But now it is around five o'clock in the afternoon, and it is just the beginning of the rush hour after get off work. Vehicles will appear on the road from time to time, which is also the most invisible danger.

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Chapter 269: Thrilling pole turns

The two sports cars were speeding on the highway. Huang Xi observed the vehicle that Chen Yang was in through the rearview mirror, and the corner of his mouth raised slightly, "I still have the confidence to race with me."

As soon as he finished speaking, he slammed on the accelerator with his right foot again, and changed gears. The speed of the car had already soared to 150 kilometers per kilometer, and the car rushed forward like a wild horse.

Chen Yang was not in a hurry in the car, but followed Huang Xi's car all the time.

Approaching the rush hour, you can see a lot of vehicles appearing on the road one after another, which makes the two pay attention to the speed while driving, and at the same time avoid the vehicles in front of them.

And in front of us soon ushered in the first bend of the road

Huang Xi looked into the rearview mirror again, "Just use this corner to make you wait and crawl under Ye Han and get out of "Seven Zero Zero"


Fill up the accelerator, slam the direction to the right, press the brake lightly on the toes, and at the same time lift the handbrake when you are about to approach the curve, the entire weight of the car is instantly pressurized on the front tires

Huang Xi's vehicle, with a 30-degree cut angle, seemed to be horizontally above the road, and drifted towards the curve. The reason for the extremely fast speed caused even the rear of the vehicle to float gently into the air.

When he really passed the curve, he turned the steering wheel back again, making the vehicle go straight again. Huang Xi's entire movement was as natural as flowing clouds and water.

A tight corner is enough to make an ordinary person never see his taillights again

In Huang Xi's heart, he was already the winner of this contest.

"With my cornering skills, who can?"

Whoosh--but before Huang Xi could finish speaking, a black shadow flashed by the car, Chen Yang's car drove straight in, overtaking his Ferrari.

The speed of the car was extremely ferocious, and in just a few seconds of neutral gear, Huang Xi was already thrown away by several body distances.

"Fuck, how is that possible!"

Huang Xi stared at Chen Yang's car in front of him in disbelief.

Chen Yang actually overtook him when he was the most proud of the corner, and the car was able to return to the high speed immediately after the corner.

This is an action that ordinary people can complete, unless the opponent he is facing is this professional racing player

But Huang Xi usually likes cars and often participates in and watches racing competitions, but he has never seen or even heard of Chen Yang.

"Who the **** is this kid? Maybe he just stepped on the **** and happened to be overtaken by him."

Huang Xi began to comfort himself by saying

Chen Yang's eyes looked back gently, in his mind there were hundreds of ways to make Huang Xi lose the game.

The two people's vehicles continued to move towards the front line on the highway. As time passed, the number of vehicles on the road began to increase, so that the two had to drive at the same time to avoid the traffic.

When the passing vehicles saw the two's cars, they were all startled.

And in the middle of the road, a Mustang is speeding

And the guy in the car was talking to the woman next to him, bragging about the new car he bought, "How is it, brother, it's good to buy this new car, right?

I dare to say that there is no car on this road that is my opponent."

"Brother is so handsome, this car should be able to drive very fast."

The woman, she raised her chest on purpose, and responded with her eyes twitching with lashes.

The man continued to brag, "Of course, girl, my car is a road killer. If you can find a car from here that is capable of overtaking my car, I'll eat it upside down."

But before he could speak, he saw a Lamborghini beside him swaying and passing directly through his body. The speed of the car was terrifying. In the blink of an eye, the car disappeared in front of his body.

The man was stunned for a moment, only to see the woman beside him, and replied softly, "It seems like a car passed us just now"

The man who had just boasted about Haikou was naturally moved by embarrassment, and he secretly scolded Chen Yang, who had just surpassed him, in his heart.

"There are no girls, this is a rare situation, after all, that car is a Lamborghini, not every car can do it"

The man was explaining, but if he was just normal, before he finished talking, a Ferrari overtaken by the side of the car immediately disappeared in front of him again.

"It seems that another car has overtaken us"

The woman, looked out the window and responded

The man was like a petrified man standing in front of the reverse wheel, looking at the Mustang logo on the steering wheel. For some reason, the corners of his eyes slowly became wet. On the highway, the two cars were still racing.

Chen Yang's vehicle was far ahead, and Huang Xi wanted to chase after Chen Yang, but no matter how hard he stepped on the accelerator, he would always be several cars away from Chen Yang.

And the distance was slowly getting further away, Huang Xi stared at the front with red eyes, "Fuck, I might really lose at this rate, I didn't expect that I would really underestimate this kid"

And ahead is the last curve of this highway. After this curve, after driving for ten kilometers, it is the back street of the new business district. This last curve is also Huangxi's last chance.

"I **** up!"

Huang Xi shouted loudly, the accelerator under his feet had already stepped on the camera, and the speed on the speedometer was soaring, and it had already broken five or two hundred per hour! Moreover, knowing that there was a curve in front of him, he didn't even want to slow down meaning

Chen Yang looked into the rearview mirror, "Is this yellow hair crazy?"

As soon as the words fell, Chen Yang lifted the handbrake, and then the steering wheel quickly turned to the right, and when he stepped on the brake lightly, the Lamborghini he was driving actually drove directly to the straight road against the edge of the curve.

This cornering technique wants to lose this game, unless Chen Yang takes the initiative to release water, otherwise Huang Xi has no chance.

Huang Xi followed closely behind him, he didn't choose to slow down, but he directly imitated

5. Chen Yang’s actions just now

While the vehicle was cornering, a burst of sparks was frantically rubbing under the tires, driving towards the curve like a bolt of lightning.

Huang Xi slammed the steering wheel, his eyes fixed on Chen Yang, only to see that he was able to successfully pass this corner without slowing down.

And at the same time that he successfully passed the curve, Huang Xixiang hit Chen Yang with his body.

But at this moment, I saw that the tires could no longer bear the pressure, and the tires of Huang Xi's vehicle exploded directly.

The vehicle started to sway from side to side and became very difficult to control

Huang Xi was in the driver's seat, turning the steering wheel in a panic, trying to control the vehicle.

But because of the speed, the vehicle is more like a runaway wild horse, out of control at all.

Chapter 270: Ye Han's last request

"Fuck, what's going on?"

Huang Xi frantically turned the reverse wheel, trying to control the vehicle. If the vehicle hadn't slowed down, and the tires were seriously worn, the car would likely roll over in seconds.

There was no other way, I saw that Huang Xi simply killed the steering wheel completely, rushed towards the green belt by the road, and used the buffer brought by the green belt to force the vehicle to stop.

Huang Xi's vehicle slammed into the green belt, and the green plants that he passed were instantly flattened by the vehicle.

However, this did indeed serve as a buffer, and the speed of the vehicle dropped sharply.

But it's not enough

I saw that Huang Xi was cruel, he aimed the vehicle directly at the big tree in front of him and hit it.

Good guy, with a loud noise, the vehicle crashed directly into the tree stump, and a burst of gunpowder smoke slowly rose from the hood. At this time, Chen Yang was about to reach the back block of the new commercial street. I saw where Ye Han was early. After waiting for a long time, I stared at the two little feet and kept looking forward.

At 18, she saw that Chen Yang's car was far ahead, and she jumped up with joy.

Chen Yang accelerated the accelerator under his feet, the vehicle whizzed past, and just stopped right in front of Ye Han. Before he stopped, he did not forget to play a handsome, drifting drift.

Chen Yang stepped off the Lamborghini and walked in the direction of Ye Han

"Chen Yang, you actually really beat him!"

At this time, Ye Han was so happy that she hugged Chen Yang directly.

Chen Yang didn't even realize what was going on, when he got out of the car, he was hugged by a bear.

"Chen Yang, I didn't see it, you can actually race a car!"

Ye Han continued to hug Chen Yang and shouted, her words revealed excitement, and she hugged tighter and tighter.

Good guy, I didn't feel this kind of suffocation when I was racing just now. Now that Ye Han is hugging Chen Yang tightly, it's even a problem to breathe.

If this hand strength hadn't checked Ye Han's talent with the system before, Chen Yang would definitely feel that Ye Han is also a power talent player at this moment.

"You'd better let me go first"

Chen Yang spoke to Ye Han.

Ye Han also realized that she had lost her way, her face flushed instantly, she looked at Chen Yang with embarrassment, "I'm excited for a while, I'm sorry"

"Why, do you still want to hold my fake boyfriend as a real one?"

Chen Yang smiled and replied jokingly.

Ye Han responded with a blushing face, "What are you talking about? I was so happy just now that I couldn't control my emotions."

As soon as the words fell, he immediately changed the topic and said, "But you have come back again, what about Huang Xi?"

Chen Yangxiang looked behind him, "He, I'm afraid you won't be able to see him this month, but you haven't been able to fulfill his pre-match agreement."

"Well, what happened to him?"

Ye Han said with a puzzled face, and at the same time looked towards the road, but there was nothing other than seeing a wisp of black smoke rising into the air.

On the green belt of the highway, the front of a car had already been hit and deformed. Huang Xi slowly climbed out of the car through the window glass, and his whole body fell to the side.

A good Ferrari, within ten minutes, has changed from a million-dollar car to a pile of scrap metal at this time

At the same time, the master driving him was like a different person compared to before Huang Xi did not race.

The suit on his body is already torn and blood is flowing on his forehead. The person is leaning on the body, waiting for the personnel to come to the rescue. He looks very embarrassed.

This time, I made a bet with Chen Yang, and I didn't win Ye Han's favor. Instead, I ended up like this and shot myself in the foot ruthlessly.

"Chen Yang, wait for me. I, Huang Xi, have never been so embarrassed in my life. I will definitely avenge this revenge."

Huang Xi spoke softly with gritted teeth.

"Ha Qiu!"

I saw Chen Yang sneezed and rubbed his nose, "I feel like someone is scolding me"

Ye Han rolled her eyes at Chen Yang and responded, "It's not normal to scold you, I want to scold you."

"I have already helped you a lot just now, and you are the savior who treats you with this attitude."

Chen Yang responded

Ye Han responded angrily, "You are still saving your life, if you knew I wouldn't let you pretend to be your boyfriend, how dangerous is this racing?"

"Okay, don't talk about these nonsense.

Boyfriend has finished pretending, it's time for you to tell me about Ye Long and the Ye family."

Chen Yangkan talked to Ye Han

"Okay, you can tell me if you want, but I have one more condition."

Ye Han smiled and said

Chen Yang shrugged and said, "I was pretending to be a boyfriend and told me that you are starting the price on the ground."

Ye Han frowned, "Then do you really want to know, or do you want me to leave?"

Sure enough, this little girl from the Ye family was not as easy to deal with as she imagined. I didn't expect that even Chen Yang would be defeated by the First Army at this time.

"Okay, what other conditions do you have?"

Chen Yang said angrily.

Seeing that Chen Yang escaped danger, Ye Han immediately smiled, "Hey, you don't have to frown, the last condition is very simple, that is, accompany me to dinner"

Chen Yang had no choice, so he had to compromise with Ye Han's request.

The two walked towards the shopping mall and came to a Japanese restaurant. Before they even sat down, they could almost hear Ye Han swallowing saliva.

The two found a corner seat and sat down. Ye Han didn't even look at the menu, and directly asked the waiter to give him all the fresh Japanese ingredients.

"Now you should be able to tell me about your Ye family."

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