5. The mobile phone becomes a good host. This is naturally no problem. It only takes a 10-minute gift package to solve your current troubles.

A 1-minute gift package, Chen Yang can't lack this now

In the morning, it took more than 10 minutes when I came to the room temporarily. I had already obtained two small gift bags early. In addition to the previous small gift bags, I still have quite a lot of small gift bags.

Spending a 10-minute gift package can solve the problem on your mobile phone, which is naturally very worthwhile.

So without any hesitation, Chen Yang spent a small gift package for 10 minutes, and then completely eliminated the problems on his mobile phone.

Congratulations to the host, all the problems on the speed phone have been successfully solved, welcome to use normally

Chapter 400: Second Sister, it's time to talk

After Chen Yang got his mobile phone and it was ready, a faint smile appeared on his face, and then he turned on his mobile phone.

When he turned on his mobile phone, he was surprised to find that there were many missed calls and unchecked messages on the phone.

After Chen Yang read it, there were phone calls from Lin Siyu, Lin Siyun, Lin Yuyan, and Lin Sihan, and the other one was from Ouyang Lina.

After Chen Yang saw Ouyang Lina's phone number, he didn't hesitate to put her phone number on the blacklist.

He really doesn't want to see this woman, and he doesn't even want to see his... The so-called grandfather always feels that their family is very weird

And if you have a relationship with such a weird person, it will definitely not be a good thing.

Now he still has a lot of things to deal with, but he is not in the mood to manage these problems.

After all, the mastermind in the eastern commercial district has not been found out until now. We must hurry up to find out that group of people, and then try our best to eradicate them.

Otherwise, Chen Yang is really not eating at all. After all, the enemy is in the dark and I am in the light. This kind of method of stabbing a black knife in the back is really hard to guard against.

At this time, Chen Yang was blowing on the clothes in his hand, and the sound from the next room became more and more intense. Chen Yang didn't know why, but when he heard these sounds, his whole body gradually became anxious.

A torrent is constantly circulating in the body, and when I hear these sounds, I feel a little uncomfortable.

Immediately, my throat felt dry! "It's so torturous!"

At this moment, Chen Yang couldn't help but curse, and it happened that his phone suddenly rang at this moment.

And the person who called at this time was none other than Lin Siyu.

Lin Siyu and Chen Yang remembered the bet between the two of them at this moment, and couldn't help showing a bad smile following this picture

"Second sister!"

Chen Yang answered his call without hesitation.

And Lin Siyu, who had been sulking with herself in the morning, breathed a sigh of relief the moment she received the call and said:

"Chen Yang, where have you been today? Why haven't you heard any news, you didn't answer your phone calls, you didn't come to work in the company, did you go to the construction site, what are you doing?"

Lin Siyu's series of questions made Chen Yang feel dumbfounded for a while.

"Second sister, I don't know how to answer you, I don't know how to answer you."

"Yangyang, don't betray you, you are the mastermind behind the construction site."

Lin Siyu had already heard from those in charge on the construction site that a group of hired people should not be from the Ye family, but sent by other people.

So now Lin Siyu is really afraid that Chen Yang will investigate this matter alone and end up hurting himself.

"Well get a little

I chased after him again, but I didn't expect to accidentally fall into the river."

Chen Yang just followed this sentence, and directly said without hesitation.

After all, he came to Hongmei Street now, and if he didn't find a reasonable excuse to explain it, it would be really unreasonable.

"Then where are you now, and why did you fall into the river? Hurry up and tell me to go to find you now"

The moment Lin Siyu heard that Chen Yang fell into the river, his whole heart was suspended, and his tone was full of anxiety and urgency.

At this time, Chen Yang also heard the gradually calming voice in the next room, but he couldn't help but complained in his heart, this **** thing is finally over.

However, the other party is indeed finished, but Chen Yang is still in dire straits.

Second sister, I'm sorry! At this time, Chen Yang pretended to be a little aggrieved and said, "It's okay, I fell into the river and now I went to the hotel to wash and dry my clothes."

"Which hotel"

When Lin Siyu heard this sentence, she asked more urgently in her heart. What happened in the morning had already been thrown out of the sky by her.

After all, Chen Yang is still the most important person in his mind, and he takes care of the rest.

At this time, Chen Yang naturally explained his current position truthfully.

Now I'm concerned about whether Chen Yang has... Lin Siyu, who has injured his body, how can he think so much? Almost at that moment, he rushed over with a quick horse and whip.

In just ten minutes, Lin Siyu took a commuter car from the company and rushed over quickly.

Lin Siyu stepped on high-heeled shoes and rushed straight up on the street on the stairs.

Chen Yang happens to be living on the 5th floor of the hotel at the moment

Lin Siyu didn't think of anything in her heart, she rushed upstairs in the blink of an eye, followed by the room number Chen Yang gave her, came to the door of Chen Yang's room, and then knocked heavily on the door.

And when he hadn't knocked on, Chen Yang, I had already opened the door first.

"How do you know I'm here"

Lin Siyu's hand is still suspended in the air at the moment, sitting and knocking down

At this time, Chen Yang couldn't help crying and said, "The sound of your running is like an earthquake, and the 000 sound of the high heels hitting the ground can be heard even from a distance, you are afraid that others will not hear you coming to me. "

When Lin Siyu said these words, she couldn't help blushing all over her face, and then she remembered that when she was running all the way in high heels just now, the sound was very loud, even if others didn't want to hear it.

"Here are the clothes you need!"

Lin Siyu's face was blushing at the moment, and then she handed the change of clothes in her hand directly to Chen Yang in front of her.

After Chen Yang took the clothes, he immediately pulled Lin Siyu into the room.

"Wow! What are you doing, Yang!"

Lin Siyu was suddenly pulled, screamed, and rushed into the room.

"Thank you second sister for the clothes, but I don't want to leave now"

After Chen Yang pulled Lin Siyu to the room, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said without hesitation.

Lin Siyu looked at the pink arrangement and various decorations in the entire room at the moment, and instantly understood what was going on, and her whole face instantly turned red.

"Second sister, in such an environment, shouldn't you fulfill your promise?"

At this moment, Chen Yang is approaching step by step.

Feilu reminds you of three things about reading: collect, recommend, and share!

Chapter 401: What a fierce woman

Lin Siyu didn't know what Chen Yang wanted to do, so he gave Chen Yang a blank look, and in the end he didn't say anything more.

I am also a person who is willing to gamble and admit defeat. If I lose, I will not default on my debt.

The next day, the rain and fog shone into the room, and Lin Siyu, who had tossed for nearly a night, was still sleeping soundly on the bed.

Chen Yang had already woken up at this time, opened the window and looked at the light rain outside.

At this moment, there was a mist outside, and then he shook his head helplessly.

I didn't expect it to rain today, it's really an untimely situation.

Then he turned his head to look at Lin Siyu, who had fallen asleep on the bed at the moment, with a very satisfied smile on his face.

It started to rain last night, and it was very heavy, and it turned into a drizzle in the morning.

Lin Siyun also called last night to ask why Chen Yang and Lin Siyu didn't go home

Chen Yang directly said that he had a project that needed temporary help. The two of them were always working outside, so there was no way to go back.

Lin Siyun is naturally a smart person, he can only know what this sentence means, so he also changed and told his mother Lin Yuyan.

Since Lin Yuyan also understood exactly what happened between them, she just kept silent.

That kind of...flickering attitude made Lin Siyun wonder if Lin Yuyan already knew about the things between them.

But after thinking about it, is there any... what is this all about?

It wasn't until after 8 in the morning when Siyu's phone rang violently that he woke him up from his sleep.

Lin Siyu gently rubbed his sore eyes all the time, and picked up the phone after really stretching.

And it was at this moment that his company sent a message saying that there was some scandal about an artist from his company and he needed to go over and deal with it.

Lin Siyu couldn't help frowning after receiving the call.

Finally, after he explained it, he quickly hung up the phone.

"Is something wrong with the company?"

At this time, Chen Yang couldn't help but ask curiously

Lin Siyu sighed softly, pointed to his temple and said, "Recently recruited a male artist, he can be regarded as a second-tier star, but he is not very low-key, because he is young and handsome with fireworks, and he was secretly photographed by the paparazzi. I'll go over there now and deal with him."

After Chen Yang made the decision, he also put on his clothes and planned to sit inside, because this kind of thing happens from time to time in the entertainment industry.

And when he sent Lin Siyu back to the company, he happened to meet Lin Siyun who was in front of him.

"Yangyang, are you sending Shi Siyu to the company?"

Siyun opened the car window at the moment, looked at Chen Yang on the opposite side and asked

Chen Yang nodded indifferently and said, "Eldest sister, didn't you say that your friend who helped you now wants to build a villa on the coast?

I don't have many things at hand today, why don't you take me over there?"

After Lin Siyun heard the news, he also nodded slightly. After all, the project over there also needs to be improved, so taking advantage of this time, you can also take Chen Yang and me there to have a look and familiarize yourself with the environment.

"Then I'll take your car!"

At this moment, Chen Yang directly threw the key of Lamborghini to the front desk in Lin Siyu's company.

Then he quickly ran directly to Lin Siyun's car.

Lin Siyun drove more prudently, so he drove directly towards the villa area by the coast.

"Sister, is your friend all right?"

At this time, Chen Yang asked about Su Yuling.

After all, she was also rescued by her own hands. No matter what, she should ask him about his condition.

When Lin Siyun heard this sentence, he couldn't help but the black line appeared on his face.

"Yangyang, that girl is very strong, and will be able to get out of bed and jump around soon. You don't care about her affairs, lest she keep pestering you."

Lin Siyun remembered Su Yuling's attitude towards Chen Yang in the hospital that day, and he couldn't help being a little jealous.

How can you say that Chen Yang is the father of the child in his womb, that girl Su Yuling actually molested Chen Yang in front of him.

This uncle can't bear it, auntie can't bear it! Especially Su Yuling's look at how to eat directly looks very unhappy

Fortunately, it was his best friend, otherwise, if it was someone else, Lin Siyun slapped him and called out directly.

When Chen Yang saw Lin Siyun's attitude at the moment, he couldn't help laughing dumbly.

"Sister, are you still afraid that I won't be eaten by him?"

Chen Yang couldn't help but say it directly in a sarcastic manner.

Lin Siyun couldn't help but glanced at Chen Yang angrily, and then said in a leisurely tone


You really don't believe it, that girl used to fight hard in the school, and a boy accidentally provoked her before.

She single-handedly drove that boy from the classroom all the way into the men's bathroom. Not to mention how sensational the scene was, but it was spread around the campus for a long time and was later called a female bully by others."

When Chen Yang heard Lin Siyun's remarks about Su Yuling's past, he couldn't help but the corners of his mouth twitched violently.

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