"Okay, I didn't expect to see such a beautiful girl when I came to the amusement park."

I saw a few boys staring at the leaves and kept booing.

"I tell you, you can't rob me, this is the first thing I like"

The inch-headed boy said with a smile, stood up from the ground and walked towards the leaves

Seeing this group of boys booing, the girls along with them became unhappy, squinting at the leaves.

Children in this age group are also the most destructive age group. They can do things that hurt others, but they don't know what the consequences of what they do will bring.

Ye Ye looked around and paid attention, "What are you trying to do, don't come near me!"

The inch-headed boy couldn't help but said happily, "Didn't I tell you, we just want to call you a friend, that's all, so you don't need to be nervous"

"I warn you, don't come close!"

Ye Zi looked at the boy who was getting closer to him and shouted, and he was already very scared in his heart.

"Yo, she's quite fierce, this girl"

"Hahaha, but there is one thing to say and one that really doesn't seem to be said."

The boys stared at the leaves and kept laughing.

The shouting did not make the inch-headed boy flinch, but under the coaxing of his companions, he felt more and more interesting.

Suddenly! The inch-headed boy suddenly wanted to hug Ye Ye, but Ye Ye ducked back

Unexpectedly, the inch-headed boy grabbed his wrist.

Ye Zi was shocked and wanted to use another to open the boy, but unexpectedly both hands were caught by the boy, as if a pair of handcuffs were handcuffing Ye Zi's wrists.

"Why, do you think I'll fall in the same pit twice?"

The inch child smiled and kept swinging the leaves' hands

"You let me go!"

the leaves shouted loudly

And the group of people watching the play on the side immediately started booing, as if everything that happened here was beyond them.

"Kiss her!"

"Yes! Kiss her!"

Under the coaxing of his partner, the inch-headed boy's eyes instantly locked on Ye Ye.

"It's okay, we are good friends now"

The inch-headed boy said with a smile, and as soon as the words fell, he saw that his lips wanted to approach the leaves.

At this time, Ye Ye felt extremely broken in his heart. He thought that if he left Ye's house and went to the outside world, he would be able to see a different scenery.

But I didn't expect that even if I was in the outside world, I would meet the same group of people, it's just that the skins were different.

Seeing the inch-headed boy getting closer and closer to him, Ye Ye, who should have collapsed, felt a surge of anger erupt from his body

Ka - With a light sound, I saw the inch-headed boy who had grabbed Ye Zi's hands, but his hands were directly bent by Ye Ye at a 90-degree angle.

"Ah! My hand!!"

The pain was like lightning, transmitted from the fingertips to the heart of the inch-headed boy, and the inch-headed boy collapsed to the ground in an instant, covering his hands and shouting loudly.

And the boys who had been watching the play were all taken aback.

"Fuck, what's going on!"

"What did this little girl do, how did she break her hand?"

"What about her, she beat up our people, you have to give her a good look"

Several boys stared at Ye Ye and shouted, and as soon as the words fell, they rushed up to teach Ye Ye a lesson.

A boy wanted to hit Ye Ye with a heavy fist on his wrist, but Ye Ye grabbed his fist in an instant.

Like a boy with an inch head who was just crushed, he made the sound of bones shattering

The good guy's fist was crushed by the leaves.

And the other two boys ended up in the same way. In the face of absolute power, everything seems so insignificant.

The most low-level talent can easily solve an ordinary person

Not to mention the leaves that have the talent for super growth.

Of the three boys who came to help, none of them were spared. All of them were already lying on the ground, and some of them even passed out.

And the two girls who had been watching the play just now were also unable to move at this time. The two of them sat on the ground and watched what was happening in front of them. Their expressions were full of panic.

"It's so interesting, I didn't expect this little girl to be a gifted person, I have to report back immediately"

At the corner of the alley, a shadowy man was closely watching what had just happened, and his face was extremely excited.

"Why hasn't Ye Ye come back yet? It took too long to go to the toilet this time."

Chen Yang said blankly.

Lin Siyun also responded, "Let's go find her, don't wait in line, the amusement park is so big that you won't get lost."

Chen Yang replied jokingly, "Isn't it because the eldest sister is afraid of riding a roller coaster, so that's why I said that."

"Then after we find the leaves, let's have a good comparison."

Lin Si responded

The two walked in the direction of the toilet. As they approached the toilet, they could hear a burst of shouting behind them, so they explored the source of the sound.

Bang - but at the corner, he bumped into a man, who was knocked to the ground by Chen Yang

"Are you OK"

After Chen Yang said that, he wanted to help the man up.

But I saw that the man was very nervous

"it's okay no problem"

With one hand covering the hat on top of his head, the other hand propped himself up and hurriedly wanted to leave

Although Chen Yang felt that something was wrong with the man, the constant whining from the alley gave Chen Yang no time to think, so he and Lin Siyun continued to walk in the corner.

Turning around the corner, the scene in front of them in a small alley could not help but startle the two of them.

I saw a group of boys in a small alley lying on the ground, Ye Ye was standing there with a flustered face, as if he didn't know what to do with what he had done.

Chapter 276: Exciting Project

"Leaves, are you alright!"

Chen Yang shouted into the alley

When Ye Ziye saw Chen Yang's appearance, his mood improved a lot, and he ran in Chen Yang's direction and hugged Chen Yang directly.

Lin Siyun looked at the situation in the alley and said to Chen Yang, "Why don't we leave here first?"

Chen Yang nodded, and the three of them left the alley and returned to the outside of the amusement park.

"Leaf, what happened just now?"

Lin Siyun came to Ye Ye's side, stroked Ye Ye's head and said.

Ye Ye didn't speak, but stared at his fingernails, as if he was very sad about what he had just done.

Chen Yang followed suit and said, "What happened, please tell Brother Chen Yang."

"It was I who injured those people just now."

Ye Ye suddenly looked up at Chen Yang and said, and then apologized, "I shouldn't have done this, but I couldn't control myself at all at that time."

"It's okay, you tell me slowly what happened to you just now"

Chen Yang responded

The three of them found a bench in the amusement park and sat down, while Ye Ye told Chen Yang everything that had just happened.

After learning about the incident, Chen Yang didn't show any surprise.

After all, he had seen Ye Zi's talent long before.

However, it can be seen from these things that although Ye Zi's mother has always tried her best to suppress Ye Zi's ability, her talent will come out to protect her whenever Ye Ye encounters danger.

However, one thing is that Ye Zi still has not been able to control the use of his talents well. It seems that Chen Yang needs to work hard for Ye Ye to control his talents.

"It's alright, Ye Zi, you did the right thing.

When in danger, you should protect yourself

You don't need to feel guilty about this kind of thing"

Chen Yang stood up from the chair, stroked Ye Ye's head and said.

Ye Ziyi sighed, "But brother Chen Yang, I injured them all."

Chen Yang smiled and replied, "The premise of you hurting them is because they want to hurt you, right?"

Seeing Ye Ye still wanted to say something, Lin Siyun also stood up from the chair.

"Okay, now that everything is over, Ye Ye doesn't need to worry about it, the roller coaster hasn't been played yet."

Lin Siyun echoed Chen Yang's words and said

"Are we still on roller coasters?"

Ye Ye raised his head and responded blankly

Chen Yang smiled and responded, "Then you have to play. I have been queuing up for so long just now, so I can't just leave."

Originally, because of the dull leaves at this time, my mood gradually improved.

I saw that Chen Yang directly pulled Ye Zi and Lin Siyun, "Okay, don't think too much, let's talk about it after playing."

Fortunately, after this incident, it was almost night, and there were many fewer people in the amusement park.

Chen Yang and the three of them successfully boarded the roller coaster without much delay.

Although it looked terrifying just now from below, when people really sat in the car, they couldn't help but feel a little bit of fear in their hearts.

Ye Zi swallowed a mouthful of saliva and held Chen Yang's hand tightly.

"What's the matter, if we're afraid, then we'll stop playing"

Chen Yang said with a smile

I saw the leaves try their best to stabilize themselves

I'm not afraid."

At the same time, he looked nervous, making Chen Yang amused.

Chen Yang looked at Lin Siyun next to him and said with a smile, "Big sister, didn't you compare just now?"


Lin Siyun shook his hair and said

"It's more simple and rude, like waiting for the roller coaster ride, whoever shouts the most times will lose."

Chen Yang responded with a wicked smile.

Lin Siyun smiled and said, "That's fine, no problem, I won't lose to you in this one."

The three of them sat firmly on the seats, the accompanying staff fixed the equipment, and the roller coaster was stuck and moved slowly, just like a train running on a track, and climbed up a little bit toward the highest point.

Ye Ye's nerves were tensed tightly, one hand firmly grasped Chen Yang's palm, the expression on his face also seemed to be stuck at this moment, motionless.

On the other hand, Chen Yang and Lin Siyun, the expressions on their faces looked unusually relaxed.

I don't know if the two pretended to be calm because of the bet, or if they were really so calm.

The roller coaster has already climbed to the commanding heights. Looking down, you can even see half of the amusement park. There are small beads of sweat on Ye Ye's forehead.

"Sister, are you ready to lose?"

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