang with a smirk in front of him.

"It's alright, the big deal is that I just lock the door of the room."

"That doesn't work either. You don't know the two girls, Xuanxuan and Hanhan, but they don't care if you lock the door or not"

At this time, Lin Siyu said such words directly

After Chen Yang heard this, he immediately smiled helplessly. Indeed, the two of them didn't need a passing order to enter his room.

If you want to enter, you can go in if you want, and you can come and go freely. Chen Yang can only helplessly let go of Lin Siyu, and at this moment, the door of the room is directly pushed in by Lin Sihan.

"Hey, don't disturb the two of you!"

Lin Sihan said with a funny face, then sneakily, he got into the room directly.

At this time, Chen Yang and Lin Siyu couldn't help but roll their eyes together.

Said that Cao Cao and Cao Cao will be here. Fortunately, they didn't do anything just now.

"Third sister, what are you doing here?"

At this time, Lin Siyu tried her best to control her emotions and let her blush slowly fade away. Then she couldn't help asking the girl in front of her.

At this time, Lin Sihan blinked directly at Chen Yang, and then said to Lin Siyu.

"Second sister, I have something I want to discuss with Yangyang, can you give us some time?"

Discussing Lin Siyu at this time, he couldn't help turning his head to look at Chen Yang next to him.

At this time, Chen Yang helplessly shrugged and said that he didn't understand.

However, after Lin Siyu thought about it for a while, she nodded slightly, and then said directly.

"Then you two, just talk, I'm going to take a shower."

Lin Siyu went in the car to take a look just now. He wiped some blood on his hands. Now he feels very uncomfortable and wants to wash it.

Lin Sihan looked at Lin Siyu at this time. After leaving the room, Lin Sihan trotted directly to Chen Yang's side, followed by a smile and looked directly at his face.

She just sat directly on the spot, looking at Chen tightly, flashing a little bit of light.

Chen Yang felt uncomfortable when he was seen, and he squeezed out an embarrassed smile for a while.

I don't know why, at this time, Chen Yang couldn't help but get goosebumps all over his body. He had rarely seen Lin Sihan make such an expression.

I couldn't help but say something speechless.

"What are you doing, Third Sister?

You said directly, don't look at me like this, it makes me feel uncomfortable."

When Lin Sihan heard these words, a smug smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Yangyang, do you remember what I told you last time?"

What I said last time, Chen Yang has had too many things recently. For a while, he really couldn't remember what happened.

So at this time, he couldn't help showing a look of confusion on his face, and looked straight at Lin Sihan in front of him.

When Lin Sihan saw this, she didn't know that Chen Yang had already forgotten about her.



Yangyang, have you changed your mind? How could you forget about me? You are so annoying


At this time, Lin Shihan couldn't help but stretched out a small fist and punched Chen Yang's shoulder with some grievances.

Chen Yang was completely confused, what exactly was going on between him and Lin Sihan?

Why can't I remember? "Third sister, why don't you give me a hint? I've been busy at work recently and I forgot some things, so don't take it as a surprise."

At this time, Chen Yang couldn't help but say this sentence several times, and then looked directly at Lin Sihan in front of him.

When Lin Sihan heard this sentence, she pouted, a little cute

"You really don't remember what you promised me?"

Chen Yang scratched his head lightly at this time. To be honest, he really couldn't remember what he had promised her.

Recently, Lin Siyu's affairs, Lin Siyun's affairs, the affairs of the eastern business district, the men in black, and Ouyang Lina's affairs, there are simply too many things to deal with.

At this time, he could only hope that Lin Sihan would give him a direct reminder, reminding him of what he had promised her.

Although Lin Sihan has a big heart, she also knows that Chen Yang is really busy with a lot of things recently.

I came back late every day, and went outside early, and I heard that there was trouble with Lin Siyun's side of the project, so Chen Yang always ran directly there.

So with such a busy workload, it is understandable to forget about your own affairs.

At this time, she was patient, then stretched out a hand and gently pulled Chen Yang's shoulder, then said leisurely.

"Have you forgotten that you promised to accompany me to the haunted house?"

Going to the haunted house to play, Chen Yang only remembered the request that Lin Sihan made to him after entering his room a few days ago.

"Third sister, don't be like this. Last time you watched a ghost movie, it was like that. When you go to the haunted house this time, won't you have to sleep all night?"

When Chen Yang talked about this, he couldn't help crying and laughing, but he remembered the last time, after watching a ghost movie in Lin Sihan's house, some scandals happened.

Moreover, he went straight into his room in the middle of the night, but he felt her power. He almost didn't have to sleep, and he tossed himself to the next morning thinking about that... Tired! It's just Lin Sihan But at this time, he refused to live or die, and said with a firm face.

"No, no, you have to accompany me, this time with you I will never be afraid, and the time to go is not far away.

This time, I went with my friends, and they all brought their boyfriends, so I can't go there empty-handed."

"Ah, they all brought boyfriends, why didn't you tell me about this?"

Chen Yang remembered that the last time Lin Sihan told him it wasn't like this...

When did the couple team up to go to the haunted house?

It's too much... well, it's all about cutting first and then playing, ah! "Yangyang

Do you want to go back on it, you promised my sister?"

At this time, Lin Sihan looked stubbornly at Chen Yang in front of him.

Chen Yang looked at Lin Sihan who was so steadfast, and suddenly felt that his head couldn't help but get bigger, "Yang Yang, you won't let me go there alone to be a light bulb, everyone is in pairs, a pair of mandarin ducks. A pair of immortals, I am a lonely old man, can you bear it?"

At this time, Lin Sihan directly used the Gentleness Technique, with a sad look on his face, looking very attractive, especially the appearance of snorting her nose, she looked extremely aggrieved.

When Chen Yang looked at Lin Sihan who was playing this trick, he immediately agreed without knowing whether to laugh or cry.

"Okay, okay, can't I promise you?"

Why does Chen Yang feel like he is not like a younger brother at all, but like his older brother

"Wow Yang, I knew that you hurt me the most. This time we will go together next time. We will go there the day after tomorrow. I have already booked the ticket."

At this time, Lin Sihan seemed to have planned a long time ago, and instantly took out two plane tickets from his pocket, and the place where the plane tickets were located turned out to be Xihai City.

When Chen Yang saw Lin Sihan's appearance, she knew that Lin Sihan knew that she would definitely agree to him softly, but she didn't expect that at this time, she even had a plane ticket ready.

"Hey, two days, this time on the road, you can do whatever you want. It's a special offer for you this time."

At this time, Lin Sihan looked up at the two plane tickets in his hand, and at this time, he said such an incomparably tempting speech.

When Chen Yang heard these words, he couldn't help but feel a little stunned in his heart, and then he couldn't help but get a little fiery. Thinking that he hadn't been with Lin Sihan for several days, he was overly intimate.

"How about it, you must be moved by your appearance, hehe, this time I'll take advantage of you, remember to treat me gently"

After Lin Sihan said this, she couldn't help but cast a wink again.

Chen Yang couldn't help feeling a little dry for a while.

I don't know if it's because the relationship between the two of them has been broken.

Lin Sihan, who has a generous personality, is more open to this aspect than other sisters.

And it was also the most enthusiastic response to him, this is a rare opportunity.

When Chen Yang talked about this, suddenly, an idea popped into his mind.

"I have a few outfits for you to try on"

Lin Sihan heard Chen Yang's words. Lin Sihan, who has already tried the joy between men and women, doesn't know what Chen Yang said, what does it mean to try a few clothes?

"Wow Yang, you are good or bad. I didn't expect you to buy something like that. If you were found out by the eldest sister and the others, they would have no idea what they would think of you."

Lin Sihan said with a wink at this moment, but his eyes were in the room, looking around, obviously trying to find the place where the clothes were.

Chen Yang heard what Lin Sihan said to him, but he reached out his hand helplessly and scratched his head gently.

"Men love but they will definitely satisfy you"

When Chen Yang finished saying this, he immediately pulled it out from the drawer under the bed and opened it. There were several sets of two-dimensional costumes inside.

"Wow, where did you find the two-dimensional clothing? Could it be borrowed from the eldest sister?"

At this time, Lin Siyu couldn't help being a little surprised to say such words.

At this moment, Chen Yang scratched his head and said, "I bought this myself, the eldest sister doesn't know about this."

After hearing this, Lin Sihan couldn't help looking at Chen Yang in surprise. She didn't remember having such a hobby.

"Yangyang, you keep saying, where did you come up with this kind of crazy idea, and actually bring this kind of thing, it seems that you have learned badly."

At this time, Lin Sihan took out an incomparably exquisite two-dimensional costume, and couldn't help looking up and down.

"I like Angela's strong taste"

When Lin Sihan looked at this Angela outfit, she couldn't help but stare at her eyes. She likes to play King Poison very much, and Angela is her best at it.

Chapter 458: You will know when you go

Chen Yang looked at Lin Sihan at this time, holding the two-dimensional costume of Angela, looking up and down.

I can't help but hide my radiance

It can be seen that Lin Sihan is very satisfied with this Angela costume

"Yangyang, tell me honestly, where did you come up with this kind of crazy idea, shouldn't it be you and the eldest sister?"

When Lin Sihan thought of this, he couldn't help feeling a little excited, and he turned on the gossip mode.

She likes to dig up Lin Siyun's gossip very much. Lin Siyun, who is the pillar of the pillar, is deeply fascinated by this kind of two-dimensional clothing.

Lin Sihan is fine. She doesn't like it that much, but she doesn't resist. After all, being able to become the character she likes and changing into her costume is really a pleasure.

When Chen Yang heard what Lin Sihan said, he showed a helpless smile, and then said:

"I just feel that if you wear it, it should look good. After all, this kind of clothing has a unique flavor. Old couples have been together for a lifetime, so it's time to change your taste."

When Chen Yang said this, he couldn't help but want to laugh.

This excuse of my own is really high-sounding, and people can't fault it.

Lin Sihan didn't know the little 99 in Chen Yang's heart, but she was very happy

After all, she has such a carefree personality. Being able to be with Chen Yang is the best thing. Being able to please him is naturally what she wants.

"Then let me change it first and see how this outfit looks like."

Lin Sihan was very fond of these Angela's clothes, and then took the clothes and got into the bathroom.

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