Soon the crowd was greeted by the employees in Xinlong City, and they were directly invited to leave.

They also saw the sullen look on Li Kun's face.

Knowing that in their minds... the God of Wealth may be out of luck

"Brother Yichen, what should I do?"

Wu Hong came to Likun, his feet were trembling with fright

Li Kun came to Chen Yang, stood tall, and said in a sullen voice, "You have the guts, how dare you come to my site to cause trouble!"

Surrounded by people from the original Xinlong City, there were no less than 200 people, 200 people, all of them staring at Chen Yang.

"Haha, that is, if you don't do this, how can you catch your big fish?"

Facing such a scene, Chen Yang is still laughing and talking

"Hmph, your kid is dead, dare to provoke our boss, don't even think about going out of here tonight!"

The previous person in charge changed his panicked expression just now, and roared arrogantly at this time, holding an iron pipe in his hand, playing with it.

"You are looking for me"

Li Kun stared at Yi Yan and frowned, feeling that the boy in front of him was not quite right

Calm! It's so calm

In the face of so many people, he still looks calm and doesn't take it seriously.

What kind of confidence does this kid have? Chen Yang doesn't care what he thinks, he twists his body, and it sounds like firecrackers under his joints.

"Not much nonsense, since you're here, then I'll give you either to be my little brother, or to be crippled."


Wu Hong and everyone present opened their mouths wide enough to stuff a few eggs

"Brother Chen, why are you crazy, he is"

Wu Hong dragged Chen Yang. If there were not too many people, he really wanted to drag him to check his brain.

Li Kun's face was covered in frost, he didn't expect that this kid who was a dozen years younger than himself would be arrogant.

"Crap, you really want to court death, you don't even have the qualifications to carry Li Ge's shoes, come here, chop this kid up for me!"

The person in charge roared loudly, raised the iron pipe and greeted Chen Yang's head directly

The people around also swarmed up, and the scene was extremely sensational.

Li Kun looked on coldly, he felt that Chen Yang was weird, let his subordinates take action first to find out his bottom line.

"Wu Hong, get behind me!"

Chen Yang hit the iron pipe with a finger

What did Wu Hong dare to ask, he hurriedly hid behind him

"Come on, boy, look at the trick!"

The person in charge who was hit by the iron pipe with a finger was stunned for a moment, then threw it again

At this time, Chen Yang didn't care about anything anymore, and immediately stretched out his hand and snatched the iron pipe from the person in charge.

Then he waved up and down, and the iron pipe in his hand was like a meat grinder, and it swept the more than 200 people in front of him.

These people were beaten up and down in an instant, and some people were even hit with a stick and even cracked the table. The scene was full of visual impact.

After Li Kun saw this scene, he finally knew why the man in front of him had so much confidence.

It turns out that his strength is so strong, no wonder he is so arrogant

A few minutes later, Li Kun crawled out from behind a desk and looked at the figure in the dust, feeling unprecedented fear.

"Is my fist qualification enough?"

Chen Yang patted the dust on his body, walked to Li Kun with a laugh, and looked down at him condescendingly.

Li Kun was so frightened by the scene just now that he couldn't speak.

The man in front of him is no longer something he can handle. He has more than 200 troops, and he was completely settled in just a few minutes.

Saying this makes people unable to be confident, but it appears so real in front of him

Li Kun bowed his head and nodded at this time, it looked extremely funny

However, Li Kun didn't care so much. He didn't want to be beaten. He looked like a villain, but the villain was also afraid of pain.

The strength of the person in front of him is so strong, if he is so reckless to provoke him, he is likely to have another punch.

At that time, you will really have good fruit to eat! "You will naturally not treat you badly when you are my little brother. If you encounter any injustice in the future, you can come to me directly, and I will help you settle it."

Assistant Chen Yang gently patted Li Kun, who was already petrified at the moment.

Li Kun suddenly became smart all over, Chen Yang seemed to be determined to believe that he was accepted as the younger brother.

Faced with this kind of person who fights so terribly, Li Kun naturally doesn't dare to disobey his words. If he meets the other party and gives himself a fist if he is not careful, then he will suffer a lot.

"You've spent a lot of time on this road, haven't you?"

At this time, Chen Yang squatted down, looked at Li Kun in front of him, and then said

At this time, Li Kun lightly touched the cold sweat on his forehead, and then said with some trepidation.

"It's been more than ten years, and it's an old-fashioned force here."

Chen Yang felt happy after hearing this, but he didn't show any expression on his face, he still looked so cold

"I give you one thing you must do for me now. If you do it well, it will be beneficial to you at that time. If you do it poorly, don't say the benefit at that time, and I may ask you to You have a fist meal"

After Li Kun got the news, his whole face became bitter.

But now he dare not open his mouth to refuse, he can only say when he puts on a smile

"Chen Yang, whatever you say, if you want me to do things that I can do, I will definitely do my best, and I will definitely do it to the extent that you are satisfied, and I will never mess around!"

Li Kun just wanted to show his sincerity, and he looked like he was telling the truth with a smile on his face.

At this time, Chen Yang, looking at the appearance of the other party, probably knew that the other party was only temporarily frightened by him.

Later, in order to show his strength and successfully hypnotized him, Chen Yang slapped him dozens of times before finally letting go of him.

Li Kun was really frightened to the extreme now. He covered his swollen cheeks on both sides, and he didn't dare to let go of his fart.

At this moment, he truly realized how terrifying the man in front of him was, like a devil.

"Lin's enterprise, recently, the number 1 person pretended to be the name of the Ye family, and gathered some idle people in the society to go to the east of the business district to make a mess.

You help me find out who this person is, and immediately

Come and reply, as long as you work hard with me in the future, your benefits will definitely be indispensable."

Chen Yang gave Li Kun what he wanted to do and the information directly.

Li Kun listened intently to what Chen Yang said, remembered everything in his mind, and then he couldn't help but reach out and touch his chin.

Immediately after thinking of something, he said with some shock, "Brother Chen, shouldn't you be Chen Yang?"

Chen Yang heard that Li Kun suddenly took a picture of his name at this time of the year and looked like he knew him, and then nodded lightly.

Li Kun slapped his thigh and said respectfully.

"It turned out to be the eldest young master of the Lin family. I guess why you are so powerful. Today, I'm blind and I'm so sorry."

Chen Yang also knew that the name of the Lin family was very loud, especially in this city, not to mention, it was a title like an emperor! "You don't want to mess around here, it's something I'll give you. you immediately

Go do it, and try your best not to startle the snake, and quickly help me find out who the other party is!"

In the end, Chen Yang couldn't help but wake up.

Li Kun patted his chest all of a sudden, and said with all his might, "Chen Yang, please don't worry, I will definitely handle this matter properly for you."

Chen Yang then thought of another thing and then said

"Beach House, Shao Dong and your brother's case, I believe you also know, did you ask someone to go there to replace those hollow bricks today?"

Li Kun nodded lightly after hearing this.

"Don't intervene in this case, the court will make the right choice, and what should be compensated still has to be compensated, do you understand?"

After Chen Yang said these words coldly at this time, he turned around and left directly.

When Li Kun heard about this, he naturally agreed with all his mouth, and did not dare to go against Chen Yang's wishes.

This man with eyes is so terrifying, and he is also a member of the Lin family. Although he is the boss of Xinlongcheng

But to those big clan powers, I'm just a worthless little gangster, so I'd better keep my eyes on the bright spot. I must never be angry with this kind of person, or I'll be the one who suffers.

At this time, Wu Hong saw Chen Yang who had settled everything, and he was very surprised when he trotted over quickly.

"Brother Chen, I haven't seen you for a few years. What happened to you? Why have you become so powerful now? These 200-odd people are enough for you to fight"

Wu Hong's face at this time was exaggerated to an unbelievable level. He always thought that Chen Yang was here just to find someone.

He didn't expect that Chen Yang would directly hand over the entire Xinlongcheng. What made him feel unbelievable was that the boss of Likun Xinlongcheng was directly accepted by Chen Yang as his younger brother.

And he's still obedient. Now I'm going to handle the things he explained. During the whole process, bowing and nodding is like, a mouse doesn't dare to fart when it encounters a cat.

"Let me tell you what my current status is"

Chen Yang has already dealt with the matter anyway, and he feels that there is no need to keep hiding from him.

So at this time, he told himself that he was the son of the Lin family.

Wu Hong was stunned for a while before coming over. He didn't expect Chen Yang to have such an identity, but he finally let go.

After all, only people with such status and strength would dare to do such a terrible thing.

The entire Xinlongcheng was smashed into pieces, and finally the boss of Xinlongcheng ran up to Chen Yang, obediently acting as a younger brother.

Not to mention how comfortable the whole picture is

Only at this time did Wu Hong know that Chen Yang was no longer the one he met in school back then. He could only do his homework well and then give it to his classmates and friends who plagiarized it.

Chapter 446: The drunkard Lin Sixuan

Chen Yang then also told Wu Hong about his current identity. Wu Hong was already taken aback. The stimulation Chen Yang gave him was simply beyond his imagination.

"Wu Hong, there is a project here that needs you to take care of whether you want it or not"

Chen Yang said in this way

When Wu Hong heard the words, he raised his head abruptly, a ray of light flashed in his eyes, and then said solemnly.

"Brother Chen, if you value my words, I, Wu Hong, will never refuse. As long as you give me the task, I will help you to complete it even if you risk your life."

Brother Chen looked at the chubby Wu Hong, and said this lightly at this time, he couldn't help laughing, then pinched his cheek and said.

"I don't need you to go through fire and water for me, you bastard, you have become slick now

By the way, I have a project at the Hai'an Villa, and I need someone to take care of it. You can go there to take care of it. I will say hello to the people over there.

Then you enter the process of Lin's Enterprise Company, and I will help you deal with it."

After Wu Hong got this sentence, he couldn't help but tremble with excitement, because he felt that his chance to turn over was coming.

"Brother Chen, I love you so **** much!"

After Wu Hong finished saying these words, he immediately rushed towards Chen Yang.

Then I was moved with snot and tears, and kept dragging it to Chen Yang's body.

Chen Yang suddenly felt that... disgusting, he desperately pushed the dead fat man away

"Stinky boy, don't get your snot on my clothes, it's dirty, it's rolling!"

How much strength did Chen Yang himself use to push Wu Hong away?

That guy Wu was like an octopus, tightly wrapping himself around him, unwilling to come down.

In the end, he still threatened him. If he continued like this, he would directly push the project away from him. Wu Hongcai reluctantly got off his body.

"Brother Chen, you are really fragrant, and I didn't follow you wrong."

At this time, Wu Hong started to flatter him again.

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