As soon as the words fell, he immediately jumped out of the chair and left the door of the Japanese restaurant.

"Chen Yang, how dare you lie to me, wait, we will meet again soon!"

Only the angry roar from Ye Han was left behind

In the Lin family villa, the four sisters have long since returned home from get off work.

Lin Sixuan stretched and said, "Where did Yangyang go today, why hasn't he come back yet?"

"You still have ATC Yangyang, how are the two of you handling the project in Linhai District?"

Lin Siyu responded

Lin Sixuan responded angrily, "Second sister, we've all gone home now, can we stop talking about work and feel at home when we get home?"

"That... the project has been handed over to you for a while. If it is delayed, don't let the Xiao Group take advantage of it."

Lin Siyu responded

Lin Sixuan rolled up her sleeves and said, what else would they dare to do with the Xiao clan? At that time, what Yang Yang taught was not cruel enough. Besides, I'm going to blame her for Su Hailan's reappearance."

I saw Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrived

As soon as Lin's words fell, Chen Yang walked into the house from the door, but from the expression on Chen Yang's face, he could see a slight tiredness.

"Yangyang, what's wrong, you look tired?"

Lin Sihan looked at Chen Yangdao worriedly

Chen Yang smiled and replied, "It's okay, my sister is here.

I'll wash the room first."

After saying that, Chen Yang walked upstairs. Actually, Chen Yang didn't do much. He just kept thinking about the leaves on the way.

"Yangyang, what the **** is going on?"

Lin Siyu looked at Chen Yang's back

Lin Sihan responded, "I don't know, maybe I'm really tired."

"I'll go up and see what's going on."

After Lin Siyu finished speaking, she walked up to Chen Yang's room.

"Looks like eldest sister is going to eat alone again"

Lin Sixuan said jokingly

Chen Yang was in the room and was about to take off his shirt and enter the bathroom when he heard a knock on the door.

"Yangyang, are you alright?"

Lin Siyun stood at Chen Yang's door and said

Chen Yang said with a smile, "Sister, I think there is something wrong"

But Lin Siyun was no one else, so he naturally understood that Chen Yang had something in his heart, so he walked into Chen Yang's room and gently closed the door.

"Tell me, what happened to Yangyang?"

Lin Siyun leaned on Chen Yang's bed and said

Looking at Lin Siyun in front of him, Chen Yang couldn't help laughing, as if nothing could escape Lin Siyun's eyes

In the eyes of others, Lin Siyun is a female president, but in the eyes of Chen Yang, Lin Siyun is a kind and understanding little girl

Since it was Lin Siyun, Chen Yang didn't need to hide it, so he told Lin Siyun what happened today and his thoughts.

I saw that Lin Siyun dragged his chin with his right hand after learning about the incident, as if thinking about something, "That's it, Yangyang.

Tomorrow, you are asking the mother and daughter to come out once, and we will clarify this matter in person, it just so happens that I have nothing to do tomorrow, so I can accompany you."

Lin Siyun responded to Chen Yang with a firm face.

This is exactly what Chen Yang thought. After all, every second that leaves Ye's house in Ye's house increases the risk of exposure.

"Then I have to trouble you to go out with me again tomorrow."

Chen Yang said with a smile

Lin Siyun replied with a smile, "What are you talking about, shouldn't I be with you?"

"It's still my eldest sister."

Chen Yang responded, saying that he immediately hugged Lin Siyun into his arms.

"But Yangyang, you have to want it.

If Ye Ye's mother really agrees and leaves Ye's house with Ye Ye first, can you really teach her how to use her talents?"

Lin Siyun stretched out a small head from Chen Yang's arms and said

This is also the first time for Chen Yang to do this. In fact, Chen Yang himself is not fully sure.

Chen Yang wants to help Ye Zi use his talents by using the system and giving instructions to Ye Zi.

And this is a win-win situation in Chen Yang's eyes, because according to the last reward mechanism, Chen Yang who helps the talent will also get skill points.

In this way, as long as I use the system to issue instructions to Ye Zi every day, I can also acquire skill points while teaching Ye Ye to control talents.

This is simply a bright skill point. At that time, not only Lin Yuyan, but Chen Yang can use the skill points to match the talents of each of the four sisters of the Lin family.

"Don't worry, eldest sister, I've already made plans for this.

Now it's just a matter of getting the permission of Mother Leaf."

Chen Yang responded to Lin Siyun

After hearing about it, Lin Siyun didn't ask any questions. After all, the decision Chen Yang made was also her decision. After saying that, she hugged Chen Yang tightly again.

Dong Dong Dong - "Sister, you two have been talking inside for almost an hour!"

Feilu reminds you of three things about reading: collect, recommend, and share!

Chapter 273: One thing falls to another, the honest Lin Sixuan

Lin Sixuan stood outside Chen Yang's door, knocking lightly on the door of the room with her palm.

"Sister, what are you two talking about in the room?"

The two who were hugging each other at first heard the knock at the door, and then slowly let go...

"It must be that fellow Lin Sixuan again."

Lin Siyun spoke to Chen Yang, and walked towards the door as soon as the words fell.

As soon as the door opened, Lin Sixuan was sticking her small ears against the door, as if she was eavesdropping on the conversation between the two.

"Hey, big sister, you're out."

Lin Sixuan said with a smile

Lin Siyun responded, "You, it seems that you have to let your second sister rush your project progress just because you are idle."

"Don't, eldest sister, it's not like you don't know the second sister's... character, it's like a life-threatening ghost when you urge people."

Lin Sixuan immediately became obedient and responded.

At the same time, he stared at Chen Yang's room with his small eyes, "And I'm not worried about what happened to the two of you inside."

"Will we two big living people still drown in the room?"

Lin Siyun's light response

Lin Sixuan shrugged and joked, "It's not only water that can make people suffocate and drown, but hugging them tightly can't suffocate them."

"I can't cure you by talking to eldest sister like this."

After Lin Siyun finished speaking, she reached out and grabbed Lin Sixuan's creaking nest.

Naturally, Lin Sixuan kept dodging backwards and responded, "Eldest sister, why are you arguing, but you're still doing it?"

Standing in the room, Chen Yang couldn't help laughing while watching the two sisters fighting outside the door.

Lin Sixuan can really quarrel with anyone, and she will never lose the slightest in terms of momentum.

After some coaxing, Chen Yang finally coaxed the two little guys at the door back to the room to rest.

Chen Yang himself collapsed on the bed all of a sudden, and he also secretly thought that tomorrow he must speed up the progress to get Xiaoye out of Ye's house.

After sleeping peacefully one day, the sun rose as scheduled the next day, and Chen Yang gradually woke up from his dream.

But what woke him up today was not the sun, but the phone

Chen Yang half-squinted his eyes and clicked on the screen of his mobile phone, only to see that it was a message from Ye Ye's mother.

She said that she wanted to take the initiative to chat with Chen Yang about the leaves, and also sent an address to ask Chen Yang to talk there today.

It seems that it takes no effort at all. I didn't worry about it in vain last night.

Before I could take the initiative to contact me, the other party had already spoken.

After calling Lin Siyun, the two planned to go out to the address in the message.

Driving in the direction of the destination, the road is not too far, it only took half an hour to arrive at the place

The place that Ye Ye's mother chose was a coffee shop. Unlike a coffee shop, the location of this one was particularly remote, and it was actually in a small alley.

If it wasn't for the navigation on the mobile phone, it's possible that I would never find such a place for the rest of my life.

Chen Yang and Lin Siyun walked into the cafe and saw that there were no service staff in the cafe, there was only a bar counter and a clerk who was grinding coffee.

"Brother Chen Yang, we are here!"

A shout came from the corner of the cafe

I saw Ye Ye was constantly waving his right hand at Chen Yang, beckoning Chen Yang to come here, the expression on his face was also very excited.

Beside Ye Ye, Ye Ye's mother also nodded slightly to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang walked towards the corner of the cafe

Ye Zi said happily, "Brother Chen Yang, see you again"

After that, I gave Chen Yang a big hug.

Chen Yang smiled and stroked Ye Ye's head, "Yeah, how was Ye Ye yesterday, did you sleep well?"

"Okay, I went to bed early last night."

Ye Ziyi replied, and as soon as he finished speaking, he looked in the direction of Lin Siyun, frowning slightly.

Upon seeing this, Chen Yang said, "This sister's name is Lin Siyun, she is a gentle and beautiful young lady."

Lin Siyun smiled, stretched out his right hand and shook hands with He Ye Zi.

I saw Ye Ye tightened his brows and turned to look at Chen Yang, "I don't want a sister, I just want brother Chen Yang."

Lin Siyun was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Sister is not a man-eating monster."

"It's been said on TV that none of the good-looking young ladies are good people."

Leaf replied

Chen Yang couldn't help laughing after hearing this, looked at Lin Siyun and joked, "Do you think you should be happy or unhappy?"

Lin Siyun rolled her eyes at Chen Yang, but didn't say anything.

Ye Ye's mother greeted Chen Yang and Lin Siyun to sit down, and Lin Siyun also introduced himself a little.

"Mother Ye Zi, you invited me over today, you should have something to say to me."

Chen Yang looked at the woman and said:

I saw the woman and nodded lightly, "Yesterday you suggested to me to go, I thought about it carefully for a night.

I think what you said is right, Ye Zi is really not good for her growth in such an environment."

After saying that, he reached out his hand and gently stroked the head of the leaf.

Chen Yang nodded and did not speak.

"I can accept the proposal that Mr. Chen Yang said, teaching Ye Ye's guidance on innate abilities.

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