How can it still lie here intact? The only possibility is that the bricks used here are all hollow bricks, which also reduces the weight, so there is no sinking.”

After Lin Siyun heard it, he could understand what was going on.

So at this time, she took out her mobile phone without hesitation and called the person who helped her before.

Afterwards, there was a violent conversation, but Chen Yang was on the side and didn't listen too much to what they were talking about.

After all, it's their own business, and they shouldn't pay attention to so much.

Chapter 404: A beautiful moment with my eldest sister on the beach

In this way, Lin Siyun talked with the other party for about ten minutes before hanging up the phone and then walked to Chen Yang's side and said, "Yang Yang, why don't we wait for the other party here? The other party said that he wants to come and see you. one time"

"Meet me"

When Chen Yang heard Lin Siyun's words, he couldn't help being slightly stunned. He was not familiar with the other party, why did the other party suddenly say that he wanted to see him?

Will this make people feel a little surprised! "What's the matter, don't you want to see him?"

Lin Siyun looked at Chen Yang with a strange expression on his face at the moment, and couldn't help but said directly.

Chen Yang scratched his head gently and then said slowly, "It's not like that, it's just that I'm not interested in the person you call..."

"I know, it's Yangyang, and the other party is also a big set of "Zero Zero Zero"

, This will also be of great help to the future development of the company. It is also a good thing to make friends with more people.

And she already told me on the phone, thank you for helping her find the brick problem, originally she was working in the company, and recently she was busy with the wedding, so she didn't have time to come here to investigate the scene,"

"Now that you have found the problem with the bricks, then they can win this kind of lawsuit, and then the compensation will be enough for him to build a new one."

Chen Yang shrugged helplessly when he heard these words. After all, the other party has already spoken like this, so he can be regarded as giving the other party a face.

After all, they are all partners of the company. The relationship should not be too stiff. Moreover, he has helped Lin Siyun before, no matter what, he owes the other party a favor.

In this way, Lin Siyun and Chen Yang are standing beside this half-built house, waiting.

"He didn't come so soon, why don't we go to the beach for a walk?"

At this time, Lin Siyun untied the band that was tied to her head, and her long hair fluttered in the wind, looking extraordinarily beautiful and moving.

It's too much like Xiao Qing in a Chinese Ghost Story, but she's even more beautiful and moving

Although Chen Yang has browsed through Lin Siyun's delicate and glamorous things countless times, but now it seems to have a different flavor.

At this moment, he stared blankly and forgot to respond to Lin Siyun for a while.

"Have you seen enough? You've seen this several times, why are you still watching?"

Lin Siyun had already noticed Chen Yang's gaze, and stared at his face tightly. He couldn't help but smile slightly and glared fiercely at Chen Yang.

Only then did Chen Yang realize that he had lost his temper just now, so he scratched his head helplessly and said.

"You can't blame me for this. Who made you look good, eldest sister, your every move is hooking my soul. It's harder than getting to the sky to let me not look at you."

"Smooth tongue! I don't know who you learned from. Recently, there are more and more sweet words."

When Lin Siyun said these words, countless flowers had already bloomed in his heart, and his mouth was more like being smeared with honey, and his smile was extraordinarily sweet.

No matter how domineering a woman is, the lover she likes praises her, which reflects her beauty and the love of men for her

"Eldest sister, you can't say it like this, every word I say to you is sincere, otherwise we wouldn't have gotten to where we are today.

You also know how much effort we took that step and how much effort we put into it, that's how two people like it, I don't have any falsehood for you."

Chen Yang had a solemn expression on his face at the moment, and when he finished saying this, he actually walked slowly towards Lin Siyun step by step.

Lin Siyun clenched her little hands tightly at the moment, listening to these touching love words, her eyes became slightly rosy.

She never imagined that in just over a month after Chen Yang entered the house, so many wonderful things would happen between him and herself.

And in the end, the two of them also walked together. This kind of thing was more than a month ago, she would never have imagined it.

What surprised her even more was that she was pregnant with Chen Yang's flesh and blood. This news was like a bolt from the blue, which shocked her at that time.

But I don't know why, it was just a moment of shock, followed by the overwhelming joy that filled her whole heart.

She wished to announce to the world that she already had Chen Yang's child, but when such an idea first came up, she was mercilessly suppressed in her mind "Since we have all walked together, , then don't worry about it so much"

Chen Yang walked over gently and reached out to hold Lin Siyun's hand.

"Come with me to the beach, I want to see the sea!"

At this moment, Chen Yang also took off the casual clothes on his body, revealing only the shirt he was wearing underneath.

At this moment, under the breeze blowing, the clothes creaked, and the white shirt branded in the sunlight looked so handsome and handsome.

Lin Siyun also raised his head at this moment, looking at the dazzling light in the sky, shining on the earth.

"Okay, but you have to help me get my shoes. I don't like sand in my shoes."

At this moment, the corners of Lin Siyun's mouth rose, revealing an indifferent smile, then he took off his shoes without hesitation, revealing a pair of fair legs, and then handed the shoes to Chen Yang

"It is the honor of my life to be able to serve the eldest sister"

At this moment, Chen Yang obediently stretched out his hands, as if a courtier treated the Lord respectfully.

The scene in front of him made Lin Siyun amused directly, a crisp and pleasant sound came from the corner of his mouth, and then he put a hand on Chen Yang's shoulder.

"Little Yangzi, why don't you take me to the beach soon?"

Lin Siyun showed a faint smile

When Chen Yang heard the words from Lin Siyun's mouth, he was helpless.

5 shook her head, then held her hand like this, and the two came to the coast

The sun shines on the coast, under the refraction of the rippling waves, it appears resplendent.

And the wind by the sea is not too cold now, perhaps because the temperature has just risen

In other words, it would be the best thing to take a walk on the beach.

Lin Siyun gently stepped on the beach with one foot, the soft and delicate feeling made her feel very comfortable.

Chen Yang also threw his shoes aside and stepped on the sand with his wide soles naked.

In this way, the two of them held hands and walked slowly along the road along the coast.

Chen Yang deliberately took out his mobile phone and took beautiful pictures of the two of them directly.

Feilu reminds you of three things about reading: collect, recommend, and share!

Chapter 405: Oh, this is a bit interesting

Lin Siyun was like this, staying by Chen Yang's side very well-behaved and accompanying him all the way.

Then they were in this sun-bathed ocean, constantly holding their mobile phones and taking pictures of each other.

With the shutter on the mobile phone, the click sounded again and again, and one after another full of memories and beautiful photos were saved in the mobile phone.

Lin Siyun kept flipping through the photos taken by the two of them on his mobile phone, with a very satisfied expression on his face.

And precisely at this time, the person Lin Siyun mentioned before has come to the coast.

He stood beside the villa he bought, looking at the two of them on the beach, a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Chen Yang and Lin Siyun also happened to be playing, and they keenly sensed a gaze aimed at him from a distance.

So he immediately

Turning his head to look, he saw a man standing beside the villa on the coast at the moment, standing at least 1.8 meters tall, wearing gold glasses, looking gentle and handsome.

At the 18th moment when they exchanged glances, a man stretched out his hand and waved it gently, as a direct greeting to the two of them.

And there is a faint and gentle smile on his face. It looks like bamboo shoots in the rain, making people feel very comfortable.

When Chen Yang saw the person standing beside the villa, the first impression was pretty good.

Lin Siyun was still indulging in the joyful entertainment afterward, but when she suddenly saw Chen Yang stop and look at the villa, she followed Chen Yang's gaze.

When they saw the man standing on the shore at the moment, they immediately retracted their hands in fright.

You must know that at this moment, Lin Siyun's hands tightly hugged Chen Yang, and the two stood on the shore, looking extraordinarily beautiful and moving like a pair of ink paintings.


Lin Siyun saw the man standing on the shore, and when he saw the two of them now, he was immediately frightened.

Withdrew his hand, little face immediately

turn red

Seeing Lin Siyun's shy appearance, Chen Yang couldn't help but smile.

At this moment, the man on the coast in the distance also walked down, and he didn't care about the expensive leather shoes, whether stepping on the beach would cause wear and tear to his leather shoes.

And just like this step by step, he walked directly towards them, his eyes still filled with that faint smile.

Chen Yang didn't know why, but when he saw the smile on the man's face at this moment, he always felt a hint of hypocrisy.

But this is just a feeling. People living in society must wear a mask to survive. Maybe this is also the smile of the other party, a smile of sexual etiquette.

Lin Siyun immediately

With a correct attitude, seeing the busy man walking over, he stepped forward and said

"Yangyang, let me introduce to you, this is Chairman Shao Dongshao of Shaw Group"

After passing through Lin Siyun's special, Shao Dong still had that gentle smile on his face, he stretched out his hand to shake hands with Chen Yang.

Chen Yang also knew about etiquette, so he reached out his hand at this time, and they held each other's hands directly.

At this time, Chen Yang also quietly used the system to investigate whether the person in front of him was a gifted person, but after a systematic test, the person in front of him was not a gifted person, but an ordinary person.

In this regard, Chen Yang has let go of all his vigilance towards the so-called Shao Dong in front of him.

After all, as long as he's not a gifted person, he shouldn't be the one who secretly sows discord

"You should be the little brother Chen Yang, but your sister often praises you in front of me, and I heard that this time, you want to help me build this villa alone.

I really didn't expect you to be such an enthusiastic person, little brother, it's really good."

Shao Dong looked at Chen Yang up and down with a look of admiration for Chen Yang.

Chen Yang also nodded with a smile and said, "My eldest sister is quite busy, I'm quite good at this kind of thing, and you are also her benefactor, it's naturally better for me to do it for me."

Chen Yang also had a faint smile, and said this in a gentle tone, neither humble nor arrogant.

Lin Siyun was beside the two, watching the two people in front of them having such a friendly conversation, with a satisfied smile on their faces.

"The relationship between your siblings is really good. If I can have such a wonderful family like you, I don't know how lucky I am."

When Shao Dong said this, a trace of unnoticeable sadness flashed in his eyes.

It's just that the sadness in his eyes was quickly captured by Chen Yang. At this time, he felt that the man in front of him also had a story, and this story should be related to family.

Maybe one of his relatives may be gone, otherwise, the hidden deep sadness will not be revealed.

"No, it's the area you chose, Mr. Shao, it's really nice and beautiful, and it's perfect for taking pictures.

My eldest sister and I were also attracted by the scenery here, so we walked down here and took a good picture.”

With a faint smile on his face, Chen Yang introduced the current situation of the two of them.

Shao Dong didn't say anything about this, just nodded lightly, and then turned his attention to this moment, the villa that was only half-built and had been stopped.

"I'm not good at meeting people. I didn't expect to find such a hateful construction company this time. I originally thought that I would be able to use this new villa for my wedding in two months. It seems that there may be no way."

When Shao Dong said this, he couldn't help sighing softly, obviously very disappointed with the villa he chose and the construction company he chose.

Chen Yang felt that Shao Dong in front of him was a pretty good person, and the other party was not a gifted person. He had helped his eldest sister before.

So he stood up at this time, looking down at the villa that had been suspended, and then said

"Actually, two months are more than enough time, as long as you build a villa next to your villa, right?"

"Build another villa next to it"

When Shao Dong heard these words, he did not show any surprised expression, instead he looked at Chen Yang in front of him with interest, as if waiting for his next words.

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