"Third sister, what are you doing, how come you have a mastermind behind the scenes?"

"I watch TV like this when trying prisoners."

Lin Sihan frowned and responded.

As soon as the words fell, Lin Sihan came to the thief again, "As long as you say the mastermind behind the scenes, I will consider letting you go."

Chen Yang was amused by Lin Sihan's actions. Even in such a serious situation, he couldn't help laughing out loud.

On the contrary, the two thieves who were bound on the ground couldn't bear it any longer. I saw one of the thieves who was bound, shouting loudly, "You two, let us go quickly..., stop talking nonsense here, and you If you two know who we are, I warn you that if you don't let us go out, you will feel better!"

"They're all tied up, yet they can be so arrogant"

Chen Yang smiled and replied.

The thief stared at Chen Yang and said, "You! I'll warn you one last time!"

Chen Yang looked at the thieves with interest, "Then let me see, who are you?"

At the same time, both hands grasped the tulle on top of the thief's head and lifted it back with force.

I saw that the mysterious veil of the man in black was also revealed in front of Chen Yang and Lin Sihan, but when they saw the true appearance of the two thieves in front of them, Lin Sihan and Chen Yang couldn't help but stunned.

The appearance of the two women in front of them was as described by the workers who were attacked in the morning. Their facial features could not be faulted at all, and the expressions of the two women at this time even seemed innocent.

Instead, Lin Sihan felt that he was the bad guy who grabbed the two of them and tied them up.

Unlike Lin Sihan, Chen Yang was stunned because he had met the woman in front of him.

"Chen Yang, we meet again"

I saw a fluffy-haired woman greeting Chen Yang.

Lin Sihan and Irina looked at Chen Yang suspiciously, "Yangyang, you know them"

Feilu reminds you of three things about reading: collect, recommend, and share!

Chapter 307: In the world, no man can run away from me

The atmosphere in the small tin room suddenly became very strange, and the eyes in the room looked at each other and looked at each other.

"What's the matter, Chen Yang, have you forgotten me?"

The fluffy female thief was tied to the ground, raised her eyebrows, looked at Chen Yang and asked.

Chen Yang also frowned, the appearance of the woman in front of him felt unusually familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it.

The woman smiled and continued to say to Chen Yang, "It seems that you really forgot about me. You still hugged me at the celebration party of the new commercial street."

As soon as the words fell, Chen Yang finally remembered the woman in front of him. The last time he spilled wine on Chen Yang's shoes at the party, he bumped into the waiter and fell into Chen Yang's arms.

At that time, due to the lighting problem of the party, Chen Yang did not clearly see the woman's appearance.

Lin Sihan couldn't help but stunned when she heard it, then looked at Chen Yang, "Hug Yang Yang, you hugged her at the party"

"Yes, you hugged me so tightly then."

woman, continue to speak

Lin Sihan turned to look at Chen Yang and asked, "What the **** is going on? Yangyang, how come you have hugged such a person?"

0 "What do you call a person like me, what happened to hugging me, and I told you that when you hugged me, it was tight."

The fluffy woman continued to respond with a smile.

The woman's words made Lin Sihan jealous, and she stared at Chen Yang with two big eyes, "Yang Yang, what is the relationship between the two of you?"

This made Chen Yang unable to laugh or cry. He only met the woman in front of him once, so he told Lin Sihan what happened at the party at that time.

After hearing about it, Lin Sihan stared at the woman, "You originally wanted to hook up with my family's Yangyang, but haven't succeeded yet."

The fluffy woman, after hearing this, couldn't help but snorted, "So what, if you give me another chance, I will definitely succeed, no man in the world can run away from me, and my name is Huang Guo, don't you, you, you. called"

Chen Yang also began to pay attention to this woman. Logically speaking, those who were able to enter the party at that time were all rich or noble.

However, a person who can have access to a high-end social party is now appearing in such a place, and he still meets Chen Yang in the form of a thief.

Huang Guo seemed to have guessed Chen Yang's thoughts, and said, "Don't look at me with such eyes, who said that if you can participate in a high-level party, you can't come to the construction site to steal things."

Although stealing is a justifiable thing, but speaking from the mouth of a woman feels like a matter of course.

Chen Yang smiled, "There is no such argument, so you went to the party to steal something?"

"Don't worry about this for now. Since we both know each other, you can let us go."

I saw Huang Guo continue to shout at Chen Yang.

But before Chen Yang could respond, Lin Sihan immediately said, "Don't even think about it, even if you stole so many materials from our Lin family project, you still think about it!"

Chen Yang, who was listening to Lin Sihan's speech, couldn't help but be stunned for a while. Although Yang said there was nothing wrong with it, he always felt that something was wrong.

Huang Guo raised her eyebrows slightly and looked at Lin Sihan, "I was talking to Chen Yang, but I didn't talk to you. Besides, who are you?"

This made Lin Sihan very angry, even if he was caught by himself, now even if he has both hands tied to the ground, he is still so arrogant.

"Yangyang, look at them here, I'll go to the police station in front of me and shout"

Lin Sihan turned around and said to Chen Yang.

As soon as he finished speaking, he walked out the door. Huang Guogang wanted to speak to keep Lin Sihan, but Lin Sihan had already left the door.

When Huang Guo heard that Lin Sihan was going to report, she couldn't help panicking just now with a calm expression on her face, her eyes immediately looked at Chen Yang, and said coquettishly at the same time.

"Chen Yang, just let us go. No matter how we say it, we still have a relationship."

The other woman beside Huang Guo also used the same trick, staring innocently at Chen Yang with two pairs of big eyes.

But the result is obvious. Just like the last time at the party, Huang Guo's so-called selling of pity is of no use to Chen Yang at all.

"It's useless for you two to look at me like this. Who made you offend my third sister just now?"

Chen Yang shrugged and responded.

When Huang Guo saw that the miserable sale didn't work, she suddenly seemed to think of something, and her eyes became charming.

"Brother Chen Yang, if it's useless like this, how do you think it's useful?"

After saying that, Huang Guo gently bit the clothes on his shoulders with his teeth, and tore it down, and his white skin was immediately exposed in the air, "Brother Chen Yang, just let us go... Promise to let us go..., we promise you everything"

Huang Guo puffed her big eyes and said

I saw the woman beside me also imitating the results, and the clothes on her shoulders slipped off all of a sudden.

Good guy, this is a bitter trick, and a beauty trick comes directly.

If the picture in front of me is seen by ordinary people, they will really be unable to cope with it in an instant.

Chen Yang couldn't help being amused by the scene in front of him, and jokingly said, "I can promise me anything really."

"You'll know when you come and help us untie it."

Huang Guo looked at Chen Yang with a firm face

"That line"

Chen Yang responded, as soon as the words fell, he gradually walked in the direction of Huang Guo.

Huang Guo's eyebrows patted gently, "Yes, Brother Chen Yang, as long as you let us go, we can say anything."

When Huang Guo saw it, she thought that her plan was successful, and she couldn't help but chuckle in her heart. Sure enough, all the men in the world are the same.

Chen Yang walked behind Huang Guo, squatted down and fiddled with the rope that bound Huang Guo's hands.

At this time, the slight sunlight shines into the house through the window, and the weather outside is slightly bright.

"Brother Chen Yang, hurry up"

Huang Guo said and urged, and she couldn't help but start to feel anxious in her heart.

"Okay, soon, you have to be patient"

Chen Yang responded

Huang Guo nodded lightly, but suddenly felt a tingling pain in the part where her hands were bound, and the sense of restraint in her hands became stronger and stronger.

I saw that Chen Yang stood up at this time, patted his hands gently at the same time, and said with a smile, "It's safer to tie it tightly."

Huang Guo was stunned for a moment, "Brother Chen Yang, did you make a mistake? You should untie my rope."

"I'm not mistaken, if you run away later, I don't want to chase you all over the street."

Chen Yang responded with a smile

Huang Guo was startled, her hands clenched tightly into fists in anger

Chapter 308: Heroes Save America

In the small room made of the container, the sound of the wind beating keeps playing.

Huang Guo turned his head suddenly, his eyes widened and stared at Chen Yang, "You! You are playing with me, so don't let go of my hand...my hand!"

"This was called Brother Chen Yang just now, but now it's just you, you, you are called that"

Chen Yang said with a smile

"Hurry up and let me go, I'm not joking with you anymore!"

Huang Guo shouted loudly at Chen Yang, the sound could even be heard in the entire small room, and the shouting was echoing.

Chen Yang continued to answer jokingly, "You turn your face faster than you turn a book. It's like you have changed your attitude just now."

Huang Guo gritted her teeth and stared at Chen Yang and threatened, "If you don't let me go, you will regret it later."

Chen Yang nodded and sat down beside the bed, "First of all, then there is a beauty trick, and in the end, there are other tricks to be used together."

Seeing that she did not intimidate Chen Yang, Huang Guo could only stare at Chen Yang.

If it weren't for the rope that is currently tied to his body, it is very likely that Huang Guo would have already wanted to rush up to bite Chen Yang at this time.

At this time, Lin Sihan's voice also came from outside the door, and there were several men in uniform following Lin Sihan.

"Yangyang, how's it going?"

Lin Sihan walked into the room and asked

Chen Yang responded, "They are still tied to the ground."

"These two are repeat offenders who have been stealing our building materials, and today we finally caught them both with great difficulty."

Lin Sihan spoke to the men in uniform behind him.

Huang Guo, who had a fierce face just now, could not help but lose his expression when he saw these two uniformed men.

I saw two uniformed men walking towards Huang Guo and the woman beside her, and skillfully took out the handcuffs from their pockets and placed them on the wrists of the two women.

"is her"

One of the men in uniform looked at Huang Guo and said

Another man also paid attention to Huang Guo, only to see that the two of them were startled at first.

"It's really her. I didn't expect to find it after so long, but I met her in this place."

Listening to the conversation between the two uniformed officers, Lin Sihan couldn't help but feel confused.

"What's up with her"

Lin Sihan asked with a puzzled face.

"We've spent a lot of time trying to catch her. Not only does she steal in this kind of place, but she can often sneak into various mid-to-high-end places."

the man responded

Another man in uniform also responded, "Well, we have received reports from many people, and the final target is her, but we have never had a chance to catch her. I didn't expect that she will fall into your hands today."

Good guy, according to how you say it, Sihan not only caught a thief who stole from the construction site, but directly caught a wanted female criminal in the bureau.

Lin Sihan thoughtfully said, "No wonder Yangyang said that it will be at the party"

At this time, Huang Guo lacked his previous vigor, and instead just sat quietly on the ground.

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