Now the injury on her leg has healed by 60-70%. 67. Chen Yang's massage time this time was only 20 minutes shorter than the last time.

And Lin Yuyan gradually became more comfortable during the massage and then fell asleep unconsciously.

Chen Yang looked at Lin Yuyan, who was already sleeping soundly. After observing the injury on his foot, he made sure that it was not serious. Then he gently covered him with a quilt and left the room.

When exiting the room, Lin Si's voice came from upstairs.

Apparently she's gone home now, and when she was walking up the stairs, Lin Sijian saw Chen Yang.

"Yangyang, why did you come back so early today?"

Lin Siyu walked upstairs with a cup of fruit in her hand.

Chen Yang naturally wouldn't tell others about the man in black

make others worry

Now, she is completely able to rely on her own strength to find that... the guy who was hidden in the dark.

"Without the second sister, I arranged for some security guards to stay there and then came back. There's nothing else to do anyway."

Chen Yang said with a faint smile on his face.

When Lin Siyu heard this, she immediately

Thinking of the group of security guards previously hired by Gu Qun Security Company

"Did those two girls come too? Where did you arrange them?"

Lin Siyu has a very deep impression on those two women. After all, the hot and cold personalities really fit their names.

"They arranged for me in the villa opposite, and now they will observe 24 hours a day and exclude some strangers"

Chen Yang said slowly at this time.

After hearing this, Lin Siyu said, "In the villa opposite them"

Chen Yang nodded lightly

"Then I'll go take a look, okay?"

Lin Siyu asked curiously at this time.

Looking at Lin Siyu's appearance, Chen Yang couldn't help shaking his head and smiling bitterly.

"Why is that where the security guards live? Now it's obviously not a good idea if you go there."

At this time, Lin Siyu gently shook his head and said

"No, I'll take a look. After all, I don't know why I have a feeling of resistance to those two women. I always feel that the two women seem to be hiding some secret from us."

"Second sister, don't worry too much!"

Chen Yang said this, but he actually had the same feeling in his heart. I don't know why he felt that the madman seemed to be hiding something from him.

It seems that he is deliberately approaching him, sometimes trying to seduce himself in front of him

Then there are some things that can't be said.

Although Chen Yang knew that she was handsome, Kuanglie, a woman who walked down the battlefield, had already seen all her handsomeness in a mess.

I will never look at anyone because of their handsome appearance

"How about it, Yangyang, just take me there, or else I'll wait and go by myself!"

When Lin Siyu finished saying this, she really planned to turn around and walk towards the villa opposite.

Chen Yang was a little helpless. She couldn't suppress Lin Siyu at all. When she had something she wanted to do, she wouldn't care no matter what Chen Yang said.

In this way, Chen Yang brought helplessness and Lin Siyu directly to the villa opposite where the security guards lived.

After Chen Yang arrived, he unscrewed the door of the room.

Lin Siyu followed closely, and at the moment when the door was twisted, a sense of crisis suddenly struck.

Chen Yang didn't even want to think about pulling Lin Siyu next to him, and suddenly dodged directly beside him.

And at the moment when the door was opened, three cold rays of light shot directly from the direction of the door and stuck on the door handle.

Lin Siyu was taken aback by the sudden phenomenon, she couldn't help screaming, but fortunately, Chen Yang responded quickly and covered her mouth instantly.

"Don't do it yourself!"

At this time, there was a violent voice in the room

After Chen Yang heard this voice, he looked at the three tiny flying knives on the doorknob and couldn't help but want to scold his mother.

Did they make a mistake and were almost killed by them? What kind of oolong?

Lin Siyu saw that the people in several rooms were the former security guards, and then gradually suppressed the fear in his heart.

Chen Yang also gently released Lin Siyu's mouth at this time, and then looked helplessly at the people in the room at the moment.

"Miss, if you want to murder, it depends on the time of day. You almost froze my neck with a knife."

After Chen Yang entered the room, he looked helplessly at the arrogant face full of contentment.

At this time, Kuanglie waved his hand and said, "No way, who made that person so strong just now?

The ghost knows if he will attack our site, if we don't take precautions, we will probably fall down."


Then you can't look at the person who opens the door, no matter who they are, they will just shoot the knife. Fortunately, I am agile, otherwise I will have a few more holes in my body."

Chen Yang pulled Lin Siyu and sat on the sofa with some complaints, looking at the madness of the sloppy boy at the moment.

At this time, Kuanglie also sat on the sofa. After seeing the employer, the rest of the security guards returned to their posts and began to investigate.

Lin Siyu didn't know why, but as soon as she entered this room, she felt that the whole room was filled with a depressing atmosphere.

As if something catastrophic was about to happen, everyone's nerves were tense.

"Did something happen to Yangyang just now?"

After all, Lin Siyu is very smart. Seeing that the current atmosphere is completely different from what he encountered in the security company before, he can roughly guess that something must have happened to make everyone's nerves tense.

Chen Yang doesn't really want to tell Lin Siyu yet, he plans to lie and deceive the past

It's just that some people don't want it anymore, and Kuanglie said without hesitation at this moment, "You don't know what to tell you, just now there was a man in black who has been hiding in the dark and watching your Lin family. mansion

I chased after the handsome guy, but the other party's agility was unbelievable. The six of us couldn't even see each other's **** lights, so he slipped away."

Kuanglie said it without hesitation at this time.

Chen Yang couldn't help but glared fiercely at the talkative man.

Kuanglie, however, took out the cigarette from his bag and put it on his mouth and smoked it as if nothing had happened.

When Lin Siyu heard this, she couldn't help but her heart was touched, and then she nervously held Chen Yang's hand

"Yangyang, is what she said true? Is there really a man in black who has been hiding near our house and has been watching our house?"

Lin Siyu asked nervously now.

A look of worry appeared in his eyes

Chen Yang knew that he couldn't hide it anymore, so he nodded lightly at this time and said:

"What she said is true. That guy was also discovered by us by accident. Obviously, this guy has been lurking with us for a while."

"Then what to do, do you know who that person is?"

Lin Siyu thought that there was a person hiding near their house staring at their house all the time, and immediately felt a kind of uneasy feeling of begging for food.

"I don't know yet, but I will try to catch that guy directly."

At this time, Chen Yang said directly and solemnly.

After all, anyway, that guy has already touched his bottom line near their house at the moment

No matter what kind of person that guy is, as long as he dares to do something hurtful to their Lin family, then Chen Yang will definitely tear him to shreds without hesitation.

Lin Siyu looked at Chen Yang with such a firm attitude, and suddenly he was not as scared as before.

I don't know why, whenever Chen Yang is by her side, she feels very safe, as if nothing in the world can make her feel afraid.

"By the way, there's something else for you to see."

At this time, Kuanglie suddenly took out a box, then opened the box and revealed a small piece of fabric inside.

"what is this"

Looking at the tiny piece of fabric, Chen Yang couldn't help but say with some doubts.

However, when he looked at this piece of fabric, he felt a little familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.

Feilu reminds you of three things about reading: collect, recommend, and share!

Chapter 437: Don't underestimate ordinary people

Mad Lie couldn't help but rolled his eyes after hearing Chen Yang's words at this time.

"This is the shavings of the man in black. I accidentally cut it off from him when I was shooting the knife. Although it is only the shavings of the clothes, it should have the smell of that guy's body."

At this moment, Kuanglie couldn't help but glance at Chen Yang, but his eyes were full of ambiguity.

Chen Yang naturally tried his best to avoid the madness that he couldn't help teasing himself.

Then he picked up the leftover from the clothes, and then took it on his nose and smelled it, but found that there was no special smell on it.

"Well, I have a friend who loves dogs."

"and then"

When Chen Yang heard these words, he couldn't help but look at Kuanglie with interest.

Kuanglie stretched out his finger at this time, I even messed up my silver-black hair, and then Yanmei said with a wide-eyed smile.

"Of course, I have a good way. My friend's dogs are search hounds. Just let them smell the smell and let them look for it, maybe there will be unexpected results."

"It turns out that it's expensive."

Chen Yang looked at the madness with a glimmer of triumphant eyes, and couldn't help asking.

"It hurts to say the price is not the price, so let me give you this thing to my friend and let him search for you and bring those search hounds here for you"

At this moment, Kuanglie winked and said

After Chen Yang made up his mind, he couldn't help but rolled his eyes, and immediately

The exit directly retorted and said

"I can't watch this thing anymore"

Chen Yang didn't know why something happened

Wanting to ask this madman for help, I always feel a little uneasy in my heart

Kuanglie couldn't help but curled his lips here, and then he didn't say anything more.

"Yangyang, what about the safety of the family?"

Although Lin Siyu was a little nervous, she couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable in such a situation.

Chen Yang stretched out his hand and hugged Lin Siyu gently, then a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth and said

"Don't worry, I will send several more levels of security guards over to sit down."

"You still want to call"

Kuanglie raised his eyebrows directly

"Do you think you and your sister, plus your three-level security guards, can stop that guy?"

When Chen Yang finished saying this, he helplessly shook his head.

When Chen Yang said this, Kuanglie sneered softly and said:

"It's okay, you don't know how powerful I am. You can call me if you like it. The money is yours anyway."

At this time, Kuanglie directly changed her usual attitude and said such words without hesitation, but anyone with a discerning eye could see that she was very unhappy in her heart.

Chen Yang is too lazy to pay attention to her, she is not happy or not

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