What made her even more incredible was that when she met Chen Yang's gaze, she couldn't help being shocked by his gaze.

It's an amazing thing

"How about the task I gave you, do you understand now?"

Chen Yang, I turned my head and looked at the madness beside me at the moment.

"So that's the case, it seems to be protecting her Aijiao, is it because you have caused someone you can't offend outside, that's why you asked us for help?"

At this time, Kuanglie used tentative sentences to ask Chen Yang.

"Your mission is to protect, not to ask, nor to suspect, just do your part."

Chen Yang said lightly and slowly

Kuanglie suddenly felt a little boring, took out a piece of chewing gum from his pocket, put it in his mouth and chewed it

It's just that when she was chewing gum, she suddenly raised her head and looked at Chen Yang.

The temperament of the whole person suddenly changed suddenly, and even the temperature around the body suddenly dropped.

A deadly chill gushed out from her body

All of a sudden, the security guards in the entire office were shocked, and everyone reflexively grabbed the hidden weapons on their bodies.

Chen Yang's eyes also flickered, and he felt murderous intent running around in the office.

And the ferocity in front of him, the whole person is like a poisonous snake that is ready to bite, so it makes people feel biting cold.

Immediately afterwards, the corner of Kuanglie's mouth showed a cold and extremely cold smile, and said playfully.

"Those people are disobedient and insist on breaking in. Can I kill them all? My knife needs to drink blood"

When Chen Yang saw what was in front of her, her breath suddenly changed violently, especially the last sentence she uttered, she couldn't help but feel a chill in her heart.

"You can dare to hurt the people of the Lin family and kill Wuchu!"

After Chen Yang said these words at this time, his eyes narrowed slightly, followed by a burst of arrogant aura that emanated from his body, revealing all the murderous intentions in front of him like a sharp blade.

Kuanglie suddenly felt a sharp breath, roaring towards him, and the whole person couldn't help but take a few steps back.

The sharpness in his eyes dissipated, replaced by a touch of surprise

She could feel that the aura in Chen Yang's body was also extraordinarily strong and not weaker than her own, or it was stronger than herself. Chen Yang in front

All of a sudden, the other security guards who were present had already touched their hidden weapons.

The aura that Chen Yang burst out just now made them feel even more terrified.

Only in this way will they know how terrifying the employer in front of them is, perhaps even more powerful than the madness in front of them.

The next time I let those who just used their courage to press down on the new employer, I immediately felt that I was beaten in the face.

The other party is so powerful, and they were still here just now playing with the axe, which is simply humiliating to the extreme

"Okay, I have already explained to you all what to do. Next, the remaining three people, Han Bing, and Kuanglie, will go to the Lin's mansion with me."

When Chen Yang said this, he immediately

Turned around and walked out of the office

After the two of Han Bing and Kuang Lie exchanged glances in the air, a heavy look appeared in each other's eyes.

However, he then asked the remaining three security guards to follow Chen Yang out with them.

Rolls-Royce Cullinan went up, Kuanglie was sitting next to Chen Yang at this time, the rest of the people crowded on top of another Mercedes-Benz sedan and followed closely behind

"It's really a good car. I didn't expect you to be so wealthy. Why don't you have a girlfriend? I should be worthy of my looks."

At this time, Kuanglie winked and kept talking provocatively beside her, showing off her incomparably white thighs from time to time.

At this time, Chen Yang couldn't help but feel helpless. They were sitting in a Mercedes-Benz sedan, following behind them.

But when he got into the car just now, Kuanglie came directly to his car, unable to survive.

In the end, I had no choice but to take her all the way.

"Don't talk to me about this, you and I can't be respectful. I accidentally **** you off tonight and got smeared on your neck with a knife. Wouldn't it be impossible to cry in the Palace of Hell?"

Chen Yang couldn't help but gently curled his lips and said

When Kuanglie heard it, he couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"You're so handsome, so rich, with such a good figure, and great strength, and your skills in bed must be top-notch. How could I be willing to kill you, it's too late to love you!"

Kuanglie was not... shy, and uttered provocative words after sentence after sentence. If Chen Yang hadn't known that Kuanglie couldn't touch this woman, he would have been unable to hold back and would have slapped the king.

This woman is very dangerous. Although Chen Yang has many abilities to subdue her, for some reason, he subconsciously wants to approach her when he sees Kuanglie.

After all, for a woman with such a strong strength, staying by her side, especially with such an uncertain and disguised appearance, she couldn't guess what she was thinking at all.

Therefore, you can't touch it, or if you touch it, you don't know whether the result is good or bad.

"Look, you're frightened, or I'll give you the knife."

When Kuanglie finished saying this, he touched the hair on his back, and then from the hair on his back, he took out a small and delicate knife that looked like a toy knife.

Then I put it in my hands and got it in front of Chen Yang.

Chen Yang looked at the knife in front of him... , a knife that was indistinguishable from a toy. He couldn't help but be stunned.

This knife is too small, it is only longer than a toothpick. Can this kill anyone? Kuanglie also saw Chen Yangzhong's doubts, and then put her knife on one of his rings.

Immediately, the knife, as if it had touched a mechanism, suddenly became at least an inch long, and the ring immediately became

turned into a knife handle

Now it has become similar to a dagger, but even thinner than a dagger.

However, even Chen Yang couldn't help but want to avoid the cold light on the knife.

"How about I give you the knife, you can rest easy next time?"

Without hesitation, Kuanglie placed the knife on the driver's seat and pushed it in front of Chen Yang.

At this time, Chen Yang couldn't help but rolled his eyes and said

"Come on, miss, don't make such jokes on me anymore, you and I have no luck, so let's find your real son."

"You are my real son"

At this time, Kuanglie gently approached Chen Yang, and under Chen Yang's surprised gaze, he stuck out his tongue and licked his cheek directly.

Lightning-like touch! Chen Yang couldn't help but shivered directly all over his body.

What was even more unimaginable for Chen Yang, Kuanglie stretched out his tongue and licked it at this moment to reminisce about that feeling.

"It's really delicious. I haven't tasted such a taste for a long time. I really like you more and more. Give it to me."

Kuanglie showed a very charming smile again, with a very provocative look in his eyes, quietly looking at Chen Yang in front of him.

At this time, Kuanglie deliberately unbuttoned his own buttons to show his proud figure in front of Chen Yang once again.

Chen Yang 3

5 Now, I can't help being distracted while driving, and I suddenly brake

Kuanglie instantly smashed into the glass due to her strong inertia, but just as she was about to smash into the glass, she immediately put a hand on the glass.

"It's so dangerous, so dangerous, are you planning to disfigure me?"

Kuanglie couldn't help but raised his brows and looked at Chen Yang calmly.

Chen Yangran rolled his eyes.

"You have seriously affected my driving. If you go on like this, I'm sorry, I can only fire you."

When Chen Yang asked this question, he took out his mobile phone and planned to call Dong Hexue.

Kuanglie was obedient now, sat back on his seat, then took out a lady's cigarette from his pocket, and then slowly began to smoke it.

"What a boring man, I will definitely get you."

Kuanglie said to himself with a smile, and finally threw the cigarette he inhaled into his lungs directly at Chen Yang.

Chen Yang was really speechless at the moment, and finally he could only open the car window to dissipate the strong smell of smoke.

As the vehicle drove, they soon came to a villa opposite the Lin family's mansion.

"This is where you carry out your tasks, and I have already contracted here for a year.

During this time, always pay attention to the people entering the Lin family mansion, here is a list

Everyone on this list can be excluded from suspicion, so you don't need to stick to it, but some people who have never met or are sneaky, I believe you should also know how to do it."

Chen Yang said indifferently.

Feilu reminds you of three things about reading: collect, recommend, and share!

Chapter 435: Tricky Questions

Kuanglie and his sister, Han Bing, entered the residence of this mansion together, and then lay directly on the sofa.

"It's really a good place. It seems that the employer we found this time is quite good. They are willing to pay such a big price to buy this mansion"

When Kuanglie said these words, he kept looking at the decoration in the mansion at the moment.

At this time, Han Bing directly picked up the list that Chen Yang had left on the table, and then gently began to flip through it to remember all the people in it in his mind.

There are 5 documents in total in the document that was thrown on the table, and there are some images and information that allow entry and exit personnel, and personal information is abbreviated information.

When Chen Yang saw that the rest of the people in front of him were starting to read the documents in their hands, he turned his gaze directly to Han Bing.

This woman named Han Bing hasn't said a word since the first time we met.

But Chen Yang found that there was a wreath around his neck, and a long knife mark could be seen across her neck.

From this, it can be seen that her neck was definitely cut by someone before, but she never thought that she would be able to survive, but she was able to survive, but it seems that her voice should have undergone some changes.

Apparently she can't speak now or her voice is very unpleasant, otherwise she wouldn't have said a word until now.

At this time, Han Bing also saw Chen Yang staring at her, and then she glanced at Chen Yang lightly and ignored her. She focused her eyes on the manuscript in her hand.

Chen Yang didn't know why when he looked at this woman, he wanted to heal her throat, and then wanted to see if her voice was very pleasant.

However, Chen Yang, looking at the other party's appearance now, obviously does not want to let him get close to her, and he will never make fun of himself to get close to a woman who does not want to get close to her.

After he explained what was going on here, suddenly, he heard a black man watching their Lin family outside the room in the distance.

The black man was wearing a duckbill hat and a black mask on his face. He was standing in a dark place. If it wasn't for the angle here, it was just so good to see. Ordinary people really wouldn't be able to notice that person was hiding in the distance. The Lin family

When Chen Yang arrived at this scene, he felt that something was wrong. He almost didn't think about it. He jumped out of the balcony on the second floor in an instant, and the moment his feet landed, he was like a swift cheetah. ran out in an instant

Fierce and Frost Immediately

He also sensed something was wrong, and the two rushed out almost at the same time in an instant, and the three security guards who responded half a beat also reacted and followed closely behind.

Kuanglie and Hanbing also quickly jumped down from the window, ignoring that the floor at the moment was at least six or seven meters above and below the height.

When they landed, the two of them rolled on the ground, and then quickly rushed out.

The three-level security guards also jumped down from above with agility.

At this moment, Chen Yang is running all the way, the distance between the two sides is only 50 meters.

In an instant, he came behind the man in black

At this time, the man in black also keenly felt that someone was attacking from behind him.

I didn't even think about it for a while, and when I stepped on it, the whole person was like an incomparably agile monkey, grabbed the wall next to it, climbed up directly, and then ran quickly.

And the speed of his running is extremely fast, it is simply too sensitive, the speed of running with both feet, in just an instant, spans a distance of 50 meters, and he is constantly improving his speed.

When Chen Yang saw this, he couldn't help but stare

He was really stunned by the man's agile hand reaching out, which was dozens of times more agile than a monkey's.

The main thing is that the speed is extremely fast, as if the air in front of them can't hinder any obstruction at all, they rush out quickly.

How could Chen Yang manage so much at this time, he immediately said to the system, "Exchange a gift package to make my speed faster!"

"Tell the host that spending two 10-hour gift packs can get a super speed boost!"

Chen Yang is still relatively wealthy now, and he still has a 24-hour gift bag on his body, so two 10-hour gift bags are not a big deal for him, so he can use them in an instant.

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