"You little bastard, you stinky bastard, you little hairy head, you are even making fun of your big sister and me by asking such a topic"

Lin Siyun couldn't help but laugh at the moment, her face turned a little red, this question is really unexpected

Chen Yang couldn't fight back, so he happily enjoyed Siyun's small hammer like a massage

"That's wrong, eldest sister. They all say that you need to consider the problem of brain power. These three-year-old children can do it. Why can't you answer it? Obviously, you are a fool for three years, and it is true."

Once again, Chen Yang couldn't help but said directly with a joke.

After hearing this sentence, Lin Siyun endured a little shyness, and then gave Chen Yang a blank look.

"Anything else, the third question, I will never lose this time, just wait and see."

"Sister, then my next third question is ready."

Chen Yang sighed and then said:

Lin Siyun knew that this was the last question. If he still lost this question, then he would have to agree to a condition for Chen Yang.

So now, she doesn't dare to desert, and stares at Chen Yang without letting go of any detail.

Chen Yang looked at Lin Siyun, whose aura had suddenly changed, and couldn't help laughing bitterly.

"Sister, don't be so scary!"

"Stop fussing! Hurry up, hurry up!"

Lin Siyun doesn't want to waste any more time now, he kept urging and said directly.

Chen Yang could only hold back his inner turmoil and said, "Why can't the monkey in the monkey catch the moon?"

"Because the moon is in the sky!"

Lin Siyun answered again seriously, but she suddenly felt that something was wrong with this question, it was too easy

At this time, Chen Yang gave me a more sly smile and said, "That's because the author made it up himself."

"Chen Yang, you stinky boy, are you deliberately tricking me?"

Lin Siyun understands that this time, Chen Yang has been directly tricked, and even now his name Chen Yang has become his full name.

Looking at Lin Siyun who was angry at the moment, Chen Yang couldn't help but said to herself with an extremely cheerful laugh.

"Sister, this is your fault. This question is very simple and there is nothing difficult. Why do you want to be fooled when you lose?"

With a very funny smile on Chen Yang's face, looking at Lin Siyun who was a little frustrated at the moment, he couldn't help laughing loudly again.

"Who says I can't afford to lose, you little wicked gut is very bad, since you use such a topic to trick me"

Lin Siyun knew that after this incident, he must not bet with Chen Yang, otherwise he would not even know that he was sold.

0 "Okay, okay, eldest sister, that's all for this topic, remember that you owe me a condition."

After Chen Yang said these words, he blinked ambiguously.

Lin Siyun couldn't be more angry now. She didn't expect that she would fall into the pit. How could she be so happy?

So I grabbed the pillow on the chair and threw it away

But Chen Yang didn't look at it either, he grabbed it with quick eyes and a quick hand, and then he still had that heroic smile on his face, and then he rushed out the door and disappeared into the room.

"This stinky boy is getting smaller and smaller."

Lin Siyun couldn't help but scolded arrogantly at this moment.

But I don't know why, after thinking of the betting process in my mind, I couldn't help laughing directly.

After Chen Yang avoided Lin Siyun, he came to the kitchen, and the bowl of traditional Chinese medicine that had just been brewed at the moment had become half warm and ready to drink.

So he brought the Chinese medicine directly to Lin Sixuan's room.

And at this moment, Lin Sixuan also smelled a strange smell coming from the room.

Then he heard the door open, turned his head and saw that Chen Yang was walking in step by step with a bowl of dark Chinese medicine with a pungent smell.

She directly shrunk her face into the quilt, refusing to come out

Chen Yang couldn't help being amused when he saw this scene. After putting the bowl on the side of the bed, he stretched out his hand and pulled the quilt away.

Feilu reminds you of three things about reading: collect, recommend, and share!

Chapter 389: Yangyang, regret it now, is it too late?

How could Lin Sixuan be willing at this moment? She grabbed the sheet tightly with both hands and wrapped it around her body like a zongzi, not even letting go of her head.

"Yangyang, I regret it, I won't eat it if I don't eat it, it smells so bad I can't stand it"

Lin Sixuan kept protesting while being bored in the bed at the moment, obviously she was afraid of the bowl of Chinese medicine in the room at the moment.

At this moment, Chen Yang tried his best, but he didn't grab Lin Sixuan directly from the bed.

The quilt seemed to be sewn together by him with a needle and thread, and it couldn't be pulled apart even if it was sewn tightly.

"No, I don't have to choose. Fourth sister, your stomach is so uncomfortable now. Drink this bowl of medicine and you will be much better."

Chen Yang didn't want to spend a 10-hour gift package, and the traditional Chinese medicine in exchange was just wasted in vain.

When Lin Sixuan heard these words, she still hid in the "zero zero zero" under the covers.

In the midst of life and death, I refuse to put my head out

"No, no, no, it smells so bad, I really can't stand it, please let me go."

Lin Sixuan pleaded directly at this time, but how could Chen Yang let go of such an opportunity, he had already made a bet with Lin Siyu

How can you give up such an opportunity? If you give up, then your plan will be in vain

"Fourth Sister, will you be obedient? I'm all here for your own good."

At this moment, Chen Yang was talking softly and hard.

Even if Lin Sihan heard Chen Yang say such words, she was still stuck in the bed and refused to come out.

"Don't blame me anymore, my dragon claw hand is very powerful"

Chen Yang said and began to put his hands on the quilt, intending to perform his own trick.

"Aiya Yangyang, don't mess around, be careful I will yell"

This time, Lin Sihan intends to use his own voice to shock Chen Yang directly.

However, how could Chen Yang be so fooled? At this time, he still said without hesitation.

"You scream, no one will answer you if you scream!"

At this moment, Chen Yang said without hesitation, and a smug smile appeared in his eyes.

At this moment, he did not hesitate to put his hand directly into the quilt, and then, no matter what part it was, he scratched it.

"Oh my mother! Yangyang, let me go quickly"

Lin Sixuan was in bed at the moment and felt her stomach being scratched.

I couldn't help laughing all of a sudden, tears were directly marked

"That won't work, unless you promise me to drink this bowl of Chinese medicine obediently"

How could Chen Yang let go of such an opportunity at this moment, his hard work is of no use at all, so he can only be tough

In the end, Lin Sixuan couldn't stand the itching and rushed out of the bed in an instant.

Immediately afterward, she put the quilt on her body towards the past.

Chen Yang didn't pay attention, so he covered his head

Lin Sixuan saw the opportunity and planned to dash out of her room almost like a 100-meter sprint.

What a pity! What a pity! Chen Yang already knew that he would come to this trick, almost instantly transformed into the shape of a blade, and left the quilt directly in the corner.

Followed the whole person and rushed up, faster than Lin Sixuan stepped on a lot, and quickly grabbed her arm.

"Dear Yangyang, lovely Yangyang, the best Yangyang, please let me go, I'll really vomit if this goes on."

After Lin Sixuan was caught at this time, she knew that she couldn't escape at all, so she began to beg for mercy.

"Where is it, Fourth Sister, I'm all here for your own good, I don't want you to suffer any grievances"

At this time, Chen Yang had a gentle smile on his mouth, and then said slowly.

Lin Sixuan was as stubborn as a donkey at this time, refusing to agree.

"Otherwise, as long as you are willing to drink this traditional Chinese medicine, Fourth Sister, I will find a time to take you out to play, and then you can go to other places to play or travel."

At this time, Chen Yang threw out the olive branch without hesitation.

Well, as soon as Chen Yang said these words, Lin Sixuan's eyes stared at Chen Yang like a big lantern.

"Yangyang, you didn't lie to me, you really want to take me out to play"

Lin Sixuan couldn't believe it, and said this sentence directly.

Chen Yang looked at Lin Sixuan who no longer believed in herself at the moment, and couldn't help but shouted helplessly, "Fourth Sister, have I ever deceived you in anything I did? Why are you suspicious of my words?"

At this time, Chen Yang pretended to be very hurt and covered his chest.

Lin Sixuan knew that she had said something wrong, so she stepped forward immediately, grabbed Chen Yang and said apologetically.

"Yangyang, that's not what I meant, don't get me wrong, I just drink it!"

At this time, in order not to make Chen Yang feel distressed, Lin Sixuan could only force herself to walk to the bowl of traditional Chinese medicine on the table.

I have to say, when Lin Sixuan just walked to the side of the traditional Chinese medicine, she smelled that odor that made her feel sick.

The whole face is wrinkled like a twist, and the resistance in my heart is beating like a drum of war

"Fourth sister, come on, as long as you drink, I will definitely find a time to take you out to play, and I will never break my promise."

Chen Yang saw that victory was just around the corner, and without hesitation, he began to speak directly without hesitation.

After Lin Sixuan heard this sentence, she kept comforting herself in her heart.

After I finish this bowl of chicken soup, I will be able to go out with Yangyang to play, my life will be better

This bowl of chicken soup has to be done no matter what, for Yangyang, for myself

At this time, Lin Sixuan finally mustered up her courage, and immediately picked up this bowl of traditional Chinese medicine.

I imagined it as a delicious chicken soup, then opened my mouth and took a straight sip.

5 swallowed

Following the pungent smell, it seeped into her throat

Lin Sixuan couldn't help but wrinkle slightly, but soon she felt that this bowl of traditional Chinese medicine was much better than the one she drank when she was a child. just bitter

Soon, a bowl of Chinese medicine disappeared from her throat.

"I'm done drinking! Yangyang, you must not break your promise."

Lin Sixuan poured the bowl of traditional Chinese medicine down, and in the end, only a small drop was left on the ground.

When Chen Yang saw this scene, he couldn't help showing a cheerful smile on his face.

You must know that he was recording this scene with his mobile phone the whole time just now, and then he will show it to the second sister.

You're done! To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel!

Chapter three hundred and ninetieth: The third sister who acts like a spoiled child

At this moment, Chen Yang's whole face couldn't help but blushed with excitement.

Now rush to the second sister's room and tell her the happy news

It's just that this news is joy for me, second sister Lin Siyu may not be

"Fourth sister, don't worry, Chen Yang will never lie to you, you can plan your route carefully. If you have time these days, I will take you out to play."

At this time, Chen Yang was very happy and said it directly.

After hearing this, Lin Sixuan couldn't help showing a look of surprise on her face. If it wasn't for the current situation, she would have wanted to pull Chen Yang directly and run away.

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